As the smooth mirror like lid of Tongtian coffin slowly cracked, a round hole appeared.

The hole is not big, the diameter is less than one meter, but it is enough for one person to get in.

"Damn, that's true!"

Gao Fei was overjoyed and didn't have time to help tie Tu, so he bent down to copy him in his arms and ran quickly.

"Goofy, wait!"

Gao Fei just ran to the cracked hole, but Tietu said: "Tongtian coffin has been sealed for 700 years. There must be poisonous gas in it."

Tietu is right. It's 700 years since the corpse of Dai Tianjiao was put into Tongtian coffin. Even if his corpse won't rot, the air in it will be sealed for more than 700 years, and it will certainly deteriorate or have corpse air.

For this little common sense, goofy knows it. When it is still one meter away from the entrance, it is put on the coffin. "Old iron, old fellow tomb novels, all said that when the coffin was opened, black or red corpses would pop out. But how could I not see them?"

Without waiting for tie Tu to answer, Gao Fei asked, "and do you think we'll find a hairy zongzi when we go down?"

As I have said before, in the field of tomb raiding, zongzi with long hair is a corpse, close to ghosts and gods.

As for the black and red corpse gas, it is the poisonous gas produced after the corpse rots in the coffin.

People will feel dizzy and nauseous after smelling the black corpse gas. If they don't breathe fresh air in time, they will be poisoned to death.

And the red corpse gas - Legend, if someone inhales, it will be compared directly.

"Help me, help my old man, please!"

The voice of Kayang living Buddha sounded from under the coffin. It was sad and heartbreaking.

But Tietu said with a smile, "if it's in a common coffin, there will be black and red corpse gas after the corpse rots, and it can't be ruled out that the corpse will turn into a big rice dumpling. But don't worry here. Who is Genghis Khan? That's the heavenly pride sweeping across Eurasia. The absolute real dragon emperor in Xiangshu, his successor Kublai Khan, will let his body rot? We will certainly take all the most advanced protection measures at that time. For example, there will be treasures that can prevent decay on our bodies. Since the corpses will not decay, they will not produce corpse gas, and they will not turn into big rice dumplings. "

"Oh, I'm relieved."

Gao Fei slowly stretched out his hand, put his right hand on the top of the round hole, and felt the air rising slightly: "you say, after we get out of danger, do we still take away the treasures around Tiemuzhen?"

Without waiting for tie Tu to answer, Gao Fei said with a smile, "hey hey, in fact, this Tiemu is nothing special. Besides building a Fengdu City, the main hall and the golden graveway underground, it seems that he doesn't see any special treasure. Can we say that all his favorite treasures are in this big coffin? "

"Ha ha, just the golden graveway, the stars dotted with pearls in the sky, and the golden pillars by the lake, including the chimpanzees, are priceless. It's nothing to be surprised that they just turn around in your mouth."

Tietu shook his head and gave a wry smile, then said: "but what you said is right. Compared with the wealth in the coffin, it seems that it's nothing. It is recorded in the book that the jade seal and Shi Bi are in Genghis Khan's mausoleum. I don't know whether they are true or false. If this is true, then the value of a piece of imperial seal will be able to cover all this. "

Goofy's eyes lit up: "really? Damn, if I can find the imperial seal, I don't want anything else. I want it! "

The imperial jade seal is known as he Shi Bi.

It is said that in the spring and Autumn period, Bian he, a man of Chu, got a jade in the mountains and offered it to King Li.

Li Wang let craftsmen identify, but was told that it was just a stone, Li Wang angry: pinch, you Bianhe dare to cheat Laozi. Come on, cut off this guy's left foot!

Later, when King Wu ascended the throne, Mr. Bian he went to offer treasure again on crutches.

After being investigated by craftsmen, King Wu still came to the conclusion that it was a stone and stood up: Damn, you cheated my father first, and now you cheat me again. How unreasonable! Come on, cut off his right foot!

Later, when King Wen ascended the throne, Mr. Bian did not dare to offer his treasure, so he held a stone and sat down under Jingshan and cried.

After hearing this, King Wen felt very puzzled, so he sent someone to ask him: Sir, it's OK. Do you cry? Is it because it's disabled? If that's the case, I'll provide you with a wheelchair

Bian he said that he didn't cry because he was disabled. What's sad is that his majesty took Baoyu as a stone and regarded loyal people as deceiving people. That's why he was sad.

King Wen was moved by Bian he's words, so he asked people to cut open the stone. There was a treasure in it.

In order to repay Bian he for his pain in offering jade, King Wen named the jade as he Shi Bi.

He Shi Bi was finally carved as a jade seal of the successor state in the period of the great Qin Empire.

In the 19th year of the reign of the king of Qin (228 BC), the state of Zhao was defeated by Qin and he Shi Bi was granted. Then the whole world was unified and he called himself the first emperor.

After the first emperor sat down with the emperor, he ordered the Prime Minister Li Si to write eight characters on He Shi Bi, which were carefully polished and carved into a seal by sun Shou, the jade worker of Xianyang.

Since then, he Shi Bi has really become the imperial seal.

