"Of course not."

Kayang living Buddha shook his head: "if someone comes in from the other side of the river, there is no other way but to fall the same fate as us."

"Come on, don't be so fussy. Tell me what you're waiting for!"

Goofy is in a bad mood now. He is rude.

If you let the fanatical followers of Kayang live Buddha see this scene, they will be mad: what, you dare to call yourself Laozi to the living Buddha, our spiritual leader? What's your attitude? You don't want to die until dawn!

However, the living Buddha directly ignored Gao Fei's impolite attitude and explained, "I'm not talking about waiting for someone to save us, but waiting for the Dragon Cave to destroy itself. Now I believe you can see that the owner of this Dragon Cave is the mausoleum of Genghis Khan. But you may not know that before he was buried in the Dragon Cave, someone had occupied it... "

Next, living Buddha Kayang came up with a set of theories.

Gao Fei didn't get impatient this time. He listened to the living Buddha quietly.

But he was not as like as two peas in his heart, because the words of the card Yang lived in the same way as those he and iron slaughtered. Gen Gi Khan was really blinded by the Han people, and he found a dragon cave which looked like a cow, but actually had little luck.

After being disturbed by living people one after another, this Super Dragon Cave lost its Qi of Yin, and it will soon destroy itself.

However, if the Dragon Cave self destructs, can they escape?

Don't forget that it is more than 100 meters underground. If it is destroyed here, they will be drowned even if they are not killed.

So why does Kayang live Buddha say that he can get out?

After explaining in detail the reason why the Dragon Cave wanted to destroy itself, the living Buddha said, "you can't believe me, but I didn't lie to you."

To the surprise of the living Buddha, Gao Fei nodded: "I believe what you said, because we have already seen it."

Kayang's face changed: "what? You can see that, too? "

Gao Fei cocked up his right thumb, ordered Tietu and said with pride, "look, who doesn't know him? His grandfather was the main person in charge of opening Empress Dowager Cixi's tomb with sun dianying. The top scholar in that era, the commander in charge of the school, could not see such a shallow truth? "

Although Mr. Gao is proud on the surface, he doesn't think so in his heart: knead it, if you know that your brother came in from under the graveway, you will surely repent and scold yourself for being stupid. Why do you have to rush into that graveway and get hurt in the end!

"You're the posterity of Xiaowei Jin?"

Kayang looked at Tietu in surprise and asked politely, "may I have your name, please?"

Tietu said coldly, "my family name is tie."

"Tie, tie - Oh, I see!"

The living Buddha of Kayang patted his bald forehead hard and suddenly realized: "is your ancestor tiezhongtang, the master of the north school in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China?"

The terrible tomb robber on Tietu is really Tiezhong hall.

But he didn't know that he was the master of the north school. He nodded his head, but didn't say a word.

"No wonder you can safely walk through the death tomb road in Fengdu City, and you can see that the Dragon Cave will destroy itself. It turns out that you are the descendants of tiezhongtang."

The living Buddha of Kayang put his hands together and nodded slightly to Tietu, looking very respectful.

Gao Fei scratched the spoon of his head and asked, "is the old iron old fellow much younger? Oh, I want to know. How do you know that? "

Instead of answering, Kayang asked, "Mr. Gao, now that you know anguijiao, you should see that I am a member of anguijiao, right?"

It turns out that this thief bald is a man in anguijiao!

Gao Fei's heart was filled with awe, and then he woke up: if the living Buddha Kayang was able to meet sun Tianyang, who was holding the blue envelope of Angui Scripture, he must have an unclear relationship with Angui sect. No wonder he was so noisy. It seems that nothing can keep him alive this time!

Since Mu Tianya's death, Gao Fei has regarded anguijiao as his enemy.

He will spare no effort to eradicate Angui as long as there is a chance.

However, Gao Fei's appearance was indifferent: "well, of course I know you are from anguijiao, so what?"

There was a trace of satisfaction in the eyes of Kayang living Buddha: "to tell you the truth, I am the leader of the middle palace of anguijiao."

"You are the master of the middle palace!"

This is a fact that goofy is really surprised: "you are the master of the palace. But what is this about you and your old fellow iron?"

Kayang living Buddha said slowly: "of course, there is involvement, and it is closely related. Tiezhongtang, the ancestor of your friend, was once the leader of Zhonggong in anguijiao. In addition to being known as the great master of the Northern School of gold, his strange ways of dunjia and Yin Yang eight trigrams were also the super first-class level of that era. "


Before Kayang's voice fell, Tietu leaped forward and said, "how can my father be a member of Angui cult and the palace leader?"

In the face of the murderous Tietu, the living Buddha of Kayang is as calm as the wind: "I'm not lying. If your ancestor really called tiezhongtang and helped sun dianying open Empress Dowager Cixi's mausoleum, then he is the former head of Zhonggong Temple of anguijiao."

"Fart, you are Farting!"

