The bend in the cave suddenly disappeared, and the cave illuminated by the flashlight became straight through, which was not the main reason for Gao Fei's cool heart.

Because he was very clear that those bends in the cave suddenly disappeared, and it was very likely that someone started the mechanism secretly and adjusted the direction of the cave.

His heart was cold because he suddenly understood that the enemy hiding in the dark was just to separate them one by one and break them down one by one.

Gao Fei can basically guess that when he was led here by the shadow, Tietu and ye Xinshang almost fell into the trap of the enemy.

Three people together, with their superb skills, and skilled cooperation, no matter how much danger, can calmly face, as far as possible to solve the problem.

The enemy seems to have seen this, so they tried their best to separate them.

It's no big deal for Gao Fei's three people to act alone. It's more dangerous than this, and they haven't encountered it.

But the key point is that they seem to be in a very evil place, which is related to ancient tombs.

And Tietu was the only one among the three who knew what was going on.

Now Gaofei has been separated from Tietu by the enemy's tricks. Can he deal with those weird things?

Goofy is not sure, but he can only face it alone.

Leng for a moment, goofy turned off the flashlight and groped forward slowly against the wall.

Gao Fei's advance in the dark is not a random walk, but a slow progress along the left side of the cave wall.

He firmly believes that as long as he sticks to a wall of the cave, he will come to the end of the cave - unless, of course, the enemy wants to trap him in the cave, so that he will never get out of the cave.

Close to the wall of the cave on the left, Gao Fei walked faster and faster. I don't know how long he walked, but a grunt came out in his stomach: hungry.

Fortunately, each of them was carrying a backpack with a full set of equipment and enough food and water.

He sat on the ground in the dark, took out ham and mineral water, and ate some. After that, Gao Fei went on.

In the dark, Gao Fei walked and walked. He didn't know how long he had been walking. After the sole of his feet was sore, he sat down on the cave wall and began to eat again.

This time, Gao Fei ate very little, because he didn't know whether he could get out of the cave, so he had to save money, especially water.

Gao Fei lost his satellite phone when he fell into the deep pool, so he couldn't check the time now. He had to lean on the wall of the cave, close his eyes and rest for a while, then he stood up and went on.

When he first walked into the cave, Gao Fei was able to make sure that the cave was going down slowly.

But now, after such a long time, he can feel himself up and down.

Maybe, Lao Tzu was just operating in this ghost place. When Gao Fei's eyes were too sleepy to open (he could not sleep for two consecutive days and nights, but now he was too sleepy, which means that he had been in the cave for at least two days), and there was less and less water in his backpack, he realized that he might turn around in the same place.

But what can we do about it?

He can't turn on the light, and he won't know how to escape, live or die like Tietu. What else can he do except rely on his tenacity to move forward?

In these two days, goofy hopes to see the shadow again.

He swore that if he saw the shadow again, he would never let it escape again!

It's a pity that the shadow seems to have completed the task and never appears again. In the dark cave, there is no other sound except the heavier and heavier steps of flying high and the sound of breathing.

This cave, like a tomb, has been silent for thousands of years.

"Maybe, many years later, when later explorers or grave robbers see their brothers, they have become a pile of bones, right?"

Gao Fei sat on the ground and leaned on the wall of the cave, laughing at himself. He put the 05 mini sound submachine gun across his knees and closed his eyes.

Now he is very tired, he needs to have a good rest, recover his physical strength, and then continue to grope forward: he would rather die on the way forward than wait to die.

However, Gao Fei just closed his eyes, but clearly heard a Yin laughter, not far from his left.

Just like the spring installed under the buttocks, all the fatigue of goofy suddenly disappeared. He turned over and sat up, grabbed the submachine gun and rushed over!

In the rush, goofy turns on the wolf's eye flashlight: this time, he's fighting to get poisoned, and he has to catch the sneaky dog!

But he soon stopped.

Because on his left side, there was nothing but a straight through cave.

Gao Fei was completely annoyed and yelled at the cave: "numb the one next door, get the seed out for me! It's nothing to be evasive all the time! "

The roar echoed in the cave, but nothing appeared.

"Special, a bunch of bastards!"

Gao Fei angrily scolded and sat on the ground again.

As soon as he sat down, he turned off his flashlight, but the sound of a smirk came from the sky above his right side.

In the dark, Gao Fei was ready to shoot at any time. He immediately raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed to a long shooting point where the laughter rang out. The bullet hit the top of the cave, splashing some broken stones and dark red sparks.

Goofy is absolutely sure: if something is hidden in that place, even a fly can't escape his long shot point!

