Both Tietu and Kayang living Buddha once said that the huge coffin floating in the middle of the lake would move according to the 24 constellations in the sky and dock at a certain time within 12 hours.

Kayang living Buddha also said that as soon as the giant coffin landed, after nine fingers, the Super Dragon Cave would start self destruction mode.

At that time, the stones above the mausoleum will fall, and the earth under the feet will crack, and there will be floods pouring out, submerging the whole mausoleum.

If they want to escape from the mausoleum, the only way is to hide in a place that can't be hit by huge stones or flooded by large water. After the Dragon Cave is completely destroyed, they can walk up to the ground along the underground river after the river is diverted.

The way to escape is simple, but it's more difficult to sit up than to go to heaven: where to hide?

main hall?

Is it the snake cave with countless poisonous snakes?

Or the top of the 999 steps outside Fengdu?

But no matter where they hide, they can't stop the huge stones falling from the sky and the surging lake water gushing from the ground.

When the huge coffin comes to the shore, after nine fingers, the Dragon Cave will start to destroy itself.

What's the time between nine fingers?

In Buddhism, there is a saying of "60 seconds in a moment".

There are 900 moments in a second, 900 thoughts in a second, and 810000 thoughts in a second. Therefore, 60 seconds of a flick of a finger is one fifteenth of a second.

Nine times a fifteenth of a second. How long?

It's nine out of fifteen, less than a second, a little more than half a second!

What can I do in half a second?

Just when you are about to think about this problem, the time between nine fingers has passed.

As a result, when Gao Fei and tie Tu looked at the huge coffin, they only felt that everything in front of them was suddenly shaking. A sound like thunder came from far away and near.

The real Genghis Khan Mausoleum, which will definitely be called the miracle of the world, will be destroyed by itself, but Gao Fei still doesn't know where to hide, so that he can escape the terrible collapse.

Not only did Gao Fei not know what to do, but also he vowed not long ago that he would take Gao Fei and tie Tu to escape from the living Buddha of Kayang. At this time, he became stupid.

He felt more and more dull thunder from the underground, and more and more obvious tremor at his feet. The living Buddha, who used to be known as a man who had seen through the world, turned pale and shivered with hands together and his whole body swinging. He recited the mantra that he had just heard from the main hall: "helana, magic Buddha, visana, Bang..."

Unfortunately, the curse could not bring him any comfort at all. On the contrary, he found it useless after reading it several times. He suddenly stood up, roared, held his head and rushed to the main hall.

Before the cataclysmic disaster, people will either be stunned or run around after extreme panic - in fact, the death rate is even faster.

If the living Buddha Kayang hides in the main hall, not to mention whether the stone statues will let him enter the magic barrier, just say that after the disaster, the towering palace will be the first to collapse and smash him into flesh mud.

Seeing that the confused Kayang living Buddha is about to rush into the main hall, Gao Fei grabs him by the shoulder and drags him back.

Before the collapse of heaven and earth, Kayang living Buddha no longer had any calmness. He struggled like crazy and screamed: "let me go, let me go, don't stop me!"

It turns out that the older people are, the more afraid they are of death.

Seeing the red eyes of Kayang living Buddha and shouting like a madman, Gao Fei raised his hand and slapped him in the face. He scolded: "old thief, bald, wake up!"

Gao Fei's sharp drink not only wakes up Kayang living Buddha and Tietu, but also seems to speed up the self destruction of the Dragon Cave - a stone decorated with stars, which looks as big as a basketball, falls from a height of more than 30 meters, smashes them not far in front of them, and makes a loud bang.

Then, countless large and small gravel, like rain, fell from the sky.

And the ground under their feet, also began to appear clear cracks, like spider webs.

The bluish white white fog came out from the crack, like a cracked hot water pipe.

The living Buddha of Kayang no longer struggled, but he turned his hands to the sky and said with a silly smile, "it's over, it's over this time - Oh!"

A stone the size of a ping-pong ball fell and hit him on the forehead, and his blood began to flow.

According to Kayang living Buddha's "pre competition inference", it takes about an hour for the Dragon Cave to self destruct.

In other words, this kind of collapse will last for an hour.

At the end of the day, a grinding plate will fall from high altitude, even a huge stone as big as a room.

And the underground cracks will become wider and wider, and water will rush out from below like a white dragon, and boulders will quickly seize the space in the Dragon Cave.

But Kayang living Buddha did not expect that when the self destruction mode of Dragon Cave was turned on, the destructive power was obviously greater than his estimation.

Tietu raised his hand to open the stone carving, sighed and advised: "Gaofei, let him in. Anyway, there's really no place to hide. Looking at him, I don't know how to avoid this disaster. "

"I know, I know how to hide away, old fellow, cheer up, follow me!"

Gao Fei, however, hissed and drank. He grabbed Tietu with his right hand and pulled the living Buddha Kayang with his left hand. He rushed down the steps of the main hall: "coffin, coffin!"


