Gao Fei knows that there is a very strange white haired monkey in the villa in Northern Jiangsu. Now he knows it's a baboon.

But he really didn't know that he had a fever and almost died. He was infected by that thing!

Gao Fei's surprise made Subei mountain very proud, but he immediately comforted him: "but you don't have to be afraid now, because after you have been infected once, you will carry immunity, and any infectious disease will no longer cause you any harm. In a word, you are blessed by disaster."

"Damn, I'd rather not have this blessing!"

Gao Fei thought that he was almost tortured to death, so he couldn't help scolding.

Subei mountain didn't mind, but asked: "Gaofei, can you tell me first, who saved you?"

Gao Fei asked: "can you tell me what kind of organization you are in?"

"You know too much, it's just too much trouble."

"In fact, even if you don't say it, I can guess that it's the people in the organization who saved you. But I don't understand how you know people in the organization. "

Gao Fei's eyes flashed and he laughed: "fate, or coincidence? Well, you go on with your story. It sounds good to me. "

"If Xuan dies, I can't die with her. It's very hard."

Subei mountain eyes dim down: "so, I did a thing, to torture myself."

Goofy asked, "what's the matter?"

Subei mountain suddenly laughed, the laughter was very strange, the voice also became very sharp: "cluck, cluck, I turned myself into a eunuch!"


Gao Fei was frightened.

"I turned myself into a eunuch, cluck, cluck!"

Su Bei Shan's smiling shoulders ran wildly, but old tears ran down her face: "on the seventh day of her death, I turned myself into a eunuch. If Xuan dies, my favorite woman dies. I live only to find out the real murderer and avenge her. I live only to bring up Xiaobing. So I don't need any more women to live except revenge. I want to use this way to prove to God how much I love her - cluck, goofy, are you surprised

? Also very puzzled, puzzled I unexpectedly am eunuch, that speech voice also such man? I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything today. I forced myself to talk like that. It's not good to talk in false voice for decades... "

Goofy face with shock, eyes full of worship: "great love, great man."

As soon as the smile of Subei mountain closed, he raised his hand and quickly wiped his face: "you don't have to laugh at me, I don't care at all!"

Goofy shook his head: "I didn't mean what you said. I just admire you. Because if I were you, I would rather die than do such a thing. "

Subei mountain used his false voice again and said faintly: "so, I'm proud of my infatuation with xuanruo."

"You should be proud."

Gao Fei licked the corner of his mouth and suddenly asked, "then you and vice president Yan --"

Since Subei mountain became a eunuch on the seventh day after Shen ruoxian's death, how could he marry Yan Hong again?

"Hum, that wretch - hum, I married her just to cover my eyes and ears. Now Beishan group, who doesn't know she has an affair with Peng yunmu? But I don't care, because I don't have that kind of mind. And most importantly, she is sincere to Xiaobing, so I tolerate her existence. "

Su Bei Shan snorted coldly, and his eyes flashed: "Gao Fei, don't ask any more questions about Yan Hong. You just need to know that I never touched her, but she can still play the role of my wife.

Gao Fei felt that he had two big heads and murmured: "it's really interesting. Shen Yinbing and I are contract lovers, but you are only nominal couples."

He lit another cigarette and waited for a moment before goofy asked, "is your story over?"

"That's about it. I want you to know how much I care about Xiaobing when I tell you this story. I wish she could continue to live happily. Even if I have any accident, after death, there are still people who can shelter her from the wind and rain. "

"This is perhaps the so-called fatherly love. That's the main reason why I want to show you my cards. As long as you are good to Xiaobing, I can give you any material needs! "

Goofy pondered for a long time, then asked: "how do you know I have the ability to protect her?"

Subei mountain light said: "if you don't have the ability, already died in picking peach, and even snow under their hands."

Gao Fei nodded convincingly: "well, it's quite reasonable for you to say so. But what if I don't promise you? "

Subei mountain eyes slightly narrowed up: "you will not refuse."

Gao Fei said: "ha, I'm not sure. How can you be sure?"

Subei mountain mouth twitch a few times, slowly said: "if you dare to say, you can watch Xiaobing into other men's arms, and indifferent, then I believe you will not agree."

Gao Fei was silent again, and only after a long silence did he smile bitterly: "it seems that I'm not willing. Strange, I really care about her? Especially when I think of Peng Yuanhang, I want to beat that guy into a eunuch! "

After listening to Gao Fei say the word "eunuch", Su Bei Shan even began to twitch his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything.

For a eunuch, he can say that he is a eunuch, but he will never allow others to say that to him, and he will speak to his face!

