At nine o'clock in the evening, Gao Fei's taxi came to the gate of the community where Qincheng lived.

Far away, Gao Fei saw Qincheng standing on the side of the road, looking around.

Because we are going to the western desert this time, and we may be in danger, Mr. Qin's clothes are totally different from usual: her hair is tied into a sharp horse's tail, she is wearing a black Nike Sportswear made of pure cotton, her feet are covered with mountain climbing shoes, and she is carrying a small bag on her back.

Gao Fei once told her that she didn't need to take anything except some women's necessities, such as sanitary napkins, because someone had already prepared them.

But Qincheng still took a bag with clothes and cameras.

If you go to the desert, you may see the mysterious Loulan ancient country. What a pity if you can't take photos of what you saw and heard as a memorial?

In fact, not only did Qincheng take his luggage with him, but Gao Fei himself also wandered around the city and bought some things he thought were useful after he left the restaurant at 5 p.m.

Didi - with the sign of Gao Fei, the taxi honked its horn.

Qincheng immediately came to this side, bent down to see Gao Fei from behind, opened the door and got into the car.

"Man, now we can go to the airport."

Gao Fei took Qincheng's luggage and helped her put it in the back.

The taxi promised, slowly turned the front of the car and drove to the East.

As a university professor and a member of the high-income group in today's society, Qincheng has several months of public holidays, such as annual leave, summer vacation and national day. Naturally, Qincheng will go out to play on holidays. Once, it even went to Alaska in the United States, which is regarded as an amateur tourist party.

However, I've been to many places in Qincheng, but I'm very excited.

Because this time, she went out with goofy.

Someone once said such a sentence: when you are with the people you love, even if you are in a poor place, you will regard it as heaven.

This sentence is very reasonable. Qincheng is in such a mood now.

Although she dares to do the most comfortable piston movement with Mr. Gao even if she is guarding her husband, she has an unreal feeling, because she knows her position in Gao Fei's heart very well and is more often an excellent bed companion.

This man seems to have only one girl named Shen Yinbing in his heart.

But now, when Gao Fei takes the initiative to invite her out, even if the future is uncertain, Qincheng is still very excited - she feels that during the time when she goes out with Gao Fei, this man really belongs to her.

So, as soon as I got into the taxi, qinchengcheng took Gao Fei's arm, leaned his head in his arms, looked at the neon lights flashing rapidly outside the window, and murmured, "Gao Fei, I have never found that the night in Southern Hebei is so beautiful."

Gao Fei seemed to understand the current feelings of teacher Qin. He stroked her soft hair and said, "well, tonight is very beautiful."

Looking out of the window, Qincheng suddenly whispered, "if only we couldn't go back to southern Hebei any more!" as the car drove onto the ring expressway to the airport

In the folk custom of Southern Hebei, when some people travel far away, the most taboo is this kind of words.

Gao Fei grew up in Southern Hebei Province. Influenced by these customs, he believed in them.

It's not superstition, but it's similar to setting off firecrackers when opening a business.

Before he was officially on the road, he heard Qincheng say such unlucky words. Gao Fei's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, but he didn't lose his temper.

He can understand the meaning of this sentence: I want to stay with you forever, even if it's death!

But this is not what Gao Fei wants. If Qin Cheng doesn't understand Xiaozhuan, he will never take her with him.

After a moment's silence, Gao Fei said, "Chengcheng, I know what you think, but you'd better secretly pray that we can come back safely, because someone needs me."

I have to go back to southern Hebei, because someone needs me!

The meaning of this sentence is very clear. In Southern Hebei, there is a person he can't let go. That person is not Qincheng, because she is beside him.

Gao Fei's words seem very common and normal, but when Qincheng heard them, his body suddenly trembled, his eyes suddenly dimmed, and a voice in the deepest part of his heart yelled: no matter how I please this man, I can't tie his heart! Why, why, God is too unfair!?

Feeling that Qincheng was a little stiff, Gao Fei sighed and hugged her: "Alas, Chengcheng, don't think about it any more. I promise you that if you encounter any danger, I will die and I will save you. Do you understand? "

Qincheng did not speak, just a smile, Gao Fei did not notice the cold eyes to cover up, nodded.

Embracing the body of the beautiful young woman in his arms, Gao Fei suddenly has a bad premonition: maybe it's a mistake to take her to the western regions.

