The last request of Kayang living Buddha is not too much.

After tracking Tietu to the ground, he did not eat anything. On the contrary, after a fierce battle with anguiwang and Gaofei Tietu, he was injured and consumed too much energy. It's normal for him to hope to have something to eat.

Gao Fei didn't refuse his request. He took out one of his bald fish and threw it in his arms.

As the saying goes, meat and wine go through the intestines, and the Buddha keeps them in his heart. It's like the living Buddha of Kayang, who has been a great monk. When he sees the dead fish, he just takes it up and gnaws it like his parents.

When he learned that his ancestor might be the head of Zhonggong in anguijiao, Tietu was in a low mood.

Goofy old fellow knew that if the incident was on him, his reaction could not be better than that of iron slaughtering. He took the shoulder of iron slaughtering: "old iron, let's go over there to see it."

Tietu looked up at the stone statue sitting on the Dragon chair and nodded silently.

Now, Kayang living Buddha, who was once hated by them and was once very powerful, seems to have nothing to do with it. They don't care if he can escape at all - where can this place go before the Dragon Cave self destructs?

As for whether the old thief would take the opportunity to fight back after adding some energy, they would not worry: when people are in a dangerous situation full of strange and unknown, they would abandon all deep hatred and work together to escape from the dangerous situation.

"Old fellow iron, there are things to keep in mind. The most important thing in life is to have peace of mind. "

Goofy stepped onto the tiny bridge and stopped.

Tietu looked up at the stone statue nearby and nodded: "I know how to calm down. Oh, by the way, what poison did you give him? "

Gao Fei said with a bitter smile: "I'm not the Asia invincible in the sun moon cult. Where can I carry poison with me? What I gave him was just a Dieda pill. I believe that the old thief can see it, otherwise he would be so happy? "

Tietu laughed, turned his head and looked at the living Buddha, who was squatting in the center of the hall and licking his fingers. He shook his head slightly and said, "I really can't see that he is 82 years old this year."

"After listening to his age, I thought of a word."

"Old but not dead, a thief?"

"Haha, you are as smart as me."

With a smile, Gao Fei stepped down from the bridge and came to the throne: "do you think what he said is credible?"

Tietu pondered for a moment before he said, "I can't find a reason for him to lie."

"Well, then what he said is true."

He picked up the Golden Snake sword in his hand. Gao Fei frowned and said, "the old thief Tu just wondered. With Angui Wang's skill, she could take away the sword... But why didn't she take it back? Is there any conspiracy? "

Tietu's mouth turned up and said faintly, "maybe she's in love with you. She's willing to give her sword to the hero."

"Hey, don't tarnish the great word" hero ", but what you say is very reasonable, hehe."

With a narcissistic smile, Gao Fei put away the Golden Snake sword, looked at the ink and curled up imperial edicts on the Dragon case, and said in disappointment: "unfortunately, these are all carved in stone. If it's true, it's valuable. "

Tietu didn't say a word. He raised his chin and looked at the stone statue.

This stone statue of timuzhen should have been beautified. Otherwise, Genghis Khan, who had gone through hardships in his childhood and led his army to fight in the north and South and swept across Eurasia, was not so beautiful as the carved stone statue. He didn't look like the arrogant generation who bent his bow and shot at the carving, but rather like a Confucian general who abandoned his pen and joined the army.

But no matter who comes to see it, we all know that this is timuzhen.

Because apart from him, in the past 700 years, no other emperor has been able to build a mausoleum like this after his death.

"A generation of Tianjiao only knows how to shoot Eagles with curved bow. Even if he was powerful in Europe and Asia before he died and occupied this Super Dragon Cave after he died, he will never return to this world again?"

Goofy went to the statue, raised his hand and rubbed gently, feeling the warmth and the cool old fellow of Huang Yu. "Old iron, do you think the jade statue of this statue is not Huangshi?"

Tianhuangshi, known as "soft gem" by the world, is a rare resource unique to China. It is only produced in a field less than one square kilometer in Fukien Province. It is also produced in the fields because of its yellowish hue, so it is called tianhuangshi.

A stone of the same size is many times more valuable than gold.

In a foreign auction, a piece of tianhuangshi, the size of a football, sold for hundreds of millions of US dollars. Moreover, there is still no market for it. Even relevant experts assert that it is the largest tianhuangshi in the world.

Tietu had a wide range of knowledge. Wen Yan went over and knocked on him. Then he stretched out his tongue and licked his head. Then he nodded: "more than 80 percent is Tian Huangshi."

