Zhang Xueyao calm face, glaring at Ye Xiao.

"Wife, are you looking for me?" Ye Xiao comes to Zhang Xueyao.

"Do you remember what I said before I asked you to come back?" Zhang Xueyao looks directly at Ye Xiao.

"Forget it!"


Zhang Xueyao hit the table again!

Before Zhang Xueyao could speak, ye Xiao came to Zhang Xueyao. He held Zhang Xueyao's right hand, which was clapping the table. "Wife, don't always clap the table. It's so painful. If you want to get angry, just clap my face. I know I make you angry. Your hand claps on the table. It's painful in my heart. Wife, clap me hard. I'm real leather, It won't hurt you... "

"You... You're mad at me!"

Zhang Xueyao was so said by Ye Xiao, she even subconsciously stomped her feet hard!

"Wife, I don't know how to annoy you?" Ye Xiao said.

"You don't know how to piss me off? I ask you, what happened this morning? Someone else's boyfriend comes to kill you. What bad things have you done outside? " Zhang Xueyao's face was as cold as frost. She asked angrily.

"Wrong, absolutely wrong." Ye Xiao said, "Zhou Xinming can testify to this."

"Why are you talking about Xinming again?"

"The last time I drove, I accidentally bumped into a girl and sent her to the hospital. Later, I went to the nurse who took care of the girl to find out about the patient. You know, things like this are very troublesome. I was worried that the girl would blackmail me, so I didn't dare to show up, so I went to the nurse to find out!" Ye Xiao said.

"Bump? Why didn't you tell me about it? "

"I'm afraid of you? Zhou Xinming knows about this. I'll ask Zhou Xinming for help. She's a policeman! " Ye Xiao said.

"I'll ask Xinming in person later. Go on." Zhang Xueyao's face has obviously eased a lot now. She wanted to take her hand out of Ye Xiao's hand, but she did not take it out, so Zhang Xueyao did not take it out.

"As a result, the man saw it. He was just the nurse's neighbor. He was insane. He thought I had a relationship with the nurse. Xueyao, I explained it to him many times, but he just refused to believe it!" Ye Xiao said helplessly, "yesterday, when I was on the street, someone committed a murder. When I subdued the assailant, I was slightly injured, so I went to the hospital for treatment. It happened that the female nurse took care of my wound. As a result, it was over. The man decided that I had seduced his so-called girlfriend. I was more unjust than Dou E. Zhou Xinming could testify to all these things, Yesterday, Zhou Xinming was also at the scene of the hospital. "


"Of course it's true. Can you call Zhou Xinming?" Ye Xiao said Zhou Xinming's name on purpose. He usually called Xinming, but he was worried that Zhang Xueyao would think of his relationship with Zhou Xinming if he called Xinming now.

"I'll call now. If you lie, you'll take your luggage and get out. I don't want to see you again." Zhang Xueyao said.

"Well, at that time, I'll leave without my wife's saying." Ye Xiao said.

Zhang Xueyao takes her cell phone and calls Zhou Xinming.

What ye Xiao said is half true and half false, among which the part about Zhou Xinming is true.

Zhang Xueyao calls Zhou Xinming and can't find out anything. It just proves that ye Xiao's words are true.

After Zhang Xueyao called, her face completely recovered!

She put down her mobile phone, and her ruddy lips pouted, "I'll spare you this time. You have to remember that you are my boyfriend. If you make a fool of yourself in the group, you'll lose my face!"

"Wife, what did you say just now?" Ye Xiao asked.

"I... I said something." Zhang Xueyao realized that she had just said something wrong and immediately denied it!

Ye Xiao reaches out his hand and embraces Zhang Xueyao.

"You just said I was your boyfriend." Ye Xiao said.

"I... I didn't say that. Don't cheat. You heard me wrong."

"Admit it... Wife!" Ye Xiao said, mouth up, and Zhang Xueyao's lips close together.

Zhang Xueyao didn't push Ye Xiao away. Her hands stretched out and gently hugged Ye Xiao's waist.

After a kiss enough to suffocate the two, Zhang Xueyao blushed and said, "if you don't let go, this is the office. Don't do anything nonsense."

"What happened to the office? You are my fiancee

Ye Xiao says words, lips want to stick up again.

But Zhang Xueyao held out her hand and covered her lips to prevent Ye Xiaoqin.

"I have a lot of things to do today. If I hadn't heard about you, I wouldn't have let you come." Zhang Xueyao said, "don't forget to hold a meeting. It's a briefing on GEM group."

"I know!" Ye Xiaosong held Zhang Xueyao's hand and said, "wife, I'll go back and get ready."

