Zhou Xinming did not expect that ye Xiao's dumplings were so delicious!

Soon, half a plate of dumplings had been eaten up.

Zhou Xinming looked at the dumplings in front of Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao just ate a few!

"Have you finished?" Zhou Xinming's tongue licked his lips!

Ye Xiao just ate a dumpling. When he looked up, he saw Zhou Xinming licking her lips.

"You're not hungry, are you?" Ye Xiao asked.


Zhou Xinming is very honest nodded.

Ye Xiao opened his mouth, "Xinming, are you a girl? Don't you have a small appetite all the time? "

"Can't I have a big appetite? Have you had enough? " Zhou Xinming asked.


Before ye Xiao finished, Zhou Xinming suddenly said, "since you say so, I'll treat you as full!" With these words, Zhou Xinming took the plate in front of Ye Xiao and put a dumpling in his mouth.

Ye Xiao never thought that Zhou Xinming would do this. How can we say that Zhou Xinming is a girl who cares about her face, but now Zhou Xinming feels that she is robbing Ye Xiao's dumplings, regardless of her image!

Ye Xiao took a bottle of beer and filled the glass beside him!

He drank a large glass and wiped his lips. Looking at Zhou Xinming eating dumplings, he said, "Xinming, didn't you eat tonight?"

"Eat it!"

"How can you eat like this?"

"The dumplings you made are delicious, just like my grandmother's!" When Zhou Xinming said this, she looked up at Ye Xiao and said, "when I was a child, I especially liked eating dumplings made by my grandmother. However, after my grandmother died, I never ate such delicious dumplings again. The dumplings in restaurants outside are not delicious."

"So it is!" Ye Xiao nodded with a smile, "after that, I often pack it for you."


Zhou Xinming excitedly called out these two words, but she immediately darkened, "no!"


Zhou Xinming put the last dumpling on her plate into her mouth. After another sip of beer, she said, "I think... I don't want to meet you!"

"No meeting?"

Ye Xiao did not expect that Zhou Xinming would say this.

Zhou Xinming bit her lip and seemed determined. She took another sip of wine and suddenly raised her head. Her dark eyes were staring at Ye Xiao. "I've thought about it for a long time. I feel that our relationship has broken through the relationship of ordinary friends!"

"We are friends!" Ye Xiao said.

Zhou Xinming shook her head. "We all know that our relationship is not a simple friend... Ye Xiao, it's time to end. Xueyao and I have been friends for many years. Our current relationship will make Xueyao very uncomfortable. I don't want to cheat myself... Tonight, let's go back to the relationship of ordinary friends. It's enough to meet and say hello, Don't call each other again...! "

When Zhou Xinming finished, she drank all the wine in the glass!

Stand up, she looked at Ye Xiao, "I went to sleep, if you still want to compensate, at any time... I just want to completely cut off the relationship with you, i..."

Before Zhou Xinming's words were finished, ye Xiao suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhou Xinming's hand. With a strong pull, Zhou Xinming fell into his arms.

"Xinming, I want you to understand that there is no physical relationship between you and me!" Ye Xiao hugged Zhou Xinming, his eyes looked directly at Zhou Xinming, and said slowly, "I like the feeling of fighting with you. Zhou Xinming, I ask you, do you really want to see me in your heart?"

"I...!" Zhou Xinming opened her mouth, but she couldn't say that.

Ye Xiao hugged Zhou Xinming tightly, and his lips were close to her!

Zhou Xinming's lips also opened at this moment. Instead of refusing, she catered to Ye Xiao.

This is the real meaning of the kiss, ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming's tongues are intertwined!

In Zhou Xinming's house, ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming kiss each other heartily.


When ye Xiao stood up with Zhou Xinming in his arms, he knocked down the chair beside him!

But ye Xiao didn't pay any attention. He just took Zhou Xinming to the sofa!

All the way to the front of the sofa, ye Xiao put Zhou Xinming on the sofa, and he also pressed up.

"How is your injury?"

When ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming's lips parted, Zhou Xinming asked softly.

At the moment, Zhou Xinming is as tender as water!

It's hard to imagine that Zhou Xinming, a fierce man, will look at Ye Xiao tenderly now!

"It's nothing. It's just a small injury. It's just bleeding a little more!" Ye Xiao's lips came up again, and he gave Zhou Xinming a kiss on his lips. "As long as it takes a little time, it will recover!"

Zhou Xinming's cheek turned red. "In a word, I'll tell you, tonight..."

