Although the butcher's plan failed this time, the butcher was not caught.

As long as the butcher is outside for a day, it means that there is always danger to Ye Xiao.

The butcher's goal is Ye Xiao!

This time he came to Zhonghai, not only for money, but also to kill Ye Xiao.

The butcher and ye Xiao are enemies. Ye Xiao once almost killed the butcher. The butcher once vowed to kill Ye Xiao himself.

The butcher escaped from the international hotel this time. He probably didn't leave Zhonghai city. He just waited for the chance to attack Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao had to guard against this.

As soon as he heard the footstep, he thought it might be the butcher's footstep.

"Wan Qing, you hide beside..." Ye Xiao whispered!

He asked Fang Wanqing to hide next to him, and ye Xiao got out of bed. He hid at the door of the ward. If the butcher really came to kill him, ye Xiao could attack the butcher instantly!

Footsteps to the door of the ward stopped, at the moment of Ye Xiao has held his breath!

The footsteps stopped at the door of his ward. It seems that ye Xiao guessed right. The butcher really chased Ye Xiao to the hospital to get rid of him.

A man appeared at the door of the ward!

Just as the man stepped into the ward, ye Xiao, who was hiding at the door of the ward, started. He reached out to control the man!

But when ye Xiaogang started, he heard the man say, "what are you doing?"

"Ah... Xinming?"

Ye Xiao was stunned. He never thought that it was Zhou Xinming who came in the middle of the night.

Now that it's time to visit the ward, ye Xiao never thought that Zhou Xinming would appear in his ward.

Zhou Xinming stood at the door of the ward, her eyes looking at Ye Xiao!

At this moment, ye Xiao's hand stretched out and was about to clasp Zhou Xinming's neck. When ye Xiao saw that it was Zhou Xinming, ye Xiao's hand had been taken back.

"How do I know it's you? What are you doing in my ward in the middle of the night?" Ye Xiao said.

"If you don't want to see me, I'll go." There was no expression on Zhou Xinming's face. Hearing Ye Xiao's words, she turned to leave. But ye Xiao's hand stretched out and held Zhou Xinming's hand. "I don't mean that!"

"What do you mean?" Zhou Xinming's eyes swept inside the ward and saw Fang Wanqing in a nurse's dress. Zhou Xinming said without expression, "I don't want to disturb your good things. I just came to see if you're dead. Since you're ok now, I'll leave..."

Zhou Xinming said, is about to put Ye Xiao's hand away, she wants to leave the ward. But Zhou Xinming threw it away, but ye Xiao didn't let go. Zhou Xinming looked at Ye Xiao and said, "let go!"

"I won't let it go!" Ye Xiao has dragged Zhou Xinming's hand to the bedside, "since you're here, stay in the ward."

At the moment, Fang Wanqing has already walked to the door of the ward. She is still very interested. When she saw Zhou Xinming, Fang Wanqing wanted to leave.

"I have something else to do. Let's go first!" Fang Wanqing went to the door, found an excuse and walked out of the ward.

When she went out, she closed the door of the ward.

In this ward, only Ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming are left.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you at this time!" Zhou Xinming, with a straight face, shook off his hand again, but he still couldn't shake off Ye Xiao's hand. "Let go, I want to go!"

"What are you going to do?" Ye Xiao tugs hard and pulls Zhou Xinming over.

When Fang Wanqing was in the ward just now, ye Xiao didn't mean to be too close to Zhou Xinming. But now that Fang Wanqing has left the ward, ye Xiao has no worries and drags Zhou Xinming.

Zhou Xinming's body is filled with refreshing body fragrance, which includes the fragrance after bathing!

"Did you go home and have a bath?" Ye Xiao asked.

"No!" Zhou denied.

Ye Xiao's hand is holding Zhou Xinming's hand tightly, and the other hand has slipped to Zhou Xinming's hip!

His hand pinched Zhou Xinming's hip!

"I remember very well that you were not wearing this pair of jeans or this shirt tonight!" Ye Xiao's lips came up to Zhou Xinming's ear and said in a low voice, "I think your underwear has also been changed. You must have taken a bath and changed your clothes at home. Xinming, don't you do it specially to see me?"

"Don't dream. I didn't. I just came to see if you were dead!" Zhou Xinming said.

"Angry?" Ye Xiao said.


"It seems that I should be angry. You won't forget what happened tonight. You almost killed me tonight, and twice!" Ye Xiao said.

