Zhang Xueyao holds the racket and waves it hard!

The ball curved and flew to the opposite field.


Sitting at the edge of the field, ye Xiao made a cheering sound!

Zhang Xueyao didn't pay attention to Ye Xiao's cheers. She held the racket in her hand and played with Du Hanshuang intently.

Ye Xiao's eyes swept over Zhang Xueyao's body and said with a smile, "Xueyao is really in good shape. Xinming, have you ever compared with Xueyao? I don't think your chest is as big as Xueyao's, and your butt is as big as Xueyao's...! "

"Do you want to die?" Zhou Xinming has a phone in her hand. She just put down the phone. When she heard Ye Xiao's words, Zhou Xinming turned her face and looked directly at Ye Xiao!

"It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously!" Ye Xiao took the mineral water bottle and drank a lot of water. He put down the water and said, "that phone call just now was not from the second class, was it?"

"Two goods? Who is it? "

"Of course, it's Zhao Hu, the criminal police captain. Besides the second goods, who else can there be?" Ye Xiao said.


Zhou Xinming didn't want to laugh, but when she heard Ye Xiao's words, Zhou Xinming couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sure I'll tell Zhao Hu what you said and let him deal with you!" Zhou Xinming said.

"You haven't answered, is it the second product?" Ye Xiao asked.

"It's Zhao Hu who called. He asked me to have dinner. I'm thinking about whether to agree or not." Zhou Xinming said, her dark eyes looked at Ye Xiao, and said with a smile, "what do you think?"

"Leave him alone, of course!" Ye Xiao said, "don't give a chance to a second-class man like Zhao Hu. Otherwise, you will feel better in the future. You have to believe me. You can't promise!"

"Originally I didn't want to agree, but now I think I can agree with you." Zhou Xinming's eyes looked at Ye Xiao, and she chuckled. "It's good for Zhao Hu to think about it. We are both policemen. We have a common topic, and we are honest. Although we are two people, we are better than you. In the past, we didn't meet any comparison object. I don't know how good Zhao Hu is. Now we are different. I see you, I feel that maybe it's good to give Zhao Hu a chance. "

"Are you mad at me?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Of course not. Don't think about it."

"You..." When ye Xiao wanted to have more words with Zhou Xinming, his phone rang at this time.

Ye Xiao glanced at Zhou Xinming and said, "I'll deal with you..." He took out the phone, a look at the caller, ye Xiao slightly a Zheng, he is obviously hesitant to answer the phone.

The phone is still ringing!

"What are you doing? Answer the phone quickly? Isn't it convenient to answer the phone on my side? " Zhou Xinming asked.

"There's nothing inconvenient, just a girl student. I'm thinking about whether to answer the phone." Ye Xiao said.


When Zhou Xinming heard Ye Xiao's words, her lips curled, "I can warn you, if you dare to attack minors, I will certainly arrest you, you kind of people in human skin...!"

Before Zhou Xinming's words were finished, ye Xiao had interrupted Zhou Xinming's words, "you think too much, she has grown up, but I didn't make up her mind, just I helped her, a girl with good nature, but I need some care..."

The phone stopped!

Ye Xiao was still hesitating to answer the phone just now. Now the phone has stopped, and he just doesn't need to answer the phone!

He put down the phone, Zhou Xinming's lips appeared a shallow sneer.

Ye Xiao just saw the sneer on Zhou Xinming's lips. He immediately asked, "Xinming, what are you laughing at?"

"Laugh at you!" Zhou Xinming sneered and said, "if Xueyao knows that you have a relationship with a girl student, I don't know what she will think!"

"How many times do you want me to explain? I really have nothing to do with her. We are innocent..." Ye Xiao has not finished his sentence, his phone rings again.

Ye Xiao a see, is Ji snow hit over.

On the last phone call, he hesitated whether to answer it. As a result, Ji Xue called again. Even if ye Xiao didn't want to answer it, he had to answer it in front of Zhou Xinming.

"Little girl, if you have anything to say, I'm busy here..." Ye Xiao said.

"Xiaoting is gone..." Ji Xue's voice came from the phone.

Zhang Xiaoting is gone?

When ye Xiao heard Ji Xue's words, he was slightly stunned!

Ye Xiao thinks Ji Xue is joking with him. Ji Xue is a little girl who makes people worry. Every time ye Xiao listens to Ji Xue, he always feels that Ji Xue is lying! This time, he was no exception. When he heard Ji Xue's words, ye Xiao said with a smile, "Ji Xue, you are joking with me again!"