As if he didn't know that he had just sprinkled salt on someone's wound, Gao Fei said as if nothing had happened: "OK, I admit you're right. That what, I can try to do these

Subei mountain breathed a sigh of relief, said: "not try, it is necessary!"

Gao Fei frowned: "must? I'm not sure. "

Subei mountain light said: "that I am not sure, will kill Yan Hong."

Gao Fei's face is strange: "do you want to kill your wife in name, the relationship with my brother Mao?"

Subei mountain laughs again, and his voice turns into eunuch again: "cluck, Gao Fei, do you think I didn't see that Slut sitting there without underpants at dinner just now, to comfort you with your feet?"

Gao Fei was shocked and then ashamed: "you saw this, too?"

With a smile, Subei Shan stood up and went to the window, looked outside and said, "if I had put it a year ago, I would have killed you if I had seen you interested in Xiaobing and provoked other women at the same time! But I won't do it now, because I believe you can protect Xiaobing for me. Since you are shouldering this arduous task, I have to step back appropriately. Gao Fei, treat Xiaobing well. Beishan group is yours. As long as you want, Yan Hong, even Xue, is yours

It's yours. But you must not be found by Xiaobing and make her sad, or I will not forgive you! "

"Three for one? Well, it's a good deal. "

Goofy stood up: "but it's based on your daughter being able to like me."

Northern Jiangsu mountain also did not return, said: "I have given you out of the rich conditions, can get these, which depends on your ability."

Gao Fei raised his right hand and answered firmly: "go through fire and water, I will not give up!"


Gao Fei didn't expect to know so many things when he came to Su's villa this time.

Subei mountain is an organized person and a eunuch. Shen Yinbing's mother was killed. He didn't touch a finger of Yan Hong. He has baboons who can only infect diseases. He promises that as long as Gao Fei can protect Shen Yinbing, he will get great benefits and so on. The most important thing is that Subei mountain has no hostility to Gao Fei.

To be honest, Gao Fei admires Su Beishan: there are many people in the world who are selfish for love and widowed for love, but there is no man who turns himself into a eunuch for love.

Just by virtue of this ruthlessness, Subei mountain is worthy of Gao Fei's respect, and then came up with a slogan: men should be cruel to themselves!

At the same time, Gao Fei also felt that the northern Jiangsu mountain was very poor——

If Gao Fei were to kill his wife, he would turn all the people who dare to kill him into eunuchs, and he would never do anything to himself: men can't pick up girls. Life is not like death.

Seeing Gao Fei coming down the stairs, Shen Yinbing, who was watching TV, glanced at him, but didn't say anything.

Gao Fei knew what she thought in her heart, and put her right hand on her chest to make an OK gesture.

Shen Yinbing was relieved and began to watch TV again.

Looking at Yan Hong, who is helping the nanny in the restaurant, Gao Fei yawns and says goodbye: "Xiao Bing, I have something else to do. I'll go first. I wish you a safe journey tomorrow."

"Well, I see. Thank you."

Shen Yinbing light way thanks, still sitting on the sofa, did not get up to send meaning.

Instead, Yan Hong came out of the restaurant, wiping her hands: "Xiao Gao, don't play for a while?"

"Didn't I rent a house outside? I have to buy some daily necessities. Well, vice president Yan, goodbye. "

Goofy snapped his fingers and walked out of the living room.

"I'll see you off."

Yan Hong looks at Shen Yinbing and goes out.

When Gao Fei drove a white BMW out of the villa, Yan Hong came up to the window and asked in a low voice, "Hey, what did Xiao Bing's father say to you?"

Gao Fei looked at Yan Hong vaguely: "he told me that he had seen that there was an affair between us."

Yan Hong's face changed greatly. Then she raised her hand and patted Gao Fei's arm on the window. She said in a low voice, "Stinky boy, what are you talking about?"

"Well, no one believes the truth."

Gao Fei sighed and changed the topic: "he told me to go to the study, which made me have to treat Shen Yinbing well. Mr. Shen asked you to ask these questions, didn't he

Yan Hong nodded: "yes, she is afraid that you will make her father angry. Gao Fei, in fact, I can see that Xiaobing still cares about you very much. She wants you to accompany her to Beijing, but she's embarrassed to say it. "

"She went to Beijing to talk business, not to fight. I can't help her if I go. But you tell her, if there's anything I need, a phone call, I'll be there in three hours. Anyway, it's not far from here. OK, let's go. You go back Goofy waved his hand and started the car.

"Slow down."

Yan Hong called him and handed him a bank card: "here, the code is 136."

Gao Fei didn't refuse this time. He took the bank card and said in a rare and serious tone, "red sister, be careful yourself."

"What am I careful of?"

Yan Hong a Leng, still think Gao Fei said is two people adultery that matter, pretty face a red: "know."

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