"What's the matter? What's the sound?"

After hearing the bugle of charge that was almost close at hand, the commander of the eighth regiment of the third Russian equipment Corps in Outer Mongolia, muhango, rushed out of the rest room with the fastest speed, and almost knocked over a staff officer who was anxious to report his work.

The staff officer staggered and occupied in time. He raised his hand to salute and loudly reported: "report, sir, that's the clarion call of the Chinese military! We have made a quick response at any time! But at present, it is impossible to find out how many enemy troops are involved in the battle that is likely to start... "

"Charge, is this the charge of the Chinese army?"

Muhango didn't have time to listen to the staff report. He pushed him away and ran into the camp combat room as fast as he could.

In the combat room, the lights were already bright, and a dozen combat staff officers in untidy clothes were all holding the phone and frantically calling to a certain party: "Hello, Hello, I'm the eighth regiment of the third Russian equipment, please --"

Looking at the chaotic scene, muhango suddenly felt that his legs and stomach were soft and his face was pale.

As the leader of the frontier defense force in the local section, he certainly knows what happened in the handler primeval forest 30 kilometers away. He also knows that a few days ago, there were signs of additional troops in Huaxia.

However, the superior leaders never told him to be ready for war at any time, so he pretended that he didn't know. He just told his subordinates to be careful these days.

After all, since the founding of the people's Republic of China, there have been few conflicts of scale between the two sides.

Muhango could not think of any reason why Huaxia started the war unilaterally.

It's a peaceful world, isn't it?

Huaxia over there is a land of etiquette, isn't it?

How can a peace loving China, whose national defense is mainly defensive, start a war without warning?

Don't forget, behind Outer Mongolia stands the world's second military power, Russia!

In the past, whenever muhango thought of a powerful Russia and looked at the Russian style equipment assembled by his troops, he felt a sense of pride.

Even more than once, he fantasized about pulling out his troops and fighting with the more and more powerful neighbor in the south!

However, when the charge across the mountain sounded, muhango knew how naive his pride and ideas were!

So far, he has not seen a Chinese soldier, just heard the loud and shrill charge, his legs began to soften, and could no longer suppress the fear in his heart. He grabbed the collar of a combat staff officer and roared hysterically: "call commander wulapel immediately!"

Commander ulaper is the commander of the southern military region of Outer Mongolia. He is in charge of 30000 army groups and is known as the trump force of the Outer Mongolia empire.

Before the staff officer had time to answer, one of the staff officers stumbled in, with a panic on his face and yelled: "airplanes, airplanes, the overwhelming Chinese fighter fleet!"


Muhango's brain hummed, pushed away the staff officer and ran out of the combat room. Just as he was about to climb up a nearby car and look south, he saw two lines of fire suddenly lit up in the distant night sky ahead. Then, a big fireball sprang up, and the whole earth seemed to be moaning and shaking.

With the rising of the huge fireball, muhango despairingly saw that there were at least dozens of Chinese fighter planes in the sky, forming a long flight column. From east to west, one fighter plane swooped down from above in the starry sky, and then soared up, and a big fireball would burst up on the ground.

At this time, the charge horn has been annihilated by the drone of the fleet, but the fear that almost suffocated muhango and all the soldiers in Outer Mongolia has increased!

They saw that after the dive, dozens of fighters quickly turned back, still in neat columns, and dived again.

But this time, all the fighters did not launch air to ground rockets, but launched more awe inspiring airborne heavy machine guns.

What kind of scene is this? Muhango vowed that on the day of his death, he would never forget the shocking scene of dozens of fighters firing on the ground together.

This scene, like a computer game played by his son, is more tense and terrifying than that!

He had no doubt that if those fighter planes, which were close to the border between the two countries and bombarded the land of China, really rushed over, it would only take a few dives, and his hundreds of people would not even be left.

Ouch - after the last fighter plane soared into the air, the sound of terror became more and more distant, but the loud and clear charge horn came back.

At the beginning of the charge, muhango and his hundreds of subordinates especially hated the sound that excited them.

But when the terrible fighter group suddenly appeared and soon disappeared, they felt that this kind of horn sound was so pleasant. Compared with the roar of the fighter group, it could be said that it was fairy music.

Unfortunately, the fairy music heard by muhango and others did not last long, but there was a more irritating and frightening hum - just like the hum of a group of flies when you enter a warm room full of rotten corpses in the middle of the night.

According to the visual inspection, there must be at least 100 dark armed helicopters, which form a straight line, along the route of the fighter group, buzzing across, but pouring down more dense trajectories than the rainstorm.