"I know you're trying to make it up to me." Ye Xiao said with a smile, "I have a bad memory. Tomorrow I will forget what happened today...!"

Ye Xiao's lips stick up again!

At this moment, Zhou Xinming blushed like a little girl who had just learned to love. She closed her eyes tightly and swam on her body with Ye Xiao's hand! Zhou Xinming didn't expect how much she cared about ye Xiao in her heart. When ye Xiao asked her that sentence, Zhou Xinming realized that she really couldn't do it! She will think of Ye Xiao in her heart, it is impossible to completely separate from ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's hand slipped to Zhou Xinming's waist. At that moment, Zhou Xinming's heart beat faster. She felt the temperature of Ye Xiao's big hand against her skin. At that moment, Zhou Xinming was shaking.

Her eyes closed more tightly!

"Asshole, you bullied me again..." Zhou Xinming said in a low voice.

Ye xiaobad laughed, "I'll bully you, what do you do with me?"

When ye Xiao's words came out, Zhou Xinming suddenly bit her lips and turned over. She had put Ye Xiao under her body! Her face is still very red, but Zhou Xinming's eyes flicker with firm eyes, "I'm Zhou Xinming, and I can't let you bully me..." With these words, Zhou Xinming's lips came up!

Since it's inevitable, Zhou Xinming will take the absolute initiative. She can't let Ye Xiao guide her!

Just when Zhou Xinming's lips met Ye Xiao's, ye Xiao's phone suddenly rang.

"Xueyao's phone..." Ye Xiao said subconsciously.

When Zhou Xinming heard Ye Xiao's words, she got up from ye Xiao in a hurry.

Ye Xiao also sat up. He didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to call at this time. Does Zhang Xueyao already know about him and Zhou Xinming?

"Xueyao doesn't know, does she?" Zhou Xinming asked in some panic.

"No!" Ye Xiao is not sure. He just feels that Zhang Xueyao should not know about him and Zhou Xinming.

"It's all you. You've killed me. I've already said that we shouldn't meet again. What if Xueyao knows? Let you kill... " Zhou Xinming is particularly flustered.

"Don't worry. You don't know anything. Don't talk." Ye Xiao said.

Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Zhou Xinming had to shut up!

Ye Xiao takes out his mobile phone, which is called by Zhang Xueyao.

Ye Xiao just didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to call at this time. Normally, Zhang Xueyao has gone to bed now.

Ye Xiao answered the phone and said cautiously, "Xue Yao, why haven't you gone to bed..."

Before ye Xiao finished his sentence, he heard a man's sneer on the phone, "death, it's unexpected, it's me!"


At this moment, ye Xiao's face changed greatly.

He never thought that the person calling was not Zhang Xueyao, but a butcher.

Ye Xiao is not an ordinary person. He has rich experience in this field. As soon as he heard the butcher's voice, he already knew the bad things! Zhang Xueyao's mobile phone is on the butcher's side, which means something has happened to Zhang Xueyao.

Otherwise, Zhang Xueyao's phone will not be in the hands of the butcher.

"It's me!" The butcher laughed. "Death, I'm in your house. Now I'll give you ten minutes. If you don't show up in front of me in ten minutes, I'll kill her... You know, I do what I say!"

Ye Xiao certainly knows that the butcher is cruel and murderous!

Butcher, this is not a joke, butcher is really likely to kill Zhang Xueyao!

"Butcher, I want to talk to Xueyao..." Ye Xiao actually wanted to delay for a while, but he didn't expect that as soon as he said this, he heard the butcher sneer, "death, time starts..."

"Asshole!" When ye Xiao heard the butcher's words, he scolded at that time.

The butcher knows Ye Xiao too well. When ye Xiao says that, the butcher has already guessed Ye Xiao's mind. He won't give ye Xiao any chance to delay. Just as ye Xiao was talking, the butcher had already started timing!

Zhang Xueyao is in danger now!

Ye Xiao's head hummed. He never thought that Zhang Xueyao would fall into the butcher's hand. Ye Xiao deeply remorses himself. He should remind Zhang Xueyao, but ye Xiao is careless. As a result, Zhang Xueyao is caught by the butcher!

He has no choice!

Now we must go back to save Zhang Xueyao. No matter how big the risk, he will go back!

"Xinming, your car key..." Ye Xiao suddenly shouts to Zhou Xinming, "give it to me quickly, Xueyao is very dangerous. If I don't go home within ten minutes, the butcher will kill Xueyao..."

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