Gao Fei slowly opened his eyes, and then saw a face appeared in the dream countless times: Mu Tianya.

Mu Tianya, just as they had just fallen in love, looked into his eyes with tenderness and care. The smile was so quiet that he could see clearly in his dreams.

Gao Fei is staring at Mu Tianya for a long time.

But in his subconscious, his thinking nerve has started to work normally. The scenes before the deep coma, like the rewind of a movie, slide slowly from his eyes: he has a high fever, goes to sleep, and after being awakened by Lao Wang, he starts coughing, coughs blood, and then sees Shen Yinbing, and then coughs violently, until he coughs, he can't stand, and a mouthful of blood spurts out, After dyeing Shen Yinbing's black stockings and legs, there is boundless darkness

But when he opened his eyes again, he saw Mu Tianya, the real Mu Tianya.

"Am I dreaming, or am I dead?"

Gao Fei stares at Mu Tianya. After a long time, he says his question.

"You wake up from the nightmare, even if you're dead, but you're alive again."

Mu Tianya with a white handkerchief, gently wipe the cold sweat on Gao Fei's forehead, the action is as gentle as ever, just like eight years ago.

Gao Fei's eyes rolled around and saw the white walls, medical equipment, and the bright sunshine outside the window.

He is now fully sure that whether he is dreaming or dead, he is in the hospital ward.

Perhaps, this is a dream, because there is no ward in the underworld, let alone Mu Tianya.

Mu Tianya put down his handkerchief, picked up a roll of tissue, and began to wipe Gao Fei's neck. He said in a soft voice, "Xiao Fei, I know you are doubting that you are dreaming, but I tell you that this is not a dream, you are not dead, but a reality. Don't move. I'll talk to you slowly, will you? "

Gao Fei closed his eyes and said in a dumb voice: "OK, you say, I'll listen."

"Remember the night before yesterday, we had dinner with Liang Ming at Yueming hotel? Originally, I wanted to go back to England with them today, but because some things were not finished, I stayed for the time being. When I was busy with my work, I inadvertently got news from a distant relative that the headquarters building of Beishan group was blocked by the police and the epidemic prevention station, as if I was carrying out some targeted virus infection exercise. At that time, I didn't care, but at noon today, I just got off

Other channels learned that this is not an exercise at all, but a virus similar to h7n9 appeared in the headquarters building of your group. "

Mu Tianya's slender fingers gently stroked Gao Fei's cheek, and his eyes looked at him affectionately: "after hearing this news, I immediately thought of you, but I didn't have your contact number, so I had to go to your group headquarters. Only after I went there did I know that you were the only one who was ill, and they told me about you

"Xiao Fei, open your eyes and I'll let you look at me."

After Gao Fei opened his eyes, the tenderness in Mu Tianya's eyes had been dripping: "Maybe God has pity on me, which gives me a chance to make up for my mistakes. When I heard about your symptoms of hemoptysis, I immediately thought of the case I encountered in a mysterious tribe in North Africa, so I rushed to the hospital

Next, Mu Tianya repeated what she said to Dean ma.

Of course, what Mu Tianya told Gao Fei was much more detailed than what Dean Ma and others said. He even told Gao Fei the specific location of the mysterious primitive tribe in North Africa.

From this point of view, Mu Tianya has done his best to make up with Gao Fei.

But she didn't realize that when she said the name of the mysterious tribe in North Africa, Gao Fei's eyebrows gently raised.

It took Mu Tianya more than half an hour to say everything, and then he felt Gao Fei's cheek with a sigh of relief: "Xiao Fei, do you think this is a free arrangement in the dark? God also creates opportunities for us. Xiaofei, you can rest assured that I will never leave you again. Even if I send a golden mountain to you, I will never lose you again. I've missed one. God has given me a chance to repent. I can't make mistakes again and again. "

When Mu Tianya longed for Gao Fei to say "good", he just blinked his eyes slowly and said softly, "I'm tired. I want to have a good sleep."

Mu Tianya's eyes flashed obvious disappointment, but then he stood up with a strong smile: "OK, Xiaofei, you have a good sleep, I will accompany you outside."

Goofy nodded and closed his eyes.

Mu Tianya turns around, bites his lower lip and goes to the door. When he comes to the door, he suddenly hears Gao Fei say: "a year, I need a year."

"What year?"

Mu Tianya suddenly turns around and looks at Gao Fei, but he doesn't speak any more.

Slowly, happy smile, from the corner of Mu Tianya's mouth, soft voice said: "OK, I'll wait for you for a year. Let alone one year, even ten years, I'll wait for you. "

After Mu Tianya closed the door, his smile was still on his face, but his voice was cold: "no one is allowed to go in to see her except the doctor."

