The clear and graceful songs flow slowly in the box.

The rhythm of this song is obviously light and pleasant, but when it's played at this time, it gives Gao Fei a heavy sense of depression, and he can't help clenching his fists.

In the song, Mu Tianya said: "Xiaofei, do you remember how we met?"

Goofy didn't speak, just closed his eyes slightly.

Mu Tianya said softly, "we met online. At that time, your online name was Guiwu, and my name was Tianya. Later, you changed my online name to call you my Tianya. At that time, I was at home, you were in the Internet bar, we two were fighting landlords on the Internet, and we worked together to dig other people's happy beans. Ha ha, I'm so happy to think about that time. We had a quarrel for some worthless happy beans. You always blame me for being too slow to play. that

Some people who have been cheated by us will also trumpet and call us adulterers * *, and then we will laugh... "

Gao Fei picked up the cup and poured the cooled tea into his mouth together with the tea.

The tea is cool and bitter.

Mu Tianya picked up the wine glass, shook the red wine like blood inside, and murmured: "that was the happiest time in my life, which will never be forgotten. But later, I was no longer satisfied with your satisfaction, because you were satisfied with working in a welfare factory and earning more than 1000 yuan a month. But I don't want to live like that. I long to live a more material and happy life. For this, we began to quarrel, quarrel more and more times, you say I hate

Poor love rich, I said you are not enterprising, a little boy - finally, after a quarrel between us, I know a person

Speaking of this, Mu Tianya took his glass and drank all the red wine in it. His pretty face immediately showed a touch of charming red: "that man is a rich British businessman. I met him on the Internet. He said that he can give me what I want - in order to prove that he didn't cheat me, he paid me $100000 in his account that night..."

Gao Fei finally spoke in a flat voice, neither sad nor happy: "then you met him, and then you broke up with me."

Mu Tianya turned off MP5 and nodded: "well, I saw him a week later. It turns out that he is the president of Conrad group, a billionaire. Ha ha, in fact, I don't know how a rich man like me, but it's true. When he handed me his visa, I realized that it was all true. "

"Well, congratulations."

Goofy played with the teacup and asked, "are you feeling good now?"

Mu Tianya gave a wry smile and said in a low voice, "when he was alive, our relationship was very good."

Goofy frowned, "is he dead?"

Mu Tianya sighed: "Oh, yes, he died of old age. He was 83 years old when he died."

Gao Fei was stunned: "originally, it's an old man?"

Mu Tianya nodded: "well, he is an old man. When he married me, he was already 75 years old."

Gao Fei suddenly has a disgusting feeling when he hears that Yan Hong is a woman of two old men. Fortunately, he quickly takes Liang Ming's cup of herbal tea and suppresses this feeling.

Mu Tianya looked at Gao Fei without blinking: "I know that you must feel sick now, because I know that you actually have a mental cleanliness habit. Every time you feel uncomfortable because of something, you will drink cold water."

Gao Fei put down his tea cup and said faintly, "you're right. I can't change this bad habit. But anyway, you got everything you wanted from that old man. "

Mu Tianya admitted frankly: "yes, I got everything I wanted, money and status. Before he died, he gave me 30% of his shares in Kangnai Group, and I became the president of Kangnai Group. "

Goofy laughs: "you are a multimillionaire now."

Mu Tianya also laughed: "this is a fact."

Gao Fei added: "now you have a happy life. You should find a young talent and continue to live a happy life. Oh, by the way, don't tell me anything. You should be widowed for that old man, or I'll have to drink my sister-in-law's cup of tea. "

"Your mouth is still sharp and unforgiving."

Mu Tianya bit his lower lip and looked at Gao Fei's eyes filled with deep feeling: "Gao Fei, you are right. After he died, I made up my mind to find a young talent. And I'm doing it right now. "

Gao Fei's eyes narrowed slightly and said coldly, "do you mean to have a new life with me?"

Mu Tianya nodded: "yes, that's what I mean! Goofy, when we were together before, we had love, but no economic foundation. Now I have the economic foundation - although these are based on the pain of our parting and eight years of good youth, we are still young. You are only 26 this year, and I am 28. Both of us are in the best prime time in our life, so of course I want to find my love again! Goofy, as long as you

Yes, I can give you the position of president of Kangnai Group, so that you can understand how important your position in my heart is! "

Mu Tianya said later, only to find that Gaofei looked at her eyes, more and more cold, can't help shivering: "Gaofei, where do I say wrong?"