Tietu gritted his teeth and opened his eyes. If Gao Fei hadn't stopped him, he would have killed the old monk with a knife: "you said my ancestor was the head of the middle palace of Angui sect. Why didn't I see the Angui Scripture that the head of the Palace should have?"

The living Buddha of Kayang bowed his head slightly and said softly, "that's because sun dianying surrendered to Wang Jingwei, was captured in a battle with the Communist army, and finally died in prison. Thirty three people were captured by the Communist army with him. All these 33 people died in prison. One of them was iron center. After his death, his remains were left behind by the guards of the Communist army, including Heipi's anguijing

After a pause, the living Buddha continued: "but at that time, no one attached importance to anguijiao, and there were many anti Japanese heroes and heroes in anguijiao. Therefore, Jiaozhong people, who had been prepared for a long time, easily recovered an GUI Jing from the relics of Tiezhong hall. It's normal for you not to know this, because after your ancestors were captured, the iron family was afraid of bringing disaster, so they moved out of their hometown - Mr. tie, is your ancestral home Tianling, Liaodong? "

Tietu's face turned white and his voice trembled: "yes, my ancestral home is Tianling, Liaodong."

The living Buddha of Kayang sighed: "Alas, I didn't expect that half a century later, the descendant of one of the three palace masters of anguijiao had become the vanguard of destroying anguijiao. Ha ha, it really made me feel incredible --"

As soon as living Buddha Kayang said the word "Yi", Gao Fei raised his hand and slapped him: "old thief, you want to confuse my brother's position, follow you?"

Gao Fei guessed right. After learning that tie TU was one of the three palace masters of anguijiao, he immediately got up with this idea.

But he didn't expect that, without waiting for him to say more bewitching words, he was seen through by Gao Fei.

After Gao Fei slapped him in the face, Mr. Kayang immediately shut up: Although he's a good old man, he's old after all. If you can't get rid of an old bone, don't get rid of it?

After pumping the card Yang living Buddha, he looked at the iron slaughtering old fellow: "old iron..."

Tietu didn't speak. After looking at Kayang living Buddha for a long time, he calmed down and said faintly, "I'm ok. Even if my ancestors and I are in the same age, I don't want the motherland to split. Therefore, I will never have any good feelings for this cult just because Laozu was an important figure in Angui cult. The reason is very simple. My father is the captain of the school. I don't have to do this business. "

"Well, you can just look at these."

Gao Fei was relieved that he had to kill Kayang living Buddha. He was worried that he would disclose these secrets to the Chinese authorities, which would cause a devastating blow to Tietu. Just as the Chinese would never allow the island people to be officials in the DPRK, even if the island people made great contributions to the country, this is a matter of position.

After comforting Tietu for a while, Gaofei returned to his concern: "you continue to talk about the plan of how we should leave here."

As if it was someone else who had just been drawn, Kayang living Buddha said, "after I came in, I carefully surveyed the fengshui of the mausoleum and worked out the definite time of the self destruction of the Dragon Cave."

Gao Fei asked: "when will the mausoleum self destruct?"

The living Buddha turned his head, looked at the huge coffin in the middle of the lake outside the door, and said slowly, "that coffin floats according to the trajectory of the 24 stars, but it is shortened to 12 hours. In these 12 hours, the huge coffin will float to the shore at some time. This time, it's about nine times. After nine finger flicks, the Dragon Cave will open the self destruction mode. "

Goofy took back his eyes and continued to ask, "how long is the self destruction time? In what way will it self destruct? Is the tomb collapsed or flooded? "

In the face of Gao Fei's series of questions, Kayang living Buddha, like a subordinate who reports to his superior, answers them one by one: "the self destruction time will not exceed an hour, and it will be in the mode of collapse and flooding on the top of the tomb. At that time, the whole Dragon Cave will be beyond recognition, all of which will be destroyed, and future generations will never see this wonder of the world again. "

Tietu interrupted: "how can we get out of here?"

Kayang living Buddha said: "water escape!"

Gao Fei and tie Tu asked in unison, "Shuidun?"

The living Buddha nodded and said, "the biggest characteristic of Dragon Cave is the flowing air and flowing water. The running water must be connected to the underground river. Once the mausoleum collapses, the veins below will certainly change, resulting in the diversion of the underground river, and the underground river that we come in will be dry. In this way, we can walk along the river course of the underground river and leave here calmly. "

Gao Fei frowned and pondered for a moment, then sneered and asked, "hum, how do you know that the channel of the underground river will be changed? What if it doesn't change? "

Kayang sighed: "well, if the river doesn't change its course, I hope you can kill me immediately, because I really don't want to be suffocated here. It's definitely a great fate for me to be able to sleep with a generation of Tianjiao after death. "

Both of them can see that Kayang living Buddha said these words with his heart.

"Then --"

Gao Fei was about to ask again, but Tietu asked first: "how did you get hurt?"

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