Ye Xiao did not expect that Zhou Xinming raised his hand and gave Ye Xiao a photon!


Zhou Xinming's hand is on Ye Xiao's face

Her face sank, "Ye Xiao, you are not allowed to talk nonsense, I will never fall in love with you!"

With these words, Zhou Xinming pushed Ye Xiao hard, turned and left.

Zhou Xinming is angry!

Ye Xiaowan didn't expect that Zhou Xinming would react like this. Before that, he often joked with Zhou Xinming like this. This time, it was the same. Ye Xiaowan didn't feel that there was any problem. How could Zhou Xinming suddenly be so angry.

He covered his face with his hand and walked away when he saw Zhou Xinming.

Ye Xiao has some silly eyes!

He rushed to catch up, a hand, grabbed Zhou Xinming's wrist, Zhou Xinming to grab, do not let her leave.

"What's the matter with you, Xinming? I'm just joking with you." Ye Xiao said.

Zhou Xinming stopped, looked directly at Ye Xiao, and said seriously, "this kind of joke is not allowed in the future. You are Xue Yao's fiance. You are not allowed to make this kind of joke any more. If you do it again, we don't even have to make friends."

Zhou Xinming is very serious and doesn't look like a joke at all.

Ye Xiao didn't understand Zhou Xinming's mind, so he had to say, "I know, Xinming, this time it's my fault, I apologize to you."

"After you deal with the injury, at the right time, go to the criminal police brigade to make a record. I have something else to do. Let's go first." When Zhou Xinming finished, she turned and walked away without waiting for ye Xiao to speak.

Ye Xiao is slightly stunned. He always feels that Zhou Xinming's reaction is too strange.

He always felt that there was something in it, but he couldn't figure it out for a moment.

When Zhou Xinming left, ye Xiao came to see Fang Wanqing.

Fang Wanqing is sitting on the chair in the corridor beside her. She is waiting for ye Xiao.

When ye Xiao came, Fang Wanqing said in a hurry, "I didn't hear anything."

Ye Xiao sat down in the chair beside Fang Wanqing, "Wanqing, you give me an analysis, how did Xinming suddenly get angry with me? In the past, I was joking with her like this. She didn't get angry with me before, and suddenly got angry..."

In front of Fang Wanqing, ye Xiao tells the story between him and Zhou Xinming.

"Well, let me guess. You said she and your fiancee... Were best friends." Fang Wanqing said here, she slightly pause, that watery big eyes looking at Ye Xiao.

"Yes, a good friend."

"Then she must be worried that your fiancee will be angry." Fang Wanqing said softly, "because if you are too close to her, she must feel sorry for her best friend in her heart, so she will consciously distance herself from you. I think... I think she really likes you in her heart."

A word awakens the dreamer!

When Fang Wanqing said this, ye Xiao's heart was suddenly moved.

He didn't think about it before. He just felt that Zhou Xinming's behavior was a little strange. He was different from Zhou Xinming in peacetime. But now after hearing Fang Wanqing's words, ye Xiao thought of it.

Ye Xiao's hand suddenly stretched out and hugged Fang Wanqing. "Wanqing, you are so smart. Why didn't I think of it? Yes, Zhou Xinming must be embarrassed in her heart. Cough, I'm really stupid!"

This is the corridor of the hospital. Fang Wanqing is held in her arms by Ye Xiao. Her eyes look around in a hurry. She is worried that someone will look around. After confirming that she has not looked, Fang Wanqing is relieved.

"In fact... In fact, it's nothing. It's normal. It's... Girls have such thoughts." Fang Wanqing said softly.

When ye Xiao heard this, he turned his face to Fang Wanqing.

Just as Fang Wanqing raised her pretty face, she met Ye Xiao's eyes. At that moment, ye Xiao was moved by Fang Wanqing's eyes, and his mouth stuck to Fang Wanqing's lips.

Fang Wanqing's breathing accelerated, her lips slightly pursed, or pursed, ye Xiao's mouth stuck up, and Fang Wanqing's lips touched together.

Just a touch of this dragonfly, Fang Wanqing's cheek instantly red up.

She quickly separated from ye Xiao's lips and stood up, "we have to... Go and take notes."

"Yes, take notes." Ye Xiao also stood up, his hand naturally stretched out, hugged Fang Wanqing's waist, hugged Fang Wanqing.

Fang Wanqing's cheek turned red. After she was hugged by Ye Xiao, she didn't speak. She leaned against Ye Xiao's body slightly, close to Ye Xiao's body.

I met a lot of things today. I just wanted to have a meal with Fang Wanqing. Who could have thought that so many things would happen.

Come out of the Criminal Police Brigade, it's dark!

