Gao Fei clenched the Golden Snake sword, pushed forward again, and asked: "what's more, do you choose to starve to death, or do you try to kill more of these things while you have strength?"

Holding the cave wall, Tietu stood up with a sabre in his left hand and said faintly, "I will choose the latter."

"The view of heroes is similar - what are you waiting for?"

Gao Fei suddenly gave a big drink. He held up the Golden Snake sword and jumped in front of the snakes. From left to right, he pointed at those heads and cut them hard!

On the night of his death in Subei mountain, Gao Fei once cut off such a poisonous snake on the Bank of the Yellow River. At that time, he only used ordinary knives, but now he is holding a Golden Snake sword that cuts iron like mud.

Therefore, it will be easier to use the Golden Snake sword to cut the head of the black snake.

Sure enough, with Gao Fei's thunderous sword slashing down, the heads of more than a dozen poisonous snakes flew up and gave out the most frightening hiss.

"If you want to eat me, I'll break your teeth!"

In the roar of high flying, the Golden Snake sword turns into a golden dragon, flying up and down, circling left and right. Those black snakes are just like paper paste, with their limbs flying around. In a few seconds, there are at least 100 poisonous snakes, turning into two halves.

It seems to realize that this man is not easy to be provoked, and the loss of the poisonous snake group is not "in a rage", and then they rush to Mr. Gao's mouth, fly out of his stomach and give him an open stomach. Instead, they scream one after another and retreat like a black tide.

Gao Fei was overjoyed and his courage increased greatly. He cried out: "grass, you know you are afraid! What is the old iron old fellow hesitating? Follow my commander and kill the enemy bravely! Wow, look at the black hole ahead. It must be the den of the thief. When I kill him, I'll go ahead and kill him clean! "

Gao Fei's bravery aroused Tietu's competitive spirit and also inspired him. Holding a lighter in his right hand and waving a sabre in his left hand, he followed Gao Fei's right side and killed the snake who had no time to retreat: "OK, then kill him clean!"


A few sharp whistling and a few half snake bodies cut off by Gao Fei and Gao Fei rushed to tie Tu.

Tietu waved his knife and patted half of the snake.

However, he had just photographed these half snake bodies, but more half snake bodies came at him with a strange cry.

Everyone is brave and not afraid of death. They will never stop until they get into the mouth of the iron butcher!

"Oh, no!"

Tietu was shocked. When he retreated subconsciously, he was surprised to find that those half snake bodies only attacked him and bypassed Gao Fei.

What's going on?

Are these black snakes afraid of flying high?

Mind electricity turn between, iron Tu quickly jump after jump, cry out: "fly high, withdraw first!"

Gao Fei, who was killing happily, didn't know why Tietu wanted him to retreat, but he didn't hesitate for a moment. He somersaulted back and landed at the entrance of the cave: "what's the matter, what's the new discovery?"

Tietu looked at the half snakes struggling underground and said slowly, "have you found anything strange?"

"Strange place?"

Goofy looked as like as two peas at the snake, and suddenly he took a quick look at his forehead. "Ah, I see, how can I ignore these black snake, just like the black snake in the underground Kroraina?"

Indeed, as like as two peas, a bird of high spirits, it is forgotten that a problem is due to tension, ecstasy and fear. These strange snakes are exactly the same as those that bite the Subei mountain and the underground Kroraina.

The venomous snake from the belly of the northern Jiangsu mountain can also be explained by the reason that it was raised by the anguijiao people. As for the venomous snake in the ancient city of underground Loulan, it can also be said that the place is the habitat of the venomous snake.

But here, in Genghis Khan's mausoleum, where no one has been for nearly 700 years, how can there be so many black poisonous snakes?

Does Genghis Khan's Mausoleum have some mysterious connection with anguijiao and the underground Loulan ancient city?

Tietu was not concerned about this problem, but said: "it's not these that are strange, but they seem to be afraid of you, but not me."

Gao Fei is stunned: "what?"

Tietu repeated: "they are only afraid of you - don't kill them, go to them and see their reaction."

"They're afraid of me? No? "

Gao Fei blinks his eyes, grabs the Golden Snake sword and tries to walk towards the snakes who are entangled with each other again.

Old fellow, you must not cheat your brother, or else you will look good.

About two meters before the snakes, Gao Fei stopped subconsciously.

Tietu is like Uncle Benshan who deceives others to buy a crutch: "you take two steps, try to take another two steps."

"Well, you'd better not lie to me."

Gao Fei scolded in a low voice, so he had to keep going.

Then a strange phenomenon happened that made Mr. Gao feel proud and puzzled - those black snakes with evil eyes actually retreated slowly along with his slow pace, and even made a "squeak" uneasy sound.

"What's the matter? Are they my relatives

Gao Fei stares at the poisonous snakes. After a while, he suddenly thinks of one thing: when he was about to leave Loulan underground, moxie Zhengdong once took him to Loulan's "holy land" and threw him into the pool with poisonous snakes... It's also a good name to say that the water in the Holy pool can cure injuries.