"No, it's true!" Ji Xue's tone became very anxious, "I didn't cheat you!"

Ye Xiao doesn't believe Ji Xue's words.

You know, not long ago, Ji Xue just cheated Ye Xiao. At that time, ye Xiao just heard Ji Xue say that something had happened, so he rushed to the scene. When he got to the scene, he knew that he had been cheated by Ji Xue!

Ji Xue is very cunning. Ye Xiao worries that Ji Xue is also for her personal purpose this time!

"I don't believe you, Ji Xue. You must be joking with me!" Ye Xiao said, "you cheated me like this last time. It's not easy to use this time. I won't be fooled again!"

"Uncle, I really didn't cheat you. Xiaoting is really gone. I dare swear!" Ji Xue said, "Xiaoting didn't go home last night!"

"Really?" Ye Xiao listen to Ji Xue's words, feel Ji Xue is not joking!

"Yes, uncle, I can't make fun of Xiaoting!" Listening to Ji Xue's tone, I feel that Ji Xue is about to cry. "I really can't find anyone. I went to the police just now, and the police said that there was no time to go missing, so I couldn't file a case..."

"Where are you now?" Ye Xiao suddenly stood up, he can now be sure that Ji Xue is not joking, that is to say, Zhang Xiaoting is really missing!

This is a big event. Zhang Xiaoting is a quiet little girl. She can't fool around. There's no reason why she won't go home!

In this way, there is only one possibility, that is, Zhang Xiaoting had an accident.

This is the last thing ye Xiao wants to admit, but now he has to admit it!

"I work in Xiaoting's Hotel..." Ji Xue said, "it's in tiexikou..."

After ye Xiao knows where Ji Xue is, he puts down his mobile phone and is about to leave.

"Where are you going?" After Zhou Xinming meets Ye Xiao on the phone, her face changes and she knows something has happened.

Zhou Xinming is worried that ye Xiao will be fooling around. In that case, he will be in trouble!

"Something happened to my friend. I have to go to her now!"

"Friends? Is it Fang Tianyu? " Zhou Xinming asked.

Zhou Xinming knows that Fang Tianyu is Ye Xiao's friend. For Fang Tianyu, Zhou Xinming has no good feelings!

She is a criminal policeman, and Fang Tianyu is a member of Fang family. Although Zhou Xinming has no evidence to prove that Fang family controls the underground world of Zhonghai City, Zhou Xinming has been trying to find evidence!

She hopes to find evidence that Fang Jiayi was involved in the crime one day!

Of course, she doesn't want Ye Xiao and Fang Tianyu to get too close. For this matter, Zhou Xinming once said Ye Xiao, but ye Xiao ignored him and didn't pay attention to Zhou Xinming's warning!

Zhou Xinming has no choice but to watch ye Xiao and Fang Tianyu go very close!

Now, listening to Ye Xiao's story, Zhou Xinming immediately thinks of Fang Tianyu.

"It's not him. It's a little girl. She didn't go home last night. She's missing now!" Ye Xiao said, "that little girl is a very clever child. She never goes home!"

"Missing?" When Zhou Xinming heard Ye Xiao's words, her eyebrows were wrinkled.

Recently, there have been several cases of missing girls in Zhonghai City, many of them are young girls. Now the police are still investigating. Just at this time, there has been another case of missing girls!

Zhou Xinming couldn't have connected this matter with the previous cases!

Ye Xiao ignores Zhou Xinming's words. Now he doesn't want to waste time here. He doesn't know what happened to Zhang Xiaoting. The longer he stays here, the more dangerous Zhang Xiaoting is!

Ye Xiao is going to change clothes. Zhou Xinming says in a hurry, "wait for me!"

"What for?" When ye Xiao heard Zhou Xinming's words, he was stunned and looked at Zhou Xinming.

"Of course I'll go and have a look!" Zhou Xinming said, "I'm investigating the case of missing girls recently. I feel that this case may be another case of missing girls!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ye Xiao said, "this case can't be a girl missing case!"

Ye Xiao's heart is not willing to admit this conjecture, although, his heart also feel that maybe Zhang Xiaoting's disappearance and the girl's missing case has something to do with it, but he is not willing to admit it!

"Gone!" Zhou Xinming took a look at Ye Xiao and said, "what are you doing standing there, hurry up and go!"

Ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming didn't say hello to Zhang Xueyao. They went to change their clothes.

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