As a top dandy in Beijing, Liu Xiaolong's greatest advantage is that he will chase and fight after beautiful women, and will not give up if he can't get them.

Relying on his Laozi and his own small white face capital, this guy usually does harm to the good women.

But on this occasion, he didn't dare to make a mistake, because he knew very well that all the beauties who could appear here had their backgrounds, especially the black silk beauty, whose attendants were all big foreign men. According to Mr. Liu's charm, he didn't seem qualified to talk to others.

Just when Liu Xiaolong felt sorry for not being able to chat up with the beautiful woman, he was surprised to find that the remote black silk beauty came to her with a smile!

Dig a groove, is the elder brother character big explosion, so casual a station, unexpectedly this beauty to pour?

Liu Xiaolong in this romantic smile, just feel a hot hip suddenly, shivering all over, quickly pinch out the most outstanding smile, stretched out his right hand: "this beautiful lady, what can I do for you?"

Because he is too excited, Liu Xiaolong's voice is a little low and hoarse, but it can't affect the speed of his hand——

However, in Liu Xiaolong's dream, he wanted to hold the soft little hand of Heisi beauty, but people rubbed him and walked past. It seemed that the voice of a bird was singing in his ear: "Gao Fei, I didn't expect you would be here too."

"Goofy? Goofy!? This black silk beauty actually knows Gao Fei. Did she smile at Gao Fei just now? Second Olympic! No wonder it's flattering and tasteless, Marty

Just like being irrigated by a basin of cold water from the top of his head, Liu Xiaolong is cold all over, but his heart is filled with a burning flame of jealousy. Huo Di turns around and looks at Gao Fei with an indifferent smile, shouting in his heart: Ya Ting, where is Mr. Liu inferior to you? Such a beautiful woman is courting you! Alas, how can you be bright when you are born of Yu!

Gao Fei didn't pay attention to Liu Xiaolong. After Heisi beauty took the initiative to reach out her little hand, she gently set up with her and said faintly, "I'm just here to play with my friends. I'll just have a look and leave in a moment."

Black silk beauty, who wanted to shake hands with Gao Fei for a while, had a flash of disappointment in her eyes, but then returned to normal. She asked with a smile, "which is your friend?"

This registration room is only one of several specially opened by the Royal Club for the reception. There are at least 17 or 8 people in the room, most of whom are "old husbands and young wives" in pairs. So when Heisi beauty talks, she looks at a single lady.

"Let me introduce you."

Gao Fei pointed to Liu Xiaolong and said, "he is my friend Xiaolong. Come here."

After listening to Gao Fei introduce himself to Heisi beauty, Liu Xiaolong's jealousy to him dissipated immediately. He quickly stepped forward for two steps and gentlemanly stretched out his right hand: "my name is Liu, my name is Liu Xiaolong!"

Black silk beauty face is still with a bright smile, and Liu Xiaolong shook back: "Hello, Mr. Liu, my name is mu Tianya."

"Mu Tianya? Oh, that's a good name. It has personality and characteristics. I remember seeing this name in a magazine before. It seems to be the chairman of Connor group in the UK, also known as Mu Tianya. "

When Liu Xiaolong said this, his smile suddenly became strange: "Hey, hey, beauty, you are not that Mu Tianya, are you?"

At this time, the foreign man beside Mu Tianya said proudly, "this is the chairman of the British Connor group."

Gu deng for a while, Liu Xiaolong swallowed again, and murmured, "it's really you. This time, Liu and Xiao Liu, I finally saw a real person."

Mu Tianya smiles and introduces his partner to Gao Fei in a low voice: "his name is konsniver, the new boss of the group in Asia."

Looking at the hostile konsniver in his eyes, goofy felt a little uncomfortable: "it seems that he has a good feeling for Mudong."

Although Mu Tianya had deeply hurt Gao Fei in those years, which completely changed his life and made him one of the most hated people by Gao Fei.

But anyway, Mu Tianya is his first love after all. When he was infected with the virus, someone else saved him. There was a one-year appointment between them. Although Gao Fei never thought that he would start from scratch with her, deep down in his heart, he regarded her as his own woman.

So, after seeing that konsniver was interested in her, goofy felt very upset.

Mu Tianya was very happy about Gao Fei's discomfort, but he didn't dare to show it. He just said in a low voice, "he and I are just business relations."

Without waiting for mu Tianya to explain, Gao Fei interrupted her with a wave of his hand, picked up the registration form and walked to the door: "Mu Dong, let's talk when we have time. Goodbye."

"Gao - Oh, OK, goodbye."

Looking at Gao Fei who is pulling Liu Xiaolong to walk out quickly, Mu Tianya bites his lower lip tightly, and his flower like face turns pale.

"Mudong, do you know him?"

Good die not die, that konsniver came over, did not hide his jealousy of goofy.

Foreign men, like the dogs in the street, never hide their character of daring to love and hate.

