The so-called ignorance is fearless, because there is no animal's eyes, can't see those evil spirits, plus Gao Fei three men are bold, soon out of a kilometer or so, came to a big sand dune.

This dune is obviously different from other dunes.

Under the starlight, this sand dune is not only higher than other sand dunes, but also very long. It meanders West and East for several miles. It is high in the East and low in the West. It meanders and flows. Suddenly, it looks like a giant dragon running eastward. It may soar at any time.

Tietu stopped and walked back and forth with a brass compass for a few minutes. Then he pointed to the sand dune and said, "this is the dragon vein protruding from the ground. In the East is the dragon head and in the west is the dragon tail, which is exactly the same as the great Kunlun dragon vein winding into the sea. The only thing that's not good is... "

Speaking of this, Tietu pointed to the easternmost side of the sand dune and asked Gaofei, "what can you see from there?"

Gao Fei picked up the telescope hanging around his neck, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then said, "except that the eastern slope of the sand dune over there is too steep, there is nothing different. It's all yellow sand."

Tietu gave a rare smile: "ha ha, the reason why this ancient city disappeared is related to the steep slope you saw. According to legend, Huo Qubing once attacked a city-state when he pursued Xiongnu under the order of Hanwu emperor. Most of the city was surrounded by a black mountain range. It was very easy to defend and difficult to attack, resulting in heavy casualties of the Han army. However, Huo Qubing is Huo Qubing. He is the most powerful general in Chinese history for thousands of years. After paying a certain price, he finally conquered the city-state. "

After a pause, Tietu continued: "after Huo Qubing conquered the city-state, he was angry that the city gate built by the mountain had caused heavy casualties to the Han Army, so he ordered the soldiers to escort the captured enemy troops by 70000. After a month, he finally flattened the mountain beyond the city gate, so that they could no longer defend. Of course, according to the technology at that time, It must be an exaggeration to flatten the mountain in a month, but that's what the old legend says. "

Qincheng suddenly said: "ah, I see. Do you want to tell us that Huo Qubing attacked this city-state in those years, and the reason why there was a steep slope on the easternmost side of this winding dragon vein was chiseled out by him. His act of venting his anger destroyed the Dragon veins of the city-state, which caused the city-state to gradually disappear after that? "

Tietu nodded slowly: "yes, according to the direction of the dragon, the east side was much higher than what we see now, forming the shape of the dragon head. But now, it is only a little higher than the west side, which means that the dragon head has been cut off. How can a dragon without half of its head take off? The dragon vein is related to the national fortune of the city-state, and then it slowly declined, which caters to the theory of dragon vein Fengshui. "

"It turns out that Loulan was in such a decline."

Qincheng was suspicious, but she felt very fresh. She had a great interest in some traditional Chinese culture, and felt that it was more interesting and profound than what she had learned before.

Gao Fei was also interested in this, but we didn't come here to discuss the damaged dragon vein and asked Tietu, "what should we do to find the ghost town covered by yellow sand?"

Tietu looked up at the sand dune, pointed to some gentle places in the west, and said, "if you want to enter the hinterland of the remnant dragon, you can only go to its navel. I believe Lao Liu and them will think the same way - the navel of this dragon vein should be on the North side of the sand dune."

"Let's go. Stop the ink."

Gao Fei grabs Qincheng's wrist impatiently and climbs to the sand dune first.

Qin Cheng wrapped up his clothes and asked Gao Fei in a low voice: "Gao Fei, do you feel that kind of chilly feeling more and more intense? It's as if there's something unlucky looking at us in the dark. "

In fact, Gao Fei and others also have this feeling, but they don't care.

The heroes have experienced a lot in the hail of bullets. They will never give up this adventure because of some cold air.

So, goofy pretended to smile easily: "Hey, what, it's just your psychology. Don't be afraid. The three of us are here, and even hell can break through! "

After listening to Gao Fei's words, and with Tietu on his right hand and Ye Xin injured behind, Qincheng city is not afraid, so he tries to climb the sand dunes.

Fortunately, there was a rainstorm in the afternoon, and the rain solidified the yellow sand, so they had to sink in without taking another step, which greatly accelerated the climbing speed of the four people.

Soon, with the help of Gao Fei, Qincheng was the first to set foot on the commanding height of the sand dunes.

Standing on it and looking around, you can clearly see hundreds of meters around by the light of stars.

Then, Qincheng city saw that there was a black thing lying on the back of the sand dune. Subconsciously, he raised his hand and pointed to that side and cried, "look, what's that?"

Tietu and yexinshang immediately knelt down on one knee and raised their 05 type low sound submachine gun: in the strange phenomenon of frequent ghost sand, it's always right to be careful.

Gao Fei raised his telescope and looked over there. Then he put it down and said in a deep voice, "that's a man over there!"

