The butcher is the mastermind of this attack. Once the butcher is allowed to escape from the building, it will be very difficult to catch him!

Ye Xiao chased out with a gun in his hand!

In the corridor, there were several injured people lying.

Ye Xiao didn't care about these people. In his eyes, there was only the butcher.

Ye Xiao must catch up with the butcher now. Since the exchange of fire, the whole situation has been out of control. A large number of hostages ran frantically to the outside of the hotel, and the special police who had been outside also took a strong attack!

Because ye Xiao was in the hall, the butcher couldn't command his people. When these special police officers came in, they hardly met much resistance, so they easily controlled the situation!

At the door of the hotel, there are police to maintain order, arrange the hotel hostage orderly evacuation!

Ye Xiao has been chasing to the first floor hall, did not see the butcher!

The butcher is not here!

"Brother ye, why are you here?" Just as ye Xiao was standing in the hall on the first floor looking around, Zhao Hu came over wearing a bulletproof vest.

Ye Xiao, with a gun in his hand, saw Zhao Hu coming. Ye Xiao quickly asked, "do you see the butcher?"

"Butcher?" When Zhao Hu heard Ye Xiao's words, he was slightly stunned, "are you talking about the mercenary butcher?"

"Yes, that's him!"

"I don't know." Zhao Hu shook his head. "I've been helping the hostages evacuate just now. Shouldn't the butcher be in the hotel?"

Ye Xiao frowned, he felt bad!

When Zhao Hu saw Ye Xiao's appearance, he patted his hand on Ye Xiao's shoulder. "Brother ye, don't worry. As long as I'm here, no one can go out. I'm the second elite brigade..."

Before Zhao Hu finished, ye Xiao's phone rang.

Ye Xiao took out the phone and scolded, "asshole, ran away..."

"Who? Who ran away... " Asked Zhao Hu.


"Butcher? Where is he? Where is it? " When Zhao Hu heard Ye Xiao's words, he looked around. He thought the butcher was around.

Ye Xiao doesn't pay attention to Zhao Hu. In Ye Xiao's eyes, Zhao Hu has always been a "two goods". I really don't know how Zhao Hu became the leader of the second criminal police brigade.

Ye Xiao answers the phone!

The butcher's voice came from the phone. "Death, do you want to know where I am?"

"Outside the hotel!" Ye Xiao said.

"Ha ha...!" The butcher's proud laughter came, "I'm outside, but I don't plan to leave like this. Before I leave, I'll kill you...!"

"Butcher, you can't run away."

"Can't run away? That's a joke. How can I not run away? I've been ready for a long time. As long as I want to leave, I can leave at any time. But now, I don't want to leave, because you're not dead yet... Oh, I remember. I've prepared a big gift for you. You can see it later... "

When the butcher finished, he hung up.

"Damn..." When ye Xiao heard the butcher's words, he had an ominous premonition at that time!

The butcher is definitely not just talking about it. It's very possible that the butcher really prepared something! Ye Xiao is very worried about Zhang Xueyao. No one knows if the butcher has any tricks in the hotel building!

Ye Xiao, with a phone in his hand, dials Zhang Xueyao.

"Xueyao, where are you?"

"Xinming and I are going downstairs!" Zhang Xueyao said, "and you?"

"Hall on the first floor!"

As soon as ye Xiao finished his sentence, he saw that as soon as the elevator door opened, Zhou Xinming and Zhang Xueyao came out! After Zhang Xueyao saw Ye Xiao, she ran over in a hurry.

"Gifts? What kind of gift is it? " Ye Xiaoxin is still thinking about this!

He always felt that the butcher would not say this sentence suddenly. When he saw Zhang Xueyao coming here, ye Xiao put the idea behind him for a while and went to Zhang Xueyao!

A policeman went to the cabinet on the west side of the hall on the first floor and muttered, "how can there be a bag here...!"


When ye Xiao heard this, his brow suddenly wrinkled.

The butcher said just now that he had prepared a gift! The butcher can't just make some hostages with bombs tied to them. It's very likely that the butcher has a backhand. Just when everyone thinks that the bombs are tied to the hostages, the butcher just put the bombs in the hall on the first floor!

The butcher's purpose is obvious, that is to create more casualties.

This is also consistent with the butcher's practice!

"No..." Ye Xiao's heart suddenly moves, Zhang Xueyao is in front of Ye Xiao, ye Xiao suddenly grabbed Zhang Xueyao's hand, "run...!"