Ye Xiao and Fang Wanqing are nearby. After dinner, ye Xiao drives Fang Wanqing home.

At Fang Wanqing's downstairs, ye Xiao stops the car.

"Wan Qing, I'm really sorry today. I just wanted to invite you to dinner. Who could have thought that so many things would happen? I've chosen a golden day another day. There won't be anything. We'll find another place to have a good meal." Ye Xiao sits in the car and apologizes to Fang Wanqing.

"It's a good day. I'm very happy." Fang Wanqing untied her seat belt and said, "next time I'll treat you to dinner, you've treated me to dinner twice today."

"Then you can treat me to dinner some other day..." Ye Xiao just said this, Fang Wanqing's phone suddenly rang.

Fang Wanqing took out her mobile phone and saw that the call was from Liu Dahai.

"I'm from big brother Haige. I'll answer the phone first." Fang Wanqing said.

"Good!" Take back what ye Xiao wants to say later.

Fang Wanqing answered the phone, "big brother, what's the matter?"

"Wan Qing, have you gone home?" Asked Liu Dahai.

"I'll be home in a minute."

"Who are you with?" Liu Dahai suddenly asked.

Fang Wanqing was stunned. She didn't expect that Liu Dahai would suddenly ask this question. Fang Wanqing's watery eyes looked at Ye Xiao and said in a hurry, "I'm alone, big brother Hai. If you don't say anything, I'll get off the bus!"

"Good!" Liu Dahai agreed.

Fang Wanqing put down the phone, worried that ye Xiao would misunderstand, and hastily explained, "it's big brother Hai. Maybe he's watching too late. I haven't gone back yet. He's worried about me."

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded, "I can understand that a lovely girl like you is very dangerous outside. When it's dark, don't go out alone. Be careful to be watched.


When Fang Wanqing heard Ye Xiao's words, she began to laugh.

"No more."

"Wait a minute." Ye Xiao said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Fang Wanqing asked.

"I'm going to take out my mobile phone, take a picture of your smile and make a screen saver." Ye Xiao said.

"Don't..." Fang Wanqing is a little shy. She really thinks that ye Xiao will take photos with her mobile phone. She quickly reaches out her hand to stop Ye Xiao from taking photos with her mobile phone, but ye Xiao doesn't mean to take photos with her mobile phone. That's what ye Xiao said.

If ye Xiao took a picture of Fang Wanqing as a screen saver, once Zhang Xueyao saw it, she didn't know what would happen.

Now ye Xiao is very careful. He is worried that Zhang Xueyao will find clues.

Fang Wanqing's hand stretched out to come over, ye Xiao's hand grasped Fang Wanqing's small hand, just gently pull, Fang Wanqing suddenly turned over.

Fang Wanqing's cherry mouth and ye Xiao's lips stick together.

Fang Wanqing's eyes suddenly widened. She didn't expect to become like this.

But she didn't want to push Ye Xiao away, just like this, and ye Xiao's lips stuck together.

The lips of the two were very tight, airtight.

After a kiss that was enough to suffocate Fang Wanqing, Fang Wanqing blushed and quickly untied her seat belt.

She didn't dare to look at Ye Xiao's face. She just lowered her head and said, "I... I'm home!"

"And next time?" Ye Xiao felt a little reckless. Just now he saw Fang Wanqing's pretty face. He had some impulse in his heart. He didn't resist it, so he took the opportunity to kiss Fang Wanqing.

But after kissing, ye Xiao regretted it.

It's easy for Fang Wanqing to misunderstand him. What if Fang Wanqing hates him?

"I'll... I'll call you. You can also... Call me when you have time. Today... I'm very happy today." With these words, Fang Wanqing quickly opened the door and left Ye Xiao's car as if running away.

When ye Xiao heard Fang Wanqing's words, he just let go of his heart.

From the two words Fang Wanqing just said, Fang Wanqing is not angry, which is enough to show that Fang Wanqing likes Ye Xiao in her heart.

Ye Xiao lit a cigarette and drove away from here.

Just as ye Xiao was driving away, Liu Dahai showed his face behind the tree beside him.

He has just seen Fang Wanqing's love for ye Xiao!

At the moment, Liu Dahai's fists are tightly clenched in his hands, and his nails have penetrated into the meat.

Liu Dahai's eyes glare at Ye Xiao's car. His eyes follow Ye Xiao's car all the time and disappear around the corner. Then he takes his eyes back.

He ran quickly towards the hole in the building.

When Liu Dahai ran to the first floor, he happened to see Fang Wanqing standing at the entrance of the stairs, just going up the stairs.

"Wan Qing..."

Liu Dahai called.

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