Muhango and others have been completely stunned, completely forgetting where they are and what their responsibilities are. Just like the guests watching the ceremony, they are enjoying this extremely luxurious scene.

The armed helicopter column has not yet completely passed, just like the night suddenly lit up, hundreds of bright lights, tearing through the thick night, countless Huaxia 99 main battle tanks, just like locusts, suddenly crawling over the ground, the tracks creaking.

The charge horn became louder and louder, the muzzle of the tank moved slowly, and the firelight flashed. In the far south, huge fireballs rose

"Report, commander uraper is calling!"

Just as muhango's open mouth muscles were stiff, a combat officer almost rolled up in front of him, yelling out a report.

Muhango just woke up. He turned around and rushed into the combat room as fast as he could. He grabbed the phone from the staff officer and roared: "I'm muhango of the eighth regiment!"

Commander ulaper's voice sounded with obvious anger, but it was more helpless after the panic: "the Chinese military is holding a border field exercise. Don't panic, try your best to prevent the defense line. When appropriate, you can pull your team westward for 30 kilometers."

"Drill? So it's just a drill! "

When muhango called out this sentence, he felt as if there was something in his stomach, and his nerves relaxed. A feeling of collapse made him raise something called shame: I'm the descendant of Genghis Khan, I'm haidongqing flying on the grassland, I'm a brave ice warrior who is not afraid of death! How can I be afraid of those paper tigers?

Commander ulapel didn't answer muhango's words, he just cut off the phone.

Listening to the beep and busy sound from the microphone, muhango squatted on the chair, waved weakly to the staff around him, and said, "don't worry, it's just a drill over there without notice - inform the troops and March West for 30 kilometers."

"It was just a drill. I thought..."

All the staff members were relieved, and one of them suddenly said, "is the Chinese military's sudden exercise related to the other side of handler forest?"

"Don't worry so much, pull out the camp now!"

Muhango suddenly looked up, his eyes shining with disgust.

As commander muhango, who was satisfied with his position and everything he had, he was disgusted with those scum who met in his own country.

Although the battle in the effective range started a few days ago, and they have received the order of "ignoring" for a long time, they can enjoy the fun of "sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight", but the sudden field exercise in Huaxia tonight made people understand a certain truth, and made them feel that they are the fish in the pool.


One hundred kilometers away from uliatai, there is a small town called Menger.

It is said that Genghis Khan, who has a great influence in the history of the world, buried his mausoleum under this small town which looks more like ancient Chinese town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Of course, it's just a local legend.

In fact, many places say that Genghis Khan's mausoleum is there, but no one can prove it.

In a warm and brightly lit house, an old man in a Chinese tunic, even sitting there, would exude a sense of dignity. He was looking at the living Buddha in front of him with bright eyes.

Kayang living Buddha in red cassock put down the phone which was not suitable for him, then said with a smile: "just now I got the news that you suddenly held a military exercise without warning on the border line 40 kilometers away from handler forest. The exercise lineup is strong, worthy of being hailed as the rising empire of the Han Dynasty. "

The old man's mouth twitched slightly, and said in a low and clear voice, "to borrow a sentence from the founder of our Dynasty over there, it's all paper tigers. It's nothing to worry about. I don't believe it any more. They dare to launch a war between the two countries on their own for the sake of a few fish who have missed the net. "

Kayang Buddha's eyebrows dropped slightly and said faintly, "of course they don't dare. They just use this way to deter our owners, warn them not to sit too crooked, and then cover a few people to die in handler forest."

The old man frowned: "do you think those people are here to die?"

With a cool smile, Kayang asked: "do you think those people can save those fish who have escaped from the net under the eyes of my thousands of supporters?"

The old man did not answer immediately, but pondered for a long time, then slowly said: "I have a premonition that the people who came to help this time are not simple. It's definitely the most outstanding special elite in China. Even if you have thousands of people, you may not be able to trap them. "

Instead of arguing with the old man, Kayang nodded: "well, maybe you're right. Unfortunately, there are still too few of them. And in order to cover up his face, even if they know we are here, they dare not send more people here. "

The old man's expression relaxed and said: "well, you're right. After all, if they send one more person, there will be more danger of exposing their identity. In that case, they will be in a disadvantageous international public opinion - alas, I'm really sorry for those people. They are so skillful that they can't recover their identity after they die here

The living Buddha of Kayang took the cup of mare's milk and was about to take a sip when he suddenly asked, "if it's not the agent of China this time?"

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