"Run?" Zhang Xueyao was stunned and didn't know what had happened.

Isn't it safe? Why do you have to run!

"Don't be so wordy." Ye Xiao pulls Zhang Xueyao's hand and shouts to Zhou Xinming, "Xinming, what are you still doing? Run

Zhou Xinming was quick enough to understand.

The hall on the first floor is dangerous.

However, Zhou Xinming thought more about the people around her!

She wants to inform others, but ye Xiao has already seen through Zhou Xinming's mind. His other hand grabs Zhou Xinming's hand and runs to the door whether Zhou Xinming wants to or not.

Fang Tianyu and Fang Jiayi are both behind Ye Xiao. They have heard what ye Xiao said just now.

These two people just run!

Just as they ran to the door of the hotel, they heard the explosion from behind!

There were at least three explosions.

Butcher is a crafty guy. He put three bombs in the hall on the first floor, all time bombs! After he left, he started it by remote control. Fortunately, ye Xiao's reaction is timely enough, otherwise, even if he is not killed, he will be seriously injured!

For a moment, the whole hall was full of screams!

A lot of people think it's safe, but they don't think the most dangerous is in the back.

"It's dangerous..." After ye Xiao, Zhang Xueyao and others run outside, ye Xiao is relieved.

"You... Why are you holding me?" Zhou Xinming is calm. Although Ye Xiao saves her, Zhou Xinming is very angry.

"I'm trying to save you."

"I'm a policeman." Zhou Xinming calm face, her face with anger, eyes looking at Ye Xiao, "I should save those people, if you don't drag me, I can tell them to leave..."

"You inform them?"

When ye Xiao heard Zhou Xinming's words, his face sank and he said coldly, "Zhou Xinming, I want to remind you that you are just an ordinary woman. Although you are a policeman, you are also a girl. You can't protect those people at all. Don't do what you can't do. If you don't come out just now, you are already lying there."

"I will!" Zhou Xinming's lips clenched, her dark eyes looking at Ye Xiao, "I'm a policeman, from the moment I put on the police uniform, I promise to protect innocent people's lives!"

"Protect the lives of innocent people?" When ye Xiao heard Zhou Xinming's words, he suddenly sneered, "if you say so, then I ask you, am I an innocent person?"

"You... How do you ask that?"

Zhou Xinming didn't understand Ye Xiao's meaning. Her eyes blinked and her eyes were confused!

"Because I almost killed you just now. You are protecting innocent people, but you will also kill innocent people. If it wasn't for you, I don't have to show my face. You know, there were at least seven or eight guns aimed at me in the hall just now!" Ye Xiao said coldly, "am I not innocent? Shouldn't I be protected? "

"That's... That's your fault. I didn't ask you to save me!" Zhou Xinming opened her mouth. She didn't know why she said it.

Zhou Xinming is a little angry. She thinks it's Ye Xiao who just grabbed her hand that she didn't give a warning in time! She felt guilty. As a policeman, she thought she should protect more innocent people.

In the mood of guilt, she said this to Ye Xiao.

In fact, when Zhou Xinming said this, she regretted it at that time! She did not expect that she would say so, but this sentence has been said, even if regret, also can not take back.

Zhou Xinming just gritted her teeth. Her hand shook hard. Ye Xiao held her hand and said, "I don't need you to care about me!"

"Zhou Xinming, say it again." Ye Xiao's eyes looked directly at Zhou Xinming.

Zhou Xinming didn't dare to look at Ye Xiao's eyes at all. She was avoiding Ye Xiao's eyes. She turned her face to one side and said, "I said... I don't need you to take care of me. I'm a policeman. It's my... Responsibility!"

"Well, Zhou Xinming, you said that. I remember it." When ye Xiao heard Zhou Xinming's words, he stamped his feet and walked away.

Zhou Xinming opens her mouth. She wants to stop Ye Xiao, but before she says anything, she hears someone asking for help! As soon as Zhou Xinming gritted her teeth, she turned around and rushed to the hotel.

Zhang Xueyao looks at Zhou Xinming. She wants to persuade Zhou Xinming, but Zhou Xinming has rushed to the hotel. Zhang Xueyao has no choice but to chase Ye Xiao! She was trying to persuade Ye Xiao. However, just as Zhang Xueyao was in front of Ye Xiao, before she could speak, she saw Ye Xiao suddenly shake, followed by a "plop" and fall to the ground.

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