"Who let you control me, I let you control me!" Zhou Xinming raised her head and looked at Ye Xiao with her fierce eyes. "You should scold yourself. You are blind. That's why you regard me as a friend and almost killed you. In short, you can scold me now. Anyway, I'm meaningless. I know I'm an ungrateful woman. I don't want to..."

Before Zhou Xinming's words were finished, ye Xiao suddenly put his arms around Zhou Xinming, and his lips stuck to Zhou Xinming's lips.

What Zhou Xinming wanted to say was completely interrupted by Ye Xiao, and Zhou Xinming couldn't say a word.

When ye Xiao's lips came up, Zhou Xinming burst into tears from her eyes.

She just stood in the same place, holding her by Ye Xiao!

Her tears flowed down her face, and two clear lines of tears appeared on her face.

After a hot kiss, Zhou Xinming's lips are clenched together. She still wants to talk, but ye Xiao has already said, "Xinming, stop talking. I understand your heart and your pain now. In fact, your heart must be more painful than mine. If you say those words, you will hurt your own heart deeply!"

"I... i...!" Zhou Xinming opened her mouth.

She can only say this word, but she can't say the rest.

At the moment, Zhou Xinming's heart is really painful. When she says that to Ye Xiao at the door of the hotel, what really stings is her heart! She felt that what she said stung her and made her particularly painful.

She quickly left, just don't want to let Ye Xiao see her heartache.

Zhou Xinming is not a fool. Of course, she knows that she almost killed Ye Xiao. Before, she just thought that she was a policeman and should protect those innocent people, but she forgot that she was not alone, and there were still people caring about her!

Ye Xiao was injured because of her.

But she said those words that hurt Ye Xiao. Zhou Xinming was very sad. She once wanted to call ye Xiao, but Zhou Xinming found that she didn't know how to apologize, how to make up for her guilt for ye Xiao.

Zhou Xinming really wants to see ye Xiao. She wants to know what happened to Ye Xiao! But she didn't dare to come over. After Zhang Xueyao left, Zhou Xinming came to the hospital.

She went home for a shower and changed clothes!

Zhou Xinming stood at the door of the hospital for a long time. In fact, she had been making up her mind all the time!

She wants to compensate Ye Xiao!

Use her best to compensate Ye Xiao.

Zhou Xinming doesn't know why she thinks so. This kind of idea sounds naive, but Zhou Xinming really thinks so!

Now, when she faces Ye Xiao, Zhou Xinming feels a special pain in her heart, and tears flow out.

Ye Xiao doesn't need to talk with Zhou Xinming. He already understands Zhou Xinming's mind!

He didn't give Zhou Xinming a chance to speak, and he put his lips on Zhou Xinming's lips again!

Zhou Xinming's hands embrace Ye Xiao's neck!

Ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming arrive in front of the hospital bed. Ye Xiao suddenly pushes Zhou Xinming to the hospital bed!

Zhou Xinming is lying on the bed. She doesn't move. Her beautiful eyes just look at Ye Xiao! Her lips are rarely painted with lipstick, which she specially painted for ye Xiao!

Zhou Xinming has been ready for a long time. This time she comes to see ye Xiao, she intends to sacrifice herself.

Ye Xiao saved her life. Zhou Xinming thought that she would end up with Ye Xiao!

All along, she owes Ye Xiao, and ye Xiao saves her again and again!

Zhou Xinming doesn't like this feeling. Before she met Ye Xiao, she was Zhou Xinming!

She's strong!

Zhou Xinming has always believed that she is strong enough to defeat any man. But after she met Ye Xiao, Zhou Xinming realized that in front of Ye Xiao, she was very weak! She was saved by Ye Xiao again and again. I don't know when she had Ye Xiao in her heart!

But she knows that ye Xiao is her best friend's fiance, and she can't compete with Zhang Xueyao.

This evening, Zhou Xinming made a decision.

She wants to compensate Ye Xiao and use her first time to compensate Ye Xiao. Similarly, this is also an understanding! She wants to end the relationship with Ye Xiao, completely.

She will not owe Ye Xiao anything!

She doesn't want to feel guilty again!

Zhou Xinming is ready. She lies on the bed with her eyes slightly closed!

Although Zhou Xinming is a little nervous, she has to end her relationship with Ye Xiao, which is the best way to compensate.

Finally, ye Xiao came up!

At that moment, ye Xiao whispered in her ear, "Xinming, don't you think you can't compensate me in this way?"

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