Originally, Gao Fei, who had rushed back to southern Hebei as soon as possible, had to delay his return because of the Beishan group.

Of course, as long as he has money and Internet, he can stop Jiao Enzuo even at the ends of the world. However, for the convenience of the operators Liu Xiaolong has found, he can only stay in Beijing for a while.

Although Mr. Gao is an expert in fighting, he is an idiot in finance. This makes Mr. Shen, who thinks he has been wronged, seize the opportunity and give him a rude reprimand: don't call anyone. It's better to turn off the phone and stay in the box of the hotel he is looking for day and night.

The future Mr. Gao doesn't understand this. Please consult Mr. Shen and, oh no, the future secretary Shen.

Secretary Shen of the future, holding his arms in both hands and disdaining, explained that it is reasonable to be so careful. For example, it is related to the life and death of the group, and there are millions or even tens of millions of capital changes every minute. If the opponent knows that the "main battlefield" is here, he will send someone to make trouble, such as destroying the circuit, which will inevitably affect the operators and cause unnecessary losses.

Gao Dong and Liu Xiaolong didn't know anything about it, but after seeing several operators nodding solemnly, they had to do it according to Secretary Shen's instructions.

After preparing for the war, Shen Yinbing has turned blocking Jiao Enzuo into suppressing it. For this reason, he has made a detailed plan: a few days ago, he will make a face of defending Beishan group to the death, and put the amount of capital that Jiao Enzuo knows into the stock in batches - they will buy as much as their opponents throw.

When about 300 million yuan of capital is used up, it will stop the large-scale acquisition, and make a follow-up appearance of powerlessness, symbolizing the acquisition of millions of shares.

With the 300 million capital investment of Beishan group, the stock market price of the group seems not to be bullied. However, Shen Yinbing believes that Jiao Enzuo will start a crazy sell-off today, and the stock will drop to the limit.

Once there is a fiasco, the thousands of retail investors who followed suit just a few days ago because of Jiao Enzuo's massive acquisition will start to panic. After watching for two days at most, they will sell their stocks.

At that time, Shen Yinbing had only three ways to go: first, to surrender quickly; second, to wait for bankruptcy; third, to raise more funds to buy the shares of the group and support the price.

Moreover, according to the observation over the past few days, Shen Yinbing is basically sure that in addition to the 300 million shares acquired by the group, Jiao Enzuo has at least 400 to 500 million shares.

In other words, as long as goofy can come up with 600 million yuan to rescue the market, he can basically defeat Jiao Enzuo.

Of course, if goofy can put more money into the stock market, the shares of Beishan group will be favored by the majority of shareholders, and then they will increase their investment efforts one after another. In this way, Beishan group, which originally had a market value of only 400 million, is likely to become a big enterprise of over 10 billion overnight.

Isn't that how those billionaires on the stock market were born or went bankrupt?

Shen Yinbing doesn't know that while she is concerned about the life and death of Beishan group, Jinghua Chunshu group and Daoguo Dahe group are also trapped in the bitter struggle of sniping.

"Mr. Gao, the other party has made a big move at last!"

In the spacious guest room, goofy is bored playing with his mobile phone. The door of the suite opens, and a guy with glasses comes out to report the latest war situation without expression.

Liu Xiaolong, who is reclining on the sofa, jumps up.

Yan Hong, who was basking in the sun in front of the French window, stood up from the chair and knocked it over.

Shen Yinbing, who was cutting the apple with a knife, shivered and fell on the ground.

Only Mr. Gao, who knew nothing about business war, still slowly threw a bomb (playing against the landlord). After getting 12 points, he stretched out: "talk about it."

The young man, who already knew that Mr. Gao was the big boss, immediately replied: "after the other party's less than 10 million probe in the morning, they may have guessed that we ran out of ammunition and food. So five minutes ago, they began to sell their stocks crazily. As a result, the stock price fell by 10 percentage points in just a few minutes."

Without waiting for others to say anything, Yan Hong said, "what are you waiting for? Hurry to buy it!"

Young people don't care about Yan Hong, they just watch Gao Fei.

Gao Fei looks at Shen Yinbing intentionally or unintentionally. After getting some hint, he gives the order: "set aside a million dollars to rescue the market."

"A million?"

Yan Hong was a little surprised: "the other side's crazy selling stock, at least not less than 20 million, or even as high as 50 million, we only use one million?"

Gao Fei ignored her, just waved and continued to fight the landlord.

The young man turned and walked into the suite.

Liu Xiaolong once again lies on the sofa: like Yan Hong, he doesn't know much about the stock market, but other people's children have a good attitude, and they have the demeanor of Taishan collapsing in front of them.

Without him, even if Gao Fei pays for it, it won't cost Lao Liu a cent anyway.

Shen Yinbing just took a breath, picked up the knife and began to peel the apple.

Yan Hong came quickly, sat beside Shen Yinbing and asked nervously, "Xiaobing, will it be ok?"

The action is astringent to peel apple, Shen Yinbing light reply: "red elder sister, don't worry. After they sell stocks, they will definitely cause panic in the market and the stocks will fall. But that's exactly what we need. It's better to have more than half of the issue price per share. Then we can buy the most stocks at the lowest price. Of course, the premise is to control the timing of the crash

"Oh, I don't know much about that."

