Ye Qing held her breath. She knew the hunter was near here. She just hid under the bridge, waiting for the arrival of Ye Xiao, but she felt the danger, so she chose here! But the hunter came after him, and the sound of his feet rang beside Ye Qing!

"Zero, don't run away. I know you're here." A man's voice came over, "I'm Jerry, you won't forget, when you leave the dead zone, it's me who gives you the sign of killer, I'm your mentor!"

Ye Qing is hiding behind the tree. She has just played with Jerry. She is definitely not his opponent.

Now Ye Qing knows that once she shows up, she will die.

"Zero, you let me down!" Jerry's voice said, "I thought you would be my successor. You would be an excellent hunter, but why did you leave the organization...!"

Ye Qing heard the footsteps closer to her, she knew that Jerry was near her!

Ye Qing is waiting for ye Xiao. She hopes Ye Xiao can come to save her!


A storm came.

Ye Qing subconsciously to the side of a roll, a dagger in the leaf Qing just against the trunk.

If ye Qinggang had not just rolled, the dagger would have been on Ye Xiao.

"What a pity!" Jerry's cold laughter came over. He came over, reached out and pulled out the dagger on the tree trunk.

Ye Qing knows that she can't escape. She has been killed by Jerry.

Ye Qing had to clench her teeth and hold a dagger in her right hand!

"Zero, you're still beautiful." Jerry's laughter came over. Holding a dagger in his hand, he walked slowly towards Ye Qing. "I'm reluctant to kill you like this. I used to think that you are very suitable to be my partner, a lovely girl and I, the strongest hunter. We will hunt those defectors all over the world. Unfortunately, you let me down too much."

"I don't want to live such a killing life anymore. I'm tired of it. I want to go home." Ye Qing said to Jerry.

"Home? Your home is the organization. " Jerry chuckled. "Besides the organization, where else can you go? There is no place to take you, only the organization is your home, of course, if you need a man, I will meet you! "

"This is not my home." Ye Qing said coldly, "I don't need you any more."

"Zero, you really let me down!" Jerry shook his head. "I really hate to kill you, but now at this time, I have to kill you and finish my task!"

In his eyes, Ye Qing is just a lovely lamb without any resistance.

Ye Qing can feel the powerful aura of Jerry. She knows that Jerry is very strong.

However, she is not a lamb to be slaughtered. Although she knows that she is not Jerry's opponent, it doesn't mean that she will wait to die. That's not her personality! Even if she died, she would fight back!

Ye Qing's right hand clenched the dagger, her thigh is injured, she can't attack Jerry, she is waiting for the opportunity, when Jerry came to her, she will try her best to stab Jerry, even if the chance of victory is not big, but she must try, otherwise, she will die!

"Zero, are you afraid? Don't be afraid, I will send you to hell soon Jerry came over with a sneer.

Jerry didn't put Ye Qing in his eyes. Ye Qing is his prey now. He can kill it at any time as long as he wants.

When Jerry is about one meter away from Ye Qing, Ye Qing's right hand holds the dagger and his body is about to jump on it.

This is her last chance. If you miss it, she won't even have the last chance!

However, just as Ye Qing was about to fight to her death, she heard Ye Xiao's voice coming from the side, "Hey, that damned big man, what's bullying a little girl? Shall we have a look?"

As the voice came, a strong wind hit Jerry!

Jerry didn't expect that someone suddenly came out. When he heard Ye Xiao's voice, Jerry had stopped. At this moment, a strong wind ran towards him. Jerry quickly dodged the things flying to his head!


It hit the trunk at the back and bounced off again.

It was a stone!

Jerry looks at Ye Xiao. Before he can speak, two strong winds are flying towards him!

There are two more stones. The speed of these two stones is faster than that of the stone just now. One after another, they come to Jerry's face. Jerry can't avoid the stone as easily as he did just now. He has to rush to the right side!

Even so, he was wiped on his thigh by a stone of Ye Xiao!

Jerry's thigh is burning. The edges and corners of the stone that ye Xiao throws over scratch Jerry's thigh and blood seeps out.

Just when Jerry dodges Ye Xiao's stone, ye Xiao has come to Ye Qing. He reaches out his hand and holds Ye Qing up!

