At dawn, Xiao yu'er slowly opened his eyes.

Last night, she was only hit on the back of her head, and the injury was not too serious. After she was sent to the hospital, she was given a sleeping tranquilizer. So last night, she had a good sleep and didn't even dream. It seemed that when her eyes were closed and then opened, the night would pass.

If it wasn't for the pain in the back of her head, the dazzling white ceiling, the pungent soda water floating on the tip of her nose, and the smell of cigarettes never found in her bedroom, Xiao yu'er would have thought it was in her own home.

"Fish, you wake up?"

Just when Xiao yu'er stares at the ceiling and tries to recall where it is, a familiar face with a happy look appears at the top.

It's Chen Jie.

"Ah, I wake up. How can you - ah, where is this?"

Xiao yu'er suddenly thought of something and turned over and sat up from the window.

She just sat up, and the scene that happened last night was like a movie that was about to be released. She and her friends went to the airport to meet the idol, but when they were about to hold the idol, they were severely pushed to the ground by his bodyguards, and then countless people stepped on it

She cried, she yelled at Chen Jie, she wanted to get up, but many fans who fell into ecstasy after seeing the idol ignored her - just when she was hit in the back of her head by someone accidentally, a fan beside her rushed in and picked her up.

Then she fainted.

However, when Xiao yu'er was in a coma, he remembered that he rushed over to hold her face.

That face is definitely not as handsome as the idol Kim, and it's even more unmatched in clothes.

But it's 10000 times more intimate than her idol, because it's her second cousin, an arrogant guy who has to give 20% discount even if her grandfather goes to his restaurant.

Then, thinking of these, Xiao turned his head and saw Gao Fei.

Gao Fei sits on the chair with his feet on the windowsill, his hands in front of him, his head on the back of the chair, his eyes closed. Maybe he's dreaming, and there's a little bit of saliva running down the corner of his mouth... He's sick to death, and he doesn't have any taste of his family when he sleeps.

Looking at Gao Fei, Xiao yu'er's eyes slowly bent up, scratched the back of his head, reached out his little finger to Chen Jie, and said quietly, "Hey, come here, I have something to ask you."

"What, so mysterious. Yawn, I'm so sleepy. "

Chen Jie yawns and sits on the window beside Xiao yu'er.

Xiao yu'er asked, "my cousin has been here all night?"

Chen Jie curled his lips: "yes, he was worried that I would take the opportunity to sell you to the mountains, so he watched you all night. It's really careful - but your cousin is so tugging. When he saw you trampled down last night, he was like crazy. He put our idol down on the ground and forced him to kneel down and apologize to you."

"Ah, forcing our idol to kneel down and apologize? Now, what's going on? Tell me about it

Xiao yu'er looks surprised, raises her hand to cover her mouth. She looks cute, which makes Chen Jie curl her mouth and tell her what happened after she passed out in detail.

Finally, she looked at Gao Fei, who was still sleeping, and said in a low voice, "seriously, if I were not my best friend with you, I would fight against him if I saw that he humiliated my idol. You don't know how savage he was last night. Hee hee, but I like it. Fish, for the sake of our best friend, what do you give that

Said, Chen Jie blinked his eyes, dirty face: "after the success, the younger sister when Yongquan phase report."

After listening to Chen Jie's narration, Xiao yu'er's eyes became red: unexpectedly, she met her second cousin. In order to avoid the danger of angering hundreds of fans, she forced a high-ranking idol to kneel down and admit her mistake, and kept her in the hospital all night.

Any girl (except the one who forced her parents to sell her house and kidney in order to pursue stars) will be moved by Gao Fei.

Just thinking of what he looked like when he saw Gao Fei, Xiao yu'er thought that it was nothing: a guy who dares to accept his own grandfather before dinner, why should he care about a foreign star?

Can that South Korean stick compare with my grandfather who is shaking three times in China?

What's the difference between picking up a South Korean pop star and kicking a dog in the street?

Is it necessary to be moved by this?

It's a real overseas Chinese feeling. This is what he should do!

"Hey, honey, what are you doing? Can you give me a word? I'm still waiting here!"

When Xiao yu'er stares at Gao Fei in a daze, Chen Jie raises her hand and shakes it in front of her eyes.

Xiao yu'er woke up like a dream: "ah, what?"

In a rage, Chen Jie murmured: "ungrateful guy, I say..."

Looking at Chen Jie's gesture of asking herself to help her hang Gao Fei to be a hero, Xiao yu'er said, "cut, Ai Qing, please don't worry. Do you know how much my second cousin drags? There are a lot of super beautiful women chasing him, he doesn't give people good color to see ah, I absolutely don't hope you can get his favor. "

"Pooh! Do you think your cousin is the prince? And a bunch of super beautiful women chasing him. You don't blush to preach for him. "

Chen Jie grabs Xiao yu'er's soft meat with a look of shame and indignation.

