Henry's hand was injured. Just now, he had been hit by Ye Xiao's spear, but this was only a light wound.

Even so, it was slightly affected.

"Henry, let me do it." Mary said, "If you want to throw them off, it's very easy."

Mary said, then stepped on the throttle, and the car started to move!

Ye Xiao drove his police car to follow behind Henry and the rest. Seeing that the car in front was speeding up, he laughed lightly, "Looks like they wanted to compete with me in car skills. It's a pity that they chose the wrong opponent."

"Can you do it?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"It's easy to catch up to them!" As Ye Xiao said that, he looked at Zhou Xinming, "Now that's your problem, are you confident you can hit them?"

"I want them alive!"

"Capture him alive? This is going to be difficult. " Ye Xiao shook his head slightly, "You should know that these guys are all desperate criminals. If you want to capture them alive, then you'll have to face even greater danger. It's not worth it!"

"I want him alive." Zhou Xinming insisted.

"Forget it, at least consider yourself powerful!" Hearing Zhou Xinming's words, Ye Xiao seemed to be helpless, "I'll try my best!"

He increased his speed and chased after it.


The two cars sped up.

The car in front sped up twice, but still could not shake off Ye Xiao's car. Suddenly, with a turn, it rushed into the Walking Street!

The streets were filled with pedestrians, but Henry and the others did not care. As long as they could escape, it did not matter how many people they lost. But Zhou Xinming could not let the police car do the same, just as Ye Xiao was about to rush up, Zhou Xinming suddenly shouted, "No, you cannot also rush up, otherwise many people will die."

"Then you can only watch them escape." Ye Xiao said.

"That won't do." Zhou Xinming insisted.

"You're so pissed off." Hearing Zhou Xinming's words, he said coldly, "Forget it, even if we don't rush up, I have a way, but I can't guarantee that it will be better than chasing after him by car."

"What method?" Zhou Xinming asked!

"This is it." Ye Xiao suddenly took the gun in his hand and extended his body out!

Pa, pa, pa!

The sounds of gunfire continuously rang out.

Zhou Xinming really wanted to give Ye Xiao a slap on the face. This guy, she actually took out a gun and shot at him on the street, this was a serious matter, if she really got hurt, Zhou Xinming would not be able to take it.

The police were strictly forbidden to shoot as they wished, especially in the city center, and were not allowed to shoot as they wished. They were worried that they would harm innocent citizens.

Zhou Xinming absolutely did not dare to recklessly shoot from the street, but in the end, Ye Xiao actually shot four times in one go!

If she accidentally hurt him, Zhou Xinming would have to bear a lot of responsibility, and the spear was hers.

"You bastard, are you seeking death!" Zhou Xinming shouted loudly.

However, Ye Xiao ignored her words.

"Stop the car, get ready!" Ye Xiao suddenly shouted to Zhou Xinming.

Ye Xiao's words gave Zhou Xinming a fright, and before she could understand what was going on, she heard a loud explosion from in front of her.

She quickly looked over and saw that the car in front had crashed into the wall of a shop on the pedestrian street!

"You …" Zhou Xinming opened her eyes wide, she had something to say.

However, before Zhou Xinming could finish her sentence, she heard Ye Xiao say, "What are you still standing there for? I'll give you the spear.

Ye Xiao threw Zhou Xinming's gun over to him, unlocked her seat belt, and jumped out of the car.

"Bastard …" At this time, Zhou Xinming finally understood that Ye Xiao had exploded the tires of the car with his gun.

Although the situation was dire, Zhou Xinming could not care about that, the most important thing was to catch the two killers.

Zhou Xinming also undid her seat belt, and got off the car with the gun in her hand.


Just as Zhou Xinming and Ye Xiao were running towards that direction, a gunshot suddenly rang. A normal citizen fell to the ground as a result of the gunshot.

Henry and Mary climbed out of the carriage, their bodies covered in blood. Henry was very experienced.

"Xinming, request for help." Ye Xiao shouted to Zhou Xinming, "Don't move, I will chase."

After he finished speaking, he chased after her.

Zhou Xinming would never listen to Ye Xiao's words, she was such a stubborn girl. Although Zhou Xinming knew that the situation was critical, she couldn't just watch as the suspect ran away.

It didn't fit her personality. She would never be able to do it.

Although Ye Xiao had already told her not to chase anymore, he ignored him and chased after him with the gun in her hand.

She chased into the alley, and the figure in front of her disappeared in a flash.

Zhou Xinming chased after it and found that there was a construction site behind it.

Because it was night time, the construction site had already stopped working, so the figure entered the construction site.

Zhou Xinming hesitated slightly before following her in.

