This 10 million RMB contract was settled just like that!

Wang Ke didn't have any other choice. If he didn't agree, then he was really done for.

Wang Ke went back to the company to prepare. If nothing unexpected happened, he would be able to sign a contract with Zhongtian Group today.

Gu Feifei also went back to prepare the contract. If it really was as Ye Xiao had said, the contract between Zhongtian Group and Zhong Hai Industries was going to be signed today.

Ye Xiao bought a total of two cushion for the whole person, and used one to make Zhang Xueyao a whole. In the end, it was confiscated by Zhang Xueyao, and he only had one cushion left. Ye Xiao placed the seat cushion on the chair opposite of his desk. No matter who it was, anyone who came to talk to him about something would be dealt with.

Ye Xiao, the manager of the Marketing Department, was also free. When he went to work, he played games.

While he was playing the game, his phone rang.

Ye Xiao continued to play with the mouse in one hand and the phone in the other.

"Hello, who is it?" Ye Xiao said.

"You are the new marketing manager, Ye Xiao?" An unfamiliar woman's voice came out of the phone. It wasn't a loud voice, but it was filled with a cold arrogance.

"Yes, who are you?" Ye Xiao asked.

"I am the group's Vice President, come to my office immediately." Zhang Lishan was already commanding Ye Xiao, there was no room for him to object.

After Zhang Lishan finished speaking, before Ye Xiao could react, she had already hung up.

After Ye Xiao heard the beeping voice from the other side of the phone, his lips curled, "So what if you have character? So what if you're Vice President, even if you're Vice President, you can still scare me. I'm still the majority shareholder of the whole group!"

Ye Xiao could not be bothered to reply to him. The main reason was that Zhang Lishan's attitude towards what she had said just now was extremely dissatisfied with him.

Ye Xiao had always been someone who would not bite off more than he could chew. If you were to go head to head with Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao was too lazy to bother with him.

He hung up and continued playing the game!

After a while, a knock on the door could be heard.

"Come in!"

Tang Tang brought the fresh coffee in, and also placed a stack of documents that required Ye Xiao's signature in front of Ye Xiao.

"Manager, this requires your signature. When you're done signing, inform me and I'll go out to do some work." Tang Tang said.

"Oh right, Tang Tang has something to ask you." Ye Xiao put down the mouse in his hand and turned to Tang Tang, "What is Vice President Zhang Lishan in charge of?"

"Production research and development!" Tang Tang said.

"Oh, I know." Ye Xiao's gaze landed on Tang Tang's face and suddenly, a strange smile emerged on his face.

When Tang Tang saw the weird smile on Ye Xiao's face, she blinked her watery big eyes and asked curiously, "Manager, is there something wrong with me?"

"Tang Tang, take a seat first!" Ye Xiao stood up, he walked to the front of Tang Tang and indicated for him to sit.

Tang Tang was confused, she did not know what was going on.

She followed Ye Xiao's instructions and sat down. Just as she sat on the chair cushion, she heard a farting sound.

Tang Tang was so frightened that she immediately stood up, and her face immediately flushed red!

"Haha …"

Ye Xiao let out a happy laugh.

Looking at Tang Tang's blushing face, Ye Xiao felt especially happy.

"Manager Ye, you're a bad guy!" Tang Tang said.

"Fun." Ye Xiao laughed sinisterly.

As long as he saw Tang Tang's smile, he would feel as if all his troubles had disappeared without a trace.

This kind of beautiful girl was rare, but Ye Xiao had actually met her.

Footsteps could be heard, and then the door to the office opened. A mature woman with short hair, dressed in a professional's outfit, appeared in the office.

Ye Xiao and Tang Tang were still embracing each other, when the beautiful lady with a mature aura walked in, and saw the scene before her, her beautiful face revealed a hint of anger.

Ye Xiao and Tang Tang both did not expect that someone would directly come in, this was also Ye Xiao's negligence.

When Tang Tang came in, Ye Xiao thought that the door was already locked, so she didn't care. In the end, the door to the office was not locked, and this mature beauty that he didn't know walked in.

Ye Xiao and Tang Tang parted, Tang Tang's face was flushed red and she anxiously walked out!

"You are the new marketing department manager, Ye Xiao?" This mature beauty walked over and stood in front of Ye Xiao. Her gaze on Ye Xiao revealed a look of disgust.

"I am Ye Xiao, who are you?" Ye Xiao asked.

"I am the group's Vice President, Zhang Lishan."

Zhang Lishan was thirty-three years old this year, and was in charge of research and production in the group. She was hired by Zhang Xiaotian with a huge sum of money, and in order to let Zhang Li become a part of the group, Zhang Xiaotian had given him a share in the group.

Zhang Lishan was also a shareholder in the group.

However, although Zhang Lishan was hired by Zhang Xiaotian, she did not stand on Zhang Xiaotian's side. She had always been very neutral in the group.

No matter if it was Zhang Xiaotian or Soong Tiannan, they both valued Zhang Lishan, and hoped that he would support them. However, Zhang Lishan had always considered things from a group's point of view.

Ye Xiao's gaze fell on Zhang Lishan, and a hint of exclamation flashed past his eyes.

Zhang Lishan's body was emitting a mature aura, this kind of mature beauty was not something that many men could resist.

Even Ye Xiao felt a little impulsive in his heart.

"Vice President Zhang, don't tell me you don't know how to knock!" Ye Xiao suddenly said.

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