Zhang Xueyao's reaction confirms Ye Xiao's conjecture. Zhang Xueyao plans to let the chef of the hotel do it!

Although Ye Xiao wanted to say yes, Zhang Xueyao would be angry at the thought of saying so. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

He held back and said, "also, wife, your cooking skills are very good. The chef of the hotel is not your rival. Wife, let's go to the hotel first."“ Go

After Zhang Xueyao and ye Xiao get through the phone, just as ye Xiao puts down the phone, the beast has already grinned and made a sound.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Xiao looked at the beast and asked.

"Boss, I didn't expect you to have such a weak side. How do I feel boss, you are afraid of your wife." Said the beast.

"Beast, don't talk nonsense. I'm not that kind of man." Ye Xiao firmly opposed, "in a word, we are going to the hotel now. I have something to do tonight."

"What are you going to do?" Asked the beast.

"Kill a man." In front of the beast, ye Xiao had nothing to hide.

There's no need for a secret between him and the beast!

When the beast heard Ye Xiao's words, his eyes suddenly lit up, "boss, who bullied you, tell me, let me do this thing, my favorite thing is this kind of thing, killing a person, for me, is a very simple thing."

"It's a long story." Ye Xiao said, "take your time. Let's go to the hotel first."

Beast's hotel is a five-star hotel. He has just arrived in Zhonghai City, and he has no fixed address. He lives in the hotel for the time being, which is very convenient. When ye Xiao and the beast arrived at the hotel, the beast put down his luggage.

In fact, he has no luggage, just a carry on suitcase.

After the beast settled here, ye Xiao and the beast left the hotel and returned to the villa.

When they came to the villa, Zhang Xueyao had already prepared the meal.

You can see that the table is full of delicious dishes!

However, when ye Xiao looked at the dish, he knew that it was not made by Zhang Xueyao, but a reserved hotel dish.

Ye Xiao doesn't need to break it. He smiles and introduces it to Zhang Xueyao, "Xueyao, this is the brother beast I told you about. He just came back from abroad."

Zhang Xueyao didn't expect that the beast would be so big, especially the scars on the beast, which made people afraid. However, since she is Ye Xiao's good brother, Zhang Xueyao doesn't have to worry too much.

"Hello Zhang Xueyao said hello.

The beast didn't expect that ye Xiao's fiancee was so beautiful. When he saw Zhang Xueyao, the beast was already amazed.

When Zhang Xueyao said this, the beast quickly said, "Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Sister in law?"

Zhang Xueyao did not have any preparation, lengbuding heard the beast called her sister-in-law, she was in a daze! Ye Xiao's hand is around Zhang Xueyao's waist. Seeing Zhang Xueyao in a daze, ye Xiao's hand slides onto Zhang Xueyao's hip, pinches it and says with a smile, "wife, what's the matter?"

"Nothing... Nothing!" Zhang Xueyao just reflected. She looked at Ye Xiao with her clear eyes like autumn water and said, "we are not husband and wife now. The name of this sister-in-law is a little too much."

"Sister-in-law, I feel that you and my elder brother have a special conjugal relationship!" The beast said and took out the gift he had prepared for Zhang Xueyao. "Sister in law, I don't have any valuable gift. Let's give this to sister in law..."

"Don't call my sister-in-law all the time. It's very uncomfortable." Zhang Xueyao said, looking at Ye Xiao, "you are also. Since you are your brother, what gift can you give me? I don't need a gift. Just come and have a meal."

"Xueyao, I've said this to the beast, but it's his intention. Since he's willing to give it, it's not good if you don't take it. Anyway, it's not a valuable gift. Take it." Ye Xiao said it lightly, just like the beast didn't send anything valuable.

Hearing Ye Xiao say this, Zhang Xueyao's pretty eyes blinked slightly, her ruddy mouth opened, and she said with a smile, "since that's the case, I'll take it!" Zhang Xueyao took the gift of the beast. It was an ordinary looking box.

Just because Zhang Xueyao saw that the box was very common, she didn't think much about it anywhere else. She also thought that it was a very common thing! When Zhang Xueyao opened the box, her eyes suddenly widened!

The box was filled with tears of the sun.

Zhang Xueyao is not an ordinary girl. She comes from a famous family and has never seen any luxury goods. Zhang Xueyao recognized at a glance that this is the long lost tears of the sun. This necklace is very valuable. Not to mention the big diamond of the famous ocean star, let's say that the design of this necklace is from the famous jewelry designer JK. JK is a famous jewelry designer, and his jewelry are all treasures!

