Our people are coming!

After hearing the fierce gunfire and the explosion of rockets, ye Xinshang's spirit was shocked, and his whole body gave birth to a force, supporting him to hold the cave wall and slowly stood up.

He slowly leaned out his head and instinctively looked at the place where the gunfire was most intense, then he was stunned.

With the blue light of the bullet and the fire of the withered branches and weeds, ye Xinshang saw that a few days ago, some fanatics, like demons, were killing each other frantically.

What's going on? Why are they doing this?

From time to time, the bullet flew over ye Xinshang's head, and it was possible to puncture his head at any time. However, as if he didn't see it, he was staring at those fanatics, retreating and shooting at his companions.


A big fanatic just came running from the north of Ye Xin's injury. He was shot through the lower leg bone of his right leg and fell to the ground with a scream. His rifle fell far away.

This fanatic didn't take care of his rifle at all, but was supported by his survival instinct, dragging his injured right leg and crawling south on the ground like a maggot.

One of his companions, half turned back, shot wildly, and retreated while shooting.

"Trent, Trent, help me, help me!"

The fanatic who injured his right leg just recognized that the one who shot was his brother who was sleeping on his upper bunk... And immediately called for help.

Tren turned his head and saw him.

The man yelled, "help me, help me, my leg is broken!"

It seems that Trent finally recognized who he was, quickly turned around, gun down, pulled the trigger: Da, Da!


The brother in the lower bunk gave a scream, jumped on the ground a few times, and then died.

Having completely fallen into madness, tren, after killing his companion by himself, roared in his mouth. As soon as he took a step, a bullet hit him in the belly.

Trent let out a scream and plopped down on his companion.

Severe pain, let Trent wake up, and finally realized what kind of situation is now, face because of fear and become extremely distorted, hands holding the stomach, yelling to the farther Companion: "help me, help me!"

But no one came to save him. All the fanatics retreated to the south like the wind, shooting around as they retreated.

Ye Xinshang looks silly.

He was really stupid.

Looking at the fanatics who kept screaming and falling in the fire, the comrades he suddenly sacrificed for himself were worthless: such a group of unorganized rubbish, they were wiped out!

Ye Xinshang's body trembled and tears ran down his cheek.

When surrounded by thousands of fanatics and may die at any time, ye Xinshang did not shed tears.

But now, when he saw the garbage killing each other, he cried.

They are aggrieved by their comrades in arms and angry that these fanatics are actually vulnerable.

Don't forget that his comrades in arms are all elite on the battlefield, but they are almost clean when they are shot by such a group of rubbish.

Gradually, the sound of gunfire and scream gradually goes away, and the north of handler forest seems to fall into its original silence quickly, if there is no the sound of Shen Yin (harmony word) of the wounded.

But at this time, ye Xinshang was in a trance to see that several shadows, like ghosts coming out of the ground, were moving quickly to the wounded soldiers. With a wave of his hand, Shen Yin's voice suddenly stopped!

"Help me, help me!"

Trent, whose intestines are dripping out, sees ye Xinshang at this time. With despair in his eyes, he struggles to climb over with all his strength.

Ye Xinshang wiped his tears and looked at teren coldly.

"Help me, help me

Trent's right hand, which has already touched Ye Xin's injured cheek, is a ghost like shadow, but it suddenly floats over, grabs his hair, and moves his right hand quickly!

A stream of blood, with a peep, darted out of Trent's severed artery.

His eyes, full of longing, suddenly spread.

After black shadow cleanly cut Trent's throat, he saw the leaf heart injury that exposed half of his head.

Almost at the same time of releasing Trent's hair, shadow stretched out her left hand, grabbed Ye Xin's injured hair, lifted it back, and swept the cold weapon with her right hand!


"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Seeing countless companions, just like the dogs chased by tigers, with their tails in their hands, they retreated from the rear and shot wildly around. Wu Jingan was completely stunned.

Baggins's eyes were as big as mung beans. At this time, they looked like two glass balls: "is there a Chinese army that secretly crossed the border to the back of the forest?"

When Baggins and others killed Ye Xin and injured 50 people, they were brave and fearless. They were as invincible as the bravest soldiers in the world. However, Wu Jingan knew that these people were just some mobs who had no organization and discipline and could only fight with the wind.

If you don't occupy the right time, the right place and the right people, if you want to deal with 50 people, such as ye Xinshang, even if they are more than half dead or injured, you don't want them all destroyed.

Once we meet an established army, let alone a regiment, even two or three hundred companies can beat the shit out of them.

