Gao Fei had been running all over the world for hundreds of times before. He had been lurking in the wild animal infested African prairie for six days. He had also been lying in the snow in Siberia. He had never been to the bottom of the earth for a day and a night without moving.

As if God in order to make up for his regret, let him go to the underground Loulan ancient city.

Strictly speaking, Gao Fei's "underground trip" was definitely a "harvest trip" in the eyes of others. It not only won the favor of Loulan queen, but also brought out a bag of valuable gems.

To be honest, goofy hates going underground.

Because - because of the last underground trip, his self-esteem was greatly bruised: even women can't beat him. What a shame?

However, when he vowed that he would never go underground again, in order to search the whereabouts of Tietu, he had to go underground for a second time.

This kind of feeling, very uncomfortable.

The rope hanging down from the top is very long, about tens of meters, which is also convenient for Gao Fei to grasp the rope when walking on the mossy stairs without worrying about falling down.

The darker you go down, the clearer the sound of the running water, the heavier the cold and water vapor. The light of the flashlight can only shine about two meters at most. The steps under your feet are more slippery.

When he reached the end of the rope, the sound of running water seemed to be at his feet.

Along the way, Gao Fei walked down carefully. He didn't see a single person, Tietu, Kayang living Buddha, and Angui Wang. This gave him the illusion that "people will disappear when they come down.".

Let go of the rope, Gao Fei raised his flashlight and illuminated the top of the tunnel. He walked down carefully for less than three minutes and stepped into the cold water.

There is a flashlight slowly scanning the misty water vapor of the river, Gao Fei see the current is very fast, as for how wide the river, because of the light can not see clearly.

However, according to the echo of the cave wall from the water coming from the opposite side, Gao Fei basically determined that the underground river was not too wide, that is, four or five meters in shape.

"Is this secret road hidden in the wall just to lead to this underground river?"

Gao Fei put out the flashlight, leaned on the wall of the cave and kept silent for a few minutes. After confirming that there was no sound other than the sound of running water, he turned on the flashlight again and walked slowly towards the middle of the river with a gun in his right hand.

The river was not deep at all, and the water in the middle had just hit his waist.

Gao Fei doesn't know much about the underground river. He only knows that the current speed of the underground river with the fastest flow in the world has reached a terrible 390 meters per second.

Generally speaking, the more turbulent the river is, the depth of the water will not be too deep, which is about one and a half meters at most. If it exceeds this depth, the river below will cause a vortex because of the suddenly rising terrain, thus affecting the speed of the water flow.

Of course, when there is a flood, it's another matter.

According to Gao Fei's guess, the water speed of the river under his feet is about 30 meters per second at most, because beyond this water speed, he can't stand in the water and has been washed away for a long time.

Standing in the middle of the river, Gao Fei pondered whether he should go with the water or against the water. When he hesitated to walk across the river for a few steps, he suddenly felt empty at his feet and suddenly leaned forward. He was submerged by the cold river.

The water depth in the middle of the underground river is only 1.23 meters. Unexpectedly, there is a deep ditch hidden under the water on the opposite side of the river, and the current is extremely fast. At least it has to be more than 100 meters per second. Without giving Gao Fei the chance to climb into the middle of the river, he rushed down the river.

Caught off guard, Gao Fei was rushed to the downstream, his body whirled and showed his head, then he sank, and then he was rushed out of the water, and then he went down again - Gao Fei is now like dumplings in a boiling water pot, up and down for a while, in the turbulent current, he can't do any self-help action at all.

If Gao Fei is an ordinary person, he will be flustered and open his mouth subconsciously after encountering such an accident. Then he will be filled with water and become a dead fish

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person. At least he has rich experience in dealing with unexpected accidents. As soon as he sinks down, he closes his mouth tightly, and his gun and flashlight are gone. He grabs at both sides quickly, hoping to catch something and stabilize himself.

Unfortunately, the protruding stones on both sides of the river are slippery, so he can't borrow any force at all. He can only passively move forward with the river.

It's hard to be run by the current. Fortunately, the water temperature is not too cold, otherwise Gaofei will freeze in the water before long.

But Rao was like this. He was hit by the water on the protruding stone of the cave wall several times. Thanks to it, he hit his shoulder and waist. He almost cried out in pain.

But good luck didn't accompany him for long. For the last time when Gao Fei was sober, his head hit the wall of the cave heavily, and then he didn't know anything.

The torrential river will not stop running because it faints. It is still rushing to a place it can't control - a deep lake about the size of a dozen football fields.

The lake is very deep, much deeper than the pool where Gao Fei was in the underground Loulan.

It is the sudden appearance of this lake that creates a buffer for the torrent of the river, forcing the water speed to slow down suddenly, and then forming a non-stop whirlpool. Everything in the water is whirled under the water, and then thrown out fiercely. The buoyant will slowly float up, and slowly flow forward with the water.