Hong Jie, who knows little about it, smiles and looks down at Gao Fei, who is playing with her mobile phone. She goes to take the apple in Shen Yinbing's hand: "Xiao Bing, you haven't had a good sleep for several days. Go and have a rest. I'll come."

Shen Yinbing shook his head and refused: "no, I'm Gao Dong's personal secretary, and you're the vice president of the group. Of course, I have to be my secretary to serve people."

"I --"

Yan Hong wants to say something more, but Shen Yinbing stubbornly shakes her head.

She had to sigh and go back to the sun.

After awkwardly peeling an apple, Shen Yinbing peeks at Gao Fei, who is playing games with his head down. He stealthily lifts his left foot up from the inside of his high-heeled shoes and rubs the apple on the soles of his feet. Then he uses a toothpick and hands it to Gao Fei: "Gao Dong, please eat the apple."

Gao Fei still didn't lift his head and said, "Oh, thank you. But now I don't want to eat it. Eat it. "

"Give it to me?"

Shen Yinbing was stunned: what is it? It's not intended to make fun of this secretary? You asked me to peel an apple for you. It took me nine cows and two tigers to make it, but you didn't eat it again! Hum, give it to me? I wiped my feet with it. How can I eat it?

"Yes, for you. You really think that I'm deliberately bossing you. I just care that you haven't eaten well these days, so I find an excuse for you to peel apples for yourself. Girls, eating more fruit is good for your skin. "

Goofy has a caring face.

Shen Yinbing wants to cry without tears: "I, I --"

Goofy asked strangely, "what's the matter? You don't like apples? "

Shen Yinbing nodded: "yes, I didn't like apples since I was a child, don't you know?"

"Don't like apples? Hey, I like it. Give it to me. "

Liu Xiaolong ran over and grabbed Shen Yinbing's apple. He snapped off a large piece and nodded: "well, this golden apple is delicious, sour and sweet, appetizing and high flying. Why are you staring at Mr. Liu? Why don't you like me taking your apple? "

Gao Fei wiped his mouth and shook his head: "how can I be dissatisfied? It's not the apple I wiped on my feet. "

"What? Have you wiped it on your feet? "

Liu Xiaolong was stunned with his mouth wide open. After a long time, he screamed: "ah, who is so immoral and spoils food? I will not stand with him!"

Before Liu Xiaolong finished shouting, Shen Yinbing covered her face and ran into the bathroom in a panic.

After washing her face with cold water, she stared in the mirror for a few minutes and then slowly opened the door. She saw Liu Xiaolong looking at her with a fierce face. She was scared to step back: "what are you going to do?"

Liu Xiaolong squeezed a sentence from his teeth: "elder sister, I want to brush my teeth."

Shen always sympathizes with a guy who has been affected. With a sympathetic smile on his small face, he comes out quickly.

"Elder sister, when you eat in the future, be careful that there will be rat excrement in your rice bowl, that there will be a snake under the seat when you ride in the car, and that there will be a man in the quilt when you sleep!"

After a series of threats, Liu Xiaolong slammed the door.

Shen Yinbing doesn't care much about Liu Xiaolong's threat. She knows that the man is eloquent and will say this but will not do that. Otherwise, she will work hard with him. What she is really worried about is her boss Gao Fei.

Gao Fei is still playing with his mobile phone there, with a light look on his face, as if it had not happened at all.

It's red sister, with her back to this side, and her shoulders are still shaking.

Although it shows that Gao Fei pretends that he doesn't mind, Secretary Shen is relieved: there are many things in the world that everyone doesn't understand, but no one says them. After a long time, they will be OK, won't they?

Shen Yinbing sat back in her seat. As soon as she picked up her mobile phone, Gao Fei said, "don't play with these little cleverness for me in the future, or I will demote you to be a cleaner and manage the men's toilet. It depends on how you raise your head."

Shen Yinbing mouth a shiver, rare bow admit a mistake: "sorry, never again."

Gao Fei still didn't raise his head, reached out and pushed a cup of boiled water: "well, since you are the first criminal, I'll forgive you this time. Have a drink. You're so nervous. Don't say I didn't eat your apple. Even if I did, it's nothing. Anyway, I won't get rabies, right? "

Shen Yinbing wanted to curse her mother. After thinking about it, she let it go. It wasn't a lady's fault. Later, she felt relieved that a child was forgiven by an adult after causing trouble. When she took a drink from her glass, her swallowing suddenly stopped: "this water --"

Goofy put down his cell phone, yawned and said, "don't worry, Liu Xiaolong wants to spit in, but I stopped him. Although you are hateful sometimes, how can you say that you are also my person? How can you be bullied by him? "

Shen Yinbing would like to refute "ghosts are your people", but after thinking about it, he still forget it. Men are all cheap bones who love to take advantage of beautiful women. There is no need to have the same opinion with him. When he habitually nods his head to express his thanks, he hears someone Gao say: "since you are my people, I have to spit in the water, right?"

"Yes - yes?"

Shen Yinbing a stay, and then wake up to come over, do not want to, raised the glass of water to splash to fly.

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