The forest temple is located in the center of the forest. From the outside, it is not inferior to the Royal Palace of Loulan king. It is also built of black stone, and its style is somewhat similar to that of Athens in Greece.

The main gate of the temple has long been opened. Several monks and all the "staff" in the temple have been on both sides to welcome the king of Loulan.

With the help of two bodyguards, Gao Fei got off the sedan chair and walked slowly into the forest temple with Loulan king.

Just like Tietu who just came to the temple, when Gao Fei saw the beauty with a snake head that was tens of meters high, his first reaction was also shocked, as if he thought her red eyes were alive. No matter what angle he looked at them, he felt that she was looking down on him.

"This is the snake god who helped the ancestor moye ningrong build Loulan. She is the only faith of Loulan."

Low voice and high fly explained a, Loulan King took his arm: "follow me to give snake god on a stick of incense."

In fact, Gao Fei wanted to tell Loulan king that he didn't believe in snake god at all, and his belief was money. However, for her sake, it's hard to say anything more. Wei wrongly followed Loulan king, knelt down on the futon in front of the statue, holding a stick of incense in her hand, and emptied her head.

He heard Loulan King praying in a low voice, but he didn't understand, because she was using ancient Loulan language.

But the last sentence was in Chinese, which Gao Fei understood: "may the snake god bless our moye family and make it prosperous forever."

Cut, how can there be eternal prosperity in the world? All things are like twilight in the day, and there is no eternity when flowers are in bloom. When Gao Fei scoffs at it, he feels that it is dark in front of his eyes. All the torches in the main hall are extinguished, and the whole temple becomes dark in an instant. There are only two red and faint light spots tens of meters high.

Goofy knew that they were the two eyes of the statue.

A burst of red fog suddenly rose from above the base of the statue, which made it seem that the darkness was more strange.

Then, a slight rattle sounded. The cold air, damp and mixed with a faint fishy smell, floated right in front of Gao Fei. As he was about to take a closer look, Loulan Wang grabbed his right arm with his right hand and put his left hand around his waist.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as Gao Fei asked this question, he felt that his body suddenly flew up, just like a butterfly, flying forward and into the damp and cold place.

This is a dark hole. The damp, cold and fishy air comes from the hole.

Gao Fei looked around, but he couldn't see anything. He could only feel that he was half hugged and half hugged by Loulan king.

Hiss, hiss - I don't know how long I've been walking. When Gao Fei couldn't stand the darkness and silence, he heard a slight hiss coming from the front.

This kind of hissing sound is like hundreds of people sucking in the cold air in the distance, and it is also mixed with the rustling sound, as if the spring silkworm is gnawing leaves.

"What's that sound?"

Goofy was a little puzzled, just asked this sentence, and then saw a piece of light.

The bright blue and dark red spots are not much bigger than peanuts, and there are thousands of them, just like the ghost fire in hell in legend, flickering and wavering.

Loulan king did not answer the words of Gao Fei, walking faster, and soon came to those active light spots.

Then, with the light of those light spots, Gao Fei saw a scene that he could never forget in his life: countless poisonous snakes holding their heads high and spitting letters, overlapping layer upon layer, winding and twisting back and forth, hissing in their mouths, rustling in the friction of scales, and occasionally showing some white things.

Gao Fei dares to swear that he is absolutely right. Those white things are white bones!

These white bones may be animals, but they must be human, because a skeleton, surrounded by snakes, was squeezed out, and then submerged by snakes.

As a great old man, Gao Fei is not afraid of snakes. Even when he is on a mission in the tropical rainforest of Africa, he often uses it to eat.

But when the number of snakes reached a terrifying number, and these snakes were all black snakes he had seen once, the heartbeat of Gao's son-in-law almost stopped: isn't this the thing that came out of the belly of Subei mountain at the beginning!?

At the beginning, a black poisonous snake had already surprised Mr. Gao, and now there are tens of thousands?

Let's just talk about the fishy smell of the poisonous snakes when they open their mouths, which makes Gao Fei feel dizzy and nauseous. His first reaction is: Damn, moxie Zhengdong brought me here. I can't see that I'm in a hurry to leave. I'm so angry that I'm going to feed the snake, right?

In the heart quickly turn on this idea, Gao Fei also don't care to have hurt in the body, struggling to open her hand, big shout: "Hey, what do you want to do?"

"What? Cluck, of course, I'm going to feed you to the snake

Loulan Wang chuckled, waved his sleeve, rolled Gao Fei's waist and threw him like a sandbag to the snakes!

"My grass mud horse's --"

Gao Fei was so surprised that he only had time to scold these words and hit the snakes heavily.

In an instant, without waiting for him to struggle to jump up, he was drowned by the black snake.


Fang Xiaochuan didn't expect anything. Shen Yinbing, who is usually so gentle, threw her down on the sofa and stabbed her with a knife after guessing that she was behind the arson at the racetrack.

