Gao Tianpeng's reaction at the moment is beyond Ye Xiao's expectation!

In Ye Xiao's heart, Gao Tianpeng should be furious, but he just said coldly, "I'd like to see which one of us should die tonight!"

Gao Tianpeng said, turned and left!

"Strange things. Copy the website and visit http: / /% 77% 77% 77% 2E% 76% 6F% 64% 74% 77% 2E% 63% 6F% 6D, "Ye Xiao said to Zhang Xueyao," Xueyao, don't you think this guy's reaction is very strange tonight? "

"I feel strange about him, too!" Zhang Xueyao said, "he didn't get angry just now. It's not like him!"

"I always feel that this guy is going to do something. Forget it, or leave him alone." Ye Xiao put his hand around Zhang Xueyao's waist. His face turned to Zhang Xueyao and said, "wife, let's go home!"

Zhang Xueyao nodded.

She asked Ye Xiao to come here to pick her up. She came to the party today. She felt that she had drunk some wine and wanted to go home early.

Ye Xiao put his hand around Zhang Xueyao's waist and they went to the door of the banquet.

Gao Tianpeng stood not far away, his eyes always fell on the faces of Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao.

Although he didn't get angry just now, it doesn't mean that Gao Tianpeng is not angry.

In fact, Gao Tianpeng is very angry now. He wants to kill Ye Xiao at that time.

Seeing ye Xiao go out with Zhang Xueyao's waist in his arms, Gao Tianpeng's lips show a sneer. He takes the phone out and calls the flying wolf, "people are out, don't let me down!"

"He's here, too?" Compared with Zhang Xueyao, flying wolf seems to care more about ye Xiao.

"It's all here!" Gao Tianpeng said, "you should know who I want."

"Don't worry, the woman will give it to you. As for the man, he is dead." Said the wolf.

"That would be the best." Gao Tianpeng said.

Gao Tianpeng finished and hung up the phone. He is very proud. As long as he gets Zhang Xueyao this evening, he will have a way to make Zhang Xueyao give in. His father asked him to find a way to catch up with Zhang Xueyao, but Zhang Xueyao was not an easy woman to catch up with, especially after Zhang Xueyao had Ye Xiao, she didn't give him a chance at all.

He made an appointment with Zhang Xueyao several times, but Zhang refused every time, which made Gao Tianpeng realize that if he wanted to catch up with Zhang Xueyao normally, it was impossible and Zhang would not agree.

Since Zhang Xueyao can't be caught up normally, Gao Tianpeng will adopt abnormal means.

He decided to kidnap Zhang Xueyao, and then forced Zhang Xueyao to yield to him!

There are many such means, Gao Tianpeng this time is unscrupulous, regardless of other, first get Zhang Xueyao again.

Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao don't know Gao Tianpeng's plan. Ye Xiao just feels that Gao Tianpeng is a little strange. Today's reaction is not right.

On the bus, ye Xiao tells Zhang Xueyao to fasten her seat belt.

"Wife, how long does Xiao Yu plan to stay with us?" Ye Xiao asked.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing. It just doesn't feel very convenient." What ye Xiao is most worried about is Yu Xiaoyu.

Yu Xiaoyu has a lot of means. Ye Xiao always feels that if he is a little careless, he may be carried in Xiaoyu's hand. This kind of feeling is very bad, so he wants to drive Yu Xiaoyu out first.

"Xiaoyu school dormitory more people, she has no place to live, first live in the villa here is no problem." Zhang Xueyao said, her dark eyes looking at Ye Xiao, "what's the matter? Do you have any questions? "

"I'm a man anyway. What if yu Xiaoyu likes me?" Ye Xiao said.

Zhang Xueyao heard these words, her eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "what do you say?"

"I said what if Xiaoyu likes me." Ye Xiao said.


When ye Xiao said this, Zhang Xueyao had already laughed.

Her hand covered her lips, pretty eyes looking at Ye Xiao, "no, Xiaoyu won't like you."

"Why? A lot of people like a good man like me. "

"Do you know why?" Zhang Xueyao asked mysteriously.

"I don't know!"

"Because Xiaoyu doesn't like men!" Zhang Xueyao said.


Ye Xiao's eyes widened at that time. He looked at Zhang Xueyao, "Xueyao, are you kidding?"

"Of course, it's true. It's what Xiaoyu told me." Zhang Xueyao said with a smile, "however, Xiaoyu is my sister. I will take care of her!"

"Xiao Yu..." Ye Xiao's mouth opens. From Zhang Xueyao's mouth, ye Xiao hears this surprise. He thought Zhang Xueyao was joking with him, but Zhang Xueyao's appearance doesn't seem like a joke.

Does Yu Xiaoyu really have that tendency?

Ye Xiaoxin is very confused. He plans to ask Yu Xiaoyu when he goes back.

