Ye Xiao's understatement is as if it's not a big deal.

But Fang Yuwen heard that ye Xiao was so arrogant.

They don't even know who's in the car behind them. They just want to kill the people in the car behind them. It's not a joke.

"Then I ask you, how many people are there in the car behind you?" Fang Yuwen asked.

"I don't know."

"What weapons do they have? Do you have a gun? "

"I don't know." Ye Xiao said.

When ye Xiao said this, Fang Yuwen already hummed coldly, "you don't know anything, what else do you say? Ye Xiao, this is not a joke. What if you can't kill them? "

"Then we're both done!"

"Go away, you want to die, aunt. I don't want to die." Fang Yuwen gave a foot accelerator, and the sports car picked up the speed again. "They want to chase me, dream!"

"I don't think so." Ye Xiao leaned back and took out his mobile phone. "You're going to turn 18 right now. It's no use even if your car is a sports car. It's impossible to raise the speed. The car behind is different. The top speed of that Mercedes Benz can't be compared with that of a sports car. But at turn 18, the speed is the same. It's about technology, Fang Yuwen, Your skill is definitely not as good as the driver of the car behind you! "

"Don't worry, I'll push you out of the car." Fang Yuwen said coldly.

"Do you want to be so cruel?" When ye Xiao heard Fang Yuwen's words, he laughed, "I won't say anything. In a word, I believe in your driving skills!"

"Don't be idle, call my elder sister!" Fang Yuwen said.

"What for?"

"Of course, I'm looking for someone. I don't need to ask!" Fang Yuwen said.

"I was worried that when your elder sister called someone over, we were finished." Ye Xiao said.

"You...!" Fang Yuwen looked at Ye Xiao, "what do you say to do?"

"Let me drive!" Ye Xiao said.


Fang Yuwen won't agree. She finally got on the 18th corner with her car!

Just as ye Xiao expected, when Fang Yuwen drove up the 18th bend, the Mercedes Benz behind him pulled their car closer. There are a lot of turns in these 18 turns, so we are very technical. Although Fang Yuwen is driving a sports car, but the speed here can not reflect the advantages, can only rely on technology.

Although Fang Yuwen thinks her technology is good, compared with the car behind, her technology is not good.

"What to do?" Fang Yuwen is really worried.

It's not for fun. It's not clear what happened to those people behind. If it's really kidnapping her, it's really troublesome.

She doesn't have a guy with her. It's dangerous to defend herself.

"I said, let me drive." Ye Xiao said.

"Let you drive now?"

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded.

"Good!" Fang Yuwen to this moment, she has no way.

Fang Yuwen will stop the car, she and ye Xiao just change driving, see behind the Mercedes Benz car has caught up!


There was a clear shot!

Although the bullet did not hit, but this shot confirmed Fang Yuwen's guess, the other party is to kidnap her.

"Ye Xiao, drive quickly." Fang Yuwen worried, she urged Ye Xiao.

"Miss Fang Er, are you afraid now?" Ye Xiao began to laugh.

"Get out of here and drive."

"Well, here I am!" Ye Xiao suddenly started the car, and the sports car began to drive.

Ye Xiao's driving is totally different from Fang Yuwen's driving just now. Although Fang Yuwen thinks she has been driving very hard, she has to slow down and turn carefully when she turns the corner!

But ye Xiao is not the same, ye Xiao is almost drifting in the past!

"Drift!" After Fang Yuwen saw Ye Xiao's near perfect drift technology again, her mouth widened and she looked at Ye Xiao incredulously.

The perfect drift of Ye Xiao is beyond Fang Yuwen's play. She is shocked by Ye Xiao's technology!

When ye Xiao saw Fang Yuwen's reaction, he said faintly, "I've already said that my technology is better than you. You just won't believe me. Now believe me..."

"I... my skill is not bad. I don't want to compare with you." Fang Yuwen did not admit defeat.

In fact, Fang Yuwen's expression has betrayed her heart!

Her expression now is totally astonished, can't believe it.

Ye Xiao looked at Fang Yuwen and said with a smile, "your skill is not bad, but if you compare with me, you are a pediatrician."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Fang Yuwen said, "we'll compete some other day?"

"Than what?"