"You're right. From your point of view, it's perfect."

Goofy grabbed the cup and whispered, "but in my opinion, you are at least two wrong."

Mu Tianya asked: "which two points?"

Goofy stretched out his index finger and shook it: "first, I don't care about your strong economic foundation now, and I don't know how to be a bullshit president. If I have no culture, how can I be a president?"

When Mu Tianya's face began to turn white, Gao Fei stretched out his middle finger again: "second, since the day you left, I have no more love for you. I'm here today because of Liang Ming. If I let you down, you can embarrass him. But I tell you, even if you go to embarrass him, I still have a way to solve it for him. "

With these words, Gao Fei stood up, turned and walked to the door.

Mu Tianya then stood up and screamed, "Gaofei, stop for me!"

Gao Fei went to the door, then stopped and asked: "Mr. mu, what else do you have to do?"


Mu Tianya walked quickly behind Gao Fei, hugged his waist tightly, put his cheek on his back, and sobbed: "Gao Fei, I beg you not to go, I love you, I love you! In these eight years, I miss you every night before I go to bed. Only thinking of you can I fall asleep! Xiaofei, promise me that we will start over again, and I will give you double compensation. Believe me -- "

Without waiting for mu Tianya to finish, Gao Fei suddenly asked coldly, "you say that you miss me every night before you go to bed. When that old man fucks you and you shout happily, do you think of me?"

Mu Tianya body a stiff, slowly release hands, astringent voice way: "Gao Fei - you, how can you say this kind of obscenity?"

Gao Fei laughed and said, "dirty? Hey, hey, I'm a dirty person. What's so strange about being dirty? "

"You, you were not like this before!"

Mu Tianya slowly stepped back two steps, with pain in his eyes.

"People change. Some people get better, others get worse. I'm sorry, I'm the latter

Gao Fei whispered the words and opened the door.

Mu Tianya hugged him again and gasped: "Gaofei, don't go, I won't let you go!"

Gao Fei asked blankly: "why?"

"I, I love you!"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, I love you, very much!"

Mu Tianya nodded his head hard. His high chest was tightly attached to Gao Fei's back, but his right hand was slowly stretched down along his belly. He moaned and said, "stay, you stay. Tonight and later, I'm all yours. I'm just your own - forbidden."

The term "forbidden" refers to something that is precious and beautiful, which is owned by oneself but not allowed to be shared or touched by others.

When a gorgeous and coquettish woman tells a man that it's his forbidden, she can always arouse a man's strong desire for possession.

Mu Tianya no doubt knows Gao Fei very well. She even believes that after she says these two words, Gao Fei will suddenly turn around and hold her, pinch her neck and roar: you are mine, my forbidden, I won't let you leave me again, never!

But let her heart a sink is, high fly but grasped her that downward hand, then slowly break off, no longer look at her one eye of walked out.


Mu Tianya hissed, grabbed the door and slowly collapsed on the ground, tears.

Gao Fei walks out of Yueming Hotel and looks up at the sky: the wind is clear, the clouds are light, and the moon is high.

"It's a fine day tonight. It's a good day to kill people."

Gao Fei looked at it for a moment, then walked into the darkness quickly.


1 a.m., villa 16 in the southern mountain area.

A dark cloud passed by, covering the moon in the sky and the wind blowing from the south, making the temperature seem to become muggy all of a sudden.

"Paralyzed, there was a rainstorm yesterday morning. Why is it cloudy again? Is there any rain?"

Erhu, who patrols with Zhang, scolds in a low voice and raises his hand to wipe the sweat stains on his forehead.

Zhang said lazily: "in June, maybe it will rain. It's no surprise. Yawn, what time is it? "

"It's one o'clock, two more hours, and they'll take over."

Erhu took a look at the mobile phone, looked around, and whispered, "Hey, big Zhang, I heard the team leader say that our Weiwu security company is making a lot of money this time."

Da Zhang replied: "it must be very profitable, otherwise the team leader would like to do so? I've also heard that someone is actually going to assassinate the old man in the villa. Sometimes I think, "what if those people come when we are on duty?"

Erhu ha's a smile, waved the film stick in his hand: "dare to come? One for one, two for one! You didn't listen to our team leader. As long as our customers have our powerful security protection, it's absolutely solid! Let alone a killer, even a fly can't fly past our eyes... "

Look at Zhang and erhu standing in front of the villa in high spirits, a faint shadow, like a ghost, floated gently from behind them.

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