"To give gifts in Beijing?"

Gao Fei turns to see Shen Yinbing: "for what?"

Shen Yinbing light said: "this is a trade secret."

"Cut, forget it."

Goofy sneered, turned his head and said, "then don't drag me, or I'll give away the trade secrets."

Shen Yinbing sneered: "you want to go, but the key is who wants you to go?"

After seeing that the two people were more and more angry, Yan Hong quickly made a comeback and reprimanded Gao Fei: "Gao Fei, please remember that you are talking to President Shen!"

Yan Hong scolds Gao Fei, which is subconsciously to cover up the adultery between her and Gao Fei: here, Mr. Shen, you see, I don't have a good face for him. Don't doubt that we have an affair——

Shen Yinbing, who wanted to be rude to Gao Fei, was embarrassed when she saw that Yan Hong was the first to do so. She just gave a cold hum, turned her head and looked out of the car window, and stopped talking to him.

Yan Hong takes out a pile of money from her bag and gives it to Gao Fei with a wink: Mr. Shen is on the other side now. Don't look for trouble!

Along the way, all three of them didn't speak.

More than half an hour later, the car stopped steadily in front of villa 16 in the southern mountain area.

Although Shen Yinbing and Gao Fei just had a bad time, they didn't forget that he was Shen's boyfriend. As soon as the car stopped, he got off and opened the door for her.

As soon as Shen Yinbing got off the bus, Subei mountain, accompanied by Haibo, came to the door of the villa.

Seeing this, Shen Yinbing was surprised: "Dad, how did you come out? Go in, danger

At present, Lao Su is being noticed by the killers. Any chance to appear in public may be in danger. That's why Shen Yinbing said so.

Subei mountain laughs: "ha ha, Xiao Bing, don't worry. What's the danger of this daytime? Xiao Gao is here, too. "

Are you in danger? He is a dangerous person, OK? Gao Fei secretly curled his mouth, with a smile like filial son and virtuous grandson on the surface, went to say hello to Subei mountain: "Uncle Su, Haibo."

According to Gao Fei's plan, after Shen Yinbing was sent down, he immediately went to the supermarket to buy bedding or something.

However, the northern Jiangsu mountain said, "come in and have dinner before you leave."

"It seems good to stay here for dinner."

Gao Fei murmurs in his heart and looks at Shen Yinbing with a smile.

Shen Yinbing raised her chin, hummed silently, and took the lead in walking into the villa with her arms in her arms.

Subei mountain looked at her daughter deeply and asked with a smile, "why, Xiaogao, are you having trouble with Xiaobing?"

Before Gao Fei said anything, Yan Hong said, "ah, it's not a big deal. Xiao Bing will go to Beijing tomorrow, but he doesn't want Gao Fei to follow him. Ha ha, young man, he is always like glue, and he doesn't want to separate for a moment."

It's really black and white. Nonsense. I'm not as good as you said?

The corner of Gao Fei's mouth twitched, and the smile on his face became more and more humble: "Uncle Gao, it's all my fault. I shouldn't be angry with Xiao Bing."

"Hey, it's not easy to make a fuss. All right, if you want to go, go

North Jiangsu mountain amiable smile: "go ahead, eat and talk."

"All right."

Gao Fei agreed, followed behind the northern Jiangsu mountain, and walked into the villa yard.

Haibo stayed at the door and talked to several security guards.

I don't know why. When Gao Fei came to the door of the living room, he felt that there were two lengsen's eyes behind him. Subconsciously, he looked back and saw that Yan Hong was stepping up the steps and blinked at him.

Gao Fei can be sure that the sight just looking at him is not from Yan Hong, but from the door of the villa.

After turning around and smiling as if nothing had happened, Gao Fei enters the living room: it seems that Tong Hai is not an ordinary person.

Knowing that her daughter and Yan Hong had dinner at home, Subei mountain had already asked the nanny to prepare a table full of food.

Four people sat around the table.

Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing are sitting together, opposite Su Bei Shan and Yan Hong.

It looks like a happy family, but in addition to Shen Yinbing, the other three people have their own ideas in mind.

Subei mountain: if this boy takes good care of Xiaobing, I can open up a net and give him great wealth. But if he dares to hurt Xiaobing, I have to break him to pieces!

Yan Hong: it's a pity that I'm not Yinbing. The best result is that I can sneak all my life. Alas!

Goofy: what's the origin of this old guy? Knowing that I was going to assassinate him, I could be so polite to me. It seems that I am extremely scheming.

After su Beishan said a few unimportant words, Yan Hong picked up the red wine, filled the glass for four people, and said with a smile: "come on, in order to wish Xiaobing a successful trip to Beijing!"

Shen Yinbing has already told Su Beishan about going to Beijing tomorrow.

Shen Yinbing smiles and holds up her glass: "thank you for your kind words. I hope it goes well."

"If Xiao Bing comes out in person, it will be smooth, otherwise there will be no reason."

Looking at the rich dishes tonight, Gao Fei also said a good word.

"Well, I thought I needed you."