After ye Xiao came out from Zhang Xueyao, he took a long breath.

It's really dangerous. Fortunately, he is tactful and successfully evades.

It seems that it's better to be more careful in the future.

Zhang Xueyao is a vinegar jar!

On the surface, she is a high goddess. In fact, Zhang Xueyao is a very jealous woman in her heart. If she is not careful, she will upset Zhang Xueyao.

Ye Xiao didn't dare to provoke Zhang Xueyao.

Within the group, it has long been spread that Liu Dahai came to find Ye Xiao.

However, because ye Xiao is a department manager, those people also talk in a low voice.

The male staff talk about how ye Xiao seduces other people's girlfriends, but the female staff talk about ye Xiao's strength. Men and women see things from different angles. Girls prefer powerful men. Ye Xiao is such a man.

Ye Xiao subdues Liu Dahai empty handed, which makes the female staff admire Ye Xiao very much.

Even Tang Tang Tang shows more admiration for ye Xiao. When ye Xiao returns to the office after the meeting, Tang Tang puts the documents Ye Xiao needs to sign in front of Ye Xiao. She stands in front of Ye Xiao, and her big watery eyes look at Ye Xiao secretly.

When ye Xiao finishes signing, Leng Buding looks up and sees Tang Tang Tang secretly looking at him.

"Tang Tang, what's the matter?"

"No... nothing." Tang Tang blushed and quickly denied it.

"Tang Tang, you can't lie." Ye Xiao stood up and went to Tang Tang Tang.

Tang Tang's eyes dare not look at Ye Xiao, and his face turns red!

"Tang Tang, speak quickly." Ye Xiao said.

"I... I just want to see you." Tang Tang lowered his head and said, "when I went to the logistics department to get office supplies, they also said that the manager was really handsome when you hit people."


Ye Xiao speechless up, this is praise or curse!

"I also feel you are handsome, brother Ye!" Tang Tang said with a red face.

Ye Xiao laughed, "since I'm handsome, please kiss me!" Ye Xiao teases Tang Tang Tang.

Tang Tang's cheek is more red. She suddenly raises her head, stands on tiptoe, kisses Ye Xiao's mouth, then turns around and runs out!

"This girl..." Ye Xiao shook his head with a smile.

Just as he was going back to his seat, the phone rang.

Ye Xiao saw that the phone was a strange number. He hesitated a little and answered the phone.

The voice of a strange woman came from the phone, "are you Mr. Ye Xiao?"

"Yes Ye Xiao said, "who are you?"

"I'm a nurse in the central hospital!"

"What can I do for you?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Your sister Ye Qing left the hospital without saying hello to our hospital in the morning!"

"My sister..." Ye Xiao remembered that when he registered Ye Qing, he said it was his sister, "don't you have any clues?"

"Your sister is sneaking away... Oh, she asked our nurse on duty yesterday where there is a Ferris wheel!"

"Why did she ask?"

"We don't know!"

"I see. Thank you." Ye Xiao put down the phone.

Ye Qing and ye Xiao had nothing to do with each other. If ye Xiao didn't drive into Ye Qing, ye Xiao would not care about her.

But now it's different. Ye Qing thinks Ye Xiao is his brother. Although he is not his own, ye Xiao has a responsibility in his heart and says that he should find Ye Qing for everything.

Ye Xiao left the group building, he got on the car.

Ferris wheel usually appears in amusement parks. There are two large amusement parks in the urban area of Zhonghai City, and there are also amusement parks in the suburbs.

If ye Qing really went to the amusement park, the most likely place he would go is the amusement park nearest to the central hospital.

Ye Xiao decided to drive there first!

It's still time to go to work. There are not many vehicles in the city. Ye Xiao drives all the way to the amusement park!

However, it is not easy to find Ye Qing here.

Although Ye Qing asked Ferris wheel, it doesn't mean that Ye Qing will definitely come to the amusement park. Maybe Ye Qing just asked casually. Ye Xiao is not sure that Ye Qing will come.

But he's always looking!

Ye Xiao walks into the amusement park. He goes directly to the ferris wheel of the amusement park. He doesn't find Ye Qing. Ye Xiao is disappointed. It seems that Ye Qing hasn't been here this time.

He planned to go to other amusement parks, but at this time, he heard two passing girls talking, "that little girl just now is so good at fighting. How can a little girl's family fight like that?"

"Yes, it's so powerful that both men can't beat her..."

When ye Xiao heard this, he stopped.

"Excuse me, what does that girl look like..." Ye Xiao asked.

As soon as the two girls described it, ye Xiao was sure that the little girl was Ye Qing.

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