This tear of the sun was designed by him to commemorate his wife who passed away. As soon as it came out, it became a treasure! Unfortunately, more than ten years ago, after being bought by a mysterious buyer, it disappeared!

Zhang Xueyao didn't expect to see this necklace with her own eyes here!

Zhang Xueyao can't believe it. Her eyes are wide open!

All of a sudden, Zhang Xueyao pulls Ye Xiao to the living room and leaves the beast here alone.

"Wife, what are you doing?" Ye Xiao is pulled inside by Zhang Xueyao. When Zhang Xueyao releases her hand, ye Xiao asks strangely.

"Who is your brother?"

"Why do you ask?"

Ye Xiao looks confused and doesn't know what happened. In fact, ye Xiao of course knows the meaning of Zhang Xueyao's words. Not everyone can get the tears of the sun.

"Don't do that with me." Zhang Xueyao's face sank. "If you don't tell me the truth, I'll never accept this gift."

Ye Xiao puts out his hand and hugs Zhang Xueyao's waist.

"Wife, don't worry. It must be legal." Ye Xiao said.

"I'm not asking about this. It's the tears of the sun. It's been gone for more than ten years. How could it be in your brother's hands? Don't tell me that he bought it." Zhang Xueyao said.

"How can that be? He didn't buy it, but the tears of the sun were given to him by others."

"To him? How is that possible? " Zhang Xueyao doesn't believe Ye Xiao's words. The tears of the sun are good things. How can they be sent out easily? The man who gave them to wild animals is too generous.

"Wife, the beast came back from abroad. He used to do some special business."

"It can't be..."

Before Zhang Xueyao finished, ye Xiao had interrupted her, "you think too much. His business is legal. It is to send some necessary things to some heads of state. For example, if a country needs any materials, the beast will send them."

"Pilot?" Zhang Xueyao said.

"Almost. But that's why he has the money." Ye Xiao said, "in a word, wife, you don't have to worry. I can guarantee that there is no problem with the source of this thing."

"But isn't this gift too heavy?" Zhang Xueyao's eyes are staring at the tears of the sun. Her eyes are shining with the light she likes, but Zhang Xueyao asks Ye Xiao this way.

Ye Xiao's hand rubbed around Zhang Xueyao's waist. His other hand stretched out, put it on Zhang Xueyao's cheek and touched it gently. "Wife, if you want me to say that only you are qualified to wear the tears of the sun, other people are too ugly. This is the tears of the sun. Of course, a goddess like you is qualified to wear it!"

"If your mouth is too sweet, you will fool people. Tell me honestly, how many girls have you said this to?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"Wife, you're the only one." Ye Xiao heard Zhang Xueyao's words, his lips close to Zhang Xueyao's ruddy lips, soft voice said, "in my heart, wife, you are independent, no one can compare with you... En, it's so sweet."

Ye Xiao deliberately sniffed at Zhang Xueyao's lips.

"You... You're disgusting." Zhang Xueyao's cheek flushed slightly, "always say these numb words, if let others hear, then how to do?"

"I just said the truth." Ye Xiao said.

"I don't believe it!"

As soon as Zhang Xueyao's words came out, ye Xiao's lips had been pasted up and covered Zhang Xueyao's small mouth tightly. Zhang Xueyao's eyes slightly closed, her hand also stretched out, put on Ye Xiao's shoulder, and ye Xiao was kissing here.

Just as they were kissing, a slight cough came.

Zhang Xueyao and ye Xiao are separated!

See Yu Xiaoyu from upstairs down, Yu Xiaoyu wearing a pink skirt, two legs are also covered with stockings, black hair scattered on the shoulder.

"What happened to Xiaoyu today? Did you go on a blind date today? " After ye Xiao sees Yu Xiaoyu dressed up, he says to Zhang Xueyao.

"I don't know." Zhang Xueyao feels embarrassed when Yu Xiaoyu sees her kissing Ye Xiao.

"Master..." Yu Xiaoyu came over, her dark eyes looking at Ye Xiao, "I heard that someone came today, master, do you think my dress is OK?"

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing? Are you going to seduce my brother? "

"Seduce? Why seduce him? " Yu Xiaoyu's eyes blinked and said, "master, do you think too much?"

"Not the best." Ye Xiao said.

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