The night club, a place full of good and bad people, is no stranger to Gao Fei.

During his years abroad, he spent most of his time in it except when he killed people.

He also knows that this is the favorite place for teenagers, especially rebellious girls like Zhang Wenwen.

When he was dragged in by Zhang Wenwen, he was glad to attack Xie Hongyan's daughter first, so he didn't think of anything else. He just wanted to accompany the girl here for a while, and then he went to cheat the beauty landlord.

However, when Zhang Wenwen put her arms around him and said those words, he realized that she had been cheated by this little girl and was wanted to be a gun officer.

No one wants to be used as a gun, especially by a kid.

But goofy didn't care. He just made up his mind to be a deaf mute: you can play as you like. If you want to drag me up, don't think about it!

If Zhang Wenwen only said that Gao Fei would not allow her to drink with men, the leopard would not think there was anything wrong. After all, it is normal for the elders to control the younger generation.

But Zhang Wenwen just said that if she accompanied the man to drink, her uncle would break the man's leg!

Moreover, the girl was kind enough to remind him that she didn't want to see him limp——


Leopard ha's a smile, slam the bottle on the table, look at Gao Fei, skin smile meat don't smile asked: "Wenwen, he is your uncle?"

Zhang Wenwen nodded in a simple way: "ah, it's my uncle."

The leopard asked, "if I have to let you drink with me, he will break my leg?"

Zhang Wenwen nodded again: "yes, that's what my uncle said!"

"Interesting, interesting."

The leopard felt her legs on the table and said slowly, "since my debut, there have been 80 fights without 100 fights. I've long been tired of this kind of day. I always want to find a reason to quit the world. For example, my legs have been broken. Unfortunately, my legs are still good now. It's a pity that many people's legs have been broken by me. Zhang Wenwen, do you understand what I mean by that? "

Zhang Wenwen frowned, thought about it and said, "I understand. Does brother Bao have to drag me to drink, just to let my uncle break your legs and give you a reason to retire from the world? "

The leopard felt the bottle again, put her left hand on a girl's chest and said with a smile, "it's so smart. Come and drink with brother leopard. "

Glancing at Gao Fei, Zhang Wenwen asked: "uncle, do you allow me to drink with men?"

"You can drink it if you like. I don't care."

Goofy stood up, turned around and left: "hold on, I'll wait for you in the car outside."

"Hey, uncle, wait for me, I'll go with you!"

Gao Fei didn't ignore brother Bao's provocation at all, which was more or less beyond Zhang Wenwen's expectation.

But she didn't give up the original intention of taking uncle Gao as a gunner. She grabbed his arm and waved to the leopard: "Hey, brother leopard, I'm sorry, my uncle is leaving. I can't drink with you. Next time, next time."

"Next time? Hey, there's no next time! "

The main purpose of leopard's coming here tonight is for Zhang Wenwen. How can she watch her go? She said with a grim smile: "tonight, you must drink with me! Besides, after drinking enough, you have to stay with me all night, or else -- "

Zhang Wenwen smile convergence, rigidly asked: "otherwise how do you dare to rob people's women?"

Leopard leisurely said: "robbing people's women? Well, that's a good word. I'll take it by force. Lengzi, La Wenwen came to drink with me. Hehe, I like this kind of chili. "

A young man standing behind the leopard agreed in a dull voice. He came quickly, but was stopped by Meng Fei: "brother leopard, isn't that good? As Wenwen is my sister, don't be hard on her. How about I drink for her to make amends for the last time she provoked you

Leopard rolled a white eye, light said: "Meng Fei, normally I should buy you a face.". But as you know, when we are outside, the most important thing is face. Last time Wenwen guarded so many people to cut my face. If I let her go like this, how can I get along in the future? If I were mengge (MEng Fanxing), I would not give up. Well, Meng Fei, don't get involved in this, so as not to make me and Meng Ge unhappy. I don't think this is what Meng Ge wants

"Brother Bao, Wenwen is my sister. You are doing this to me."

Meng Fei's face was cold, but she saw her father Meng Fanxing, who stood beside the crowd and glared at her fiercely. She didn't dare to say anything immediately.

Meng Fanxing didn't mean that he was afraid of the leopard when he prevented his daughter from getting involved in the matter. He knew that the leopard could rise up because of some of his outlaws.

Meng Fanxing, who is so-called barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, is trying to wash white and go ashore. Naturally, he won't have any conflict with the leopard for the sake of one of his daughter's sisters.

After Meng Fei shut up, lengzi gave a smile and went to Zhang Wenwen. He raised his hand and went to catch her.

Zhang Wenwen raised her hand to open him and screamed, "go away, I'm not going to drink with that silly boy!"

Zhang Wenwen scolds the leopard in public. It's official.

Leopard raised the bottle and smashed it on the table.

