
After seeing these blue eyes in the dark, Tengger's heart almost jumped out of his throat, his head roared, and his blood suddenly became cold.

The wolf had been ready to fight for a long time, but it didn't rush up immediately. Instead, it stared at his eyes and didn't move.

People on the grassland all know that when they meet a wolf in the wild, if they immediately turn around and run, they will fall to the ground from behind if they don't take three steps.

If you keep confrontation with wolves, one person and one wolf can stand up in the middle of the night.

It's just like two top experts fight each other, winning or losing in a moment. It's about who gives up first.

The wolf was obviously a "master". He didn't rush up immediately, but was waiting for Tengger to turn around and run away.

Since Tengger understood this truth, he certainly would not make such a fatal mistake. Moreover, his sharp blade with bull's ears was at his feet. He just had to crouch slowly to pick up the knife, and even if he could not kill the wolf, he could drive it away.

But Tengger was still afraid.

Because he was not sure he could deal with two wolves at the same time: one was right in front of him and the other was on his left.

Wolves, the smartest hunters in the animal world, are even better than the male lions in the African savannah - they know more about group warfare, so that some people describe them as born militarists.

The threat posed by a pack of wolves to their prey is more terrible than that of an equal number of lions.

If there was only one wolf, Tengger would still be able to fight it to the death with his teeth clenched.

But now there are two wolves, one is in front of him, the other has put his head on the ground, body high bow, began to inch by inch to him.

Few people know that the speed at which wolves hunt their prey is no less than that of cheetahs.

What's more, Tengger can't tell which one of the two wolves is the main attacker. Maybe both of them are: when he goes to deal with one of them, the other will come up with the fastest speed, lie down on his neck and bite his throat!

As the wolf on the left approaches, Tengger finds out in despair that this is a wolf couple.

Pair of wolf couple, in the hunting and killing of prey means, with absolutely perfect.

Tonight, it's time for Dangle to die.

Perhaps, being eaten by wolves is the bad luck Tengger must accept.

But as soon as he thought that his three children and his wife would become orphans and widows after his death, and no one would take care of them any more, Tengger was in despair and even more painful at the same time.

The wolf is a kind of intelligent animal. Under the absolute advantage of two to one, they will never confront Tengger. Instead, they take the initiative to attack, and even don't bother to test. Both wolves make a posture of attacking at any time, with a deep roar in their mouths, and they lower their heads and slowly force up.

"Great immortal God, can't you have pity on your child?"

Tengger heart despairing roar out this sentence, two wild wolves at the same time on the ground like lightning bounce, rushed up.


Under the condition of death, Tengger reluctantly made a final counterattack. In the roar, he bent down to pick up the sharp knife of bull's ear and stabbed the male wolf in the stomach: he must die, but before he died, he hoped to die with one of them!

Dying together with one of the wolves has become Tengger's last request to changshengtian. However, when his knife stabbed the male wolf in the belly, he was frightened to find that the wolf turned abruptly in the low air, dodged his sharp knife, put his paws on his shoulder and bit him down the neck!

The wolf's bloody mouth is full of disgusting blood, and its sharp tusks are shining in the moonlight.

At the same time, another wolf has also rushed to his back, the target is his back neck.

Tengger couldn't escape at all, and even didn't have time to make a second counterattack action, so he saw the God of death grinning at him.

"It's over!"

Tengger cried out in despair and closed his eyes for the last pain.

"Ow - woo!"

Tengger did not wait until the neck was bitten pain, but until the wolf screamed, and then the body was heavily knocked down on the ground by the wolf, the head was a wolf pressure in the body.

Then, he heard the "squeak" sound of the wolf before he died. The wolf, who was pressing on his face, jerked a few times and did not move.

"What's going on?"

Tengger waited for a long time, then raised his hand and tried to push away the wolf on his head. Then he saw the clear night sky and felt the fresh cold air with moisture.

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead!"

Clearly feel still in the world of ecstasy, let Tengger suddenly sat up, and then saw the two wolves to kill him.

The two wolves were lying beside him. By the bright moonlight, he could clearly see that the heads of the two wolves had been knocked down by something, and their eyes could no longer shine blue.

Both wolves died, their heads were broken, but there was no wound.

The value of these two intact wolf skins can be worth hundreds of Jin of fish. They can not only buy a new suit for each wife and child, but also save more than half of the money for him to buy some winter goods.

What's more, there is wolf meat. I'm afraid I can't afford it. As long as I save some food, I can survive this cold winter.