According to historical records, in the 28th year of the reign of the king of Qin (219 BC), when the first emperor of Qin crossed Dongting Lake in a dragon boat, there was a big storm. Seeing that the dragon boat was about to turn over, the first emperor of Qin quickly threw the imperial seal into the lake, praying for the protection of the gods: I won't let you work in vain, there is a big red envelope.

After entering the lake, Dongting Lake was calm, cloudless and peaceful.

However, from then on, the imperial seal was lost. It wasn't until eight years later that Huayin Pingshu people fished out the jade from the lake and gave it to the imperial court.

Since then, the imperial seal has embarked on its bumpy road.

From Qin Dynasty to Tang Dynasty, it changed its owner several times and disappeared many times, but the dangerous ones were recovered by the authorities several times. Later, shijingtang of Tang Dynasty led Qidan army to Luoyang, and Li Congke, the late emperor, carried it and set himself on fire in Xuanwu building, so it disappeared.

As for the imperial seal discovered by a farmer named Duan Yi in the Northern Song Dynasty during the reign of emperor zhe Zong, it was "true" by more than a dozen scholars, but it was actually a fake.

Since then, the whereabouts of the real imperial seal have become a mystery for thousands of years.

Therefore, when Mr. Gao heard that tie Tu said that there might be a national seal in the coffin, his greedy heart was pounding.

"Well, I also read these from books. As for whether the imperial seal was in Genghis Khan's mausoleum, no one can be sure. Besides, even if you want to take it away, you have to live through this collapse, right? "

With a bitter smile, Tietu stood up slowly and said with a dignified look: "the air circulation below is almost the same. We can go down. Under the cover of the coffin, there should be a picture of the eight trigrams of Taiji. At that time, you can still turn it counterclockwise three times in a row, and the hole will close. Remember, the opening is clockwise. "

"It's easy. You go down first and I'll come."

Gao Fei, wearing only a pair of underpants, grinned and stood up and walked to the edge of the coffin.

Tietu's face changed, and then he stood up slowly: "Gaofei, do you want to save Kayang living Buddha?"

"The old thief, bald, can't die yet. He knows who the traitor is."

Gao Fei said without looking back. He quickly walked to the edge of the coffin and said with a smile, "don't worry. If there is not enough oxygen, I will kill him."

"Then, be careful and pay attention to the light of the Big Dipper."

Tietu looked up at the Big Dipper.

The bright light of the Big Dipper has become extremely bleak, and it is still teetering and may fall down at any time.

"Goofy, I think it's better not to risk it any more."

When Tietu looked down at Gaofei again, he had already gone down.


Tietu sighed, gritted his teeth, covered his mouth, and walked slowly to the edge of the coffin.

"Gao, Gao Fei, you bastard, save my old man. After the Big Dipper falls, my old man will never have a chance to live again!"

The living Buddha of Kayang, with tears on his face, yelled loudly as he pushed on the boulder. Later, he swore that both Gao Fei and tie Tu were suffocated in the coffin of Tongtian and turned into two big hairy zongzi. He was a bit of a Taoist monk and had no style of helping the living Buddha.

"Old thief, you dare to scold me again. Believe it or not, I really don't care about you?"

Just as Kayang's nose was slovenly, a sound of nature came from above.

He quickly wiped his tears and looked up. He saw that Gao Fei was climbing down the coffin. He was ecstatic and exclaimed, "Gao Fei, I will never scold you again. I promise with my personality that I will scold you again, and let me die by the snake's caesarean section!"

The spirit snake mentioned by Kayang living Buddha is the kind of black strange snake that ran out of the belly of the northern Jiangsu mountain at the beginning.

It is the most severe punishment in anguijiao for the snake to die by caesarean section. The victim's life is not like death, and even after death, he is in great pain.

"Grass, do you have personality? Laozi deeply doubts this. "

Gao Fei scolded and jumped down from the big stone. He crouched to observe the right leg of Kayang living Buddha: "how about it? Has it been smashed into meat mud? In fact, it's very easy to save you. Just cut off your leg and you will be free. "

Gao Fei shakes his Golden Snake sword and tries to cut down the right leg of Kayang living Buddha.

Frightened, the old living Buddha quickly waved his hand and begged for mercy: "no, no, Mr. Gao, don't be impatient. My leg is broken, but it hasn't been smashed into meat mud. After you save me, I can recover in two months at most. "

"Well, how can I get you out of the big stone?"

Gao Fei waved the Golden Snake's strange sword and said, "it's better to cut it off."

"No, never!"

"It's very easy for me to get out of danger. Your Jinjiao sword is very sharp, isn't it? As long as we dig a nest on the Bank of the big stone, we can move the stone with a push. "

"Hey, I didn't expect that you old thief, bald, have some wisdom."

After praising one, Gao Fei quickly turned to Dashi and said, "I hope time will come. Please pray to changshengtian."

"A BA La takes the devil to coax... Beg all parties to pass by the great God, and give me a way to live. In the future, I should not be served by three incense sticks sooner or later."

The living Buddha of Kayang began to chant sutras immediately. He looked attentive and devout. I felt pity for him.

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