At the foot of the Great Wall in the northwest suburb of Beijing, there are several three story buildings that are almost completely covered by green trees from a distance.

Many passers-by think that this is a resort or something.

In fact, this is not a resort at all, but the location of a secret department set up by the Chinese military.

In front of the long table in the conference room on the third floor of the small building in the center, there are seven or eight men of different ages. The one in the center of the conference table is the oldest, about fifty-seven or fifty-eight years old.

He is not very old, but he has silver hair.

This silver hair, not only does not make people feel that he is prematurely aging, but gives people a kind of fierce, coupled with his ruddy face, and cold eyes, it adds a bit of anger.

Especially his straight military uniform shoulders, with three Venus!

One Venus is a major general, two are generals, and three are generals!

There are only more than 100 generals in China. Usually, they can see the head but not the tail. But today, there is a general who appears in this seemingly ordinary small conference room.

If Gao Fei could come to this small conference room, he would have to know at least three people: the young man sitting on the right side of the general, Gao Yunhua, who had been to manglan meadow in South Vietnam to rescue the hostages of Malaysia Airlines flight 456, was already wearing the rank of senior colonel.

The other two people Gao Fei knew were his good brothers, Qinglong Tietu and Zilong yexinshang.

They are the youngest and the lowest in rank, just captains.

However, in front of the general and a group of senior commanders and colonels, the two men, apart from sitting upright like others, did not have the slightest inferiority or flattery on their faces. They looked at the general Comrade Yang Kaihua calmly.

The cigarette that General Yang Kaihua held in his left hand had already burned to the end. The long white soot drooped slightly and there was no temperature. However, he seemed to have not found it. His white eyebrows twisted slightly and did not move.

Yang Kaihua and major general Qin Liujia, who are several years younger than him, are known as the two hawks with the toughest attitude towards foreign affairs in the Chinese military. They are famous for their bravery, ruthlessness and strict military management. They have always been concerned by some western capitalist countries.

The small conference room was very quiet. Almost everyone could hear the sound of the second hand of the watch. Everyone looked at Yang Kaihua calmly and kept silent.

I don't know how long it took for Yang Kaihua to move his left hand, frowning and meditating. When the white soot fell on the table, he looked at Tietu sitting near the door and said, "is there such a mysterious ancient city in the central area of the Taklimakan Desert under the ghost sand?"

Tietu and yexinshang look at each other and answer in unison: "yes, personal experience!"

But like distrusting Tietu, Yang Kaihua still asked in a deep voice: "below, there are hundreds of thousands of people living?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"And a Loulan king with a bronze mask on his face?"


"Are you sure it's not an illusion?"

"If we dare to use our lives as a guarantee, everything will be true!"

Iron Tu and ye Xinshang's reply is sonorous and powerful.

"No way."

Just like after hearing a fairy tale, Gao Yunhua frowned slightly and said, "even if there are hundreds of thousands of people below, including cities, forests and lakes, towering palaces, seven suns made according to the principle of light reflection, and giant silver mirrors that we have never seen before - but I want to say that for the time being, the seven huge silver mirrors, How is it embedded in the sky above the ancient city? "

Without waiting for Tietu to answer, Gao Yunhua continued to analyze: "don't forget that this ancient city is tens or even hundreds of meters under the soft sand. How can the seven silver mirrors be suspended on it? It's totally unreasonable."

Tietu and ye Xinshang look at each other, and the latter explains: "senior colonel Gao, what's the matter? Loulan king didn't explain to us. We speculate privately that the ancient city is likely to be in a hollow mountain. This mountain may have existed before the formation of the Taklimakan Desert, but it gradually sank into the ground with the movement of the earth's crust. "

A senior colonel on the right of Yang Kaihua interrupted: "if it's really in the hollow mountain, why is Loulan on the ground for two thousand years?"

Before his voice fell, a civilian senior colonel with glasses next to him said, "senior colonel Li, they say that the ancient city is tens of meters underground, which is also possible. Because according to the records of Wusun Kingdom unearthed in the 1960s in the ancient city of Wusun, one of the 36 countries in the western regions, there was a simple record that a huge earthquake occurred in the Taklimakan Desert in AD 111. "

He raised his hand to hold his glasses on his face, and the civilian commander said: "theoretically, after the super strong earthquake, some changes will occur on the surface of the earth's crust. For example, new mountains will rise, but some mountains will sink. We can imagine that the real ancient city of Loulan was originally on the ground, built on a solid mountain range, but after the earthquake, The mountain carrying the ancient city sank into the ground, and another mountain toppled over it. In this way, it would form a hollow

With a smile, the civilian commander said, "of course, the probability of this happening is one in a billion. But in addition, I really can't think of why there should be a magnificent city tens of meters underground. "

After pondering for a moment, senior colonel Li murmured, "I see what you mean. You mean that the hard mountain is not deep below the ghost sand area, just like the abandoned well covered with slate. There is an independent space below."