However, the near one-sided battle a few days ago made Baggins naively think that they were the bravest soldiers in the world: the Huaxia army was known as the first in the world, and its agents were also known as the king of the special forces. But what was the result? They were all surrounded and killed?

So, after seeing the heroes retreat and kill each other madly, Baggins's first reaction was that Huaxia sent a special force to attack from the back of the forest, and the number of them was much larger than his own. Otherwise, his brothers would not be in such a mess, like dogs with tails.

What Baggins thought, wujingan also thought.

However, his reaction is much faster than that of Baggins. When many people around him turn around and run, he quickly takes off his coat and runs to the bushes and Southeast.

Wu Jingan's rich experience tells him: after the heavy casualties of the Chinese agents, they must have become angry. In spite of the risk of provoking a war between China and Mongolia, they boldly sent a set of troops to wipe them out in the forest.

Wujingan is 100% sure that there must be a large number of Chinese special forces ambushing outside the seemingly peaceful forest.

If at this time, like other people, he naively thought that he could escape from the south, he would surely be dealt a devastating head-on blow!

With Wu Jin's rich experience and Superman's intelligence, how can he do that kind of door-to-door stupid thing?

At present, the most correct response should be to abscond to the southeast of the forest, where there are dense bushes. If you can get up anywhere, you can definitely avoid the cannibalism of the rout troops and the search of the Chinese troops.

Although Huaxia may have sent thousands of special forces to encircle and suppress them this time, wujingan is almost certain that no matter how many of them are, they can't search every bush in handler forest carefully.

After all, this is the territory of Outer Mongolia, isn't it?

After killing most of the "comrades", those terrible Chinese did not dare to stay here for a long time at all. They had to withdraw quickly.

As long as we wait for that time, wujingan will be completely safe, and we can get out, regroup and clean up the old mountains and rivers

Of course, when wujingan runs to the safest southeast, he can take Baggins and other confidants with him.

But at the moment when time is life, he can't take care of these: if he delays for one more second, he will be in danger of being shot blindly by his own people.

Sure enough, just as he dashed out of wujingan's oblique stab for tens of meters, he found that Baggins, who had disappeared, had just opened his throat and called "boss". He had a beautiful head with short chestnut hair and was hit by a bullet!

"Brother, in the next life, we will fight together!"

Wu Jin's dry eyes were full of tears. He roared fiercely in his heart, but the speed of running out was even faster, and in the blink of an eye he got into the bushes.

The dense Bush covered Wu Jingan's figure and put on a layer of safety coat for him.

The sound of gunfire, as Wu Jingan ran forward quickly, seemed to be farther and farther away. He could hear his big breath.

In front of the black bush, like a monster, as if is open mouth, waiting for wujingan to jump into their mouth.

But wujingan would rather jump into the mouth of these monsters than stay in the battlefield like Shura hell.

Life is precious. Everyone has the right to protect his life, doesn't he?

"Ho, Ho, Ho!"

Wu Jingan was breathing heavily. His face, hands and even his belly had been cut by thorns. His clothes had been torn by thorns for a long time.

But he didn't care about it at all. He had only one idea now, which was to use a faster speed to hide in the bushes in the distance that looked quieter.

I don't know how long it took until the gunshot seemed to disappear, his legs were as heavy as lead, his breath was like a bellows, his voice was sweet, and he seemed to be spitting out blood. After that, Wu Jingan let out a free low roar, tried his last bit of strength, and jumped into a more dense bush.

After falling heavily in the Bush, Wu Jingan was relieved to go to heaven. He turned over and lay on his back on the vegetation, panting like a bellows.

Slowly and violently beating heart, finally recovered calm, just like Wu Jin Gan's breathing, he opened his eyes wearily, and was about to make a long pleasant sound to celebrate his successful escape, but he was stunned.

Half a meter above his head, there was a pair of narrow eyes with puzzled, ecstatic and hatred, staring at him!

Just disappeared sweat, along with Wujin dry a smart, brush out.

Looking at those long and narrow eyes, Wu Jingan asked bitterly in his voice, "who are you?"


"Will goofy come? Can I survive his arrival? "

After talking to Gao Fei, Qin Ziyang took the hare, which was "killed by suicide", and hid in the Bush as fast as he could.

Like a homeless kitten, Qin Ziyang curled up and hid in the Bush, waiting for the danger that might happen at any time. He was ready for the final battle.

What made Qin Ziyang feel lucky was that in the following several dozen hours, within a few hundred meters, it was always quiet, let alone the enemy, even the animals did not appear.

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