There is a voice called elder sister. From the day when Li Decai was sensible, he knew that he was brought up by his elder sister, who worked hard to bring him up.

There is a voice called Feige. When Li Decai was desperate, it was Gaofei who provided him with the conditions to live happily in the city. He looked at him as a small farmer and a brother. He died as a confidant.

In Li Decai's mind, Gao Fei is almost as heavy as his sister.

Now, just as Li Decai was making a difficult choice between his sister and his wife, who might be fighting against the "country", he heard Gao Fei's voice: beat this grandson!

The voice of Gao Fei's words was not high, but it sounded like lightning scattered all over the sky in Li Decai's voice. All the scruples in his heart were smashed to pieces, so that he didn't think about it at all. With a tiger roar, he reached out and grabbed Han Jialiang's left hand, patting him on the cheek, and suddenly broke it down!

With a clear sound of fracture, Li Decai, who was full of blood and resurrected in an instant, broke four fingers of Han Jialiang's left hand.


Han Jialiang issued a heartrending cry.

But before the cry came down, he was smashed back by Li Decai's fist on his chin. He fell to the ground with a bang, and his eyes turned white and fainted.

Just when Li Decai started boldly, Shen Yinbing, like an electric shock, hit himself smartly and turned around abruptly. Then he saw Gao Fei with a big backpack and a camouflage suit on his back, coming from the crowd with a cool sneer on his face.

At the moment of seeing Gao Fei, Shen Yinbing's first reaction was to jump on him and hit him on the chest. He cried and asked him: Why did you come? Do you know how scared I was just now!

But just as her feet moved, a huge fire appeared in front of her eyes. Fang Xiaoxiao's sarcastic look at her smashed down her excitement after seeing Gao Fei, and her excited heart suddenly became cold.

Seeing more and more onlookers, Wang Dongli regretted that he didn't want to kidnap Shen Yinbing just because he was drunk, so he wanted Han Jialiang to send Li Decai away and leave here.

But before he spoke, he heard someone ordering Li Decai to beat Han Jialiang.

As a result, Wang Dongli saw with his own eyes that Han Jialiang's fingers were broken and beaten unconscious.

How dare someone play roughshod with us after knowing that we are Guoan people!?

Wang Dongli was surprised. He instinctively took out his pistol and aimed it at Li Decai. He was about to pull the trigger: now, there is no other way to maintain the dignity of national security except to kill the madman on the spot.

Although killing this madman on the spot will make things worse, and it is certain that he will come here to investigate the truth of the incident, Wang Dongli thinks that he has the ability to deal with the matter according to his background, so he must kill Li Decai now!

Wang Dongli's right index finger pulled the trigger - at the moment, he felt a sharp pain in his right wrist, and then saw a face.

This is a face with an evil sneer. It has the potential of a small white face.

But now Wang Dongli certainly has no time to see this face, because his right wrist has been pinched by others.

Then, he felt a sharp pain in his chin and fell back on the front of the Mercedes Benz.

Before Wang Dongli could react, a pistol was thrust into his mouth. The top of his muzzle was bloody. A cold voice rang out in his ear: "grandson, when you get there, remember that you should keep a low profile, whether you are a man or a ghost!"

I don't know when, Shen Yinbing has become the scale of Gao Fei.

Dragon has scale, touch it will be angry!

Having heard about Gao Fei from the crowd, Wang Dongli and others used their special identity to forcibly take Shen Yinbing away, and insulted Li Decai arrogantly, he immediately killed himself.

Li Decai, Captain Wan and others may be afraid of the identity of Wang Dongli and others, but Gao Fei doesn't care: whoever dares to move his scales, he will kill anyone!

Gao Fei is very clear that after killing Wang Dongli, he may cause such troubles, which will destroy his dream of becoming a tycoon in the shopping mall, but he still wants to do so.

Because in today's materialistic society, some things must be insisted on, even at the cost of a lifetime of happiness and life!

When Gao Fei finished, he was about to pull the trigger, but he heard Shen Yinbing shouting: "wait!"

Gao Fei's eyes narrowed slightly. He turned to Shen Yinbing and said with a smile, "don't worry, Xiao Bing. I'll do it."

Before he finished, Shen Yinbing said coldly, "don't call me Xiaobing, I'm not your Xiaobing."

Gao Fei is stunned. He can't understand why Shen Yinbing suddenly does this.

"It has nothing to do with you, and I don't want you to get into trouble because of me, so I can't explain to the secretary."

Shen Yinbing dodges Gao Fei's eyes, pushes away Li Decai who is standing in front of her, quickly walks to her low table, picks up a small bag, takes out a pile of money from it, and gives it to the little boss sitting on the ground. After giving him a sorry smile, she turns around and walks out of the crowd quickly.

Looking at Shen Yinbing leaving quickly, Gao Fei turns to Li Decai with a blank face: what's the matter with this special thing?

Li Decai wiped the blood on his face and laughed: "brother Fei, I don't know what happened."

"Comrade, please let go first, will you?"