"Is it a person?"

When Qin Cheng was stunned, his wrist was caught by Gao Fei again, and four people walked slowly to the dark man.

When he came to the man lying on the side of the sand dune, seven or eight meters in front of him, Tietu held his gun in both hands and quickly walked over. The muzzle of the gun pointed at the man. He slowly squatted down and turned the man over with the barrel of the gun. Then he turned on the flashlight on the barrel of the gun.

With the bright light of the flashlight, Qincheng saw the man's face clearly, then raised his hand to cover his mouth, and said in a trembling voice: "yes, it's him - God, it's so terrible!"

This man, thin and about fifty years old, is one of Lao Liu's two companions.

This man has died, and he can't die any more, because his two eyes have protruded out of his eyes, his mouth is big, his dry face is extremely scared, and his mouth is wide open, but there is no tongue, just a black hole.

In his right hand, he also grasped a weapon with a sharp claw shape at the top, which was exactly the Yin claw used by the commander. The blue tendon on the back of that hand was protruding, so we could see how hard he grasped it.

Gao Fei's three people are all people who have experienced life and death. They have not only killed people, but also killed countless people. So although this man died miserably, he was not afraid. He was only curious or surprised.

Because they can see that the tongue in the corpse's mouth is not cut off, but it seems to be dragged out or bitten off by something, and the blood has long been frozen between the jaws.

Tietu slowly stretched out his left hand with black insulating gloves, gently pressed on the neck of the dead body, and said: "he has been dead for more than three hours, and his body is not too rigid."

Tietu searched several fatal parts of the corpse's left hand, and then said, "there is no fatal wound on the surface of his body, but the anus below is swollen, which seems to have been exploded by a donkey - cough, you know what I mean."

Guarding the beautiful professor in Qincheng City, Tietu was embarrassed to say that the corpse seemed to have been exploded by a donkey. Then he coughed twice to cover up the past.

After staring at the black mouth of the corpse for a moment, Gao Fei moved in his heart, went to examine the corpse again, and then said in a deep voice: "his tongue was bitten off by something like a snake. Let's call that thing a snake. When he opened his mouth to shout something, the snake burst into his mouth, bit off his tongue, then got into his stomach, and finally came out from under him. If I guess correctly, his internal organs are rotten and his stomach is full of blood stasis. "

Without waiting for others to say anything, Gao Fei raised his head and looked at ye Xinshang: "heartbroken, do you two remember the snakes we met by the Yellow River on the night when Subei mountain died? At that time, I once told you that there was a strange snake whose blood could corrode metal. It got into the stomach of Subei mountain and finally broke out. I cut it in half. "

Ye Xinshang nodded and said slowly: "of course, I remember what you said just now. It seems that he died in the same way as Su Beishan. He died under the strange snake you said

Taklimakan desert is thousands of miles away from the Bank of the Yellow River in the south of Hebei Province. But there are strange snakes that can get into people's stomachs in these two places.

What does that mean?

It can only show that the death of Northern Jiangsu mountain is directly related to this ghost sand.

Including the woman who can use the whistle to drive away snakes and corpses.

In other words, these strange people and things are related to anguijiao and anguijing.

After thinking of this, Gao Fei subconsciously reached out and touched the book of an GUI Jing on his waist.

Several people looked at the body and sank for a moment, thinking about what kind of danger they were going to face.

"Well, although he's just a grave robber, he's a man after all. His death has been terrible. We can't let him die here. We'd better bury him."

Tietu sighed, put down the submachine gun, took off the folding shovel from his waist, and began to dig.

Although Tietu is a national weapon and a top secret agent of China, because his ancestors were the captain of the school, he has regarded the corpse as a companion in his heart.

Gao Fei and tie tu help each other. They soon dig a big hole in the loose sand, push the dead body in and bury it.

Qincheng city believes in God. After the corpse is buried, he pretends to cross his chest and read a few words of the Bible.

Gao Fei didn't care. He just looked at the direction of Longmai's navel and said faintly: "tonight, I'm afraid we have to dig a hole to bury people."

Gao Fei's words are very reasonable. Although they haven't seen Lao Liu and his other companion yet, they believe that they can't escape the attack of this strange snake, and they may have died elsewhere.

"Anyway, since we have come to this place, we have to figure out something!"

Tietu said coldly. He bent down, picked up the submachine gun, resisted it on his shoulder, and walked westward with great strides: "I'm in front, Gao Fei is looking at the south, and teacher Qin is the third to look at the north. He is responsible for the heartbreak. Everybody be careful, this place is very evil! "

Iron Tu such arrangement, three people naturally have no objection.

Four people in a line, fast forward about a kilometer, you see in front of a lying on the ground and black things.

Another dead man!

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