The inside of the construction site was in darkness, Zhou Xinming carefully walked inside the construction site that was filled with construction materials, gun in hand!

When he reached the back of the construction site, a light suddenly came on.

"Who is it?"

A man's voice came over.

"I'm a cop." Zhou Xinming said, "I am chasing a suspect, did you see it?"

"I didn't see it!" A security guard appeared at the construction site.

"You can leave now!" Zhou Xinming said.

After Zhou Xinming said this, she realized that the security guard was still standing at his original position.

Zhou Xinming walked over with the gun in his hand, "You can leave now, call the police and get them to come over and support you …"

When Zhou Xinming said this, she saw the security guard winking at him.

In that instant, Zhou Xinming understood.

The security guard was held hostage as she slowly approached with a gun in her hand.

"Be careful …"

Just as Zhou Xinming walked over, the security guard shouted loudly. Soon after, he saw a white light flying over. Although Zhou Xinming had prepared for this, she did not expect the other party to be so cunning. The place to hide was not hidden at the side, but right behind the security guard.

The moment the security guard was pushed away, the dagger in Henry's hand flew out.

Zhou Xinming dodged hurriedly, but she was still not able to completely dodge the attack. The blade of the dagger cut a hole in Zhou Xinming's shoulder!

Zhou Xinming held onto her handgun, and just as she was about to shoot, Henry had already pounced on him!

A kick landed on Zhou Xinming's body. When Zhou Xinming was kicked to the ground, the gun in her hands had already flown out, and she did not know it as it fell to the ground.

He would not care about Zhou Xinming's life or death. In fact, even if he stayed behind, he would not be able to save Zhou Xinming.

When Henry kicked Zhou Xinming down again, he did not stop and quickly ran in front of Zhou Xinming!

Zhou Xinming was still on the ground, she had already raised her right foot and kicked towards Zhou Xinming's chest.

If Henry were to kick him, Zhou Xinming would be in danger.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhou Xinming rolled, and barely dodged the attack.

However, Henry did not stop there. Even though he did not manage to step on Zhou Xinming, he had already reached Zhou Xinming's side. He planned to continuously attack and cripple Zhou Xinming.

In fact, this time, Zhou Xinming indeed had no way of escaping. It was extremely dangerous!


A strong gust of wind blew over!

Henry's original target was Zhou Xinming, but when he heard the sound of the wind blowing, she suddenly dodged!

Boom! *

The sound of a collision could be heard.

It was a rock hitting a pile of steel.

"Stinky, you reacted quite quickly." Ye Xiao suddenly jumped out and blocked in front of Zhou Xinming, "What did I tell you just now? I told you not to come over, but you refused to listen to me. Zhou Xinming, he is not someone you can take care of."

Zhou Xinming stood up from the ground, her left hand was covering the wound on her shoulder as she said, "I can't let him go."

"This is already the second time, and every time you want me to save you, Zhou Xinming, have you ever thought about giving yourself to me?"

The moment Ye Xiao said these words, he actually started laughing, "That's quite a dream, we are friends after all. Oh, you are my Male Confidante."

"Male Confidante?"

Hearing Zhou Xinming's words, Ye Xiao actually laughed lightly, "Male Confidante, so be it, this doesn't sound too bad. You should move to the side, leave this guy to me, he's not an ordinary person, you can't deal with him."

"Be careful."

Zhou Xinming suffered just now, so she knew that this man was really hard to deal with.

Ye Xiao walked two steps towards Henry, "I'll be your opponent."

"I recognize you!" Henry said, "You are the person who obstructed my path, I will kill you."

"Don't talk nonsense with me, we Chinese have never liked this kind of thing. If you can fight, then stop blabbering. Let's be more straightforward. Do you want me to kill you or do you want to die?"

Ye Xiao's current expression was completely different from the one he had when he was speaking just now.

Ye Xiao's body was currently filled with killing intent, he did not plan to let Henry live.

In Ye Xiao's eyes, a guy like Henry would only be a disaster if he lived, and more people would get hurt. All Ye Xiao could do was kill these people.

Henry was one of them. He did not want to let Henry live past tonight.

When Henry heard these words, he actually burst out laughing. In Henry's eyes, Ye Xiao was really a funny guy, to think that he would dare say such words in front of him.

"The one who will die is you." Henry said coldly.

"Then we'll have to compete." Ye Xiao did not plan to talk too much with Henry. He was walking beside Henry and looking for an opportunity.

He knew that Henry was not easy to deal with either.

These kinds of people were usually ruthless and merciless. You couldn't give these guys any chances.

Ye Xiao was looking for an opportunity, a chance that he could help.

If he did not make a move, then so be it. But if he did, then he wanted Henry's life!

But, Henry made the first move, Henry suddenly shouted, and pounced.

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