Tongtian coffin is divided into two spaces: coffin and coffin.

The space between the coffin and the coffin can only be regarded as the periphery of the center.

There are tons of jewelry around the center, so what else can there be in the coffin as the center?

After listening to Gao Fei ask this question, tie Tu swallowed and spit, then said: "at least, there must be a generation of Tianjiao's body."

Gao Fei nodded: "this is for sure, otherwise there would not be such a coffin, let alone so many jewels."

Tietu said, "if you are the descendant of Tiemuzhen, will you put the most precious things beside him?"

Goofy nodded hard: "sure!"

Tietu coughed and asked, "guess what's in the coffin below?"

"The legendary imperial seal?"

Goofy's eyes lit up suddenly.

In terms of economic value, the jewelry around the coffin, even if sold at wholesale price, is enough to support the US military spending for a decade.

But when it comes to the value of meaning, these things together can't compare with a national seal!

The reason is very simple: as long as you have enough manpower and material resources, you can sweep the whole Eurasian continent like timuzhen and take all the jewelry as your own... But you may not be able to find the handed down jade seals that have been valued most by all dynasties since the great Qin Empire.

At any time, the saying that rare things are precious has its eternal truth.

Even if it's a piece of shit, as long as it's the only one in the world, there will be tycoons, politicians and beauties dancing around it, with greed in their eyes, praising its unique smell, which is unforgettable.

What's more, the imperial seal is the imperial seal, representing the whole feudal dynasty on earth.

"I'm not sure if it's in here until I see the imperial seal."

Tietu stood up, raised his feet, stepped down from the coffin, and stood on the priceless jewels: "are you interested in looking inside the coffin?"

"If I don't want to, I'll be the grandson of the whole world."

Gao Fei raised his legs and circled, jumping on the jewels.

Those jewels, immediately issued a creaking friction sound, as if to remind the two people: I'm a valuable jewel, just trample on it?

Tietu stepped on the jewelry and slowly turned around the coffin. Gaofei followed him and followed suit. Suddenly, it looked like a round grave (a kind of memorial ceremony). It will be held three days after the burial, and all the family members will go to the grave for the round grave ceremony to cultivate soil for the grave. The deceased's grandson and granddaughter (boy and girl) would turn around the grave three times in the positive direction and three times in the negative direction, which is called "open the door."

After many turns, when Gao feizhuan's eyes almost fell out, Tietu finally stopped in front of the big end of the coffin (one end of the coffin is big, the other is small, and the big end is the dead man's head). He sighed and asked, "are you sure you want to open the coffin?"

Goofy nodded: "I swear by the most precious part of my body, I'm sure I want to look inside."

"Although the coffin lid looks heavy, it's easy to open it. It's as simple as pushing a desk drawer. But what I want to tell you is that there is no big zongzi with long hair in it, but I don't rule out that there will be corpse gas. Maybe it's red. As long as I take a sip, it will go up immediately. Because we are now in the coffin, there is no fresh air to circulate

Gao Fei's mouth lashed hard and asked, "are you sure there is corpse gas in it?"

Iron Tu light answer: "90% assurance."

"Grass, then, don't open it for the time being until we get out of danger."

As soon as Gao Fei finished this sentence, there was a loud bang from the top, just like a mountain falling down, with a sudden shake at his feet. Countless jewels were shocked and jumped up, and Gao Fei and his wife were also shocked and overturned on the jewels.

Needless to say, it must be an extra large stone that hit the coffin.

The wood of Phoebe bournei is said to be stronger than iron, but it is not an iron plate of the same thickness after all. After an extra large stone was smashed on the coffin, the lid of the coffin was cracked though it was not broken.

Immediately, there was a waterline along the crack, as if the sky had a crack, splashed in from above and landed on the jewelry.

After seeing the spilled water, Gao Fei's face became very relaxed, just like being wiped off by an old lady with a rag. It turned out that when they were shocked by tons of jewelry, the outside world had become the world of water.

Although the water spilled stopped with the rising of Tongtian coffin, if you're lucky, maybe no extra large stone will fall down again, don't forget that both Kayang living Buddha and Tietu said that the whole underground mausoleum will be flooded, and water will definitely come in from the cracks.


There was another loud noise. The yacht like coffin was smashed at the crack by a big top like stone falling from the sky.

With this loud noise, the crack above Gao Fei and his wife turned into a gap the size of a desk. They were smashed down to the bottom of the lake. Before the coffin could float up, a large number of water flowed down.

Of course, with the rapid floating of Tongtian coffin, the water spilled in is much smaller.

But there is no doubt that as more and more boulders fall, the coffin will fall apart.

Looking at the big gap above, both of them were full of despair.

