White porcelain comes from a small town on the northern border.

When she was just born, the midwife was surprised to say that the girl's skin was white and delicate, just like white porcelain.

As it happens, her family name is Bai, so her parents as a teacher call her Bai CI.

White porcelain with white porcelain like skin was a beauty when she was a child. As she grew older, she became more and more beautiful and became the most beautiful girl in that small town.

White porcelain is not only outstanding in appearance, but also influenced by family education, so it is easy to deal with people. From junior high school to university, it is the dream of male students.

Just like a treasure, when a girl is excellent to the extreme, there will be countless men to pursue.

However, all the men who pursue white porcelain, even those who do all kinds of evil on weekdays, will put away their faces in front of the fairies, try their best to squeeze out the gentlemanly side, and pursue her in the most gentlemanly way.

No one wants to get her in the most direct way, because everyone thinks that disobeying her will is the most unforgivable shame. In this way, until graduation from University, no man can move Bai Ci's heart, and no one will hurt her.

The turning point of white porcelain's fate came from her university graduation ceremony.

On that day, a military scientific research department of the state came to recruit students. A young man named Miao Bo was in charge of the team.

Miao Bo's grandfather died on the Korean battlefield. His father was a hero fighting back against Vietnam in self-defense. There are two grandparents who died for their country. Don't say that Miao Bo himself is capable. Even if he is a fool, he can lie on the merit book of two generations of martyrs for a lifetime.

Miao Bo's family background is not obvious, but the dandy in Jinghua dandy circle, when he sees him, will also call a brother.

Miao Bo is very clear that all this is earned by his grandfather and father. If he wants to get people's real respect, he must show his existence with excellent performance.

Therefore, through his own efforts, Miao Bo became the leader of military scientific research department.

At the first sight of Bai Ci, Miao Bo decided that this was the girl he found... The next thing was much simpler. Bai Ci was recruited into the scientific research department. After more than half a year of hard pursuit, Bai CI became Mrs. Miao.

If no accident happened during the test of new military weapons, I believe that white porcelain, who has just been married for less than three months, will live happily in the future.

In that accident, Miao Bo knocked down two students who were scared and silly. It was a bloody scene. Miao Bo died in order to save the students.

In this way, the Miao family became a martyr of three generations.

Within half a year of Miao Bo's death, his mother was hit by the death of his father in his youth and his son in his middle age. She died of illness and became the only one in the Miao family.

After seeing off her mother-in-law, Bai CI returned to her small northern city.

She loves her husband deeply, but she is still young, and now is not the feudal era before. After her grief, she will certainly continue her new life.

It took Bai CI a whole year to get rid of the pain and get ready to go to a new job to start her new life. Someone found her and brought her a bolt from the blue news: her husband's grandfather and father did die in a foreign battlefield, but they were not killed for the sake of the country, they were murdered.

The reason why they were murdered is that they have another layer of identity: they are the people who belong to the Angui religion and mingle with the Chinese military. In order for their offspring to be taken care of, they must die.

The descendants of two generations of martyrs will certainly get special care from the state, right?

Miao Bo's growth is a vivid illustration of this.

If Miao Bo is not so stubborn, he does not want to betray his career and motherland, and those who return to religion will not lead to the emergence of three generations of martyrs.

Miao Bo died in the conspiracy, leaving the white porcelain who loved him deeply.

Anguijiao people have found white porcelain, and the requirements are very simple: you are the widow of three generations of martyrs, which is a rare honor in the whole country. Under the guise of anguijiao, you can create a special world in Beijing with the help of anguijiao. For example, you can create a high standard Club with high threshold, which is only suitable for senior officials and children, So anguijiao can get what they want from it.

Anguijiao's plan is simple but effective.

When Bai CI learned the truth, her first reaction was anger, and then she refused: she would never use her husband's blood to fight for her so-called heaven and earth and make profits for those people.

Bai Ci's angry refusal did not come as a surprise to an Guijiao.

Anguijiao didn't force her to do these things with brute force. They just told her that they would give her a night to think about it. If she was still stubborn at that time, her identity would be exposed from grandfather Miao Bo, his father and his three generations.

Miao Bo's grandfather and father are hateful members of the cult. Instead of sacrificing for their motherland, they died in a conspiracy spanning decades.

The people in anguijiao hold the correspondence records of the three generations of the Miao family and anguijiao. These evidences will pull them down from the altar of martyrs and trample them in the gutter!

Three generations of one family, and their reputation is ruined. This is the end of white porcelain's refusal.

After learning the truth, white porcelain collapsed.

Of course, she could see that what anguijiao said was true, because they had copies of those correspondence.

