Ye Xiao and Zhang Xiaoting come out of the Criminal Police Brigade and walk to Ye Xiao's car.

"Get in...!" Ye Xiao opens the car door and lets Zhang Xiaoting get on.

"Thank you, uncle!" Zhang Xiaoting said.

"What can I thank you for? You should thank Ji Xue!" Ye Xiao smiles. He gets on the car and lights a cigarette.

Zhang Xiaoting is sitting in the co driver's seat. Her lips are tightly pursed and her head is low. She is hesitating about what to say!

"What's the matter?" After ye Xiao saw Zhang Xiaoting's reaction, he felt a little strange and thought that Zhang Xiaoting had something hard to say!

"I... I just called my mother!" Zhang Xiaoting lowered her head and said intermittently, "Mom... Mom didn't object!"

"No objection? What? " Ye Xiao was confused.

Some don't understand what Zhang Xiaoting said!

Zhang Xiaoting's lips tightly pursed, she suddenly raised her head, "I... I want to find a place to take a bath!"

Ha ha!

When ye Xiao heard Zhang Xiaoting's words, he suddenly began to laugh.

"What should I do, take a bath? Of course, there's no problem. Where do you want to take a bath? " Ye Xiao asked.

Zhang Xiaoting clenched her lips again, "I... I asked Ji Xue, she... She said that any bath center can do it!"

"Do you ask Ji Xue when you take a bath?" Ye Xiao was confused.

He didn't know what Zhang Xiaoting was going to do!

It seems that Zhang Xiaoting just talked to Ji Xue on the phone, but I don't know what Zhang Xiaoting said!

"I...!" Zhang Xiaoting clenched her lips. Her lips were bleeding and she didn't say anything.

Ye Xiao doesn't know what Zhang Xiaoting is going to do. It's normal to take a bath.

Maybe it's not convenient for Zhang Xiaoting to take a bath at home. Zhang Xiaoting was kidnapped yesterday. She definitely wants to take a bath and wash away all her bad luck. This is a normal reaction. Ye Xiao doesn't feel that there is something wrong with Zhang Xiaoting.

However, when he saw Zhang Xiaoting's appearance, he felt something was wrong!

For a moment, ye Xiao couldn't say the specific reason, but she felt that Zhang Xiaoting seemed to have something to say, but she was embarrassed to say it to Ye Xiao, so she became what she is now.

At this time, ye Xiao's phone suddenly rang.

Ye Xiao takes out his mobile phone and has a look. This call is from Ji Xue.

Ye Xiao has already let Ji Xue go home, he will send Zhang Xiaoting home, did not expect Ji Xue to call again, it seems that Ji Xue is worried about Zhang Xiaoting!

Ye Xiao answers the phone!

"Little girl, what's the matter?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Uncle, is Xiaoting with you?" Ji Xue asked.

"Yes Ye Xiao looked at sitting beside Zhang Xiaoting, and saw Zhang Xiaoting clenching her lips. She felt that if Zhang Xiaoting bit down like this again, Zhang Xiaoting's lips would be bleeding!

Ye Xiao's hand stretched out, in the side of Zhang Xiaoting's cheek gently pinch a, signal Zhang Xiaoting don't bite lips!

"Uncle, I'm so hungry. Take Xiaoting and me to dinner. I want something delicious!" Ji Xue said coquettishly.

"To eat?" Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Xiaoting, "I'll ask Xiaoting about this. Xiaoting just said she was going to take a bath!"

"Did she say that?" Ji Xue asked.

"Ah, yes... What's the matter?" Ye Xiao asked.

"It's nothing, uncle. Let's go to dinner first. Xiaoting must be hungry too. Let's wait until we finish eating." Ji Xue said here, a little pause, and said, "I and Xiaoting have not met, I do not know how Xiaoting, uncle, I want to see Xiaoting!"

"Let me ask Xiaoting." Ye Xiao holds his mobile phone in his hand, and his eyes look at Zhang Xiaoting, "Ji Xue says that he wants to eat, Xiaoting, do you want to eat first or take a bath first?"

Ye Xiao finish saying this sentence, feel strange!

But for a moment, ye Xiao couldn't say what was strange. In a word, what he said was wrong.

"I... want to eat!" When Zhang Xiaoting talked about it, her stomach began to growl!

Zhang Xiaoting didn't eat much, and it's normal to be hungry now.

"Xiaoting, if you're hungry, say it earlier. What kind of bath are you going to take?" Ye Xiao heard Zhang Xiaoting's tummy gurgling voice, he laughed, put his mobile phone in his ear and said to Ji Xue, "Ji Xue, where are you? I'll drive to pick you up!"

Ye Xiao is driving to pick up Ji Xue!

Ji Xue is waiting for ye Xiao at the intersection. As soon as ye Xiao stops the car beside Ji Xue, Ji Xue opens the door and gets on the car!