Shen Yin snorted coldly.

Gao Fei quickly said: "where, I would like to work for Mr. Shen, but now I also want to understand that my ability is really limited. After I go, not only can I not help you, but I will delay you. So now I have no complaints."

In fact, at this time, as long as Gao Fei says a few more good words and reveals that he wants to escort president Shen, Shen Yinbing will definitely let him go. After all, this guy is not too annoying, is he?

However, since Gao Fei said that, it means that he once again euphemistically said that he was not interested in going to Beijing. Naturally, Shen Yinbing would not ask him to go, but his face was not very good-looking.

What's the matter with the child? Can't you see that Xiaobing really wants you to go with her? But you voluntarily refused - did you do it to stay with me?

With a quick glance at Gao Fei, Yan Hong's heart jumped and quickly picked up the chopsticks: "come on, Xiao Bing, Gao Fei, eat vegetables. Well, this is Xiaobing's favorite hairy crab. Gao Fei, you should like braised pork, right

Yan Hong diluted Shen Yinbing's displeasure, then changed the topic and began to talk about the destination of this trip to Beijing.

Gao Fei doesn't know much about business. He just listens to Yan Hong and the three of them. He simply throws away his cheeks and fills the lake with food.

Even if the food in my family is delicious, don't be so unpromising. It's like the reincarnation of a starving ghost. Shen Yinbing gives him a white look, quietly lifts his right foot from the high heel, kicks him in the leg, and then quickly retracts. On the surface, he still seriously discusses the work with Lao su.

"Well, who kicked me?"

Gao Fei, who is eating a lot, stops for a moment, glances at the normal face across the table, and thinks: Hey, this little girl is so bold. She looks so attentive. Who would have thought that she would tease her friends under the table? Keep playing with your husband? OK, man. I'll play with you.

"Xiaobing, I think it's better to take two more people. It's better to choose someone who can drink, because sunspot is responsible for your safety. He can't drink too much. As for Xiaosong, although she said --"

When Shen Yinbing's voice falls down and Yan Hong begins to express her opinion, she feels that a foot that has taken off her shoes quietly reaches between her legs and climbs up slowly against the inside side.

The smelly boy is too bold. Isn't she afraid to be found? Red sister's heart trembled and her voice faltered. Then she said, "she can drink too much, but all the people in the Ministry of Beijing are huge. I'm afraid you can't cope with them. Well, the first hurdle I'll face when I work there is to be able to drink and activate the atmosphere. "

Yan Hong complained in her heart, but she put her legs together, then raised her left foot and quietly stretched it out.

Shen Yinbing didn't expect that because she kicked Gao Fei, a couple of men and women played exciting games under the table.

Since ancient times, cheating is one of the most exciting things.

Especially guarding her husband and stepdaughter and cheating on her nominal son-in-law. This kind of stimulation makes her more excited than doing that in the office.

Shen Yinbing and Su Beishan didn't notice this, they just agreed to discuss the matter.

After saying her opinion, Yan Hong took up the paper and wiped her mouth. She drew back her feet and stood up: "I'll go to the bathroom."

Have a good time. Go to the bathroom!

Goofy looks at her discontentedly and picks up a prawn.

It wasn't long for vice president Yan to go to the bathroom. He came back a few minutes later and sat there again.

At this time, the father and daughter of Subei mountain were discussing how to investigate the elegant city after they went to Beijing.

Just like inertia, the absent-minded Gao Fei waited for Yan Hong to sit down, then immediately stretched out her feet and re stretched into Yan Hong's skirt.

After he put his foot in, he knew why vice president Yan went to the bathroom: her skirt was vacuum and still wet!

This time, Gao Fei completely admire red sister's courage, admire is five body to the ground.

"Well, that's it. In addition to sunspot and Xiao Song, take Su Xiaomei from the finance department with her. She is famous for her drinking and eloquence in the headquarters. As for security, sunspot alone is enough. After all, we are going to run the relationship, not fight. What do you think, sister Hong? "

Shen Yinbing thought again and again, and then asked Yan Hong.

Just let her feel a little surprised is, red sister spirit is not very concentrated, as if did not hear her words, and like a sudden headache, there biting lips, frowning in a daze, face is a little red.

"Eh, sister Hong, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Shen Yinbing asked with concern.

It's so comfortable. If only he could stick his whole foot in?

When Shen Yinbing talked to her for the second time, she suddenly woke up and quickly stood up: "ah, I, I am a little uncomfortable. I don't know what's going on. It seems that I have a stomachache. "

Concentrate on dealing with a prawn in Subei mountain, put down the shrimp shell and asked, "do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, it doesn't hurt very much."

Yan Hong shook her head, lifted the soup bowl and said with a smile: "drink more hot soup, maybe it will be fine."


Subei mountain looks up at Gao Fei and smiles kindly: "Xiao Gao, have you had enough?"

He quickly put on his shoes and said, "I'm full. I've eaten half a table of food myself. Hehe."

Subei mountain stood up, first looked at her daughter, then said: "well, you come with me to the study, I have a word to say to you."

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