"Eternal Heaven, finally favor me!"

Tengger wept with joy, turned over and knelt down on the ground. Just as he was about to thank changshengtian for his kindness with a big gift to the lake, his head roared again and he stood there with his mouth wide open.

A girl was sitting on the ground behind his voice, holding the drooping green silk in her hand. Her beautiful face was shining with soft color in the moonlight. She combed her hair slowly and gently, just like a fairy.

This girl is the one he fished out of the lake with a dip net.

"You're not dead. You're not dead."

Tengger looked at the girl in a daze. He didn't know how long it took. His eyes were straight.

The girl did not answer, just soft smile, open arms stretched a stretch, body curve slim, like a snake as enchanting.

"You are the goddess of the lake of zasgur. You saved me!"

Tengger suddenly understood that he didn't dare to look at the goddess any more. He quickly threw himself on the ground and used the most devout way of nomads to thank the goddess who saved him.

The goddess said, "get up."

The goddess's voice was very nice, which made Tengger think of the lark flying across the grass in spring. It also had irresistible magic. She got up obediently, but still knelt on the ground.

The goddess said again, "what's your name and why are you here?"

Tengger looked at the dead wolf and replied in fear: "my name is Tengger. I, I just came to the lake to fish because I really can't live any longer. Please forgive me for my rude behavior."

In Tengger's opinion, the goddess is making love with her lover underwater, but she is caught by his net... This is absolutely a stupid act that makes the goddess furious.

The goddess laughed. Her voice was as clear as a silver bell, with a whine that made the man's heart jump: "giggle, I'm not a goddess, I'm just a drowning man, just saved by your fishing net. I want to thank you."

Tengger quickly waved his hand: "no, no, you are the goddess. I dare not accept your thanks."

In Tengger's opinion, the girl who can break the heads of two ferocious wolves with a wave is not a goddess?

The goddess did not say anything more, but asked softly, "Tengger, I want to ask you to do me a favor, OK?"

To be able to help the goddess is a great honor for Tengger, oh no, for everyone who lives near the lake!

Tengger fell on the ground again, sobbing in his voice: "please tell the goddess."


A few hours later, as the eastern sky began to brighten, danger drove his imported walking tractor back to his door.

Walking tractor carriage, carrying two dead wolves, as well as the goddess and her lover.

Why hasn't the goddess's little lover woken up yet?

Tengger was not in the mood to consider this question, because he was very uneasy: will the goddess be angry with me because I want to take off her clothes and boots?

Although Tengger had taken the initiative to explain to the goddess why he did so.

But the goddess did not speak, just smile, as if the goddess smile, enigmatic.

When she got out of the car, she comforted him in a soft voice: "Dangle, I forgive you for your offence. That's because you are thinking about your wife and children."

Tengger was stunned, then he was overjoyed and even said thanks. If it wasn't for the goddess's obstruction, he would have fallen to the ground again.

After hearing the sound of the walking tractor, Tengger's wife, Zhuoma, and three children woke up and ran out excitedly to see what surprise he could bring to his family.

When she saw a fairy like girl standing beside her husband (father), Zhuoma was stunned. The three boys hid behind her with low self-esteem, but they couldn't help exploring.

"Dangle, this is --"

Zhuoma was about to ask something, but Tengger said: "Zhuoma, hurry up, go to burn hot water!"


The goddess nodded to Zhuoma politely and then came into the room with her little lover in her arms.

The word "four walls of family" seems to exist specifically for the Tengger family. Apart from a light bulb and a flashlight, there is no household appliance in the family. Instead, there are two big windows with thick hay and two dirty quilts on them.

The small table under the north wall and a few wooden stools are the only furniture in their family.

After seeing this environment, the goddess frowned slightly, but then stretched out, took her little lover to the child's window, lifted the quilt and put her little lover on it.

Tengger and his wife are busy burning hot water outside. The three and a half year old children hide behind the door and peep carefully.

The goddess turned to smile at them, ignored them and began to undress her little lover.

Soon, holding her wet clothes, she turned and asked the three children, "who wants to help me size this dress?"


Thirteen year old Rihong, eight year old tren and four year old gukoda, all in one voice, snatched out from behind the door.

The children of poor families have been in charge of the family for a long time. Since last year, the three children have followed their mother to work in the hotel in the town (that is, to wash the sheets and other things).

The goddess looked at the three children and pointed to Rihong and teren: "just you two."

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