According to Mr. Shen, who has an extremely high IQ, it doesn't matter if she loses temporarily. As long as she has the ability to turn the corner, she will always bet big. After all, the odds of bet big and bet small are equal.

Perhaps, the first time she shakes a little bit, the second time, the third time, or even five times in a row, but according to Einstein's theory of relativity, she always shakes a big bit.

So when Mr. Shen lost the second one hundred and twenty-eight thousand, without blinking an eye, he told Peng Yuanhang faintly, "bring me three hundred thousand."

Shen Yinbing wants 300000, which is the way he thinks: since he has lost 260000, if he wants to turn a round, he can't bet less than that - if he dares to shake out a little bit more, I will have 600000 next time! If you lose again, it will cost 1.2 million! In a word, if you want to turn a point in a game, you have to turn the chips up!

Anyway, general Shen Jianxin, he Guan can always shake out a big word.

Shen Yinbing's psychology is very normal among gamblers. It is a typical case that he will not die until he reaches the Yellow River.

Unfortunately, the goddess of destiny didn't worry about Mr. Shen. When she gradually took out 1.2 million yuan, the damned lotus official still shook out a small number!

Mr. Shen's beautiful and clean forehead finally broke out in a cold sweat, and he could no longer keep calm.

It's not that she's scared and can't afford to lose. It's normal for a rich woman to lose millions.

President Shen was sweating because of shame - when she made her third bet, people around her stopped betting and focused on her performance.

Or, say, see how much she can lose.

It is the motto of Mr. Shen that she would rather die than admit defeat. Otherwise, she would not have left the villa with Lao Su because she didn't find her husband.

At this time of the day, she has renewed her trust in the motto.

Looking at the hill like chips in front of the Dutch official, Shen Yinbing bit his lower lip tightly: "Peng Yuanhang, go and get 2.5 million yuan!"

Shen Yinbing wants 2.5 million because she has lost nearly that amount.

Peng Yuanhang took out his handkerchief, handed it to Shen Yinbing, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Bing, forget it. Anyway, it's millions. There's no need to worry about it."

Shen Yinbing didn't pick up Peng Yuanhang's handkerchief. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and said impatiently: "let you take it, you take it! Why, afraid that I will not repay my debts? "

"I, how could I think that? Well, Jack, take the chips."

Peng Yuanhang gave a wry smile and nodded slightly to the Dutch official when he told Jack to take the chips.

Millions of gambles are absolutely amazing on this occasion.

Not only the people on this table stopped playing, but also the guests on other tables were attracted. Everyone looked at Mr. Shen with admiration: the fierce girl!

Of course, there is sympathy in these eyes. After all, Shen is always a beautiful woman. If she loses miserably, she will surely arouse sympathy from others.

There is more schadenfreude: many men, want to be abused beauty, it is best to lose even the dress off——

To these eyes, Shen Yinbing is not adapt, suddenly feel that he is the monkey in the zoo, is using poor performance, to welcome everyone's happiness.

"Continue to bet big!"

Shen Yinbing pretty face some fever, no longer dare to look around those people, bet gas pushed the chips on the table.

He Guan quickly shakes the dice cup and drops it. When he raises his right hand, he shouts: "eight o'clock, small! The big one will pay for it

"Oh, I lost again!"

"Bad luck!"

The sighs of onlookers came from around.

"Ha, five times in a row? I don't believe it's going to happen next time! "

Shen Yinbing stared at the three dice and was stunned for a moment. His voice was a little hoarse: "Peng Yuanhang, give me five million!"

"Xiaobing, I think it's better to forget it. Your luck is not so good now. Anyway, if you lose the money, you lose it, and I won't ask you for it. "

Peng Yuanhang was kind-hearted and careful. When he was about to persuade Shen Yinbing to stop gambling, she interrupted him coldly: "I don't want to owe you any money. I don't want to owe you any money. Do you understand?"

Peng Yuanhang nodded helplessly: "OK, I understand - Jack, take the chips."

Shen Yinbing looked at the position of the big character, pushed all the five million chips, and said in a dumb voice: "bet big!"

He Guan's shaking cup flew up and down, snapped it down, and then slowly raised it, but this time she didn't report it.

But the people around him took a breath of cold air: "seven o'clock, small! Six times in a row are small! "

Shen Yinbing shakes his body for a while, and finally wakes up from his stubborn stubbornness. His face turns pale: ten million, I lost ten million!?

It is true that she is a rich woman of hundreds of millions, but 80% of her wealth is real estate. If she wants to draw out 10 million cash to repay her debts, it may lead to the risk of breaking the capital chain of the group.

But if she doesn't return it, why doesn't she return it to Peng Yuanhang?

Even if Peng Yuanhang has been pursuing her, but it involves tens of millions of huge funds, it seems that he will not stop like this, right?

But if she did, how would she do it?

Not enough money, meat?

After a cold sweat, Shen Yinbing is more sober, vaguely aware that he has fallen into the trap of others, but he can't argue.