"Ha, ha ha, you let me go. You like him. Why don't you chase him? You just drag me. I'm so afraid."

Xiao yu'er was pinched and giggled, but he thought: Well, if it was put in the past, the second cousin would be the prince.

Chen Jie and Xiao yu'er are close friends at school, but they don't know her true identity.

"Well, can you two settle down? Don't you know that disturbing people's dreams is one of the three major crimes?"

Just when the two girls were having a good time, Gao Fei raised his hand to wipe the corner of his mouth and yawned several times.

In fact, when Xiao yu'er wakes up, he wakes up, but he is too lazy to open his eyes.

In other words, pretending to sleep and eavesdrop on the whispers of two girls may be struck by thunder, but all men have to do so even if they are struck by thunder, and Gao Fei is no exception.

They were startled. Chen Jie thought that Gao Fei might hear their conversation, and immediately blushed. But then she raised her head: just as the so-called gentle gentleman and lady are fond of him, she would say it. What shame is it.

Xiao yu'er suddenly flashed his long eyelashes and asked curiously, "what are the other two major crimes?"

"If you have money, don't give it to others. Stick it on the wall and don't urinate anywhere."

Gao Fei put down his feet and looked at Xiao yu'er: "girl, if you dare to pursue stars like this again, I will tell your mother and let her close you up."

"Cut, this is my freedom, OK?"

Xiao yu'er's black and white eyes turned, and then he said with a smile: "but for the sake of you will buy me breakfast, I reluctantly agreed to you. Remember, I want the farmer's soybean milk and the rich man's potstickers. "

Chen Jie immediately yelled: "at least two!"

Goofy took out two bills from his pocket: "let's scissors and pack hammers. Whoever loses will buy them."

Immediately, Xiao yu'er was lying on the window with his head in his arms: "Oh, I have a headache."

"Forget it, I'll go. I admit I can't fight you brother and sister."

Chen Jie turns a big white eye with disdain, grabs the money in Gao Fei's hand and goes away in a huff.

"Brother, my classmates like you."

As soon as Chen Jie went out, Xiao yu'er sat up.

"Every child knows how to like."

Gao Fei shrugged disdainfully, picked up the remote control on the desk and turned on the TV: "go and wash up quickly. After breakfast, I have something to do."

Xiao yu'er went down the window: "brother, you won't tell my grandfather about this business, will you?"

Gao Fei casually changed the stage and said carelessly, "if you return the breakfast to me before dinner, I won't say it."

"Cheapskate, I don't know how you mean to say that."

Xiao yu'er snorted heavily, took out a stack of banknotes from his bag and threw them to Gao Fei: "the extra ones are for you."

"Weeding day in the afternoon, sweat drops under the soil, who knows, plate Chinese food, grains are hard."

He picked up the notes and beat them in his hand. Gao Fei folded them neatly and put them in his pocket.

Half an hour later, Chen Jie bought breakfast, and three people gathered around the case to eat.

"The potstickers don't taste very good."

Gao Fei bit the potstickers and was about to have nothing to say when a voice came from the TV: "Jinbin, what do you think of that thing last night?"

All three of them looked up and looked at the TV on the wall.

In the TV, there are also some bruised Jinbin who seem to be sitting in the studio and are being interviewed by the host, filled with righteous indignation: "all along, I think Huaxia is a land of etiquette, where there is no racial discrimination, and the people are hospitable to foreign guests. But the scene I experienced last night made me doubt this great country. I don't understand why your country's citizens left behind the people who violated me in public, but no one came forward to do justice for me. I admit that when I received the warm welcome from many fans, a female fan accidentally fell down. I didn't find her in time and helped her up. It's my fault. "

In the face of the camera, Jinbin gave full play to the advantages of his professional actor and told the unfair experience of last night in detail.

In the end, he said firmly, "I am sent by the company to attend a celebration party in Southern Hebei. As a high-quality professional actor, no matter how unfair I encounter, I will complete the task assigned to me by the company. But what I want to say is that after this performance, I will never step on China again! And tell my colleagues in the entertainment industry to take me as a warning! "

With a slap, Chen Jie slapped the table hard and scolded angrily: "this garbage, last night, it was clear that he didn't care about the life and death of fish, and only cared about his own cool, but today he criticized us again. It really pissed us off. No, I'm going to post on the Internet. I want to expose the ugly face of this rubbish! "

"Come on, don't you allow the dog to howl twice when it's beaten? He doesn't know who we are anyway. "

Gao Fei waved his hand and looked indifferent: "it's irresponsible to be angry with this kind of people. You two hurry to have a meal and do what you should do after dinner. I still have something to do."

"Wait, you see."

Xiao yu'er points to the TV.

Goofy looked up and saw a group of pictures of someone beating someone on TV.

In the photo, Gao is stepping on Jinbin's head with his feet, with a grim smile on his face. His image is more villain than villain.

The fans next to me are far away from the plague.

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