"Uncle, let's have a big meal!" Ji Xue shouts.

"What would you like to eat? Say it

"Well, go to the Riverside Restaurant. The fish there are very delicious!" Ji Xue said.

"Have you been there?"

"I heard that!" Ji Xue said.

"Well, go and eat there!"

Jiangbian hotel is a famous hotel in Zhonghai city. The most famous one here is sweet and sour fish!

When you come to the Riverside Restaurant, you must order sweet and sour fish!

The sweet and sour fish here is totally different from the sweet and sour fish outside. It's the ancestral practice of the owner of this restaurant!

Every guest who has eaten sweet and sour fish here will never forget sweet and sour fish!

Ye Xiao, Ji Xue and Zhang Xiaoting go to the hotel. Ji Xue and Zhang Xiaoting get off the bus and talk behind them! Ye Xiao doesn't know what they have said. He sees Ji Xue talking in Zhang Xiaoting's ear and pointing at Ye Xiao from time to time!

Zhang Xiaoting lowered her head and nodded occasionally.

Ye Xiaozhen doesn't know what Zhang Xiaoting and Ji Xue are up to, but he feels that there is something wrong with Zhang Xiaoting tonight! In Ye Xiao's opinion, maybe it was because Zhang Xiaoting had never met such a thing before, and she was scared!

He didn't think much. After finding a seat, he ordered some of the best dishes here. Ye Xiao asked them to order again!

Ji Xue took the menu and looked at it. Her ruddy lips pouted slightly. "Uncle, I want to drink. Can I have some wine?"

"What kind of wine? It's too shameful for a little girl to drink Ye Xiao looked at Ji Xue, "don't drink, drink!"

"I'm going to drink... I'm going to drink red wine!" Ji Xue said, "when I watch TV series, many people drink red wine. It looks good. Uncle, I want to drink red wine too!"

"Drink!" Ye Xiao said!

"Xiaoting, what do you say?" Ji Xue talks and looks at Zhang Xiaoting. Zhang Xiaoting doesn't know why. Her cheeks are slightly red and she says in a low voice, "I also want to... Drink red wine!"

Zhang Xiaoting's voice is very low. When she finishes this sentence, she lowers her head and doesn't touch Ye Xiao's eyes!

That Ji Xue takes the opportunity to say, "uncle, you also heard that Xiaoting also wants to drink red wine. Tonight, we should care about Xiaoting. Uncle, you can not listen to me, at least listen to Xiaoting..."

Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Xiaoting, he nodded, "well, this time, never again!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Ji Xue heard Ye Xiao's words and immediately nodded her head!

She ordered three bottles of red wine at once!

"Three bottles?" Ye Xiao is silly. Unexpectedly, Ji Xue asked for three bottles of red wine!

"Uncle, if you can't drink it, you can refund it!"

As soon as Ji Xue said this, ye Xiao began to laugh. He felt that Ji Xue seemed to know everything, and that she could return her wine. At first sight, he knew that Ji Xue was an old man!

Ye Xiao didn't say much. Now that he has ordered it, drink it!

The dishes are also delivered. Ji Xue takes the glass, fills it with red wine and hands it to Zhang Xiaoting and ye Xiao!

She offered to drink!

Without waiting for ye Xiao to finish, Ji Xue has drunk the wine!

Then, her watery eyes looked at Zhang Xiaoting!

Zhang Xiaoting has red wine in her hand. It's a glass full of red wine. Learning from Ji Xue, she drinks red wine in one gulp.

"That's red wine...!"

Ye Xiao has not finished this sentence, Zhang Xiaoting has drunk the wine.

Red wine has great stamina. Maybe at the beginning, nothing happened, but it has great stamina!

Ye Xiao saw that both of them drank, and it was hard to say anything. He just reminded them to drink less!

Just drink a bottle more, Zhang Xiaoting already small face flushed, lying on the table!

She can't drink at all!

Ji Xue doesn't look good either. She even drinks on the table!

"Drunk?" Ye Xiao is surprised!

What about this?

He didn't expect that these two girls had drunk too much!

Ye Xiao wanted to invite them to dinner, but now they are drunk.

Ye Xiao doesn't know Zhang Xiaoting and Ji Xue's home. Now they are so drunk, how can they send them home!

"These two girls really killed me." Ye Xiao settled the account, he helped Ji Xue and Zhang Xiaoting into the car!

"Hello...!" Ye Xiao called twice!

Ji Xue and Zhang Xiaoting, two little girls, didn't respond. They were all lying in the back seat of the car.

"What to do?" Ye Xiao frowned. He couldn't just ignore the two girls, but he couldn't take them home. In that case, Zhang Xueyao would misunderstand them.

Ye Xiao thought about it and had to send them to the hotel!

First, find a room where they can have a rest. Then they wake up tomorrow and go home by themselves.

This is the only thing that ye Xiao thought of. He drove to the nearest hotel!

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