After seeing Gao Fei appear and defeated Wang Dongli and others, Captain Wan feels extremely cool in his heart.

But he knew that Wang Dongli and others could not be easily provoked. Standing in the position of thinking about Gao Fei, he quickly came over and said in a low voice, "these people are from the Ninth National Security Bureau. They may be carrying out an order."

"People from the Ninth National Security Bureau?"

Gao Fei pondered a little, looked at Wang Dongli with a sneer, and asked faintly, "are you hao lianyanyue's man?"

For example, Steve is the boss of MI6, Michael Jackson is the head of CIA, and Hao Lianyan is the leader of the ninth Bureau of Huaxia Guoan.

He had never met Hao lianyanyue and didn't even know whether he was a man or a woman.

But it's not important. What's important is that Wang Dongli's fear mixed with hatred immediately appeared in his eyes after he said the name of the director of the ninth Bureau: does he know director Hao Lian?

Goofy slowly drew back his hand, and with a slight shaking of his finger, the clip fell from the pistol to the ground.

After putting the pistol in Wang Dongli's coat pocket, Gao Fei said calmly in an uncertain tone: "I'll let you go this time. You go back and tell Hao lianyanyue that I'll find an explanation with him sooner or later."

Wang Dongli swallowed his bloody spit and asked, "who are you, director Hao Lian's?"

"You don't deserve to know."

Gao Fei said coldly, raised his hand and patted Wang Dongli's face. He ignored him and turned to ask Li Decai, "how about it? Do you want to go to the hospital to bandage it?"

Li Decai said with a simple smile: "no, it's nothing."

"Well, let's go back."

Goofy said as if no one else, opened Passat's door and sat on it.

Captain Wan doesn't know Gao Fei, and he also wants to know what is sacred, but he hears Gao Fei's contemptuous reply to Wang Dongli: you have no right to know.

Wang Dongli is not qualified to know. He is a small patrol captain. How dare he talk more?

Looking at Gao Fei with adoring eyes, after he started the car and quickly drove onto the road, Li Decai couldn't hold back any longer: "brother Fei, do you really know the director of the Ninth National Security Bureau?"

Gao Fei put his hands on the steering wheel and sneered: "cut, who knows that kind of Birdman? Just now he was bluffing those shabby youths - OK, don't stare at me. Tell me, what's the matter? Why is Shen Yinbing so cold to me all of a sudden?"

After seeing Gao Fei drive away, Captain Wan raised his hand and yelled to many onlookers: "all scattered, all scattered!"

The onlookers saw that the protagonist had already left, and the young people who were two or eight or three years old suffered losses. They were really afraid that they would spread their anger on themselves. With the police driving away, most of them were scattered.

"Team Wan, what shall we do?"

A patrolman secretly asked captain Wan.

Captain Wan looked at Wang Dongli, who was bending over to spit blood, and said coldly, "this is a matter of other people's powerful departments. We little policemen are not qualified to participate. Stop the line and go

"Bah, bah, bah!"

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, Wang Dongli didn't look at the injured Han Jialiang. He pulled a Mazar and took out the phone. When he was about to dial, he heard someone coldly say, "if I were you, I should get out of Southern Hebei at this time, instead of looking for someone to clean up Gaofei."

Wang Dongli stood up and looked around. She saw a tall girl in a black dress, with narrow eyes, and full of heroic spirit. She was holding her shoulders in both hands and looking at him with disdainful eyes.

"You are --"

Wang Dongli mouth twitch just say these two words, suddenly recognize who this girl is.

Immediately, regardless of the pain in his mouth, he quickly showed a flattering smile: "it's Miss Qin. Why are you here?"

Wang Dongli is a first-class dandy in Beijing, but compared with Qin Ziyang, who dares to say that he is elegant and doesn't even deserve to carry her shoes, he is a little witch in front of a great witch.

Qin Ziyang didn't answer Wang Dongli's question either. He sneered and said, "Wang Dongli, I know you want to find someone to clean up the man just now. But do you know who he is? "

When Gao Fei said Hao lianmingzhu's name, Wang Dongli knew that he was not an ordinary person, but he still didn't put him in a position where he couldn't be provoked. So he called and was ready to use the strength behind him to find this place back.

But after listening to Qin Ziyang say so, Wang Dongli's heart is a jump, subconsciously asked: "who is he?"

"His name is goofy."

Qin Ziyang took a step forward with his arms in his hands and said slowly, "it's my fiance of Qin Ziyang."

"Ah, he, he is your fiance!"

Wang Dongli's eyes suddenly widened: Although he was confident that the Wang family had some energy in China, compared with Qin Liujia, the most dazzling new star of the Chinese military, he couldn't say nothing, but he would definitely be eclipsed.

I didn't expect that I should have provoked Qin Ziyang's fiance, wo Cao. What can I do now? According to this woman's temper, I won't let go!

Just when Wang Dongli was worried, Qin Ziyang said again: "he is still the nephew of the No.1 chief now. Can you afford it?"

"He's from the Gao family!"

Wang Dongli was even more shocked this time, but there was a doubt in his eyes: if so, why is elegance——

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