The days in June are always changing.

When Shen Yinbing went out at more than seven in the morning, there was still the sun in the East, which indicated another good weather.

But who knows, less than two hours later, the day suddenly changed.

First, the sun was bleak, and then the whole piece of dark clouds came from the northwest. With the fall of a lightning, the storm suddenly came.

People often say that clouds coming from the northwest have no good rain.

Because there will always be unpredictable winds that will destroy crops.

Shen Yinbing doesn't grow crops, but she also finds the sudden storm very annoying.

Click - a thunder, the wind is stronger outside, from the fierce tilt of the canopy, as if to pull up the tree.

The rain is more urgent, hit on the window glass, issued a loud bang.

Shen Yinbing stood in front of the big French window with her arms around her chest. Her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and she looked out. She didn't move. She didn't know what she was thinking.

After a long time, she sighed gently, turned back to her desk, sat down on the desk, picked up a document and began to work.

In the past, as soon as Shen Yinbing picked up the documents, he would block those thoughts in his mind and concentrate on his work.

But this time, she took the document and read it for ten minutes, but she didn't read a word, because her heart couldn't calm down.

She is thinking of a person: Gao Fei.

Shen Yinbing's desire to soar is not the thought of "one day's absence is like three autumn's" but the thought of guilt.

Last night, Gao Fei was kidnapped by Peng Yuanhang, and Shen Yinbing "bravely did not fear death" to catch up.

Originally, after discovering that Peng Yuanhang was the one who kidnapped Gao Fei, Shen Yinbing should have taken him away. After all, her child was kidnapped because of her.

But in the end, Shen Yinbing left alone and left Gao Fei.

Although she was leaving, she asked Peng Yuanhang not to hurt Gao Fei, and Peng Yuanhang agreed——

But will Peng Yuanhang let go of Gao Fei?

At the very least, we should let people deal with him severely and warn him not to make Shen Yinbing's idea in the future.

Shen Yinbing doesn't need to verify at all, and he knows Peng Yuanhang will do so.

Because she knows Peng Yuanhang too well: he looks like a gentle gentleman on the outside, but in fact he is quite insidious. He is one of those who bites but never calls.

Knowing that Peng Yuanhang would not let Gao Fei go easily, Shen Yinbing left.

If she doesn't go, she can't because she wants to get a piece of news that Peng Yuanhang knows.

This news is very important. It's related to her father Su Beishan. If she can, let alone let Gao Fei get cleaned up, she is willing to pay a certain price.

When she came to work this morning, Shen Yinbing was still very worried: did Gao Fei stop coming to work in the company in a rage, or appeared in front of the public like a pig's head?

But when she saw Gao Fei, she was shocked in her heart: eh, this boy is so good. He has no arms or legs. He's safe. He's still in the mood to pick up girls!

Seeing goofy's complete appearance in the group headquarters, Shen Yinbing was relieved.

Although she still can't stand the boy's flattering Lian Xue, the boy is still late, but she specially told the front desk to give the guy certain privileges, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation for him.

Shen Yinbing thought that after seeing her go to work, Gao Fei would definitely look for her and ask her why she left last night regardless of him.

But what makes Shen always wonder is that it's nine o'clock, but the guy hasn't shown up.

"Doesn't he blame me for leaving him? It's impossible. Then why didn't he come to me and ask me? "

Shen Yinbing put down the file, touched the phone and began to call vice president Yan.

Shen always tells Yan Hong to find Gao Fei.

Since that guy doesn't come to Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen has to find him himself.


The thunder outside the window falls from time to time. The strong wind blows the big raindrops of soybeans and smashes them on the toughened glass of the French window. It sounds like this monotonous sound is left in the world.

The wind, the stronger.

Rain, more urgent.

Glass, the louder - during the period is also mixed with the crash sound, all the time.

Yan Hong did not dream that the man behind the sprint speed was so fast, the strength is so fierce, almost to pierce her whole person.

The action of sprint is monotonous, but with full domineering, so that vice president Yan can't make any resistance except tightly clasping the edge of the desk and biting the silk scarf in his mouth.

The silk scarf in Yanhong's mouth was bitten by herself. She was afraid that if she could not bear the strong impact, she would scream hysterically and joyfully, which would be heard by people passing by the office door outside.

There are dark clouds outside and spring inside.

It's windy outside and the ground is shaking inside.

Outside the rainstorm, indoor red sister's sweat, eyes are more bright, charming face, bright red, Ming * * people can not square things.

I'm going to die. If I go on like this, I'm sure I'll die - Yan Hong doesn't know when she spits out the silk scarf in her mouth, but in addition to panting, she doesn't even have the strength to shout. She can only move forward passively.