In the face of the disaster, Tietu also lost his cool. After listening to Gao Fei shouting for the coffin, he subconsciously looked at the huge coffin on the bank, and his eyes suddenly brightened: "ah, yes, coffin! As long as we hide in the coffin, we may escape this disaster! "

At the same time, Kayang living Buddha also giggled nervously: "yes, yes, that huge coffin is made of Phoebe. Its quality is like steel, and it is most resistant to corrosion and smashing. How can I forget this coffin? Cluck, it's a road of heaven and man

Compared with other trees, Phoebe bournei has three obvious advantages, in addition to stronger wood.

The first is corrosion resistance, which can be buried underground for thousands of years without decay.

The second is insect resistance, because there is a certain smell in the wood, which can make insects and ants dare not bite.

The third is that it is not cool to touch - to be exact, it has a magical feel of warm in winter and cool in summer.

Therefore, for thousands of years, Phoebe was not only the best wood to make furniture, but also the best choice for the feudal royal family to make coffins.

Genghis Khan's huge coffin is made of Phoebe, which is undoubtedly the best refuge.

After seeing the hope of survival, Kayang's spirit was greatly boosted. He threw away Gao Fei's hand and ran as fast as a galloping horse, surpassing Gao Fei and Gao Fei. His speed of escape was extremely inconsistent with his age.

Gao Fei was overtaken by the living Buddha Kayang. It's not that he can't run away. It's because tie Tu's serious injury has not healed. After the "fight" in the main hall just now, the wound cracked and blood flowed out of his trousers.

The living Buddha of Kayang is riding on the top of the dust. He is running forward. A stone the size of a small table top falls from the sky with the wind. It hits his head. He is so scared that he quickly reminds him: "be careful with the stones above!"


Without raising his head, the living Buddha suddenly let out a shriek. He held the stone high in his right hand and carried the magic skill of "four or two strokes of a thousand pounds". Unexpectedly, he took the opportunity to pull the big stone to the back and flew straight to the two of them.


Gao Fei was so angry that he grabbed Tietu's stab and rushed out. The big stone with the sound of thunder rubbed Tietu's back and hit him on the ground, making a dull sound.

Gao Fei and his wife thought that Kayang was unconscious, just an instinctive reaction to the huge stone falling from the sky.

But when they just got up and continued to rush forward, they saw that the living Buddha of Kayang jumped under a rock that was about to fall, and pushed it again. The stone was like a shell, whistling down on them.

Tietu cried out, "he's plotting against us!"

Gao Fei didn't speak yet. The living Buddha of Kayang gave a loud laugh: "yes, my Buddha is going to kill you two. Cluck, Gao. If you have the ability, you can leave the iron one to chase me!"

"Paralyzed, you old thief, what are you doing? I'll turn my face before I get out of danger! "

Gao Fei is furious. He just lets tie Tu go to catch up with him, but he sees that tie Tu's feet are soft and he rushes to the ground.

It turned out that Tietu was seriously injured after the battle of handler forest, and it was his last fighting strength to fight with Gaofei against Kayang living Buddha in the main hall.

In addition, he fell into a magic barrier before he rushed out of the main hall, which forced his potential out. In this way, today's iron butcher is like an oil lamp that will go out at any time. Once Gao Fei leaves him alone, he will immediately fall on the ground and have no strength to move.

The old fellow was frightened, and quickly stopped to fly, and he flew to the stone of iron slaughtering. He hugged him and cried out, "what's wrong with you, Lao tie? Hold on, hold on

Tietu's face was like gold paper. He had no color of blood. He looked extremely down and said with a strong smile: "Gaofei, don't worry about me, hurry up, run! If the coffin leaves the shore, there will be no chance to escape any more... "

Before he finished his words, he was snapped off by Gao Fei: "don't fart! You know that I can't leave you behind - that old thief bald, is he in the dark again? "

He was half held by Gao Fei and staggered forward. Tietu bent over and said with great effort: "he is not possessed by the magic barrier, but to prevent us from climbing into the coffin. Because the oxygen in that coffin must be limited. The more people consume, the faster it will be. We don't know how long we can survive this crisis. So, in order to fight for the most oxygen, he stopped us from passing. "

Tietu is right. That's what Kayang living Buddha thinks.

Although the huge coffin has a large space, it will be filled with oxygen when the lid is opened, but once the flood comes up and the lid is closed, there will be no fresh oxygen in it.

There's plenty of oxygen. One less person can breathe, and the rest can stay up a little longer.

That's why Kayang's living Buddha suddenly killed Gao Fei and refused to leave them outside the coffin.

After hearing what tie Tu said, Gao Fei suddenly understood why. Looking at the living Buddha Kayang who had already run to the shore and was about to jump into the coffin, his eyes were splitting with hatred: "old thief, bald, don't let me catch you again, or I have to..."

Before Gao Fei finished speaking, he saw two desktop sized stones falling from the sky one after the other, hitting the living Buddha Kayang who had just jumped up.

Give Mr. living Buddha another nine fingers, and he can jump on the huge coffin. But he didn't expect that, at his most critical moment, disaster is coming, and instinctively he let out a shrill roar: "ah!"

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