No one can remain absolutely calm until the end of the day, except the dead.

"What to do?"

Goofy bit the old fellow's cheek and hissed, "old iron, open the coffin!" Now even if there's corpse gas coming out, I don't care about it! "

As the lid of Tongtian coffin was smashed into a gap, the inner space was no longer sealed, and fresh air with water mist poured in quickly, even if there was any corpse air, they would not be fumigated.

The most important thing is that after the coffin of Tongtian coffin is smashed open, Gao Fei and his wife have to find a new refuge, and the coffin is undoubtedly the last hope that they can avoid this disaster.

So, for now, they have to hide in coffins.

As for whether the coffin will eventually be broken by the big stones falling from the sky - that is, it will be broken. What else can they do besides waiting for death?

Before the end, as long as there is a chance to prolong life, people will never waste it.

As for whether the jewels, tons of valuable jewels, will be buried in the ground, Gao Fei and his wife will not think about it before they die.

Tietu didn't say anything. He just got up, clenched his teeth, put his hands close to the two parts of the coffin, and pushed it with a little force. The coffin lid, which seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, actually slipped out like you opened the drawer, revealing the contents.

Since Tongtian coffin has not been completely drowned, Gao Fei and his wife are not in a hurry to jump down, but leave the coffin to prevent black or red corpse gas from coming out.

They waited for a few minutes, but they didn't see any gas coming out. However, another big stone hit the lid of the coffin on the top of their head. They all made a wolf cry and rushed to the coffin.

They craned their necks and looked inside: the space under the coffin is about 60 square meters, rectangular.

In the center of the coffin, there is a Kang about half a meter high, which is decorated with night pearls. It is about three meters long and two meters wide.

On the Kang, there are two human shaped things lying side by side. There are golden gossamer embroidered with dragon on them. They can't see their appearance clearly.

This may be the real body of a generation of Tianjiao.

As for the one lying on the Kang side by side with him, it should be his wife, Bo Er tie, who had been carried away but was pregnant with Shu Chi.

Above Tiemuzhen's head are two boxes carved from topaz.

Above the box, there is a machete with jewels inlaid on its sheath. It seems that this is the golden knife he used in those years.

Around the Kang, there were no jewels as outside, but empty, with only four lamp stands standing in four corners.

On each lamp stand, there is a night pearl like a watermelon ball.

These four night pearls are shining white, as if they are brighter than the tons of gems outside.

On the front of the coffin, there is a ladder that you can climb down.


Just as Gao Fei and his wife were watching, another big stone hit the coffin.

Tongtian coffin was smashed and quickly sank, a large number of lake water splashed down, and the gap became two.

"What are you hesitating about? Hurry down. Grass, it's good to live a few more minutes. "

Gao Fei gives Tietu a push.

"It's worth your life to be able to die together with a generation of Tianjiao."

Tietu sighed with satisfaction and stepped down the ladder.

"NIMA, you don't want to die with a great man. It's too stressful and uncomfortable to be a ghost."

Gao Fei scolded and walked down.

After walking down the two ladders, Gao Fei put his hands on the coffin lid with a little force. With the hissing light sound of friction, the coffin lid closed.

Although it's easy to close the coffin lid, the mechanism on the coffin lid has been activated at the moment of closing. If it is not opened artificially, even if it is broken by a stone, the coffin lid will not slide away.

Gao Fei still admires this design.

If he didn't see two corpses covered with golden gauze lying on the Kang, Gao Fei believed that he would never smell dead. Instead, he would ask a fragrance: sandalwood.

Originally, the Kang was carved out of sandalwood.

When the lid of the coffin was closed, the world became quiet again. For the time being, I could no longer hear the sound of a big stone pounding on the coffin.

Out of the respect and wordless fear of the future generations, Tietu and Gaofei did not lift the golden veil to look at the remains of their husband and wife. Instead, they sat down and looked at everything in front of them.

I don't know how long after that, a slight thump sounded from the top of the coffin lid.

Gao Fei and his wife both knew that it was the sound of a stone falling into the coffin and hitting it on the top of the coffin.

At the same time, it also proved that the lid of Tongtian coffin had been smashed in a mess, otherwise no gravel would have been smashed down.

Maybe, it won't be long before the coffin will be smashed open like a sky coffin, and then water will pour in.

After that, everything is special. After that, for tens of thousands of years at most, later generations accidentally found several bone fossils underground and took them to the museum for students to visit. The tickets are 250

"Well, there's a saying in our orphanage that you can't get out of the sorghum field by the grass. It seems that we are doomed to suffer grass. I have to see the great Genghis Khan before I say anything

Gao Fei sighed, stood up and walked to the Kang made of sandalwood.

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