Ye Xiao didn't expect that the speed of Cobra would be so fast!

"It's a tough character!" Ye Xiao stepped back, his eyes looking at the cobra.

Cobra is obviously very sorry, she can't kill Ye Xiao all of a sudden.

"What a pity!" Cobra's hand holding a dagger, the corner of his mouth appeared with a sneer, "just that miss, but I won't miss next time, I will kill you!"

"You think too much." Ye Xiao's mouth showed a scornful sneer, "it's you who really want to die."

"You want to kill me? Do you have the ability? "

"Don't talk about you. Even if the butcher sees me, he wants to live." Ye Xiao's hand has clenched his fist, his eyes look at the cobra, ye Xiao is ready to start.

Although what ye Xiao said was very easy, he did his best!

Do not despise your opponent, otherwise, you may pay the price of life!

Ye Xiao stepped back a little step, just as ye Xiao stepped back, the cobra had already started!

She holds the dagger and has already jumped at Ye Xiao.

With a flash of cold light, the cobra has reached Ye Xiao.

Cobra thinks that she can kill Ye Xiao easily. Although the butcher mentioned Ye Xiao's power, cobra doesn't take ye Xiao seriously. She is cobra, the ace killer.

In her hands, countless strong men have died, even those experienced mercenaries are not the opponents of Cobra.

Cobra is very strong!

However, cobra was careless this time. She didn't know what a terrible character she was facing.

Death, code s!

This is Ye Xiao, a formidable strong man.

When Cobra faced Ye Xiao, she was at a disadvantage. In addition, she despised Ye Xiao. The result of the victory was doomed.

Just as the cobra came over holding the dagger, ye Xiao had already started!

Cobra is fast, ye Xiao is stronger than her!

In Ye Xiao's hand, a dagger suddenly appeared. It was a very short dagger. It was exquisite and highly lethal. This was the "razor whale" of the king of daggers. It was Ye Xiao's favorite weapon and was also regarded as his amulet by Ye Xiao.

With the existence of "razor whale", ye Xiao can break out all his fighting power.

The cobra's dagger has pierced Ye Xiao's heart. The cobra believes that she can kill Ye Xiao at once, and does not give ye Xiao a chance!

However, when she started, the cobra felt a breath of death, and ye Xiao's body was filled with a frightening murderous atmosphere.

At this time, she hesitated!

At this moment, ye Xiao's "razor whale" has arrived in front of Cobra!


The sound of a dagger going into the meat came out.

The cobra's right hand holds a dagger and sticks to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao's right hand also holds a dagger and sticks to the cobra.

For a moment, they both settled down!

"You're rubbish..." The cobra opened its mouth and said this.

"I said I would send you to hell!" A sneer of disdain appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. His right hand pulled out, and the "razor whale" that had already penetrated into the cobra was pulled out by Ye Xiao, and blood spurted out of the cobra's body.

Ye Xiao stepped back and said, "my nickname is death...!"

The cobra's body fell back!


The body of cobra is lying on the ground. The ground is dyed red by blood. It's cobra's blood.

Ye Xiao holds the razor whale in his hand and wipes the cobra's clothes. After wiping the blood of the "razor whale", ye Xiao puts the "razor whale" back on him!

Cobra is very strong, but her biggest mistake is that she is overconfident.

Cobra does not know what a terrible person she is facing. If she knew, she would not be so stupid. She asked for all this, no wonder others.

Ye Xiao picked up the gun and held it in his hand.

In fact, cobra is a very strong opponent. It's enough for cobra to procrastinate here. Ye Xiao's biggest worry is that Cobra sends people to find Zhang Xueyao. He's only here to attract cobra's attention, hoping to attract all the enemies to Ye Xiao's side. Ye Xiao can kill these people slowly.

Ye Xiao is very confident in himself, but he has no confidence in Jiayi, Zhang Xueyao and others. What he worries about is that these people will be hurt! Of course, Fang Jiayi and Fang Tianyu are good, but ye Xiao doesn't want to put Zhang Xueyao in danger because of her own mistakes.

What he has to do now is to solve the people who threaten Zhang Xueyao's safety as soon as possible. No matter how many people there are, he will solve them one by one.

After ye Xiao killed the cobra, he ran after the other two armed men with a gun in his hand!