Clutching half of the wine bottle with crisscrossed teeth and cold light shining at the edges, he sneered: "tonight, I have to kill you, little bi! If anyone dares to interfere, I'll play with him! "

Meng Fanxing, hiding behind the crowd, felt his face sink.

Of course, he knew that the leopard was warning him in secret.

Meng Fanxing, as the underground king of Southern Hebei, even if he didn't want to fight with Huabao just because of Zhang Wenwen, he wasn't a vegetarian. He winked at the people around him.

The man understood and immediately turned to make a gesture.

With the gesture of the man, the loud dance music suddenly stopped, and the light came on, shining the hall on the first floor of the nightclub with hundreds of square meters.

The men and women, who were wriggling, were stunned for a moment and then scolded one after another: "grass, what's the matter?"

"Why is the music gone? Who turned on the light?"

"Shh, don't make a noise. There's trouble over there!"

After the dance music stopped and the light came on, the leopard stood up from the sofa, bumped the wine bottle and said to lengzi again: "lengzi, drag your little bi to me! Brother leopard, I'm guarding everyone here today. Eat her

Zhang Wenwen started with the idea of letting Gao Fei and the leopard dog bite the dog. No matter who suffered, she was happy.

But when the leopard showed her fierce face and said she was going to have sex with her in front of the crowd, the little girl was afraid and regretted coming in.

Looking at four or five young people (under the hand of the leopard) walking out of the crowd with knives in their hands, lengzi grinned and walked over. Zhang Wenwen's face turned pale, subconsciously hugged Gao Fei's arm, and asked in a trembling voice: "uncle, uncle, run?"

If the leopard only wants Zhang Wenwen to make amends for his drinking, Gao Fei is too lazy to meddle in his own business: if he comes out to mix, he will have to pay it back after all.

However, when the leopard showed her fierce face and said that she would eat Zhang Wenwen's pawn in public, Gao Fei didn't want to.

At the moment when he decided to climb up to jiehongyan's bed and teach zhangwenwen to buy her clothes, he took the little girl as his daughter——

Will a father, especially a good father, allow a man to bully his daughter face to face?

"Run? Run what run. Stand behind me

Gao Fei felt a cigarette in his mouth and lit it calmly.

Zhang Wenwen quickly hid behind him.

After smoking, Gao Fei didn't pay attention to lengzi. Instead, he looked at the leopard and said, "brother leopard, you're also a famous person. It's necessary to have a common understanding with children? In my opinion, let her have a drink with you

Leopard sneer: "you special who dare to meddle in my business!"

Zhang Wenwen poked her head out of Gao Fei's back and replied in a loud voice, "this is my uncle!"

"Bullshit uncle! Lengzi, what are you doing? Blind date! "

The leopard spat hard on the ground.

Leopard elder brother spoke, lengzi no longer Leng, raised his hand to push Gao Fei: "go away!"

Zhang Wenwen originally thought that Gao Fei should be like the TV show: when lengzi's hand is about to touch his chest, she suddenly raises her hand, grabs his wrist, and then twists his body with an elbow by mistake -- lengzi falls to the ground in a howl. Then, uncle Gao rushed to the leopard like a hungry tiger, cruelly abused him a hundred times, a hundred times. It's better to explode his chrysanthemum with a wine bottle!

But to her surprise, Gao Fei was pushed by lengzi and almost stepped on her foot.

Looking at Gao Fei, who finally got a firm foothold, Zhang Wenwen was furious: grass, he was so fierce when he hit me. I thought he was a beautiful pillow!

Gao Fei stood firm, wiped his chest, frowned and looked at the leopard: "brother leopard, do you really want to be hard?"

Leopard impatient, waved: "lengzi, don't listen to this silly than here, send him away!"

Lengzi bared his teeth with a smile and stepped back slowly. His smile didn't stop. He raised his feet and whipped Gao Fei's cheek!

Hold on - when Meng Fanxing's tongue twists, he seems to see Gao Fei lift his feet.

Then, all the people at the scene heard a ghostly click when the bone was broken.

Then, people saw a very strange scene: lengzi's right leg was still high, but his calf suddenly dropped from the middle position. A section of baishenson's bone, about three or four centimeters long, just like a flagpole, penetrated the skin and flashed dead gray white under the light.

Lengzi looked at the leg bone penetrating the skin. After a moment of stupefaction, he let out an earth shaking scream and fell to the ground with a bang: "ah!"

All the others, including Meng Fanxing, were just dazzled to see Gao Fei raise his leg, and then lengzi's leg bone was broken and pierced his skin!

The scene was silent. Lengzi screamed and fell to the ground. He immediately fainted.

Gao Fei turned his head and looked at Zhang Wenwen. Then he looked at the leopard with its mouth wide open and asked, "now, do you dare to keep her with you?"

He broke lengzi's leg with one kick!?

The huge fear made the leopard's brain blank. After opening his mouth, he said three words that he regretted all his life: "everyone, go!"

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