Jin Qifen couldn't understand why someone would treat him so rudely under the habit of worshiping foreign countries and fawning on foreign countries. Without any reason, he rushed over and threw him to the ground.

On the screen, Jin Qifen once played a strong man with "a wave of both hands, the earth shaking, and countless demons and ghosts killed and injured." he killed everywhere and was awe inspiring. But in reality, he was a young man who grew up eating hamburgers and came to the front of the building with a white face. How could he be the opponent of such a barbarian as Gao Fei?

Jin Qifen was trampled on the ground. He couldn't see the expression on the faces around him, but he could guess that there would be pictures of him being humiliated in the newspapers and on the Internet tomorrow morning at the latest.

As an idol star, this kind of thing is fatal. He must try his best to recover his image, win the sympathy of fans, and turn the disadvantage into advantage.

Therefore, he had to bite his teeth and face not to give in, sternly asked: "excuse me, why do you want to do this to me?"

The problem of Jin Qifen is also what fans around want to know.


Looking at Xiao yu'er who fainted in his arms, Gao Fei said with a sneer, "just because your bodyguard pushed her down, you just ignored her and let her be trampled on."

Jin Qifen quibbled: "was she pushed down? I didn't see -- "

Before he finished his words, Gao Fei forced his right foot. Jin Qifen couldn't keep his idol demeanor any more. He cried bitterly and asked for mercy in a low voice: "please let me go, let me go!"

Gao Fei took back some strength and said faintly: "I don't object to your coming to China to earn these brain damaged money, but you should not put yourself in a high position. I can let you go. You have to apologize to her. "

"I, I apologize!"

It is not only in China that there is a market, but also in South Korea.

Gao Fei drew back his feet. Jin Qifen got up from the ground and looked at Gao Fei insidiously. He lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Goofy tilted his chin slightly: "speak up."

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry!"

Seeing the tendency of Gao Fei's right foot rising again, Jin Qifen's voice quickly became higher.

But goofy's next request made the proud South Koreans feel angry: "kneel down and talk."

Jin Qifen suddenly raised his head, and his handsome face began to be ferocious: "you, you deceive people too much!"

Goofy grinned: "bullying people who are not as good as me. This is one of my few hobbies. I'll give you three seconds."

Jin Qifen stares at Gao Fei fiercely. Just when Gao Fei wants to raise his leg, he kneels on the ground in a hurry, closes his eyes and yells: "sorry!"

"I don't understand why Bangzi people are so popular in China."

Gao Fei is very disappointed to spit on him, holding Xiao yu'er and turning to the car.

The crowd of fans stood aside, as if he had a plague.

"Wait for me!"

Xiao yu'er's friend Chen Jie caught up with her red face.

Gao Fei had a good impression on this chubby girl. When Xiao Yu Er fell down, she tried her best.

"No quality!"

"What a shame to the Chinese people!"

When Gao Fei slows down and waits for Chen Jie, the indignation of fans comes from behind.

Gao Fei ignores the children's rudeness, but Chen Jie turns around and raises her middle finger at them. There are more curses, but no one can catch up with them.

Helping Gao Fei open the car door, Chen Jie takes the lead to sit in the back and asks, "how's the fish?"

"It's not a big problem. It's just that the back of the brain is injured and temporarily comatose. Just send it to the hospital for examination."

Put Xiao yu'er in Chen Jie's arms and Gao Fei closes the door.

Chen Jie was relieved to hear that the fish problem was not very serious. After Gao Fei started the car and turned around and drove out of the airport, she asked, "do you know fish?"

"I'm her cousin."

As if he thought the word "cousin" was too general, Gao Fei explained, "she's my little aunt's child. Oh, by the way, do you know which hospital to go to? "

Xiao yu'er's injury is not too serious. She was just frightened. When she came to the hospital, she was stabbed with a tranquilizer and fell asleep.

After arranging Xiao yu'er, it's already 11 pm. Gao Fei and Chen Jie are worried that each other will stay to take care of her, so they don't leave.

Very tacit understanding, the two did not call to inform Xiao yu'er's family.

Chen Jie is worried that Xiao yu'er will complain about her when she wakes up, but Gao Fei doesn't want to deal with Gao's family now.

Fortunately, Xiao yu'er's ward is a single room with two chairs. They can make do for one night.

Through the conversation, Gao Fei learned that Xiao yu'er took advantage of the holiday opportunity to lie to his classmates and sneak out to meet his idol.

In this regard, Gao Fei painstakingly persuades Chen Jie to do this kind of brain damage in the future. Today's stars are just like gadflies. They only know how to drink other people's blood, but they don't care whether they live or die. Especially these ghost stars, despite their enthusiasm for fans on the surface, actually they don't know how to despise them.

Chen Jie's advice to Gao Fei is that she nods her head and says yes. When she asks about Gao Fei's origin after she has been taught a lesson, he casually finds an excuse to deal with it.

Just when Gao Fei had nothing to do with teasing the little girl, Shen Yinbing held up a tall glass in a hotel in Beijing. The red wine in it was hung on the glass and smeared with blood red color. It was bright and weird.

Today is the day when Beishan group gets the approval for listing.