As for whether the water in Shengtan can cure injuries, Mr. Gao forgot

But now he suddenly remembered that when he was climbing out of the holy pool, the black poisonous snakes around the pool just looked at him, but did not attack him.

After thinking of this, Gao Fei suddenly realized: I know that the poisonous snake dare not invade me, probably because I took a bath in the holy pool and drank some holy pool water.

At the same time, Gao Fei thought of another thing: in the secret road of the imperial club in the capital, he didn't take any antidote pills, but he could resist the poison gas that poisoned Mu Tianya.

It seems that he can escape the poison gas, and it is probably related to his drinking of Shengtan water!

Finally, Gao Fei finally realized that moxie Zhengdong had thrown him into the holy pool and drank the dirty and smelly water for his good.

But it was also the main reason for Gao Fei's anger. He felt that his self-esteem had been cruelly destroyed. Then he turned against moye Zhengdong and left the underground Loulan ancient city.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Fei figured out a lot of things. While shouting fluke, he felt guilty for Loulan queen for the first time.

When Gao Fei was staring at the restless snakes in a daze, Tietu walked carefully to his back and asked softly, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing. I think we can go into the snake cave safely and find a way out."

Gao Fei just woke up, shook his head and said, "you're right. They're really afraid of me - I'll talk about the specific reasons later. You'll follow me."

"OK, just a moment."

Tietu nodded and put out the lighter. After the lighter cooled a little, it was lit up again.

Gao Fei in front, tie Tu in the back, the two walked to the snake pile.

Like a boat that cuts through the water, with the slow pace of high flying, the snakes dodge like waves one after another. After they pass, they close quickly.

If there was a camera in this place, it would take such a picture: two men, like lovers, clinging to each other, walking slowly among the black snakes. Where they arrived, the Black Sea composed of black snakes suddenly separated on both sides——

In ten minutes, they walked out about fifty meters.

The torch in Tietu's hand gradually darkened.

Both of them didn't pay attention to the lighter, but speeded up their pace, and the snakes split faster, with a reluctant squeak.

The higher you fly, the lower the ground and the smaller the space on both sides of the passage.

Just when they seemed to turn a corner, a gust of wind came, and the lighter in Tietu's hand went out.

The gas in the lighter finally burned out.

Around, immediately fell into the dark, only countless small points in the flash of gloomy cold light.

Can fly two people but didn't care about this, eyes in the dark flashed excited light: there is wind!

Wind is the moving air.

Since there is wind flowing, it means that there is a place not far ahead to breathe, or to leave the snake cave.

All of a sudden, Gao Fei and his wife, who finally found a way to live, were in high spirits and quickened their pace of progress.

It's as if the snakes had the good intention of "sending the Buddha to the west". After Gao Fei and Gao Fei quickened their pace again, there were fewer and fewer small light spots (snake eyes) in front of them, the terrain became lower and lower, and the humidity of the air became higher and higher.

Finally, along with those snake eyes, Gao Fei and his wife turned a corner again, and their eyes suddenly brightened!

In front of them was a calm lake.

However, the lake is much smaller than the one that almost killed Gao Fei, which is the size of a basketball court.

But there are groups of glowing fish, which are less than tens of centimeters and can't attack humans.

The breeze, blowing from the high above the lake, also has a faint red light through.

They stood by the lake and looked at the glowing fish swimming around. They had the illusion of dreaming.

At the same time, they also understand why so many poisonous snakes have not starved to death: they rely on the luminous fish in the lake to survive, and this lake is likely to be connected with that great lake, which is connected with the underground river, and the underground river leads to the sea - in this way, there is no need to worry about the luminous fish in the lake being eaten up.

It seems that only this kind of luminescent fish can live in underground Hanoi.

Looking at the glowing fish, Gao Fei suddenly said, "do you think there are white bones under the water?"

"There must be."

Without thinking about it, Tietu replied, "these bones are probably the workers who built the mausoleum. Some died of fatigue and some died of illness, but most of them were killed after the completion of the work in order to keep the secrets of the mausoleum. "

"Well, it makes sense."

Goofy nodded and asked, "well, can we get out of here?"

Tietu affirmed: "as long as there is living water, we can leave here - but this lake is not the place to leave."

"Oh, it makes sense."

Gao Fei nodded again, and suddenly asked, "did you encounter a big fish to bite you when you were washed into the deep lake along the river?"

"No, because I'm not stupid enough to dive to catch fish."

Tietu's reply depressed Gao Fei: "as soon as I fell down, I saw abnormal light at the bottom of the lake. Of course, I won't go to look for trouble. Anyway, I have a lighter to light."


Gao Fei low scolded a sentence: "together, I am very stupid."

"If you're really stupid, don't follow me."

Tietu said leisurely and walked along the lake to the other side.

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