Goofy has absolute confidence in his shooting skills.

Then goofy turned on the flashlight, but saw nothing.

"Did the laughter come from overhead?"

Gao Fei jumped up, took his submachine gun and walked quickly to the place where he was hit by the bullet. He looked up and saw that there was a black stone on it, and there was no mechanism at all.

In the next half hour or so, this happened six times. Every time goofy sat down to have a rest, the cold laughter would ring, and then he would shoot there.

Slowly, Gao Fei understood, "hum, these seedless people are using fatigue tactics to kill their friends. They are dreaming of NIMA's spring and autumn dream."

After Gao Fei sat down this time, he made up his mind: unless the bastard ran into his arms and laughed, he would never pay attention to him!

Sure enough, not long after he sat down again, the smirk rang out again.

But Gao Fei didn't move. He kept silent with his eyes closed.

He didn't seem surprised at Gao Fei's indifference. Instead, he continued to sneer.

Moreover, the distance between the smile and Gao Fei was getting closer and closer, and later almost reached the place within his reach.

But goofy still didn't move, just said coldly: "you have the ability, you run to me."

The laughter disappeared.

"Seedless shabby!"

Gao Fei complacently scolded a, the body a crooked, along with the situation lay on the back of the backpack, ready to have a good sleep first.

"Goofy, goofy, help me, help me - ah!"

But Gao Fei just lay down, not far from his right side, there was a cry for help from Qincheng.

"The city

Gao Fei can ignore the smile, but he can't ignore the cry of Qincheng city. He jumps up from the ground, turns on the flashlight and looks over there.

Qincheng's shrill cry for help is still echoing in the cave, but where Gaofei's flashlight goes, it's empty and nothing.

It turned out that the hidden enemy, seeing that the laughter was not enough to "disturb" Gao Fei, took advantage of Qincheng.

Looking at the empty cave, Gao Fei was stunned, turned off the flashlight, stuck to the cave wall, and crept over there: if the cry for help in Qincheng city sounded in the same place, he would immediately turn on the flashlight to see what happened.

"Gaofei, help me, help me, help me, Wuwuwuwu --"

Qincheng's cry for help sounded again, but this time it appeared behind Gao Fei.

When he turned around and turned on the flashlight, he still didn't see anything.

By now, goofy has a splitting headache.

After half a day of living like a headless fly, Gao Fei finally ignored the call for help from Qincheng city and sat on the ground with his knees crossed. He made up his mind that he would never get up again.


As soon as Gao Fei sat down, the cry of Qincheng began to ring again.

The corner of Gao Fei's mouth tilted slightly, and he didn't move.

Qincheng's voice came from dozens of meters to his right. This time, it was not a cry for help, but a voice that could only be made when he was in bed with him: "ah - Oh, I'm going to die, wuwuwu, don't do this. You're not Gaofei. You, you, get away, get away - ah, oh!"

If Qincheng keeps calling for help, Gao Fei can be at ease.

But now she's not calling for help, she's being attacked by other men——

As long as he is a kind man, he will not be indifferent when his woman is insulted by others!

Gao Fei is the same, even if he knows that all this is probably a trap, he has been tortured and exhausted, but he still jumped up with the fastest speed, turned on the flashlight and yelled: "dog, get out of here for me!"

Some times ago, as soon as Gao Fei turned on the flashlight, whether it was the sound of laughter or the cry for help in Qincheng City, it would disappear.

But this time, Qincheng's voice has been ringing: "ah - no, no, you go away, go away - Oh!"

Her voice was filled with fear and pain, but with obvious excitement and uncontrollable groans when she was physically satisfied.


What Gao Fei can't stand is the sound. His eyes are congested and he runs to the sound source with his gun in his arms.

The cry of Qincheng still did not stop, and it became louder and louder. This was the sound she would make when she was excited and satisfied to the extreme.

This voice, the high fly stimulation of that call a desire to immortal want to die - nostril rapid expansion, face also ferocious up, holding the gun fast forward.

In the running, the angry Gao Fei didn't notice that there was a bend in the cave which was still straight through just now.

The sound of immortality and death in Qincheng came from behind the curve.


Goofy yells, turns around and sees a door.

Inside the door is a small stone room, empty, only in a corner with a big stone.

There is a torch above the big stone.

The torch is very strong, and the light in this stone room is bright.

A man with black clothes on his upper body and nothing on his lower body stood in front of the big stone with his back to the door of the stone chamber. On his left and right shoulders, he had two snow-white legs, two delicate little feet and tight toes——

On the big stone in front of this man, it seems that there is a woman, crying out in pain: "goofy, help me, help me - ah, oh!"

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