Gao Fei promised that manager he would become nikov, but he put forward three conditions.

Manager he's eyes flashed a cold light, the surface is still elegant smile: "tell me."

"Three simple conditions."

Gao Fei stretched out a finger and looked at Jiao Enzuo over there.

Jiao Enzuo seemed to be aware of something. He stepped back uneasily, clenched his fists and lowered his head.

Manager he is very clever, for Gao Fei said his first condition: "you want deputy manager Jiao to die."

Gao Fei light said: "he must die, whether I promise or not, I never hate a person like this."

Manager he also looked at Jiao Enzuo and said after a long silence, "can you say your other two conditions first?"

Gao Fei shook his head: "if you can't agree to this condition, then we won't have to negotiate next. Even today, I will kill him."

Manager he's face is changeable: "his life and death is not up to us in South America. The reason is very simple. He doesn't belong to our army breaking system. He's here, just sent by other brother departments to help us with our work. "

Goofy said lazily, "I don't care. If he doesn't die, I won't promise you."

Manager he stares at Gao Fei's eyes. After a long silence, he says, "you wait for me. I have to ask for instructions from above."

Gao Fei waved his hand, picked up a glass of red wine and looked at Ni'er: "at will, I hope I won't wait too long."


A black statue of the same size as a real horse and a real person squats in the middle of the room.

Mongolian Knights carved from black granite with special texture hold the reins in their left hand and raise their swords in their right hand. The point of their swords points to the sky at a 45 degree angle. Their eyes radiate the murderous spirit of sweeping the world.

The black steed under the Mongolian Knight's crotch, with four hooves flying, seems to be galloping on the waves.

This statue is quimola in the lie of Machester.

The real quimola, the huge statue of quimola standing on the earth's surface, is modeled after it.

As for the reason why the statue of quimola, which is said to be protected by the US government, appears here, except for a young man, even manager he does not know.

Young people are tall and have a slightly stiff face, but they give people a cool masculine beauty.

At this time, he was standing in front of a large screen with arms around him, looking at the pictures inside. The voice of Gao Fei talking with manager he came out from the speaker, almost without any distortion, just like staying on the scene.

A Black Unicorn head jade pendant tied with a red rope hangs in the middle of the young man's heart. Under the reflection of the screen, occasionally a strange color will flash, as if in the next moment, this ferocious Unicorn will fly out of the jade pendant.

When Gao Fei was first seen on the screen, the young man's face changed slightly and then returned to normal.

He frowned when he heard goofy's first offer.

Behind him stood an old man in Tang costume.

It can be seen that the style and material of the Tang suit worn by the old man is exactly the same as that of uncle Liu, who was cut off by Gao Fei. Even their looks are quite similar, except that uncle Liu is fat, but he is just like a hemp pole.

In fact, this thin old man named Liu Chongshan is brother to uncle Liu, but his status is much higher than that of uncle Liu. In the whole underground cave, as long as the young people are not there, even manager he has to obey his arrangement.

Now Liu Chongshan is standing behind the young man with a respectful face, just like uncle Liu in front of manager he, but without any flattery on his face, he is indifferent with his mouth closed.

"Uncle Chongshan, what do you think of Gao Fei's offer?"

Just when manager he on the screen is silent, the young man turns and looks at Liu Chongshan.

It can be seen that he has great respect for Liu Chongshan, as well as for him.

Liu Chongshan raised his head slightly to make his bitter face more clearly seen by the young people. In his hoarse voice, he said, "no matter Gao Fei or Jiao Enzuo, their relationship with us is basically the same. If I had a choice, I would rather choose Gao Fei without sincerity. "

The young man's mouth turned up and said, "Oh, why do you say that?"

"Goofy's promise to cooperate with us for the time being is just to eradicate Jiao Enzo while saving Nier. In fact, even if we don't agree, just let him take Nier. He doesn't have to force us to abandon Jiao Enzo, because he thinks he is sure that one day he will achieve his wish."

Liu Chongshan cleared his throat and continued: "but Jiao enzo is different. This time he was sent to America by the greedy wolf to help us work. Let's not mention the sincerity of the greedy wolf's cooperation in doing so. We can see that Jiao enzo is a good conspirator just by what he did after he came to the United States. We have always advocated opening up and closing up when breaking up the army, and there has been a fixed pattern of our style of work for hundreds of years. "

After a pause, Liu Chongshan said: "if we have to find a noun to describe us, I like to use the word" Zhengqi "best. Although manager he has a soft personality and is a bit vicious, he is deeply influenced by us. When things happen, he will consider things from the angle of "intelligence". But the appearance of Jiao Enzuo - young master, with respect, he is like a poisonous snake mixed into the lions. "

"Viper in the lions?"