Ahead, there is a waterfall with a great underground fall.

At the edge of the waterfall, hundreds of stone pillars with a diameter of three or four meters are arranged in an irregular way, like a grate, blocking things larger than their distance.

Gao Fei is this thing - he is blocked at the edge of the waterfall by a stone column like a grate.

These stone pillars have been washed away by the current in the underground river for tens of thousands of years, and the three glass like smooth faces facing the surface of the water will be washed away by the current in tens of thousands of years.

The roar of the huge fall of the underground waterfall "awakened" Gao Fei in a coma, instinctively opened his mouth, and the river immediately poured in.


After drinking several mouthfuls of the river, Gao Fei struggles to surface, spits out the water from his mouth, climbs the stone pillar with both hands as far as possible, and turns to look around.

It's dark all around. Apart from turning over the shimmering water occasionally, you can't see anything. It's more frightening than hell. It's said that there are ghost fires in hell. When people are afraid, they always want light.

Goofy wants to see light, even if it's a firefly.

The God of the West once said that there should be light, so there will be light in this world.

Gao Fei of the East is eager for light now, so he really sees light.

Light, from the bottom, the edge of the vortex.

The light is active, like the ghost fire in hell, and like the stars in the sky, flickering around the vortex slowly.

Looking at the "ghost fire", Gao Fei suddenly thought of a TV program "animal world".

"Animal world" said that in the coastal waters of China, there is a kind of fish that can emit light, known as skinhead.

The back of the head of the bald fish is flat and covered by a pair of large light-emitting devices. It looks like a searchlight, and the light is very bright. Divers can see the fish more than 10 meters underwater.

Because the flash of the fish can make divers see the time on the watch underwater, divers often catch it and put it into a transparent plastic bag for underwater lighting.

In fact, in the water world, there are a lot of fish that can shine, like flashlight fish, Ankang fish and so on.

However, these fish are basically grown in the sea, why there are such fish in underground Hanoi, Gao Fei is not clear, also lazy to think.

What's important is that he has to catch a few of them for lighting.

Although Gao Fei's flashlight and pistol didn't know where they were washed down the way, the mini first aid bag tied around his waist was still there. The gauze was wrapped in a good quality plastic bag. As long as the fish was put into the plastic bag, it was equivalent to making a lantern.

After taking out the plastic bag, goofy took a deep breath and dived into the water.

The water temperature is very good, even slightly higher than the body temperature. If this place can be developed into a hot spring, I believe the business will not be bad

Gao Fei is not wrong. The "ghost fire" swimming around the edge of the whirlpool is indeed a kind of luminous fish.

As for this kind of luminescent fish growing in fresh water, what's its name - what does it have to do with Goofy?

Those fish swim very slowly, and they seem to have some dementia: Gao Fei opens the plastic bag and waits in front of them, but they don't know it. They just swim in slowly like an elephant walking in four directions.

These fish are not very big, that is, seven or eight centimeters long. The top of the head is shining, like a searchlight. The body is slender, like a small snake, but there is a bone ball on the tail, like a hammer.

The plastic bag goofy is holding can hold more than ten such fish.

When Gao Fei's lung qi consumption is almost the same, he has caught more than a dozen such fish.

Goofy lifted the plastic bag slowly in the water and found that he could get two or three meters below the water, which was more awesome than the flashlight he had brought.

"There's no way out. Who would have thought there would be such fish in this dark place? Of course, if only the fish could grow up a little bit, it would certainly give off a brighter light“

Gao Fei thought with a little regret. He pushed his feet and floated up slowly.

Perhaps, nine days away, the great gods, such as Buddha, Jesus, and the Virgin Mary, heard Mr. Gao's devout prayer, and sent him a big glowing fish.

However, it seems that the fish is a little too big. It is seven or eight meters long

Or to put it simply, the size of this luminous fish is 100 times that of those fish in goofy's plastic bag, just like a killer whale in the sea, more like a fast-moving locomotive, and the "searchlight" above the head looks like a car light.

The sudden appearance of a big glowing fish makes it shine like an electric welding flash in the dark. The flash is so high that it becomes blind in an instant. He quickly closes his eyes and cries in his heart: wocao, what is this?

Although he couldn't open his eyes for the time being, he could feel the water around him, which was obviously shaking. A kind of low roaring sound like that of a prairie lion was approaching him with the fastest speed.

Gao Fei was completely frightened. He quickly turned around to avoid the dazzling light, slapped the water with both hands, and floated to the water.

Originally, just now he was close to the surface of the water. With this effort, he immediately leaned out of his head. He opened his mouth and took a deep breath, but he felt a pain in his right foot.

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