Foot pain?

you deserves it!

Who made you unreasonable?

You still expect me to take care of your foot pain and hand pain. You are not my own mother, not my own wife!

Gao Fei sneered in his heart. When he was about to say that he deserved it, he was blocked by Shen Yinbing's words: "I can pay for it!"

Goofy's eyes lit up: "pay? Cut, you can't yield to the power of a man, and you can't be lewd to the wealth of a man. Tell me, if I help you to the parking lot over there, how much will you pay? "

Shen Yinbing gracefully stretched out a middle finger. Just before Gao Fei retorted, he also stretched out an index finger and two white fingers, which shook twice in front of him.

"Especially, beautiful women are beautiful women. Even their fingers are so greedy. I really want to have a bite!"

Gao Fei scolded secretly in the heart, eyes son a stare: "what? Twenty dollars, do you want me to help you walk so far? "

Shen Yinbing stammered: "yes, two hundred."

"Two hundred? Ha, windfall. This silly girl must have lost her mind, or it's money. "

Gao Fei was overjoyed, but on the surface he said, "pay first. Fifty more. "


Shen Yinbing nodded obediently, took out the wallet from the small bag, found two hundred, one fifty, and handed it to Gao Fei.

"Isn't it a fake to take money so well?"

Goofy took a look at the money, put it in his pocket, and then extended a helping hand.

Shen Yinbing nibbled her lips, put her hands on Gao Fei's arm, and slowly stood up with her left foot up.

Because Shen Yinbing held Gao Fei's right arm tightly, which made him feel a lot of elastic fullness. With a surge in his heart, he quickly recited, "collect money, help people to eliminate disasters, don't be paranoid, in case of being struck by thunder." then he looked up to the East and said, "is the parking lot over there? It's so far away. It's very cheap to charge you two hundred and five. "

Gao Fei chirped askew, but he felt his right arm sank. Looking down, he saw Shen Yinbing squatting on the ground again, and then asked: "what's the matter?"

Shen Yinbing's voice with a cry: "I, my foot pain can't walk."

"Yes? Why didn't I feel the pain? "

Gao Fei said sarcastic words and looked at her right foot: the ankle of the beautiful foot, which was wearing mercury inlaid high-heeled shoes, was obviously swollen. It seemed that it was dislocated. She was shivering with pain.

"It's dislocated, isn't that exaggeration?"

Gao Fei frowned: "why don't you give me some more massage fee and I'll reset it for you?"

Gao Fei dares to clap his heart and swear that this kind of dislocation is a piece of cake for him, which can be done every minute.

However, Shen Yinbing immediately refused: "I, I don't need you!"

"Don't pull it down. You think I seldom touch your feet."

Gao Fei knew that she didn't believe that she could reset her, and didn't insist on it. Anyway, it wasn't him who hurt. He just turned his mouth and asked, "what do you say?"

"I'm going to see a doctor!"

"How? You can't walk. "

"You, you..."

Shen Yinbing clenched her lips, looked up and down, and said in a low voice, "you, you carry me to the parking lot."

Goofy glared and exclaimed, "what, do you want me to carry you? Have you made a mistake - I think I can recite you, but you have to add another 200, or you won't talk about it! "

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