Zhang Xueyao looked at Ye Xiao!

"I knew you had a problem!" www.KaИδHU5.net

Zhang Xueyao went directly in front of Ye Xiao, "You actually chose to divorce me just to marry that woman Zhang Lishan. A normal man would choose me, okay? You just broke your brain and have problems with your eyes!"

Zhang Xueyao is jealous! ωωw.ΚAЙδhυ㈤.net

She didn't listen to Bai Yanxue at all, when Zhang Xueyao thought that Zhang Lishan was with Ye Xiao, Zhang Xueyao would go crazy!

Zhang Xueyao has always been the sweet girl of heaven!

How could it be inferior to Zhang Lishan?

As soon as Zhang Xueyao said this, Bai Yanxue immediately interrupted Zhang Xueyao, "Xueyao, it's not about this matter, you sit down first!"

Zhang Xueyao sat down angrily.

Bai Yanxue came in front of Zhang Qingtian, "Honey, you came back just in time, I can just show you the evidence...!"

"Evidence? What evidence?" Bai Yanxue asked.

"Someone called me and gave me a photo!" Bai Yanxue said, "As long as that person gives him one hundred thousand, he will tell me the truth about Ye Xiao's real identity!"

"You gave it?" Zhang qingyang asked!

"Honey, of course I did." Bai Yanxue said, "This Ye Xiao is a fake, he is not our son-in-law at all...Here is the photo that person sent me...!"

Bai Yanxue turned on the phone, and showed Zhang Qingtian a photo, "That person took it. Our son-in-law was hit and killed by a car!"

It was a photo of Ye Xiao being hit by a car and flying away.

"How do you prove that this is our son-in-law?" Zhang qingyang just took a look, then turned his eyes away, and said calmly, "This photo is too fake, it doesn't look like our son-in-law at all."

Bai Yanxue originally thought that after taking out this photo, Zhang Qingtian would have doubts, and even kicked Ye Xiao out directly.

But I didn't expect Zhang qingyang to see this photo and directly deny that it was true, which made Bai Yanxue feel a little depressed.

"Honey, look carefully, it's clearly Ye Xiao's face on it, I won't admit it wrong, Xueyao, come and take a look."

Bai Yanxue called Zhang Xueyao over.

Zhang Xueyao's eyes fell on that photo, she looked at it, frowned slightly, and said, "Mom, this photo looks a bit fake, even if the man in this photo is really Ye Xiao, it can only be done." It proves that Ye Xiao was indeed hit by a car, after all, Ye Xiao was in a coma in the hospital for half a month, so it just proves that Ye Xiao is not lying."

"Why didn't you lie? He's a fake." Bai Yanxue was anxious.

She thought that after taking out this photo, Zhang Xueyao and Zhang Xiaotian would drive Ye Xiao out on the spot, but she didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to think that this photo just showed that Ye Xiao in front of her was real.

"My daughter, look carefully, the man in this photo will definitely be killed by a car." Bai Yanxue insisted that Ye Xiao was dead, and the Ye Xiao they were facing was a fake.

Zhang Qingtian directly interrupted Bai Yanxue, "Okay, don't say any more, this photo is obviously fake at first glance, and you actually took it as real, and you are going to ask the teacher to blame you. You were not like this before, I see you It's because of that Song Haoyu that fascinated your eyes, usually, you are with Song Haoyu all day long, what is that Song Haoyu, don't you have any idea?"

When Bai Yanxue heard Zhang Qingtian's words, she was stunned!

"You actually doubt me and Sun Haoyu?" Bai Yanxue burst into tears, "Zhang qingyang, do you have a conscience? Back then, when you were a poor boy, I followed you. How many people dissuaded me at that time Me, told me not to marry you, but I just didn't listen, because of you, my father and I fell out, and in the end it was my father who compromised, and we got married...!"

Bai Yanxue brought up the events of the year again.

This is Bai Yanxue's trump card. Every time she uses it, Zhang Qingtian will give in.

The reason why Zhang Qingtian is strict with his wife is because when he was the poorest, Bai Yanxue followed him all the way to the present!

Zhang qingyang is a person who values ​​feelings very much!

Seeing Bai Yanxue crying again, Zhang Xiaotian immediately said, "Yanxue, I didn't mean that, I just reminded you that Song Haoyu has always had thoughts about our Xueyao!"

"Is Song Haoyu not good?" Bai Yanxue looked at Zhang Xiaotian, "If you hadn't insisted on letting our daughter marry this poor boy back then, our daughter would have become the daughter-in-law of the Song family long ago. Business, running around?"

Zhang qingyang looked at Bai Yanxue and said, "it's already like this, it's useless for you to say anything! Didn't you hear it just now? Our daughter doesn't want a divorce, so what do you want her to say?" ?”

Bai Yanxue looked at Zhang Xueyao, "Where did you fall in love with him, you dead girl? Ask yourself, how can this trash compare to Song Haoyu?"

"I can fight better than Song Haoyu!" Ye Xiao said suddenly, "If you are not convinced, you can let Song Haoyu compete with me... Oh, I accidentally didn't control my temper, Xueyao, why don't you still fight?" Divorce me, I must have pissed off your mother!"


Zhang Xueyao stared at Ye Xiao fiercely when she heard Ye Xiao's words, and said, "I knew you did it on purpose, Ye Xiao, listen to me, don't expect me to divorce you... Mom, I'm doing well now, you don't have to worry about me, although Ye Xiao is not very good, but he is indeed better at fighting than Song Haoyu!"

Bai Yanxue almost died of anger!

She didn't expect her daughter to speak for Ye Xiao.

Bai Yanxue looked at Zhang Xiaotian, "Listen to what your daughter said? Is it plausible? She didn't help me to vent my anger, and she said it very well. Will I have to be angry with this good-for-nothing son-in-law from now on?"

"No!" Zhang qingyang said suddenly!

When Bai Yanxue heard Zhang Qingtian's words, she thought that Zhang Qingtian wanted to vent her anger and drive Ye Xiao away!

A smile appeared on her face, and at this moment, Bai Yanxue heard Zhang Xiaotian say, "Ye Xiao said that he would move out and only come back occasionally. You won't be able to see him in the future, so naturally you won't be angry...Ye Xiao, are you Move out today, right?"

"Yes!" Ye Xiao said.

Zhang qingyang looked at Bai Yanxue, "Did you hear that? From now on, if you can't see Ye Xiao, naturally you won't be angry!"


Bai Yanxue didn't expect that Zhang Qingtian would help Ye Xiao speak, so she gave Zhang Qingtian a fierce look, "I'm going back to my mother's house, so I won't be so angry!"

Bai Yanxue is about to leave!

Zhang qingyang held back Bai Yanxue, "I'm really not helping him, Ye Xiao is really different this time!"

"Different? What's different? Are you rich?" Bai Yanxue said!

"Take a closer look!" Zhang Xiaotian said, "Do you feel that Ye Xiao's temperament is very different... I thought about it, let Ye Xiao assist Xueyao in her work!"

After endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own body... How come there is no injury at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a stabbing pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website will be closed soon, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the ace master of the female president of the great god Sanyang Zhuzhu


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