"Go Ye Xiao holds Ye Qing and runs away.

Jerry thought Ye Xiao would come to fight with him, but he didn't expect Ye Xiao to come and take Ye Qing away. He was so angry that he yelled and ran after him with a dagger!

"Brother, let me go... In this case, you can't run away!" Ye Qing shouts in Ye Xiao's arms.

"Who said I was going to run!" Ye Xiao said with a smile, "I'm just looking for a place to put you down, otherwise, if we fight, it's easy to hurt you!"

Ye Xiao said that he had already run to the edge of the forest. He put Ye Qing on the ground!

"Now you hide away. I'm here..." Ye Xiao said.


"Don't talk to me, I don't want you to divide my heart!" Ye Xiao stretched out his hand and took the dagger in Ye Qing's hand. "Remember what I said, the farther away from here, the better. In a word, this guy gave it to me!"

Ye Qing had to agree.

Ye Xiao holds the dagger and turns around, blocking the pursuit of Jerry!

Ye Xiao just let Ye Qing leave here. If it was the place just now, ye Xiao would worry that Jerry would hurt Ye Qing. Now that Ye Qing is sent away, he can fight with Jerry at ease.

"Don't chase me. I'm your opponent." Ye Xiao's right hand holds the dagger, which is from Ye Qing's hand, with Ye Qing's blood on it.

Jerry stopped!

His eyes looked at Ye Xiao, and he sneered, "I'll kill you first, and then kill zero!"

"You are the hunter?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Yes Jerry sneered, "now that you know I'm a hunter, you know you can't live. I'll kill you in a minute."

"Just you? How ridiculous Ye Xiao sneered, "it seems that the intelligence of your organization is not timely!"

"What information?" Jerry is puzzled by Ye Xiao's words.

"You don't know who I am." Ye Xiao said coldly.

"You? Who are you? "


Just when ye Xiao said this, ye Xiao had a dagger in his right hand and jumped on Jerry!


A cold wind blows on Jerry!

Ye Xiao's people have not come to Jerry, but the murderous spirit has arrived. Jerry didn't expect that ye Xiao's murderous spirit would be so strong. He thought his aura was already very strong, but after the fight with Ye Xiao, Jerry knew that his aura was much worse than that of Ye Xiao.

"This man is very strong!" Jerry thought to himself.

Jerry has already felt Ye Xiao's strong murderous spirit. Only by killing many people can he have this strong murderous spirit. For a moment, Jerry's aura was suppressed by Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's dagger has arrived in front of Jerry, and a dagger stabs at him!

Jerry flashed in a hurry. He thought it would be easy to flash, but things didn't develop according to Jerry's expectation. Ye Xiao's speed was much faster than he expected!


The dagger pierced Jerry's left rib. If it wasn't for Jerry's quick reaction, it would have hit him! Even so, the dagger cut a bloody hole in Jerry's left rib! The blood gushed out of the wound and dyed Jerry's clothes red!

Ye Xiao didn't get to Jerry. He was very disappointed!

"It's a pity that I didn't pierce you thoroughly, but you can rest assured that I will pierce you thoroughly next time!" Ye Xiao said, the dagger in his right hand had swept past, and he came to Jerry in a moment.

Jerry just dodged Ye Xiao. Before he could catch his breath, ye Xiao's dagger came to him!

Jerry jumped back quickly and flashed this one!

But this is just the beginning. Ye Xiao had thought that he would go empty. He had already taken a step in front of Jerry, and the dagger swept past again!

Jerry rolled back, four or five times in a row, to a tree before he got up.

Ye Xiao's several moves just now have surprised Jerry in a cold sweat. He was careless before. He thought Ye Xiao was just an ordinary man and had no ability. He didn't take ye Xiao seriously!

But ye Xiao's move startled Jerry. He knew that ye Xiao was not an ordinary man. Just now, his moves would have killed people. If it hadn't been for Jerry's extraordinary skill, he would have been deeply chilled by Ye Xiao!

Jerry knows that he has met his opponent this time. Ye Xiaoqiang is very strong!

He took a deep breath and held the dagger in his right hand!

He is a hunter. He is not an ordinary man. Even if ye Xiaoqiang is anything, he will kill him. It's just a waste of energy.

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