"Of course, I'm racing. I'm..." Fang Yuwen wants to talk about racing, which she subconsciously said. However, as soon as she said her words, before she finished, Fang Yuwen already realized that if she compared with Ye Xiao, she would lose miserably!

Fang Yuwen immediately said, "I just say it casually."

Ye Xiao's driving speed was much faster than Fang Yuwen's just now. At that time, he was far away from the Mercedes Benz behind him. After a turn, he could not see the car behind him!

Until now, Fang Yuwen was relieved.

"For the sake of your good driving today, I'll give you a break." Fang Yuwen said, "send me back."

"Do you really want to go?" Ye Xiao asked.

"What are you doing if you don't leave?"

"Don't you want to see who's after you again?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Lunatic..." When Fang Yuwen heard Ye Xiao's words, her dark eyes suddenly widened, "do you want to kill them?"

"I didn't think that way. I just thought that if we find a place to hide, and when the car behind us catches up, we'll crash that car down the mountain. What do you think..."

"Madman, you are a madman." Fang Yuwen was really frightened when she heard Ye Xiao's crazy plan.

This plan is too dangerous!

This is the 18th bend. It's a winding road. It's very dangerous.

It's very dangerous to drive at the 18th bend. Ye Xiao is going to crash the car behind him down the mountain. Let's not say whether ye Xiao can crash the car. When their car just shows up, the people in the car behind will shoot. They have guns!

Fang Yuwen of course does not agree. In Fang Yuwen's opinion, ye Xiao is looking for her own death by doing so.

She doesn't agree!

"I don't agree. In a word, you are a madman, but I am not!" Fang Yuwen said, "if you want to die, don't drag me down."

"What are you going to do?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Get out of the car!"

"Well, you can get out of the car yourself." Ye Xiao said faintly, "I don't plan to stop. I suggest you push open the door and jump when I slow down. In that case, if you are lucky, you won't die immediately. Maybe you are still alive before you are sent to the hospital."

"You pervert, madman..." Fang Yuwen yelled.

"Thank you for your compliment!"

Fang Yuwen cried for a long time, but ye Xiao didn't mean to stop.

Fang Yuwen is finally discouraged. At this time, Fang Yuwen can only accept her fate. She has no choice. She is still in the car now. If ye Xiao doesn't stop, she can't help it!

Ye Xiao is still driving. Fang Yuwen looks at Ye Xiao and asks helplessly, "well, I'll believe you once. If I have an accident this time, I'll never let you go."

"Just believe me. I'm an expert. No one who fights with me will come to a good end." Ye Xiao said, the front of the car suddenly shook, he drove to the side of the road!

This is a special road for overtaking. It's not as easy as the main road, but it can overtake!

After ye Xiao drove on this road again, he pulled the car to the side of the road!

"Get out of the car." Ye Xiao said.

Fang Yuwen is a Leng, her dark eyes looking at Ye Xiao, mouth said, "what do you say?"

"Get out of the car!"

"Didn't you just let me off?"

"I was just teasing you." Ye Xiao said with a light smile, "you're in the way. If I really lose, I don't even have a corpse collector. I'm not that stupid!"

"Why should I listen to you? If you let me off, I'll get off." When Fang Yuwen heard Ye Xiao's words, she got angry.

She is such a girl and won't listen to others.

Just now she wanted to get off, but ye Xiao didn't let her. Now ye Xiao wants her to get off, but Fang Yuwen doesn't want to get off.

Ye Xiao heard Fang Yuwen's words, he laughed, "Fang Yuwen, you really don't get off?"

"Of course not!" Fang Yuwen turned her lips and said coldly, "why should I listen to you, ye Xiao? Listen to me. Fang Yuwen won't listen to you!"

"Well, if you don't get off, I won't force you to get off!" Ye Xiao lightly said, "however, I can put the scandal in the front, if you have something wrong, don't blame me!"

"Well, don't scare me with that. I don't want that." Fang Yuwen said.

"In that case, I'll drive." Ye Xiao looked at Fang Yuwen, his face with a smile, "at that time, what happened, don't blame me...!"

"Drive Fang Yuwen said.

Ye Xiao agreed and started the car.

This time, ye Xiao's goal is the Mercedes Benz that has been following them.

Even if the other party has a gun, ye Xiao has been waiting for them. How can he let the kidnappers go?

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