These two young people are about 18 or 19 years old. At first sight, they look like bad teenagers!

Both of them have tattoos, and one of them has yellow hair! The jeans worn by the Yellow haired young man broke a little. At a glance, you can see that they are deliberately made like this, just to show their difference!

"Old man, who let you meddle in...!" The two young men kicked the old man, especially the young man with yellow hair. After kicking the old man hard, he spat a few mouthfuls and cursed!

The old man's hair is gray and his face is bleeding!

These two young people don't care. Even if the old man has been beaten, they are still beating the old man! Some people around are talking, but no one comes forward!

However, a middle-aged man in his forties muttered to his female companion, "this old man is really nosy. Even if he steals something, it's not stealing from him!"

"That's to say, that woman ran away, but it turned out to be good. These two young men got in trouble with the old man and caught the thief. Who still catches the thief these days? It's not good to catch the thief. Instead, they are retaliated by the thief."


These two people are talking here. They don't want to stop the two arrogant thieves, they don't even want to call the police! Among them, the middle-aged man still had a sneering smile on his face, as if he was laughing at the old man for not being happy.

Now in this society, there are too many people like middle-aged men!

They always put on an appearance that this matter has nothing to do with them, and even laugh at others.

"You old man, I want you to mind your own business...!" The Yellow haired young man suddenly kicked the old man again, and he heard the old man yell! The old man held his head in both hands and was beaten green by yellow hair!

"NIMA, if you are old and immortal, you will follow me. Don't play in front of me. If you don't teach me a lesson today, you will delay us in the future..."

The yellow boy raised his right foot, which was full of strength, and kicked the old man's arm hard.

If you let Huang Mao kick the old man's thigh, the old man's arm must be broken!

At this moment, something flew over!


That thing hit on Huang Mao's eye socket. At that time, Huang Mao's forehead was bleeding!

"Who? Who dares? Give me out... Dare to beat me, I'll kill you! " The yellow hair's eye socket was bleeding, he held it, stared at it and yelled!

"My cell phone, that's my cell phone...!" Just now the middle-aged man saw his mobile phone thrown by Ye Xiao and called Huang Mao. He quickly grabbed Ye Xiao's clothes and yelled, "you pay for my phone, you pay for my phone!"

"I'm doing a good job for you. You're a big man. When you see this, you're not only not helping, but also laughing at it. It's a pity that you're still a man!" Ye Xiao hums coldly, "you let go, otherwise, I will make you unable to see tomorrow's sun!"

Ye Xiao's eyes a stare, that but very frightening!

His words are full of murderous, a word out, the middle-aged man was scared to retreat by Ye Xiao! The middle-aged man released his hand, but he refused to give up. Instead, he stepped back two steps and pointed to Ye Xiao and said, "you... Don't scare me. There is a society with... Legal system here. If you scare me, i... I can sue you. I will call the police... I want to find the police..."

Ye Xiaocai is too lazy to pay attention to the middle-aged man. Just now, he saw the young man to the poor old man in his sixties. He felt that if he passed, it might be too late. He simply grabbed the phone in the middle-aged man's hand and smashed it directly!

Just hit the brow of the Yellow haired young man, which saved the old man!

Ye Xiao directly separated from the crowd and came over. As soon as Huang Mao and his accomplices saw Ye Xiao coming over, they put the old man aside and ignored him and ran to Ye Xiao!

"You hit me?" Huang Mao covered his eyes with one hand and pointed to Ye Xiao with the other!

"Yes Ye Xiao was very straightforward. He stood in the same place and looked at the two young people in front of him. He sneered and said, "I heard that you two stole other people's things. On the contrary, they were very arrogant. It's really lawless. The thief who stole things became the leading role and beat people openly. Do you think there is no one here... Oh, of course, there is no one here except me, Otherwise, how can you see an old man being beaten and no one will come up to help! "

Ye Xiao said this to those onlookers. He was angry that these guys didn't even help. He was just watching! This makes Ye Xiao feel very angry. As soon as he says this, many of them feel hot on their faces!

