The situation just now was especially dangerous. If Ye Xiao didn't react quickly enough, Mary very likely would have succeeded. Zhou Xinming didn't even know why she was so angry. Perhaps it was because she had almost injured Ye Xiao earlier, but this was the last thing she was afraid of.

She didn't realize that she already had Ye Xiao's position in her heart.

"Xinming, forget it." Ye Xiao looked at Wang Yang's current appearance and felt that it was pitiful. He walked over, "It's not like it's a big deal, the Female Killer is not a normal person anyway, you guys have never met such a woman before, so I can't blame Wang Yang. I think Wang Yang has worked hard, so let's just forget about this matter."

"It's fine if you say it, but you …" Just as Zhou Xinming finished her sentence,

"Xinming..." Just as he wanted to speak, Zhou Xinming had already grabbed Ye Xiao's shoulder, raised his knee, and aimed it at Ye Xiao's stomach.

Ye Xiao let out a miserable scream.

"Serves you right!" Seeing Ye Xiao holding onto his stomach with his face full of pain, Zhou Xinming laughed coldly, "This is a lesson I want you to remember, you better behave yourself in the future!"

"I got it!" Ye Xiao hurriedly said.

"Take your luggage and come with me." Zhou Xinming said.

"Alright!" Ye Xiao hurriedly promised.

Zhou Xinming left first, did Ye Xiao finally let go of his hand!

Wang Yang hurriedly said, "Brother Ye, thank you. If not for you, I would really be finished today."

"Next time, be careful. How can you ignore this kind of thing? It's too dangerous." Ye Xiao said, "Fortunately I reacted fast enough, if it was anyone else, their life would have been in danger. Xinming is doing this to protect you, you know?"

"I understand. I know that the Sister Zhou is doing this for my own good." Wang Yang hurriedly said.

"En, it's settled then, I will help you speak of Zhou Xinming, you can go back to work." Ye Xiao said.

"Thank you, Brother Ye …" Wang Yang had personally witnessed Zhou Xinming's move just now, and it had to be known that Zhou Xinming's techniques were not ordinary. At that time just now, Wang Yang thought that if he bumped into Zhou Xinming's body, he would definitely be in so much pain that he wouldn't be able to stand up!

waved her hand, and a disdainful smile hung on the corner of her mouth, "Zhou Xinming's abilities are incomparable to mine, don't worry, I was just pretending just now. Otherwise, do you think Zhou Xinming would let you off?"

"Thank you!" Wang Yang thanked him once again.

Zhou Xinming and Ye Xiao arrived at Zhou Xinming's home, and Zhou Xinming parked the car downstairs and got off!

Ye Xiao carried his luggage and followed behind Zhou Xinming. Just as Zhou Xinming was about to walk into the building, her phone suddenly rang.

Zhou Xinming took the phone and saw that it was actually Zhang Xueyao who had called.

At this time, Zhang Xueyao must have something on that call.


Just as Zhou Xinming was looking at the phone, Ye Xiao took her luggage and walked forward, he did not notice that Zhou Xinming did not move at all, and in the end, Ye Xiao crashed into Zhou Xinming.

Zhou Xinming was almost knocked over by Ye Xiao. She turned around and fiercely glared at Ye Xiao, "Can't you see that I'm on the phone?"

"I didn't notice." Ye Xiao hurriedly apologized.

"Don't talk, it was Xueyao who called." Zhou Xinming said.

When Ye Xiao heard this, he glanced at Zhou Xinming, "Don't tell her that I'm here."

Xueyao is especially angry at you right now. If I tell her, I don't know if Xueyao will be angry at me too, but I'm taking a huge risk to take you in. Zhou Xinming said.

"A greedy woman!" Ye Xiao muttered.

"Don't be so long-winded, or else I'll kick you out!" Zhou Xinming took out the key to her house and threw it to Ye Xiao, telling him to open the door!

She answered the phone!

"Xueyao, what's the matter?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"It's still that bastard!" Zhang Xueyao was not in a good mood as she said, "That guy moved away!"

"What happened to you?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"Don't mention it, it makes me angry just by mentioning it!" Zhang Xueyao asked, "Xueyao, what are you doing now?"

"I... "I have something to do." Zhou Xinming looked at Ye Xiao who was already in the elevator and saw Ye Xiao waving at her. Zhou Xinming hurriedly said, "I'm at Criminal Police Unit to take care of some matters, then go home and sleep!"