The civilian commander nodded, said nothing more, and looked at General Yang Kaihua.

Admiral Yang Kaihua looked at Tietu and his eyes flashed: "can you still find the entrance to the ancient city?"


Tietu said without hesitation, "but I think it's better not to disturb the people there."

"Why?" Yang Kaihua asked

Ye Xinshang took over the topic, and his voice was very light: "when we were leaving, their high priest once told us euphemistically that we should not enter the ancient city without permission, let alone lead a large number of people to enter. Because they will put some pestilence viruses in the entrance passageway, which can't be solved by our external technology. Today's Loulan ancient city is a Pandora's box. It has the culture, wealth and people living in ancient times that shocked the whole world, but it has a deadly plague that can spread the whole world in the shortest time. "

Tietu then said: "their high priest also said that after we come out, there will be a kind of black snake that can get into the human body everywhere in the desert of dozens of kilometers around the ghost sand. I've seen these strange snakes with my own eyes. After they are cut in half, they can still attack humans. "

Yang Kaihua lit a cigarette again. After a long silence, he slowly said: "since this underground ancient city is an enemy rather than a friend of the" anguijiao "that we are concerned about, don't disturb the peace of others any more - this matter, just seal it up."

Gao Yunhua nodded in agreement. When he closed the notebook, he accidentally saw his companion in the corner of his eyes and flashed a trace of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

With a slight frown, Gao Yunhua looked at his companion as if nothing had happened: This is a young man about his age, a colonel named Han Zekai, the third generation leader of the Chinese and Korean families in the four big political families in Beijing.

Unlike Gao Yunhua, who has just been transferred to this secret department, Han Zekai has long been involved in the "zero one archives plan". However, he is the commander behind the scenes and does not show up at all.

Why did he smile like that? Just as Gao Yunhua pondered this question, he heard the door of the conference room knocked, and Yang Kaihua said in a deep voice, "come in."

Pushing through the door came Xiao Zhou, Yang Kaihua's confidential secretary, a captain.

Xiao Zhou walked quickly to Yang Kaihua and said something in a low voice.

When Xiao Zhou reported his work to the leaders, everyone pretended not to see it. In fact, he was paying attention to it.

As you can see, Yang Kaihua's face changed slightly, and then he waved his hand to let Xiao Zhou step down.

Xiao Zhou put a piece of information in front of Yang Kaihua, turned around and walked out of the meeting room quickly.

Yang Kaihua picked up the information and looked at it for more than ten minutes before he raised his head and said slowly, "Shen Yinbing, daughter of Shen ruoxian, the woman owner of the 2001 file plan, who founded a racecourse in the mountainous area of Southern Hebei Province, caught fire early this morning - no casualties have been reported yet, but there are 32 British thoroughbred horses worth tens of millions in the racecourse, And the whole racecourse, it's all burned up. "

After putting down the information, Yang Kaihua continued: "as we all know, Beishan group spent a lot of time and effort to build this racecourse. The fire prevention system is absolutely advanced. But this fire was not put out before such advanced fire-fighting equipment, and in a very short period of time, the steel bars of namalang melted - which reminds me of the fire that happened in the island country of Hokkaido four years ago. "

One night four years ago, a branch of China News Agency caught fire in Hokkaido.

Because the branch is located in the most prosperous place in the center of Hokkaido, so the fire engine went in time.

But the fire was still stubborn under the pressure of more than ten fire engines and more than ten high-pressure water jets. In the shortest time, the whole newspaper branch was burned to ruins. After careful investigation, the relevant departments of the island countries finally found some black liquid floating on the water in the sewer under the fire.

This kind of black liquid has a ignition point several times lower than that of petroleum, which is similar to that of white phosphorus.

After purification, seeing the wind, since water has no effect on it at all, it can create a state of "adding fuel to the fire".

However, after the event, neither the island countries nor Huaxia made it clear how the liquid was smelted, because the liquid put in the vacuum bottle disappeared at the speed visible to the naked eye on the way to the laboratory.

With the mysterious development of this mysterious liquid, the fire case has become a headless case, which can only be recorded in the top secret files by a secret department in China.

Gao Yunhua and others have seen the strange fire case four years ago, so after Yang Kaihua mentioned it, he immediately asked, "admiral, do you suspect that the horse race course fire case is related to the Hokkaido fire?"

Instead of answering Gao Yunhua's question, Yang Kaihua stared at him and said, "senior colonel Gao, I want you to go to southern Hebei."

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