Bai CI has two ways to go: first, she ignores her love with Miao Bo and goes her own way. No matter how the Miao family will change from a respected martyr to a reviled member of the cult.

The second way is that Bai CI becomes the spokesperson of anguijiao in the high-level social circle of Beijing. As long as she agrees, she will have whatever she wants, even a handsome guy, except that she can't get married. As long as she does not want to, any man can not touch her, or can only die, no matter who it is!

Bai CI wants to choose the first way: she really loves Miao Bo deeply, but she really doesn't want to become a puppet of the cult and a moth to harm the country for the sake of love.

Unfortunately, if she really chooses the first road, her parents and the only younger brother will also have an accident: This is the additional condition of anguijiao under the first road.

At that point, white porcelain had no other choice but to choose the second way.

So, white porcelain came to Jinghua, Jinghua has a Royal Club.

In just a few years, with the secret support of an Guijiao and the special identity of Bai Ci, the imperial Club became one of the top clubs in Beijing.

These years are definitely the darkest years for white porcelain. Others only see her brilliance. Her parents and younger brother also reap heavy harvest because of her. But who knows the pain when she is forced to tattoo the special tattoo of the middle-level "cadre" of Angui cult, and wash her face with tears every night?

People's character and life style will change with their experience and environment.

Slowly, white porcelain began to fear the sun, began to fall in love with black, living in a dark room, wearing black clothes.

In recent years, no man dared to force white porcelain, and she didn't take care of any man. What she liked most was to stay in a room on the 17th floor specially designed for her by anguijiao, guarding her husband's coffin and sitting all night.

An untreated corpse will soon rot, breed bacteria and infect white porcelain.

She didn't go to see the doctor. She felt that her husband wanted her to go underground to accompany him, so she quietly waited for death to come.

Unfortunately, anguijiao spent so much effort to cultivate a widow of three generations of martyrs. Of course, she would not let her die like this. She immediately took away Miao Bo's corpse, cured her illness, and gently told her that she could die. No matter what way she used, anguijiao would not interfere, but she would certainly be able to see her parents and her little brother on huangquan road, And her babbling little nephew.

She can't die. She has to live for her family.

When a woman takes death as a luxury, her mentality will certainly change a lot.

Bai CI began to hate Miao Bo: if it hadn't been for him, she would have married an ordinary person, even a vegetable farmer, even working hard all day, but as long as they could lead their children to walk in the countryside and breathe free air after a hard day, they would be much happier than they are now.

That's the real life.

Now, white porcelain is just living in the hell of the sun.

She began to hate Miao Bo, anguijiao and everyone except her parents, younger brother and nephew, hoping that they would all go to hell!

She began to cooperate with anguijiao incomparably, doing everything they ordered.

When she heard that she played a role in killing someone, she didn't feel guilty, she just gloated.

In those days, the pure and kind white porcelain was destroyed in this environment. After a few years, its mentality changed completely.

Or a pervert - not only does she like the dark, but she also likes to sleep in a coffin.

Because the coffin sent out the smell of death, so that she can feel kind.

She once overheard anguijiao people say that their king had been sleeping in the coffin since childhood.

This news makes white porcelain like the coffin, or the present life.

She has become a beautiful walking corpse, and has unswervingly carried out every task of anguijiao.

Of course, for the sake of funds, anguijiao didn't just let Bai CI lie in the coffin all day and wait to die. She began to force her to do some business. For example, at the "business world" held a few days ago, Bai Ci was highly praised by the "relevant leaders"

Today, Bai Ci's task is to play a "joke" with Gao Fei. If possible, try to be presumptuous. Their videos will be used by an Guijiao as a weight to coerce the Gao family: the Gao family is the first family in China, but they can't bully the widows of three generations of martyrs.

As soon as she got the task, Bai CI agreed without thinking about it: being able to do something, or to harm someone, has become her pleasure.

However, at that time, she did not consider being assaulted by men.

In Bai Ci's heart, since Miao Bo died, she has forgotten the taste of a man. She is a walking corpse. What's the difference between being watched by a man last time and being watched by a mosquito?

But when Mr. Gao brutally occupied her, Bai CI knew that the shame she thought she no longer existed was still hidden in the deepest part of her bones.

So she began to fight.

As a result, she was taken to the window by Gao Fei and pushed out of the window, feeling the blue sky and white clouds, distant mountains and waters, green grass and red flowers, and gentle wind that she had not touched for several years.

At this moment, Bai Ci, who had been "dead" for several years, suddenly revived. With a palpitation in her heart, she made her request to Gao Fei.

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