Katelia nodded and clenched her fists.

Mu Tianya quickly enters the duty room, and Dean Ma and others stand up.

Slowly glanced at everyone, Mu Tianya said with a smile: "everyone, a miracle has happened. Gao Fei has woken up and is no longer coughing. I believe that before long, his swelling will disappear. "


"No way!"

"Really, really?"

"Let's go and have a look!"

After listening to Mu Tianya's words, Dean Ma and others were shocked. They stood up one after another and were about to walk outside.

But mu Tianya opened his hands and stopped everyone: "everyone, before you go to see Gao Fei, I want to tell you two things."

President Ma and others frowned, looked at each other for a moment, then nodded slowly: "OK, please say."

Mu Tianya said with a smile: "first, please don't ask me how to save Gao Fei, because even if you ask me, I can't say clearly. Second, the wizard in North Africa only gave me such a magic pill, and solemnly told me not to take anyone to find her, or else I would be punished by God, so I have no spare to provide you with scientific research. Please forgive me. "

After listening to Mu Tianya say the second thing, Dean Ma and other people's eyes flashed great disappointment.

At the beginning, we didn't believe that Mu Tianya could work miracles.

But after hearing that Gao Fei really woke up, his first thought was the mysterious pill that Mu Tianya said.

If we can work out which drugs are used to prepare this pill, it will be of great significance to prevent this kind of pestilential infectious diseases, so that more people will not be persecuted by the virus.

However, Mu Tianya told them that she only had one pill, and she could not go to the mysterious wizard.

President Ma and others were disappointed, but they were soon told, "is that young man really awake?" Don't believe, to pressure down, have nodded OK.

"Thank you for your understanding. You can go and have a look."

Mu Tianya bowed gracefully for everyone and gave way to the door.


Since 3 p.m., Shen Yinbing has been fidgeting and wanted to leave home several times to go to the hospital.

Even if he knew that Gao Fei would die, for some special reason, the hospital would not let his relatives and friends see his body. It would even cooperate with the political and legal departments to prevent the hospital from disseminating any information about him before and after his death——

But she just wanted to have a look. Maybe subconsciously, she wanted to see off the man who was the first to kiss his forehead.

Shen Yinbing is more aware that in order to avoid causing panic, few people know that Gao Fei is in the central hospital.

She wanted to go to see Gao Fei off for the last ride, but she sat in her room all afternoon, staring at the hillside in the distance.

I don't know when, Shen Yinbing's eyelids become heavy, slowly lying on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

She hasn't closed her eyes since last night.

Now it's finally not going to hold up.

When Shen Yinbing woke up again, it was already ten o'clock the next morning.

Outside the sun is still bright, flowers, and the past countless days are no different.

But her heart is always empty, there is a loss of something precious at a loss.

Shen Yinbing left the villa at half past one in the afternoon.

At that time, Subei mountain was reading on the couch in front of the window on the first floor, wearing presbyopic glasses. When she came out, she just gave a gentle smile: "drive carefully on the road."

"Dad, be careful."

"Well, I'll be fine. After all, we are in China. Those people want to kill your father. It's not as simple as that."

Subei mountain a face amiable: "pour is you, this period of time had better be less go home."

"I see. Goodbye."

Shen Yinbing raised her hand and gently swung out of the villa.

Outside the villa, Lao Wang was waiting for her in the white BMW.

Lao Wang has now gone to the logistics office and is no longer in the car class, but Shen Yinbing clearly named Lao Wang when she called the group and asked someone to drive to pick her up.

Shen Yinbing's name is Lao Wang. Maybe he is Gao Fei's only friend in Beishan group headquarters. He has a special status and significance in her heart.

Lao Wang is still silent, but he seems to be a little old and dark eyed. It seems that he didn't have a good rest last night.

After turning on the main road, Shen Yinbing said: "Vice President Yan, have you gone to the group?"

Lao Wang shook his head: "Vice President Yan has been to the company in the morning, but I heard Xiao Li say that she went to Jinghua in the morning and said that she was going to examine and approve a procedure - President Shen, didn't she inform you?"

"Oh, I've been turning it off."

Shen Yinbing looked out of the window and said, "have you ever been to the central hospital?"

The corner of Lao Wang's mouth trembled: "I've been there. I've been there in the morning."

Shen Yinbing immediately asked: "Gao Fei - what's the news?"

Lao Wang shook his head: "no news."

Shen Yinbing was stunned: "no news?"

Lao Wang replied, "yes. When I went to the central hospital again in the morning, President Ma told me personally that no one named Gao Fei had ever been there, saying that I might have made a mistake. "

"No one has ever been there?"

Shen Yinbing stayed for a long time, then murmured: "Gaofei, it evaporates like this?"

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