After the news was sent back to southern Hebei, Shen Yinbing immediately led the group's main executives to Beijing, where he held the celebration party for Jiao Enzuo and others in this five-star hotel.

Shen Yinbing obviously drank too much, with his left hand lying on the table and holding the wine glass, his eyes brightened: "everyone, I would like to thank you for your hard work for the successful listing of Beishan group. I would like to thank assistant Jiao. It is his persistence and diligence that have made us brilliant achievements. Here, cheers



Jiao Enzuo, Xiao Song, Su Xiaomei, vice president Li and more than a dozen other employees of Beishan group raised their glasses excitedly.

After jingle, everyone drank the cup.

After sticking out the tip of his tongue and licking his lower lip, Shen Yinbing took the bottle and poured wine for Jiao Enzuo himself.

Jiao Enzuo waved his hand and refused: "Mr. Shen, it's late. Shall we stop drinking?"

Shen Yinbing stubbornly grabbed Jiao Enzo's glass, filled it for him, put his hands in front of him, and blushed: "Enzo, I'll make a special toast to you. I have never thought about listing Beishan group. If it wasn't for your worry, I would never have the chance to make the group bigger. Therefore, I want to guard all the high-level members of the group and express my thanks to you. "

When Jiao Enzuo was about to say something polite, vice president Li said with a smile: "assistant Jiao, President Shen is right. Now we all regard the group as our home. Our home has made great achievements, which is inseparable from your hard work and persistence. You should drink this glass of wine! "

Several people, in a sincere tone, exhorted Jiao Enzuo: "yes, assistant Jiao, you should drink this glass of wine."

Jiao Enzuo nodded and took the glass: "well, since everyone loves me so much, I'm not polite!"

With that, Jiao Enzuo raised his head and took a sip of the wine in his glass, and immediately burst into applause.

As we all said, Beishan group was able to be listed successfully, and Jiao Enzuo played a decisive role during the period.

At the beginning, Shen Yinbing was not very interested in the listing of the group.

This is not to say that she does not understand that after listing, Beishan group will step on the fast track of development.

She is not interested, just because she has no self-confidence. After all, the foundation of Beishan group is too weak, and the listing procedures are so difficult. According to her analysis, the possibility that the listing procedures of Beishan group will be approved will not exceed 5%.

Since there is only 5% hope, Shen Yinbing doesn't need to focus on this aspect. However, due to Jiao Enzuo's enthusiasm, he devolves the power to apply for listing to him, holding a indifferent attitude.

Not only does Shen Yinbing think so, but other senior executives of the group also think so.

But no one thought that after a month's operation, Jiao Enzuo really succeeded.

This is absolutely the myth of Beishan group.

Today is the beginning of a new day for Beishan group. No wonder Shen Yinbing is so excited. After a drink to Jiao Enzuo alone, she shouts to go to the KTV box to celebrate the beautiful night with singing and dancing.

More or less everyone drank too much. Naturally, they would not object to Shen Yinbing's proposal. Even vice president Cheng, who is over 50 years old, clapped his hands and cried long live. Naturally, others were even more excited.

More than a dozen people came to the KTV box. After Xiao Song took the lead in singing a popular song, Su Xiaomei, who is more cheerful, put on the dance music, threw off her coat and jumped up.

High pitched dance music, hot dance, is absolutely the most infectious, a few minutes later everyone jumped up.

In order to maintain the dignified image of her president, Shen Yinbing almost never set foot in such occasions. Even if she went once in a while, she would not let go of dancing. Therefore, in terms of dancing movements, she was not even as fluent as vice president Cheng.

But the key point is that she is the absolute protagonist tonight. With a little more wine and the deliberate flattery of Xiao Song and Su Xiaomei, she gradually relaxed and jumped up with others.

Beauty, the reason why she is called beauty, in addition to having a good face, a good figure is indispensable. Shen Yinbing, who is 1.75 meters tall, naturally has no way to say her figure.

Good figure is the key to good dancing. In just a few minutes, Shen Yinbing made full use of her advantage of good figure. She twisted her waist into a snake with the strength of wine. Her long hair was thrown in disorder. She held her hands high under the neon light. She had the demeanor of a real demon.

Jiao Enzuo is interested in Shen. It's no secret in Beishan group.

Shen Yinbing doesn't seem to have obviously rejected him. In addition, he is a major contributor to the listing of Beishan group, and vice president Cheng and others deliberately set them up in order to promote a good deed.

As for Mr. Gao, who used to drive Mr. Shen away from meetings, who will remember him?

"Ouch, ouch!"

With Su Xiaomei's "careless" collision, Jiao Enzuo stumbles on Shen Yinbing.

Shen Yinbing instinctively retreated, but stepped on the foot of vice president Cheng. When she quickly turned back and said sorry, Jiao Enzuo had already hit her.

Subconsciously, Shen Yinbing reaches out to help him. Jiao Enzuo grabs the master's hand and looks into her eyes with the friendship that a fool can see: "Xiaobing."

Shen Yinbing's heart swings and stops the action of retracting his hand.

At this time, the passionate electronic dance music was replaced by waltz, and the hot atmosphere immediately became soft. Jiao Enzuo's left hand took the opportunity to hold Shen Yinbing's waist.

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