Ye Xiao is very simple, open mouth to 1.5 million!

Du Xiaoyi's Lamborghini sports car is worth more than three million yuan. As a result, ye Xiao is very good. He only thinks that sports car is worth 500000 yuan!

"Ye, don't deceive people too much." Du Xiaoyi's eyes looked directly at Ye Xiao, "my sports car is worth three million. You said it's only worth 500000. Are you blind?"

As soon as Du Xiaoyi's words came out, ye Xiao's mouth turned slightly, and said with disdain, "if you don't have money, you can't have money. What's good to install? You can't even take out 2 million yuan. How about installing a rich man in front of me? What about a 3 million yuan sports car? I don't care? If it's not for your lack of money, your sports car is not worth a cent. Du Xiaoyi, do you have any money? "

"I... of course I have money. I just don't have so much money with me!" Du Xiaoyi looks at Ye Xiao, "you give me some time, I'll get the money now!"

As soon as Du Xiaoyi said this, Fang Tianyu, standing next to Ye Xiao, suddenly laughed, "don't bother, Du Xiaoyi. I have money here, 2 million, right? I'll write you a check...! "

Du Xiaoyi didn't expect that Fang Tianyu would take the initiative to lend him money, which was beyond his expectation, "are you willing to lend me money?"

"What's the point? However, I need interest. I'll lend you two million yuan and you can repay me 100000 yuan a day! "

"You're stealing money!" When Du Xiaoyi heard Fang Tianyu's words, he almost spat out another mouthful of blood.

Fang Tianyu and ye Xiao are really a couple. They are the kind of money Snatchers!

Du Xiaoyi's eyes looked at the third uncle, "third uncle, it's not convenient for me. If you can lend me 2 million yuan, I'll give it back to you later!"

"No problem, of course!" Third uncle's face was wearing a smile, "this 2 million I gave out, but I feel you just borrow 2 million words, it is too little, this gamble is big enough, Xiaoyi, how do you say is the successor of Du family, won't even have this courage!"

The third uncle's words have deep meaning. It is clear that he is deliberately stimulating Du Xiaoyi!

You know, ye Xiao has 2 million chips. If Du Xiaoyi borrows 2 million, it's the same chips as ye Xiao at most. How can he say that Du Xiaoyi is the successor of the Du family in the future and will inherit billions of properties in the future!

Du Xiaoyi's lips are biting tightly. The third uncle's words are very powerful. How can Du Xiaoyi lose face in front of the third uncle and these rich people? When Du Xiaoyi thought of this, he suddenly said fiercely, "five million, third uncle, I want to borrow five million, OK?"

"Of course, simply, this is the successor of the future Du family!" The third uncle nodded, "I borrowed the five million."

"Thank you, uncle!"

Du Xiaoyi borrowed 5 million yuan from his third uncle, which is totally different from that just now!


Du Xiaoyi's right hand slapped hard on the table, "Ye, since you want to play, let's play bigger, 5 million, we will win or lose, do you have the courage?"

When Du Xiaoyi said this, the third uncle first called "good"!

I heard the third uncle praising, "Xiaoyi is really not a talent. He has five million yuan. Even I dare not play like this!"

Those around the onlookers also nodded and echoed!

For a time, Du Xiaoyi was praised to the sky.

Du Xiaoyi is more proud. He reaches out his hand, lights a cigarette and puts it into his mouth.

Now Du Xiaoyi is completely different from the one just now. Now Du Xiaoyi is very powerful. His eyes are looking at Ye Xiao!

"Ye, how are you going to play?"

He is waiting for ye Xiao's answer!

Ye Xiao laughed, "five million? It looks like you're going to play bigger! "

"That's right!" Du Xiaoyi nodded and said with certainty, "don't you want to play with me? Then let's play bigger. If you don't have money, get out of here! "

"Really?" Ye Xiao heard Du Xiaoyi's words, he laughed, "you won't regret it!"

"I'm Du Xiaoyi. Of course I won't regret it!"

"In that case, I'll go. Anyway, I've won a million dollars. There's no need to compete with you!" Ye Xiao is to see good to close, say words, will stand up!

Du Xiaoyi never thought that ye Xiao would do this. He forgot that ye Xiao had won him a million yuan. Even if ye Xiao left now, he would not suffer! But Du Xiaoyi can't do it. He has lost one million yuan to Ye Xiao. If ye Xiao leaves with a million yuan, what face does he have!