Fang was so terrified that she reacted so quickly that she grabbed her wrist and screamed, "don't - it's Gao Fei who set the fire!"

To say that Fang Xiaozhou is worthy of being trained in officialdom for such a long time, has survived numerous storms and waves, and has super quick reaction ability. At the moment of preventing Shen Yinbing from assassinating her, he didn't ask for mercy or excuse. Instead, he directly threw out his assassin's mace: Gao Fei!

Fang Xiaozhou's move at the moment of crisis immediately received a miraculous effect: Shen Yinbing heard her call out the name of Gao Fei, tried to break away from her right hand, suddenly froze and trembled.

Fang immediately took the opportunity to say: "Shen Yinbing, I don't want to set fire to your racecourse, it's Gao Fei!"

"Goofy, goofy?"

Shen Yinbing's twinkling eyes quickly floated a trace of confused pain: "you, you say, the people who set fire to my Racecourse are Gao, Gao Fei!"

Fang Xiaochuan nodded: "yes, that's him, that's him!"

"Ha, ha, I don't believe it."

Shen Yinbing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed. His smile was full of sarcasm: "anyone can set fire to my racecourse, but Gao Fei can't! Because I know, he likes me! No matter how many women around him, he will never harm me, never! Fang Xiaochuan, you lie, you lie

"I didn't lie, I really didn't! Shen Yinbing, can you calm down and listen to me and you carefully? "

Fang's eyes are turning quickly, trying to make Shen Yinbing calm down. At the same time, she is also regretting that if she knew that she was so dangerous, I would not let Wang Chen go out and told her that no one would come in without my instructions. I believe she should deliberately leave the Secretary's office now, otherwise she would have come in for a look.

Fang Xiaochuan guessed well. After she said those words, Wang Chen cleverly realized that the boss and Shen always have confidential matters to talk about. She had better stay away so as not to let Secretary Fang resent what she should not hear.

Gao Fei's name, like a fire extinguisher, gradually extinguishes Shen Yinbing's anger. Although she is still pressing on Fang Xiaoxing, holding a knife in her hand, there is no madness in her eyes: "you say, I'm listening."

Fang Xiaochuan didn't dare to ask Shen Yinbing to let her go first. She was afraid that Shen Yinbing would find some flaws in her request, which would make her self defeating. So she quickly said: "this is the thing! You know now that goofy is my own son who has been missing for many years

Shen Yinbing nodded calmly: "it's not a secret. When Gao Fei didn't know it, I already knew it."

"Yes, you know, goofy seems to resent my mother and the GAOs."

Fang's mind quickly organized the language, but his eyes were naturally gloomy: "I understand his feelings at this time, so I talked with him alone..."

Shen Yinbing interrupted Fang's words: "what? You've talked to him alone several times. Why don't I know? "

Fang Xiaochuan said with a bitter smile, "I think it's best for me to talk about this with him alone."

Shen Yinbing nodded: "well, yes, you go on."

At this time, Fang Xiaochuan had completely calmed down, and his face was more rich: "at the beginning, he was very disgusted, disgusted with my mother, disgusted with Gao family, disgusted with Qin Ziyang who Gao family introduced to him. However, as you know, he has the blood of the Gao family. One day, he will accept the fact that he is the third generation of the Gao family. "

After hearing Fang Xiaochuan say this, Shen Yinbing's face showed an obvious color of pain: Yes, she firmly believes that Gao Fei cares about her, so that he can refuse Qin Ziyang. But the key problem is that he is a direct descendant of the Gao family. No matter how much he hates to abandon his Gao family, the fact that blood is thicker than water can not be changed, and he will return to the Gao family eventually.

After all, Gao's family is the top one in China. After Gao Fei returns to Gao's family, he will become a princeling party that nobody dares to manage.

It seems that the most important thing for the crown prince party is women, which is more important than money.

Shen Yinbing is known as the first beauty president in Southern Hebei, but what about the world?

There must be more excellent girls than Shen Yinbing!

Other people don't say that Qin Ziyang is not inferior to Shen Yinbing, but there is a strong background behind her.

To sum up, it will be sooner or later for Gao Fei to leave Shen Yinbing after he finally returns to Gao's family.

The so-called love, in the face of certain things, is actually vulnerable.

Aware of the pain in Shen Yinbing's heart, Fang Xiaochuan was secretly happy and quickly struck while the iron was hot: "after my repeated persuasion, Gao Fei was finally moved, but he had one last scruple, that is, he was afraid that he could not let you go. Because your attitude with him is so resolute that he is in a dilemma! "

Shen Yinbing shivered slightly and hissed, "because of my determination to be with him, he's in a dilemma. So you suggest that you hurt me as much as possible and force me to leave, so that he won't feel guilty, right?"

Fang Xiaoxiao nodded gently: "yes, that's about it."

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