Just as ye Xiao came to the corner of the corridor, there was a gunshot in front of him.

Ye Xiao's heart is suddenly move, he worried about Fang Tianyu accident.

Ye Xiao is to let Fang Tianyu attract each other, he is easy to deal with separately! No matter how fierce Ye Xiao is, he can't deal with five people at the same time. Ye Xiao wants to separate them and kill them one by one!

Now it seems that ye Xiao's plan has been half successful. He has killed three people, and the remaining two people are not a problem. Ye Xiao now plans to kill those two people, but at this time, the gunfire rang out!

Ye Xiao is worried about Fang Tianyu's safety. After all, he arranges Fang Tianyu to do it. If anything happens to Fang Tianyu, ye Xiao will feel deeply guilty.

Ye Xiao can't think about it any more. He has rushed past with a gun in his hand!

Just as ye Xiao rushed over, he heard Fang Tianyu say with a smile, "brother, you're late. I've killed these two!"

He saw Fang Tianyu with a gun in his hand and two bodies lying in front of him.

Fang Tianyu raised his foot and kicked a corpse in front of him. He said with a smile, "I like this way. What can I hide? Just kill them!"

"Are you all right?" Ye Xiao is worried about Fang Tianyu. He asks.

"What's the matter? I'm fine! " When Fang Tianyu heard Ye Xiao's words, he laughed, "don't you see who I am? I'm Fang Tianyu. It's not easy to kill these two wastes. Brother, don't worry about me! "

"Really nothing?" Ye Xiao is not at ease, asked again.

"Of course, there's no problem. I've said that. Don't worry about me!" Fang Tianyu said and put his hand into his pocket. He wanted to touch the cigarette, but he didn't touch anything in his pocket. Fang Tianyu looked at Ye Xiao and said, "do you have any cigarettes?"

"Yes!" Ye Xiao came over, took out a cigarette from his pocket and gave it to Fang Tianyu. He also took one and stuffed it into his mouth!


Ye Xiao is on fire.

Fang Tianyu took a puff of his cigarette and grinned.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Xiao also lit a cigarette. When he saw Fang Tianyu's smile, he felt strange!

"I laugh at my sister!" Fang Tianyu said with a smile.

"Fang Jiayi? What happened to her? "

"Just now in the room, my elder sister even forced to kiss you. I feel funny when I think about it!" Fang Tianyu laughed, "brother, do you know what I just thought?"


"I wonder if I should call you brother-in-law!"


Ye Xiao is speechless. He really doesn't know what's going on in Fang Tianyu's mind. He wants to call ye Xiao's brother-in-law!

"Tianyu, don't be kidding. I was under a lot of pressure just now." As soon as ye Xiao thought of what happened just now, he felt headache. He took a cigarette and looked at Fang Tianyu with his eyes. "I don't know which string Fang Jiayi is wrong. He even kisses me. What's wrong with me? Although I've offended her, I don't have to use such a big killer...! "

Ye Xiaoxin is still worried. I don't know what Zhang Xueyao will think!

Fang Tianyu said with a smile, "in fact, I'm scared. I haven't seen my elder sister behave like that. Just now, I was scared. I thought my elder sister's head was flooded..."

Fang Tianyu just said this sentence, he quickly looked around, as if worried about being heard by Fang Jiayi.

He just said something disrespectful. If Fang Jiayi heard it, Fang Tianyu would be punished. Fang Tianyu's biggest fear is his elder sister. He is always careful in front of Fang Jiayi.

"It's over. Don't talk about it!" Ye Xiao doesn't want to talk about it any more. He doesn't know what Fang Jiayi thinks. The most important thing is to escape from here first!

"What are we going to do next?" Fang Tianyu asked.

"I have to think it over!" Ye Xiao said, "the butcher is very difficult to deal with. He is a crafty mercenary. He is not an ordinary man. If he is a little careless, we will all be solved by him."

"What's the point? I think we'll get rid of those guys one by one, just like we did just now! " After killing two people, Fang Tianyu is more confident. He wants to kill all the armed elements in the hotel.

"I don't think the butcher will give us such a chance." Ye Xiao said, "I know this guy too well. Once he makes a mistake once, he will never make a second mistake. There is only one chance for us. I think the butcher already knows that he is wrong this time..."

At this moment, his phone suddenly rang. It was the butcher.

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