Goofy was surprised: "shit, it can't be true, can it? Isn't it true that the biggest Tian Huangshi in the world is the size of a football

Tietu said faintly: "in my book, Tian Huangshi was also introduced. According to the book, tianhuangshi is the stone left by Nu Wa when she mended the sky. The most important feature of tianhuangshi is that it is "rootless" and seems to grow out of the soil. However, before the Ming Dynasty, tianhuangshi was not noticed, and the local residents were angry because they broke their plow when they plowed out of it. "

Turning to the back of the statue, Tietu continued: "however, in the Ming Dynasty, it is said that Zhu Yuanzhang lay down on tianhuangshi for a sleep after he was injured. When he got up, he found that his injuries were all right, so he named tianhuangshi" Yushi. ". In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong dreamed that the Jade Emperor gave him Tian Huangshi and wrote the words "Fu, Shou and Tian". On New Year's day, Tian Huang was sacrificed to heaven. Therefore, Emperor Qianlong collected a large number of Tian Huangshi. Since then, Tian Huangshi's value has been beyond control. "

After a brief account of the origin of Tian Huangshi's value, Tietu shrunk back and said noncommittally: "in a word, all priceless treasures are nothing but hype if they can be respected by the world. In fact, they are not as valuable as a dead fish. When people are hungry, they can live by eating a dead fish, but can treasure be eaten? "

When Gao Fei and his wife stand in front of the Dragon case and talk, the corner of their eyes is staring at the huge coffin outside the door.

They're waiting, waiting for the giant coffin to come ashore.

The old thief Tu of Kayang living Buddha said that when the coffin landed between the nine fingers, it was the beginning of the self destruction mode of the Dragon Cave.

It is not known whether they can escape from Shengtian after the self destruction mode of Dragon Cave is turned on.

In the face of the impending disaster, it is false to say that people are not afraid and nervous, even if they are used to seeing life and death.

Otherwise, they would not ease their anxiety by studying Tian Huangshi.

Sitting on the Dragon case, Gao Fei looked at tie Tu and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the book left by your ancestors was so light. Is that book called" a thousand worlds "? Hey, hey, if we can get out of here, can you lend it to me later? "

Tietu shook his head and refused: "no way."

Goofy asked dissatisfied: "why not, we are brothers."

Tietu went to the Dragon case and looked at the huge coffin outside the door. He said leisurely, "there is a ancestral precept in my family. In every generation of the iron family, only one person can read that book - now I am the second one in the iron family who can read that book, and the third one is my son."

"Grass, you are swearing at me."

Gao Fei scolded, and suddenly asked, "is there any special description in the book handed down by your ancestors about Tian Huangshi's other functions besides being valuable? For example, it can absorb water like a sponge. "

Tietu sneered and said without looking back: "bullshit, tianhuangshi claims that it's true to be a soft gem, but it can't absorb water."

Goofy's voice was strange: "look back."

Tietu subconsciously looked back and saw Gaofei spitting on the stone statue's face with his mouth open.

Tietu frowned: "Gaofei, although this is just a statue of Genghis Khan, you can't either --"

Tietu's words had not finished, but he was surprised to see that Gao Fei's spitting on the face of the stone statue was quickly absorbed by the stone statue: "eh, how can it be like this? Isn't this Tian Huangshi? "

Goofy jumped from the Dragon case and pulled out a dead fish on the stone mouth. He laughed with pride. "I didn't expect you old fellow to see your eyes."

Gao Fei presses the dead fish on the stone statue because the dead fish can squeeze out water.

When the pain is light, he wants to see if the stone statue can absorb all the water from the dead fish. It's better to make it into dried fish, so that when it's eaten again, the fishy smell will be much less.

However, as soon as he pressed the dead fish on the mouth of the statue, the pupils of his eyes suddenly contracted, and he quickly retracted his hand and stepped back: the dead fish pressed on the mouth of the statue actually disappeared into the middle and small part of the statue.

Just now, when they were wiping the stone statue, they had already determined that it was as smooth, warm and firm as ordinary jade (harmonious words). Apart from that, there was nothing special about it.

But now, they are horrified to see that the stone statue can not only dry the spitting on it like a sponge, but also absorb the dead fish, and the speed is very fast. Gao Fei just stepped back, and the dead fish was like sinking into the soft mud, and soon disappeared.

The face of the stone statue is still as complete as it was just now, without any defects, just like it didn't "eat" the fish.

It's amazing that a firm stone like tianhuangshi can absorb water. What's more, it can absorb a dead fish, but it still remains the same after it's finished, just like we eat a grape with our mouth open.

Isn't it terrible that stone can eat fish?

Tietu rubbed his eyes hard and murmured, "am I dazzled?"

"It's true that you have no eyes."

Gao Fei's voice was suddenly a little dry. He took out a fish again and smashed it on the male part of the statue. Then he opened his eyes.

They saw that the dead fish, like its predecessors, was quickly absorbed into the statue again, but there was no change in the surface of the statue.

What's going on?

Gao Fei looked at the place where the dead fish had disappeared. When his brain couldn't turn around, he heard Tietu cry in a low voice: "look at his eyes, his eyes!"

Tietu's nerves, just like his appearance and name, are cold and cool. At ordinary times, even if Mount Tai suddenly collapses in front of him, maybe he can still keep absolutely calm——

But now, when he called out this sentence, there was never fear in his voice.

Gao Fei suddenly raised his head and saw the dead eyes of the stone statue. At this time, it had a clear meaning of black and white. It also added the luster when only the eyes of human beings and animals were moving!

Stone statue, to live!

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