The shining eyes began to turn white. Maybe the toughened glass of the French window was smashed by the rainstorm, and some rain came in. Under Yan Hong's sexy thin high-heeled leather sandals, there was a big pool of water stains.

The sound of the crackle, mixed with the sound of the cork being pulled out, with the smell of obscenity.

"I'm going to die, but I'm willing to die like this. I don't have to be manipulated as a puppet any more. I'm going to die..."

Slowly, Yan Hong's eyes began to turn white, powerless limp on the table, only feel the body slowly floating in the happy darkness, unable to find land.


After the phone rings, goofy just pauses for two seconds, then sprints again, and now he is about to reach the critical moment.

Yan Hong reluctantly raised her head, looked at the caller ID, and said in a trembling voice: "Gao Fei, stop, stop, it's Mr. Shen's phone!"

"I don't care what she's talking about. Let's talk about it when it's over!"

Gao Fei grabbed Yan Hong's left hand and twisted it back. With a little effort, she had to hold her head up.

"No, I can't. Shen will always blame me - if I don't answer the phone, she may come down soon to have a look, then... We'll be miserable."

Yan Hong reluctantly turned her head, and her red face was beseeching.

"No way!"

Gao Fei extremely overbearing spits out these two words, grabs the phone first, but then buckles it.

Yan Hong was shocked: "no, this is Mr. Shen's phone number!"


"Why doesn't sister Hong answer the phone? Did she go out? No, she won't go out before ten

Listening to the beep from the phone, Shen Yinbing frowned slightly.

She was about to drop the phone and dial again when it got through.

Just, waiting for her to hear any voice over there, there was a busy beep in the microphone.

"Why, how can she turn off my phone?"

Shen Yinbing frowned, raised her hand and pressed the sit up card key to dial again, but this time there was only a busy tone.

"What's the matter? When you answer the phone but don't speak, and put the microphone aside, is it because the phone is broken?"

Shen Yinbing put down the receiver, picked up a signature pen and turned the flowers in his hand.

Mr. Shen believes that if the phone is really broken, Yan Hong must come to her office.

However, she waited for ten minutes. When the storm outside had stopped, she didn't hear a knock: Yan Hong's office was downstairs. She walked up for a minute at most.

"What the hell is she doing?"

Shen Yinbing angrily throws down her signature pen and stands up: she wants to go to Yanhong's office and ask why she doesn't answer the phone and doesn't come up.

Shen Yinbing came out of the office. When she came to the stairway, song of the Secretariat came out of the elevator with a folder in his arms. When he saw her, he bent slightly: "Mr. Shen, this is an emergency in the Northwest..."

Without waiting for Xiao Song to finish, Shen Yinbing waved her hand and said faintly, "put it in my office. I'll go to Vice President Yan and come back to see it."

"Yes, Mr. Shen."

Xiao Song didn't dare to say anything more, so she went to the office with the folder in her arms. She was still wondering: eh, what's the matter with Mr. Shen? Yesterday, she told me to tell her as soon as there was news about the northwest, but she was in a hurry to find Mr. Yan. Why didn't she call Mr. Yan?

Shen Yinbing met at least seven or eight employees on her way here, but she didn't pay any attention. She came to the door with a cold face, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

There was no answer inside.

"Did she really go out?"

Shen Yinbing pause, subconsciously knock again, this time Yan Hong's voice spread out: "please come in."

Shen Yinbing pushed open the door and looked inside. Then he saw vice president Yan sitting behind his desk, and another man standing in front of the door with his back to the door, saying something impulsively: "Vice President Yan, as the monitor of the car class, I should fight for the interests of my subordinates! You can't dismiss him just because he is a little older. It's very unfair to him! "

Yan Hong stood up from her seat and nodded and laughed at Shen Yinbing first. Then she said to the man coldly, "Gao Fei, as the vice president of the group, I have the right to appoint my own driver. You don't need to teach me about this!"

Gao Fei, holding the microphone in his hand, sneers and doesn't speak. He throws the microphone on the table and turns around.

As soon as Yan Hong's face changed, she patted the table with her little hand and said in a sharp voice: "Gaofei, it's your power. Dare you drop things in front of me!"

Looking at Shen Yinbing standing at the door, Gao Fei said faintly: "Vice President Yan, if you stubbornly want to quit Lao Wang, then I will also resign."

"You - dare you threaten me?"

Yan Hongqi clenched her teeth and was about to say something again. Shen Yinbing said: "what's the matter? Goofy, don't go so fast. Sit down

After Shen Yinbing said this, her little nose twitched slightly: what's the smell in this room? It's so strange!

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