Ye Xiao became the new leader!

The whole way is open!

But most people are not familiar with Ye Xiao, the new leader.

"We have never heard of this leader!" A man with a tattoo on his arm sat in front of the mahjong table with a cigarette in his hand, "I don't know where it came from, I don't know how to listen to... eight pieces !"

While talking, he played a mahjong tile!

"Second brother, speak carefully!" The man sitting next to him reminded, "It's not good for the boss to hear it!"

"Our boss must be dissatisfied!" The man said, "Our boss is one of the Eight Great Vajras. Except for Zhantian boss, our boss is dissatisfied with everyone!"

"That's it!" Another said, "I heard that this Ye Xiao is pretty good at fighting, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I don't know if it will work!"

"Can you fight? Forget it, I heard that he was a door-to-door son-in-law before, and he can spank!" The tattooed man had just said this, when suddenly there was a commotion outside!

The man said impatiently, "Why are you arguing?"

A little gangster ran in directly, "Second brother...something...something happened, someone came to our place to make trouble!"

When the little gangster said this, the man known as the second brother spit out the cigarette in his mouth, stood up, "Let's go, go outside and see what's going on!"

The second brother led people from the small room to the outside!

Once outside, I saw a long-haired man walking in with seven or eight men!

"Long Mao, what are you doing?" The second brother's face sank when he saw the long hair, "This is Brother Tian's place, what are you, dare to come to Brother Tian's place to cause trouble?"

"Cause trouble? What did I cause trouble!" After Changmao heard the man's words, he spit out the cigarette in his mouth, "I'm just here to play, can't I?"

"Playing? You are not welcome here!" The second brother snorted coldly, "If you want to play, go back to your place to play!"

"But I just want to play here!" The long-haired eyes looked at the second brother, "Since you don't let me play here, then I'm not it!"

Suddenly, Changmao gave an order, and these people started to move their hands!

These people took the guy and rushed directly to the second brother!

"Chang Mao, you are so brave!" The second brother didn't expect that Chang Mao would really dare to fight, this is the place where the sky is fought! And Changmao is Zhan Kuang's person. Before, Zhan Tian and Zhan Kuang divided the territory, and neither of them would go to another's site to make trouble, but this time, Zhan Kuang's people came directly to Zhan Tian's place to make trouble!

When Chang Mao heard what the second brother said, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You are right, we are here to make trouble...!" wǎp.kāΝsHμ

Long Mao rushed over with the people.

"Brothers, copy guys!"

At this moment, the second brother shouted! Those of him immediately took the guy out and started directly.

This place belongs to the old black wolf!

The old black wolf is one of the eight King Kongs in Zhantian!

After he received the news, he brought people over immediately!

When he arrived, he found that the place had been smashed!

The second brother and several others were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

"Who did it?" asked the old black wolf!

"Long Mao led someone to do it!" someone said.

"Long Mao? Isn't he from Zhan Kuang's side? He dared to come here to make trouble, this matter can't be left alone!" said the old black wolf, "Find Long Mao for me immediately!" kΑnShúwu.ξà

"Do you want to inform Brother Tian!"

"Look for the boss for such a small matter? It seems that I am too incompetent!" The old black wolf snorted coldly, "Isn't he just a long-haired man? If he dares to come to my territory to make trouble, I will let him grow his memory!"

Zhonghai City is about to change!

Ye Xiao got off the car, he raised his head and looked at the sky! wΑΡ.KāйsΗυ

In the morning, the weather in Zhonghai City was not bad, but in the afternoon, the weather changed!

"It's going to rain!" Ye Xiao grumbled!

At this moment, a car suddenly drove over, almost passing by Ye Xiao's side, and stopped at the parking space ahead!

As soon as the car door opened, Song Haoyu got out of the car!

"Hey, isn't this Ye Xiao!" Song Haoyu walked up to Ye Xiao with a cigarette in his hand, "I didn't see you by my side just now, so you won't be angry with me!"

Ye Xiao looked at Song Haoyu, "Song Haoyu, what are you doing here again?"

"Of course I'm talking about things!" Song Haoyu looked at Ye Xiao, "I'm different from you, I have a legitimate business to talk about, as for you, you're just a stinky dick who relies on women to live, Ye Xiao , don’t think you’ve won, it’s not the end yet, and you don’t know who the winner is!”

Ye Xiaobai gave Song Haoyu a look, "Song Haoyu, you'd better stay away from me, I have a bad temper! Don't talk about you, even if your father Song Xiangming is in front of me, I won't give him any face, he Get out of here too!"

Ye Xiao's words are very domineering!

When Song Haoyu heard Ye Xiao's words, he actually laughed, "Ye Xiao, I haven't seen you for a few days, I didn't expect your tone of voice to become more and more crazy, okay, let me see if you can go crazy later! "

After Song Haoyu said this, he walked away!

Ye Xiao took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Xueyao, "Why did that Song Haoyu come to the group? You asked him out?"

"It's not that I made an appointment!" Zhang Xueyao said, "He's here to negotiate!"

"Negotiation?" Ye Xiao was taken aback, "What are you talking about?"

"Acquisition of the group!" Zhang Xueyao said, "Their family has a small amount of shares in the group, but over the years, their Song family has been buying shares in the stock market. Although they don't get much, now their Song family also holds about 3% of the group This time, they came to discuss the acquisition of the group, they found several investment institutions, and these investment groups all hold a large number of shares in the group, and my dad and I are discussing this matter!"

"So that's how it is!" Ye Xiao heard this sentence, "Xueyao, prepare the information on the group's shareholders for me, I want to see who those shareholders are!"

Zhang Xueyao immediately asked, "Why do you want this? Let me tell you, some of these shareholders have already negotiated with Song Xiangming. It is useless for you to contact them privately!"

"You think too much!" Ye Xiao smiled, "I just want to see the information of these shareholders. I have no other intentions. As your husband, I should learn more about the group, isn't it good?"

Ye Xiao's "husband" made Zhang Xueyao a little happy!

"Okay, I'll ask the secretary to sort out the shareholder information and send it to your mailbox!" Zhang Xueyao said!


Ye Xiao put down the phone and lit a cigarette, "Song Xiangming, it's time for us to settle the score!"

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