"If that's the case, then forget it." Zhang Xueyao said.

Zhou Xinming didn't know why, but upon hearing Zhang Xueyao's words, she seemed to have done something shameful, and carefully asked: "Xueyao, is there anything else?"

"You're busy, work is more important!" Zhang Xueyao said, "Don't be so tired, rest early."

"Mm, you too. Don't think too much about it!" Zhou Xinming said.

Zhou Xinming finally hung up, and the moment she hung up, Zhou Xinming let out a long breath. She had never had such a feeling before. All this while, Zhou Xinming and Zhang Xueyao had always talked about everything, everything!

Zhou Xinming was a person who couldn't lie, she couldn't hide anything in her stomach. Since she and Zhang Xueyao were good friends, she would naturally say whatever she wanted to to to Zhang Xueyao.

But now, Zhou Xinming had lied to Zhang Xueyao.

She felt extremely guilty in her heart, and felt that she had let Zhang Xueyao down.

Although she was a little apologetic in her heart, even Zhou Xinming herself couldn't figure it out, so why did she feel so excited right now? Perhaps it was because she found out from Zhang Xueyao that Ye Xiao had been driven out, but in short, there was a trace of excitement in her heart.


Zhou Xinming let out a long sigh.

"Zhou Xinming, what are you thinking? Ye Xiao is your Male Confidante, your good friend's fiancé. Even if there's something between them right now, you shouldn't think about it too much. Zhou Xinming said to herself.

She forced herself to calm down and stepped into the elevator.

Ye Xiao used his key to open the door to his room, and then took his luggage in.

"Xinming, I'm going to sleep in this room." Ye Xiao this fellow did not hold back, he immediately took his luggage into Zhou Xinming's room and placed it on the ground, then said with satisfaction, "This room is good!"

"Scram, this is my room, yours is in the next room." Zhou Xinming raised her leg and kicked Ye Xiao out.

There was only a single bed by the side of the room. Usually, Zhou Xinming would leave some junk there. Ye Xiao put down his luggage and looked around the room. It was actually quite clean.

Ye Xiao also had nothing to do, he squatted down and opened one of the cardboard boxes.

"Ye Xiao, what do you want to eat tonight …" Just as Zhou Xinming walked to the door of his room, he saw Ye Xiao squatting in front of a cardboard box, looking through it. Zhou Xinming anxiously rushed over and pushed Ye Xiao to the side!

"What are you looking at? If you keep looking, then get out. I won't let you stay here anymore." Zhou Xinming was very nervous.

"Xinming, what exactly is it? "Are you that nervous?" Ye Xiao looked at Zhou Xinming and asked while laughing.

"Don't ask!"

"Speak, what is it? I won't laugh at you." Ye Xiao asked again.

"I've already told you that you're fine, why are you so annoyed? I've asked you over and over again." Zhou Xinming hugged the box, seeing that Ye Xiao's gaze was fixated on the paper chest, she bit her lips, looked at Ye Xiao, and said, "We've explained everything clearly, if you dare say it out loud, I'll cut you into pieces."

"I promise I won't." Ye Xiao hurriedly said, "Xinming, you can say it now, right?"

"Take a look for yourself." After Zhou Xinming heard this, she placed the paper chest in front of Ye Xiao, telling him to look at it herself.

Ye Xiao was indeed very curious in his heart, he really wanted to know what was inside the paper chest that made Zhou Xinming so worried.

When Zhou Xinming put down the cardboard box, Ye Xiao opened it and took out everything inside.

At the top were some old magazines, but there was nothing special about them. When Ye Xiao went down to take it, he realized that there was a comic book at the bottom of the box.

This was truly out of Ye Xiao's expectations. Reading such a valiant girl word from a comic book, this simply did not fit Zhou Xinming's personality. Ye Xiao held onto the comic book in his hand and looked at Zhou Xinming.

"I've already warned you not to speak of it. Otherwise, I really will tear you into eight pieces!" Zhou Xinming warned again.

"I won't …" Ye Xiao forced himself not to laugh and anxiously promised. He flipped through another comic book and casually flipped through a few pages. Just by reading a few pages, Ye Xiao had already opened his eyes wide!

"What's wrong?" Zhou Xinming did not know what Ye Xiao had discovered, and anxiously asked.

Ye Xiao opened the comic book and smiled mischievously at Zhou Xinming: "Xinming, I never thought you would have this kind of comic book!"

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