"You, how do you know that?"

Yan magic Ji's eyes, floating on the clear color of surprise.

Goofy nodded: "Oh, it seems that you are not with those people."

Uncle he, who holds Shen Yinbing hostage with forgetful powder, once told her a story 700 years ago.

When uncle he told this story, he didn't say why the Mongolian soldiers 700 years ago wanted to hunt down his ancestors. He just told Shen Yinbing that they all belonged to anguijiao.

But he didn't belong to the king.

If it was someone else, it would be confused.

Gao Fei climbed out of Genghis Khan's mausoleum, but he could guess a similar one.

Of course, everything is based on assumptions.

Suppose Tiemu Zhenzhen was Angui King 700 years ago. He used the power of Angui church to gain the world. He was worried about the danger that the more powerful Angui church would become the Empire of the Yuan Dynasty. So he separated the four scriptures and began to slaughter the people who made the greatest contribution at that time, including the Yan Family in Western Hunan.

Xiangxi Yan's fish escaped to Mount Everest, escaped the fate of being killed by the avalanche, and fortunately found in the cave forget worry powder, which survived.

Then, they vigorously develop worry forgetting powder. With the passage of the world, their people are gradually divided into three groups: seven killing, greedy wolf and army breaking.

They claimed to be Angui people, but they refused to accept the commander of Angui king.

As for why they didn't set up another door, Gao Fei couldn't figure out the meaning of their existence.

"I know, maybe a lot more than you do, but I won't tell you."

Goofy looked down at yanmoji and asked, "you should know something like worry forgetting powder?"

"Of course I know!"

Yanmoji blurted out this sentence, eyes a bright: "you, you will not also take the worry powder?"

Gao Fei's face flashed the color of pain and murmured: "I really don't want to take that stuff - I have endless money and beautiful women. I can live what kind of life I want."

Gao Fei suddenly got angry. He stood up from the stone and quickly circled around yanmengji. Like a wolf, he looked up to the sky and roared at the moon: "but those despicable people used Shen Yinbing to feed me worry forgetting powder and broke my happy life! I'll kill them all, I'll kill them all

When he said later, Gao Fei looked down at yanmoji, his face was ferocious: "you garbage, why do you want to destroy my happy life, why!"

Seeing Gao Fei's heartfelt pain, yanmoji laughed, and she was really happy: "the greatest happiness in the world is to forget your worries. If there's another reason why I don't want to die, it's because I can't put down worry forgetting powder... There's no worry forgetting powder in that world. "

"Forget worry powder, forget worry powder, roll NIMA's forget worry powder!"

Gao Fei raises his foot angrily, kicks the stone on Yan Moji's leg, and then bends down to lift it out.

Just like he was crazy, he took off all four stones and grabbed her collar. He asked fiercely, "tell me, how can I get rid of worry forgetting powder?"

Yanmoji smiles happily: "there is only one way."

Gao Fei asked in an urgent voice: "speak quickly!"

Yanmoji gently replied, "that's death."

"Dead? Can it only be death? "

Gao Fei was stunned for a long time, and then slowly released yanmoji. He staggered back a few steps. He sat on the snow, holding his head in both hands and grasping his hair: "but I don't want to die, I really don't want to die."

Yan Moji, who collapsed on the ground, kneaded her cracked left shoulder with her left hand, coughed twice and said, "no one wants to die, neither do I

"You should die, because it's meaningless for you to live."

Gao Fei raised his head and looked at yanmoji. He sneered: "what's the meaning of living when a woman looks like you?"

"Am I ugly like this?"

Yanmo Ji took a deep breath and asked.

"I don't want to see you more."

Gao Fei calmed down slowly. When he turned his head and looked at other places, he heard a slight click. Before he looked back, he heard a clear voice like a silver bell saying, "you can see it now."

"What do you look like?"

Goofy said so, but turned his head.

Then, he was stunned.

I'm really stunned.

God can testify that Gao Fei was acting just now. All his desperation, anger and depression were acting. After he knew the origin of Yan Moji, he began acting. He no longer wanted to kill her, but just wanted to become "comrades in arms" with this ghost woman, and learn more about her.

Now he was stunned, but he didn't just want to act, because he was really stunned: Yan Moji, who was just as fierce as a ghost, turned into a beautiful woman with black hair and red lips, and the white living palm he raised was no longer the same as the ghost hand he just had.

"It turns out that she can transform just like Angui Wang. Grass, what kind of magic is this

Seeing that yanmoji becomes a beautiful woman, Gaofei immediately thinks of anguiwang.

Gao Fei's expression of shock with fear (thinking of returning to the queen, this expression also turned into acting) satisfied yanmengji: "are you surprised?"

Gao Fei nodded, but then shook his head: "yes, this, this is not true... Are you a person, or a ghost?"

"Of course I'm human."

Yanmoji leisurely replied: "it's just a kind of face changing skill."