"Don't talk nonsense, you beat me, don't want to leave well!" That yellow hair has already come over, he comes over in a fierce manner, that posture intends to come over and beat Ye Xiao hard, just like they just kicked that head!

There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, and his right hand clenched his fist. Ye Xiao is killing! When he saw that the old man was beaten badly, ye Xiao was very angry. He didn't intend to let the two thieves off lightly. Since the two thieves had done this, they would have to bear the consequences! Ye Xiao plans to abolish both of them, so that they don't walk in the future!

The two thieves didn't know the disaster was coming. They thought they could beat Ye Xiao like the old man! When they were just in front of Ye Xiao, they heard Zhou Xinming's cold voice, "it's really lawless, and the thief is arrogant!" With this sentence down, I saw Zhou Xinming come in!

"Oh, another beautiful sister!" As soon as Huang Mao saw Zhou Xinming's slender thigh, his eyes suddenly changed and he swept over Zhou Xinming, "beautiful sister, you don't care about this matter. After we finish this eyeless trash, we can play with you. Sister, you can play wherever you want. We have money!"

When Zhou Xinming heard Huang Mao's words, a sneer appeared in the corner of her mouth. "Two little rabbits who haven't grown their hair, dare to do this to me. You two are really tired of living. Ye Xiao, don't do it. Let me do it!" Zhou Xinming said.

"Well, the two of them are lucky!" Ye Xiao looked very sorry. "I was going to scrap them, but since you said so, I'm sure I'll give you face. Xinming, what are you going to do? Take them back and put them away for a few days? "

"How many days will it be released? I don't think so! " Zhou Xinming's eyes swept the poor old man. The old man was beaten badly. Now he is still lying on the ground. There is a lot of blood on the old man's face!

Zhou Xinming has always been jealous of evil. When she saw the poor old man, she was already angry! It's her duty to punish the evil and promote the good! She is a criminal police, she should fight against crime! If this kind of thief can't clean up, it will only hurt more good people and make more thieves lawless. Of course, she can't change the law, but she can do what she can.

Zhou Xinming's eyes came back and fell on the two young people in front of him. He saw that these two young people, who were only 18 or 19 years old, were full of the mature flavor of the world. I don't know how long they had been outside before they became such bad ruffians!

"Ye Xiao, don't interfere in this matter. No one who makes me angry will come to a good end. You don't have to worry!" Zhou Xinming said coldly.

Ye Xiao thought that the two young people would be lucky. If Zhou Xinming didn't show up, he might have abandoned them. But hearing Zhou Xinming's words, ye Xiao felt that maybe the two young people would be more unlucky. You know, Zhou Xinming was a violent policeman. Once, A suspect who was suspected of continuing violence was caught by Zhou Xinming again. He had to kill the suspect directly. He reckon that the suspect could not become a man for life.

If it's another policeman, maybe he will talk about the law, but Zhou Xinming doesn't care about it. There is nothing Zhou Xinming dare not do. Before, Zhou Xinming just restrained a little, but it doesn't mean that Zhou Xinming is not violent!

"It seems that these two boys are going to have bad luck!" Ye Xiao stepped back two steps. He took a cigarette out and put it into his mouth.


Ye Xiao holds a lighter in his hand and lights the fire.

"I just look at it and don't talk." Ye Xiao took a cigarette and said with a smile, "don't mention it. If you are tired, let me come!"

"Hum!" Zhou Xinming snorted coldly, "just stay for me!"

Her right hand had already clenched her fist. At this moment, the two young people came to Zhou Xinming!

Without waiting for the two young people to speak, Zhou Xinming has already done it!

A foot flew out, was kicking to the crotch of the little yellow hair, heard a sad cry from the mouth of the little yellow hair, just Ye Xiao that is still light, just hit the eyes of the little yellow hair, but Zhou Xinming this foot is powerful, kicking in the crotch of the little yellow hair!

That's the most lethal part of a man. When he stepped over, Xiao Huang Mao screamed and lost his fighting power!

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