After Shen Yinbing lost the five million yuan, the whole hall 2 was quiet, and everyone looked at her.

Shen Yinbing, you are calculated, you are calculated by Peng Yuanhang, but you don't have any refutation ability!

Shen Yinbing closed her eyes tightly, but didn't look at Peng Yuanhang. She bowed her head and said, "Peng Yuanhang, give me three days, and I'll pay you back 10 million!"

At this moment, Shen Yinbing would rather fight for the danger of being broken by old Su Xun's capital chain, but also return the money to Peng Yuanhang, and never let him control it again.

Peng Yuanhang has the final say that he has seen a brilliant conspiracy in his eyes. But the face apologizes, saying, "Xiao wheI, feel shy. I didn't want to avoid your list. It was because the clubhouse was not what I said."

"I understand."

Shen Yinbing spewed out these three words in a dumb voice, turned around and left, but touched a person's arms.


Shen Yinbing is in Gao Fei's arms.

Shen stepped back subconsciously. After seeing Gao Fei, his nose turned sour. He felt aggrieved to see his relatives. If he hadn't clenched his silver teeth, he would not have been in tears in his eyes.

Immediately after that, her anger ran down her tears, and she cried in her heart: die, fly, hooligan! If you hadn't left me, how could I have come here to gamble! If I don't gamble, how can I owe Peng Yuanhang 10 million!?

No matter how the heart of hate fly, no matter how tears have been shed, but Shen Yinbing still forced a smile: "you, where have you been? Let's go. It's late. "

Shen Yinbing said, wiping Gao Fei's shoulder and walking out, but he took his hand.

Goofy looked at the pile of chips on the table and said with a smile: "wait, I'll play for you."

Of course, Shen Yinbing could recognize the meaning of Gao Fei's words, but he shook his head: "I don't want to play anymore."

"I want to play for you."

Gao Fei pulled Shen Yinbing back with a little effort, put the pile of chips in his right hand on the big words, and said calmly: "these are about 1.5 million, I bet big!"

Shen Yinbing was frightened: "Gaofei, don't bet big!"

Gao Fei said with a smile: "you have bet so many times in a row. As long as others don't make trouble, the bigger one should come out."

"I --"

Shen Yinbing was about to say something again, but Gao Fei squeezed her little hand hard, then released it and looked at he Guan: "why don't you shake the dice, do you want me to shake it for you?"

The beautiful lotus official looks casual and glances at Peng Yuanhang with a sweet smile: "no, I can do it myself."

"OK, let's start."

Goofy licked his lips and clenched his fists with a nervous look on his face.

Just saw Gao Fei appear, and calm face said to bet for Shen Yinbing, Peng Yuanhang also doubt, this boy is a cheater?

Otherwise, where did the pile of chips in his hand come from?

That's 1.5 million!

However, when Gao Fei showed a nervous look, Peng Yuanhang was relieved: this boy won so much, it may be a bad luck.

Whoa, whoa!

The sound of the crisp dice touching the dice cup sounds very pleasant, and it's like a dozen cat paws scratching everyone's heart.

In addition to Peng Yuanhang, all the people at the scene hoped that the Dutch official could shake out a small one this time and let the beauty turn over.

Because we subconsciously sympathize with the losers, as long as they are not winners.

Huala, huala - the female lotus official quickly shakes the dice cup, suddenly stops suddenly, and lands on the table again. At the same time, because Gao Fei is too excited, she can't help smashing her hands on the gambling table and yelling: "big!"

He Guan pressed the dice cup with his left hand and looked at Gao Fei with a smile. When he lifted it up, he drank low: "six o'clock, small! "The big one"

The female lotus official is about to throw out the "lose". In fact, she is confident to say the number of dice, because she is a professional veteran hired by Peng Yuanhang with high salary. Even with her feet, she can shake out the number of dice she wants.

But this time, when the dice cup is removed, the next three dice are six red dots!

full house!

Big king, big house!

"It's all over the place! My God, they're finally in transit! "

Next to the onlookers, Qi Qi issued a cry of surprise.

Beauty lotus officer's face a change, subconsciously looked to Peng Yuanhang.

Peng Yuanhang's eyes and eyebrows were full, but he suddenly disappeared and his face was gloomy.

Goofy was ecstatic, waving his fist and yelling, "Yeah, yeah, win, win!"

Shen Yinbing, on the other hand, cried with joy, ignoring so many people. He put his hands around Gao Fei's arm and cried out: "Gao Fei, you win, it's big, big!"

"We are finally in transit."

Gao Fei giggled a few times with a look of "we are developed." he asked Shen Yinbing, "do you think we should bet big or small on the next one?"

Shen Yinbing waved his fist and screamed: "big bet! Continue to bet big! "

"Well, it's up to you. If you lose, we'll leave."

Gao Fei looked at the female lotus Officer: "we are three million, continue to bet big."

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