Without looking at him, Mu Tianya said softly: "if there is only one woman left in the world, I hope to be owned by him."

Konsniver's face suddenly changed. When Huo turned to look at the door again, Gao Fei was gone.

"Gao Fei, if you are a good friend, you should introduce me to Mr. Mu Dong, and let Mr. Liu have both money and sex!"

Liu Xiaolong broke away from the hand held by Gao Fei, with dissatisfaction on his face: "anyway, I don't think you have any interest in her. Why do you want to leave in a hurry?"

Gao Fei sneered: "you say such a bullshit again, careful I and you turn over."

Liu Xiaolong didn't think so. He said with a smile: "ha ha, it's just talk. Ah, by the way, tell me the story about you and that beautiful woman for you? "

"I can't afford her."

After a moment of silence, Gao Fei said this.

According to the rules formulated by the Organizing Committee of this reception, when guests enter the reception site, they have to give the registration form to the members of the Organizing Committee at the door, and then the organizing committee will simply make the information on the form and put it on several large screens around the hall.

In this way, people who come to the reception can see the business they are interested in, and then contact them in private.

When entering the hall of the imperial club, Liu Xiaolong said more than once how wonderful the decoration is. But when Gao Fei entered the hall, he realized that what Liu Xiaolong said was true.

The decoration and layout of the clubhouse hall are more than just excellent?

In the hall of thousands of square meters, there are rockeries, waterfalls, and even a small park full of flowers. Looking at the seemingly randomly planted bamboos and the folk music reverberating in the hall, people feel that they have come to the south of the Yangtze River.

There are many scenic spots in northern China that are not inferior to those in the south of the Yangtze River. But they are in the wild, but here they are in the hall. All the female envoys carrying silver plates are wearing ancient robes and clothes. They walk with small steps, giving people the illusion of going through the Ming Dynasty.

The guests who came to the reception, especially the foreign guests, greatly appreciated the layout of the Royal Club. Many people sat on the stone benches carved from white jade, with strange faces.

Let's put it this way: the owner of the imperial club has arranged the hall as an ancient paradise. Although limited by the overall area, this paradise can't be compared with the real wild, but people can't feel the cramped space.

The owner of this club is a talented person. It's no wonder that the dandy like Liu Xiaolong yearns for it and is willing to pay so many dues every year. Gao Fei looks at what he sees and nods his approval.

"Well, man, now you know I'm not lying, do you? Open your eyes to the ferroalloy dog. Which of these maids is not gorgeous? Although it is not as good as that Mudong, it has a unique pure flavor, which is the perfect combination of ancient and modern

Although Liu Xiaolong has been here several times, every time he comes, he is shocked and stupefied.

"The boss's creativity is really amazing. He's changing his ways to let you pay for it."

Gao Fei touched his stomach and said, "go, go there and have something to eat. I'm hungry."

Around the hall, there is a bar which seems to be made of mahogany, on which all kinds of food and wine are placed.

When you come around, the ancient flavor is much weaker, because if those bartenders wear robes and clothes to mix wine here, it would be very nondescript. What's more, there are countless large LCD screens on the wall behind them.

Come to the corner of the southeast corner, Gao Fei takes a blue cocktail, drinks a mouthful, moistens his throat, and picks up a piece of mung bean cake.

Looking at the cakes and fruits on the bar, Liu Xiaolong sighed with regret: "Alas, it's a pity that there are no drumsticks here. It seems that I have to give a suggestion to the club owner. It's better to refer to the buffet mode. "

Gao Fei smiles, picks up another cake and asks casually, "what time does the reception officially start?"

"It's already started, from the moment you came in."

"What time does it end?"

"Eight in the evening, seven in the morning."

"Shit, all night?"

"A lot of people think it's too short."

Liu Xiaolong patted his mouth and murmured: "it's better to be like the football World Cup for half a month."

Gao Fei didn't bother to discuss this problem with him. He propped his left elbow on the bar, looked at the guests who seemed to be shuttling through the park, and asked, "who is the owner of the club?"

Liu Xiaolong didn't answer immediately. After pondering for a long time, he said, "I don't know who it is, but I heard it's a woman. I also heard that this woman's husband is the daughter-in-law of the founder's family. However, her husband died in a scientific research mission a few years ago, but she never remarried again. Instead, she used her husband's family connections to create this club. It's also because of her husband, so the people above take good care of her. In addition, her clubhouse is a boutique route, unlike those clubhouses outside, the taste is gradually raised. "

"Do you know her name?"

"White porcelain."

"What white porcelain?"

Goofy was a little puzzled.

Liu Xiaolong said softly, "the boss's name is Bai Ci, and some people call her Mrs. Bai CI. It is said that the skin of white porcelain is just like white porcelain. It has no flaw. It is as warm as jade. It can really be broken. Gao Fei, you can imagine what it will feel like when a woman with skin like white porcelain is held in your arms? "

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