Du Xiaoyi slapped the table again.

"Ye, stop!" Du Xiaoyi shouts.

Ye Xiao didn't mean to leave at all. He just wanted to get up. In fact, ye Xiao didn't move at all!

He had thought that Du Xiaoyi would do this!

"Du Xiaoyi, what's the matter? Do you regret it? " Ye Xiao asked with a smile.

"You don't want to win my money and then you can leave. It's not that easy." Du Xiaoyi's eyes looked directly at Ye Xiao, "unless you leave money to go away!"

"Well, I said to Du Xiaoyi, don't you want to die by yourself? I wanted you to live a good life, at least you won't lose money and lose face. As a result, you are a good guy. You are not smart at all. You take my kindness as a donkey's liver and lung. Forget it, if you want to die yourself, I'll give you a ride! "

Ye Xiao is always irritating.

Du Xiaoyi almost blew his lungs when he heard Ye Xiao's words. Ye Xiao's words were so harmful that Du Xiaoyi couldn't stand it!

"Ye, come and gamble quickly!" Du Xiaoyi said.

"No problem!" Ye Xiao is very simple, "five million is five million, Tianyu, don't take the three million, I'm out!"

Ye Xiao said, took a card from his body and threw it on the table, "there are five million in it, Du Xiaoyi. Since we want to play, let's play bigger. I have five million, plus I won your two million, a total of seven million. You only have five million now, but I'm very kind and know you don't have any money, How about two million dollars for your broken car? Do you dare to bet...! "

Seven million!

It's down to seven million!

This large sum of money really scared the people present. Although these people have money, they didn't gamble so much!

It's a game, seven million!

Du Xiaoyi looked at Ye Xiao incredulously, "you... Your card has five million?"

"Nonsense, you really think I have no money!" Ye Xiao curled his lips, "I just disdain to play with you. These five million dollars are given to me by others. I'm thinking about how to spend them. I just met you. Come on, let's have a good bet. It's a big deal that I'll give you these five million dollars!"

Du Xiaoyi's forehead is sweating!

He never thought that things would come to this point. Du Xiaoyi expected to frighten Ye Xiao and scare him away, but in the end, he didn't frighten Ye Xiao away. Instead, he increased the bet to seven million. Du Xiaoyi was scared!

Seven million is a big sum. Du Xiaoyi's palm is already sweating!

Ye Xiao's card has been confirmed. It's five million!

When the confirmed news came out through the third uncle, Du Xiaoyi sat in his seat, feeling thirsty!

It's seven million. Once he loses, how can he tell his father?

Now Du Xiaoyi thinks much more about it!

Ye Xiao is very relaxed. He has a cigarette in his hand and looks at Du Xiaoyi with his eyes. "Du Xiaoyi, hurry up. I'm still in a hurry. Can we decide the outcome immediately? Are you afraid?"

"Scared? I... how can I be afraid of Du Xiaoyi? Don't... don't talk nonsense! " Du Xiaoyi clenched his lips. His eyes looked at Ye Xiao and said, "OK, bet on it. It's only seven million. We'll win in one game."

At this time, Du Xiaoyi has no choice at all!

He has to fight bravely!

When ye Xiao heard Du Xiaoyi's words, he began to laugh. "It's worthy of being the successor of the Du family. It's called domineering. I like to hear young master Du's heroic words. OK, let's win the game!"

Ye Xiao and Du Xiaoyi both stand up. Du Xiaoyi's eyes look directly at Ye Xiao. If his eyes can kill him, ye Xiao has been killed dozens of times by Du Xiaoyi. His eyes are full of fierce light. He wants to kill Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao doesn't have any bad looks. He has a smile on his face and a cigarette in his left hand. Ye Xiao is very calm at the moment. It doesn't look like he's gambling with Du Xiaoyi for seven million!

"Master Du, are you ready?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Don't fart any more, ye. Let's not waste our time. Let's do it quickly!" Du Xiaoyi can't wait, he urges Ye Xiao!

"Good!" Ye Xiao said.

"I'll count, one, two, three...!"

When Du Xiaoyi counts to three, he makes a sudden move. He hopes to make a sudden move while ye Xiao hasn't made a fist. In this way, ye Xiao can be said to make a late fist. In that case, he can be judged to win!

This is Du Xiaoyi's careful thinking. This careful thinking is useless. When Du Xiaoyi punches, ye Xiao already punches!

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