He wanted to stop the taxi and let Qincheng go down.

But he couldn't do it, because now it was too late to find it. After seeing Gao Fei, tie Tu's right hand flicked, half of the cigarette drew a dark red arc under the light, fell on the ground and splashed a cluster of sparks.

Gao Fei took Qincheng by the hand and stepped up the steps: "throwing cigarette butts everywhere is like defecating everywhere. Be careful that airport cleaners catch you and fine you."

Tietu didn't pay any attention to him. He looked coldly at Qincheng city. His eyes were fixed at first, then frowned and turned to enter the waiting hall.

When Tietu looked over, Qincheng was also looking at him.

At the moment when the two people's eyes were opposite, Qincheng city had the impulse to move their eyes quickly: this person's eyes were too cold, or too cool, it looked scary.

Damn, why does he frown? Is this professor very scary? Seeing Tietu frowning, Qincheng feels a little unhappy and despised.

Especially the disdain in Tietu's cold eyes made Qincheng City, who was used to men's lust and superiority in front of her, feel very uncomfortable

Unlike Tietu, ye Xinshang looks so polite no matter who he is in front of. At least on the surface, especially when he is faced with Mr. Qin, who is full of intellectual and mature beauty. Although there is a flash of surprise in his eyes, he soon smiles and takes the initiative to stretch out his right hand: "Hello, my name is ye, ye Xinshang, Gao Fei's friend."

"My family name is Qin, Qincheng, and Gao Fei's friend."

Qincheng with a reserved smile, stretched out a snow-white greasy hand, and ye Xinshang gently built for a while, then released.

Gao Fei said: "teacher Qin is a professor in Normal University. She is familiar with oracle bone inscriptions, Xiaozhuan, Lishu and other ancient Chinese characters. I believe she can give us the greatest help."

"It's my honor to cooperate with Mr. Qin. Mr. Qin, please

Ye Xinshang left hand empty lift, made a please gesture.

"Thank you."

Qincheng backhand drag the back of the lightweight luggage, twisting the mature waist, briskly into the waiting hall.

Ye Xinshang, who is following, asks Gao Fei with his eyes: is this also your girl?

Learning from Lao Mei, Gao Fei shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands, making a gesture of no comment.

According to ye Xinshang's plan for their trip to the western regions, they will arrive at the official Loulan site before 5 p.m. on September 23 this autumn equinox.

According to the folklore of the western regions, a beautiful city will appear in the vast Taklimakan desert at about 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the spring equinox and autumn equinox every year.

According to legend, it is a city bordering on the horizon. Due to the south of the city, there is a rolling black mountain range around most of the city.

On the female wall above the city gate, there were guards in cotton armour, with pheasant plumes on their heads, with guns and knives in their hands, standing there like statues.

After entering the city gate, the road is wide, and the buildings on both sides are neat and well planned. Everywhere you can see merchants with towels on their heads, leading a string of camels, whose backs are full of goods, walking on the street.

There are also some aristocrats who have a lot of status, riding a white horse, waving a whip, and smiling happily.

More and more people are wearing all kinds of western region ethnic costumes, some carrying the burden, some pushing the car, bustling, just like the famous Chinese volume "Qingming River map".

At the end of the street, there is a huge palace under the upper circle. At the door, there are also guard handles holding knives and guns, but these guards are wearing red cotton armour, with Colorful Peacock plumes on their helmets.

From a distance, the prosperous city seems to be not far ahead.

However, no matter how fast you run and how far you go, the city always keeps the same distance with you, just like running with you.

Moreover, when the western sun is stingy to put away its last ray of halo, the whole prosperous city will slowly disappear with the arrival of night, and finally disappear, until the next spring equinox or autumn equinox.

In the past, when technology was underdeveloped, local people called this strange phenomenon ghost town.

Ghost town is a city that doesn't exist at all, but can appear on a specific day.

Later, people began to call this phenomenon mirage.

With the development of science and technology, there are cameras, video recorders and other advanced equipment.

It is said that when the ghost town (mirage) reappeared, some local residents tried to record it with equipment.

But when the sun sets and the ghost town disappears, everything recorded by the camera mysteriously disappears. There are only countless empty black and white dots in the photo.

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