"Face changing skill? Is there such a wonderful face changing skill in heaven and earth? "

Gao Fei wiped his eyes hard and murmured: "the world knows that the face changing skill comes from the Yan Family in Sichuan. It's the secret that has not been passed on since ancient times. How can you understand other people's secret if you are from the Yan Family in Xiangxi?"

Yan Moji rubbed her painful right shoulder and said, "you're right. The face changing skill really comes from the Yan Family in Shu. I can learn it because among the people who escaped to Mount Everest, there were Yan Family in Shu. Unfortunately, this man is not the core child of the Yan Family in Shu. He only knows a little Kung Fu. "

Yan Moji's tone was filled with regret: "it's said that after the real face changing skill is practiced, whoever you want to become can become whoever you want to become, including changing bones and eye color. But that person only knows a little bit about it. After a lifetime of study, he has barely made a little achievement. "

Goofy listened quietly and didn't speak.

Yanmengji raises her right hand.

In the moonlight, her right hand turned into a ghost claw.

Looking at the ghost claw, Yan Moji said discontentedly: "the small achievements he has studied all his life can only make people look like ghosts, and there is only one kind of reform... Hum, this is also regarded as the secret that he does not pass on. If it wasn't for the Yan Family in Xiangxi to exchange the corpse driving secret method for the great cause, I believe he would bring this last reform to the grave."

Gu deng swallowed his breath, and Gao Fei said, "but this kind of reform is enough to shock the world."

Yan Moji waved her right hand and said with pride, "that's nature! It is said that before his death, the elder of Yan Family in Shu Zhong once said that this kind of reform was against heaven. The Yan Family in Shu was wiped out by the Mongols overnight, and their face changing skills were completely lost. That's because God didn't allow them to take their skills as a curse to the world. That's bad

If you have a little skin, you will be punished by heaven. Will the king of an GUI be struck by thunder sooner or later?

Well, we have to find a chance to ask her in the future. It's better to preserve the face changing skill first, so as to avoid the loss of this most ancient Chinese culture after she was struck by thunder. Just when Gao Fei thought about it, Yan Moji asked, "are you thinking, can you learn this Kung Fu?"

Goofy nodded hard.

Yan Moji sneered and held out her hand: "hum, don't dream. Your skeleton has been formed. It's long past the age of practicing this kind of magic skill."

"If you don't study, I don't want to be the ghost you just looked like."

Goofy stood up and asked, "what are you doing with your hands? It's like begging for food."

Yan Moji said angrily, "naturally, I want you to help me up and take me to the hospital."

Goofy pretended to be stupid: "we are enemies. We fought to death just now. How can I help you?"

Yan Moji was even more angry: "just now I didn't know that you had taken forget worry powder, so we are enemies. Now we know that we are comrades in arms. Of course you have to help me! "

"But you don't know me, and you don't know who captured Qincheng. What are our comrades in arms?"

"It's just a different division of labor. Don't worry. I'll tell him you're a comrade in arms, and I won't deal with you any more."

"Can you tell your leader to let him go back to Qincheng? Oh, by the way, there's Yan Hong. It's better to add another Xie Hongyan. "

Goofy grabs yanmoji's left hand and pulls her up from the ground.

Yanmoji raised her right foot and fell askew in Gaofei's arms. She put her left arm around his neck and gasped, "Baida, I told you just now. The people who captured Qincheng have nothing to do with me. We are not a department. I appeared just to clean up, just like the one on the Bank of the Yellow River. "

"Have you been to Su's villa, too? Before Yan Hong was taken away. "

"Of course, I've been there. I spent most of the night watching Shen Yinbing hiding out of the window. I tried to kill her several times and use her body."

Yanmoji said coldly, "I've driven a lot of corpses, but I've never driven a beautiful woman's corpse, so I really want to have a try."

Goofy also coldly said: "you fortunately did not move her."

"I'm just thinking about it. I won't do that. She's also my comrade in arms."

Yanmoji said impatiently, "OK, can you pick me up and go down the mountain? I have a lot of pain all over

"Wait a minute."

Goofy let go.

Yanmoji held the concrete platform of the signal tower and asked, "what are you going to do?"

Gao Fei didn't say anything. He walked quickly to the headless zombie and asked, "is this really the northern Jiangsu mountain?"

Yanmoji understood what Gaofei was going to do, nodded and said, "well, it's really him."

With a low sigh, Gao Fei stooped to hold Su Beishan's head and put it in front of his body. Then he began to bury snow on it: "I'll ask the police to do the autopsy and take it back to cremate it and bury it in the cemetery. Don't you mind?"

Yan Moji said faintly: "his cervical nerve has been completely damaged, and has no value of being expelled. It's up to you to deal with it. Do you know? Although Su Beishan is old, he is one of the most spiritual zombies under my command. Unfortunately, he was destroyed by you. "

"Don't tell me about it any more, or I'll kill you."

Gao Fei stopped burying the snow, turned to look at Yan Moji and said coldly: "no matter whether he died or not, he still trusted me very much, and he really loved his daughter. If I comment on these two points, I will not allow people to abuse him any more. No one can do it. "

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