The young man, who was called the young master, murmured and repeated this sentence: "poisonous snakes can help the lions hunt and give advice. They may get more prey for the lions by all means. But when the viper's existence is fully accepted by the lions, they get used to its way of doing things and can no longer do without it. What's more, the poisonous snake is not willing to be in the position of helping others all the time. It is always spying on the position of the lion king. "

Liu Chongshan lowered his head: "that's why I said that I would rather choose to fly high without sincerity than accept a poisonous snake for the sake of a little profit. Jiao Enzuo was the leader of Xigong xiguangyuan in the three palaces of the religion, and was the soul of the new generation of Eastern Turks. After the arrest of maimaimaiti, the former head of Xiguang academy, he stood out. If the eastern Turks do not have the stubborn desire to rescue Maimaiti, I believe that according to his mind, sooner or later, xiguangyuan will grow stronger. "

The young man didn't speak, even ignored manager he's request in the Bluetooth communicator, just quietly looking at Liu Chongshan.

Liu Chongshan continued to analyze Jiao Enzuo: "it is undeniable that Jiao Enzuo is the most outstanding talent of anguijiao in recent years. It's a pity that he has a bad mind, acts too insidiously, and does anything to achieve his goal. He took advantage of Shen Yinbing's kinship to seize Beishan group. In the Middle East, in order to run for his life, he did not hesitate to sacrifice ashduoli. When he was desperate, he decided to go to the greedy wolf. In a short time, he won the trust of the greedy wolf and was sent to America as a person who tried to cooperate and communicate with the three major departments. It can be seen that he is a hero who is not content with the status quo. "

If Jiao Enzuo was present and heard Liu Chongshan's analysis of him, he would surely give a thumbs up and praise: the parents who gave birth to me, the parents who knew me, Liu Chongshan!

After Liu Chongshan said these words, he shut up.

He knew that what he said was clear enough. What to do next? The brilliant young master will surely come up with the right plan.

The young man pondered for a long time, then nodded: "well, I know what to do. Uncle Chongshan, have you found the key that Mr. Stephen lost? "

Liu Chongshan did not speak, but slowly shook his head.

The young man asked, "how long will it take to make the next paradise missile?"

"It will take at least a month, because the last time those scientists, including the cryptographers, died of poisoning, they had to go through the test steps again if they wanted to rebuild a paradise missile."

"At least a month?"

The young man sighed and murmured, "it's too late. Russia is pressing for the goods. It seems that we can only search for the key while manufacturing."


After waiting for ten minutes, manager he hasn't answered.

Gao Fei is not impatient. He just looks at Jiao Enzuo, as if he is a super beauty who can't move her eyes at a glance. Even if someone's forehead has cold sweat, he can't see it like a blind man.

Maybe I saw that when Jiao Enzuo raised his hand to wipe sweat for the fourth time, Gao Fei finally showed a smile on his face.

It's very insidious. It's like a male cat blocking a mouse in a box. Instead of rushing to eat it, it checks its gender over and over again, with a disgusting ambiguous look in its eyes.

As for the more and more pale elegant face, but Gao Fei as the air.

Perhaps this pair of brothers of one milk compatriot, all hope not to see each other.

Tanaka Xiu is no better than Jiao Enzuo. After Gao Fei and manager he started talking, he never looked up again. He was oppressed by extreme fear and regret.

Finally, manager he said, "OK, the first condition we promise you."

"I knew that's what smart people choose."

Gao Fei puts down his glass, picks up the Golden Snake sword on the bar and goes to Jiao Enzuo.

Manager he quickly stopped him.

Gao Fei dissatisfied asked: "how, want to turn back?"

Manager he shook his head: "no... we can agree to your condition, but I hope you can say the other two conditions and see if we can accept them before we deal with this matter. If we can't accept your next two conditions, won't he die in vain? "

"Ha ha, what you said is very reasonable. Well, let's discuss the next conditions first. "

Gao Fei smiles and puts the sword back on the bar: "the second condition is simpler. I don't care if Xie Hongyan is a Huakui, but I don't like her to be my Huakui. In other words, I don't want you to persecute the women around me. "

Manager he was embarrassed: "this condition... We are not sure that we can promise you without authorization."

Gao Fei raised his eyebrows: "why?"

Manager he licked his lower lip and said, "because seven immortals are not made by our army breaking department."

Gao Fei asked coldly, "why did Xie Hongyan, who was made into a golden man, appear at the entrance of the cave?"

He Jing understood and explained: "she came with Jiao Enzuo. They are all helping us with our work."

"You mean to say that making seven immortals to welcome guests is the work of a greedy wolf department?"

"No, it's three departments doing it at the same time, but the production technology and selected personnel are mainly greedy wolves."

"Oh, so it is."

Goofy nodded: "I'm very surprised how Jo Enzo brought a corpse to the United States."

Manager he said with a smile: "the beauty at the entrance of the cave is not a corpse. She is a living person."

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