Ye Xiao has some don't believe, always feel Yu Xiaoyu is not such a girl.

He drove the car on the road, just as ye Xiao's car had just left, a black car parked opposite also followed.

"Wife, I feel Xiaoyu should not be such a girl." Ye Xiao murmured, "can this be her means?"

"Means? What means? "

"For example, she likes me, or in order to seduce me, so she deliberately said that, just to let you relax your vigilance." Ye Xiao said.

"She seduced you? Why? " Zhang Xueyao asked.

"Because I'm handsome!"


Zhang Xueyao couldn't help laughing.

She waved her hand. "Don't tease me. Are you still handsome? You are not afraid of being beaten. Do you know what I felt when I saw you for the first time? "

"How do you feel?"

"How can there be such an ugly man in the world." Zhang Xueyao said.

Ye Xiao didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to say that. He suddenly stopped the car.

"Why did you stop?" Zhang Xueyao was stunned.

"And you asked me how I stopped? What did you just say? " Ye Xiao looks at Zhang Xueyao.

"I... what I said, I just... Just a fact." Zhang Xueyao said.

"The truth is... OK, I'll let you know what a man's self-esteem is!" Ye Xiao said, and suddenly hugged Zhang Xueyao. He put his lips on Zhang Xueyao's lips and gave her a kiss.

Zhang Xueyao didn't resist. She just sat there and let Ye Xiao kiss her on the lips.

After ye Xiao finished kissing, Zhang Xueyao turned her lips and said faintly, "is that all? The skill of kissing is average

"What did you say?" Ye Xiao is a little silly.

Now Zhang Xueyao is not the same as usual!

If it was Zhang Xueyao who used to be, ye Xiao would have been honest. But today's Zhang Xueyao is different. Ye Xiao kisses Zhang Xueyao, and Zhang Xueyao even laughs at Ye Xiao's ordinary kissing skills.

Zhang Xueyao pursed her lips and leaned back, "drive, don't be shameful any more. Come back to me when you've finished practicing. A big man can't even kiss. What a shame."

"You... You say it again." Ye Xiao said.

"Don't try to kiss me." Zhang Xueyao said lightly, "you can kiss me, but at least you can make me feel satisfied."

"Well, you're tough!" Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Xueyao, he suddenly laughed, "I understand, these are Yu Xiaoyu that girl taught you?"

"She... What did she teach me?"

When Zhang Xueyao heard Ye Xiao's words again, she was a little alarmed.

Ye Xiao just saw Zhang Xueyao's panic, and his face showed a proud smile, "think about it, you are not proficient in these, but these two days, you seem to have changed a person. There is only one reasonable explanation, that is, someone is telling you what to do, that girl must be Yu Xiaoyu. Hum, this girl movie really takes me as a bully, When I go back, I have to deal with her and let her know what I'm good at! "

Ye Xiao talks and drives the car.

Just as ye Xiao was driving, he glanced at the back of the car and muttered, "strange, how come there's another car behind?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"The car in the back is strange." Ye Xiao said, "when we stopped just now, the car also stopped. It shouldn't be such a coincidence!"

When ye Xiao said this, Zhang Xueyao was already nervous!

"Husband, is there anything wrong?"

"There should be nothing wrong. Although there are not many cars on this road, I think even if the other party has a purpose, they dare not mess around here!" Ye Xiao's words just came out, and suddenly he saw the car behind speeding up.

Ye Xiao didn't expect that the car behind would rush up. He thought the car behind would have some scruples, but now it doesn't look like what he imagined!

The car behind didn't know who was in it. Ye Xiao couldn't let the car catch up.

"Xueyao, sit down!" Ye Xiao said.

Zhang Xueyao doesn't know what happened. When she heard Ye Xiao's words, Zhang Xueyao twisted her head subconsciously, "what's the matter?"

"We're being chased!"

Ye Xiao finished this sentence, he gave a foot accelerator, the car has run out!

Zhang Xueyao is twisting her head to look at the back. Unexpectedly, the car has jumped up, and Zhang Xueyao almost twisted her neck.

She turned her head and stared at Ye Xiao, "you want to kill me!"

"If I can't get rid of the car behind me, maybe you and I are in danger." Ye Xiao said, "I'm afraid their target is you."

"You said kidnap me?" Zhang Xueyao worried.

She is a rich woman and is in constant danger of being kidnapped. From a very young age, Zhang Xueyao has been taught to pay attention to safety and prevent being kidnapped.

She had been kidnapped before, so as soon as she heard that the target of the car behind her might be her, Zhang Xueyao was already nervous.

"It's OK, wife. I'm here. Don't be afraid. I'll protect you!" Ye Xiao looks at Zhang Xueyao!

When Zhang Xueyao saw Ye Xiao's eyes, she had no worries.

As long as ye Xiao is here, she is safe.

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